1,116 research outputs found

    16 x 25 Ge:Ga Detector Arrays for FIFI LS

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    We are developing two-dimensional 16 x 25 pixel detector arrays of both unstressed and stressed Ge:Ga photoconductive detectors for far-infrared astronomy from SOFIA. The arrays, based on earlier 5 x 5 detector arrays used on the KAO, will be for our new instrument, the Far Infrared Field Imaging Line Spectrometer (FIFI LS). The unstressed Ge:Ga detector array will cover the wavelength range from 40 to 120 microns, and the stressed Ge:Ga detector array from 120 to 210 microns. The detector arrays will be operated with multiplexed integrating amplifiers with cryogenic readout electronics located close to the detector arrays. The design of the stressed detector array and results of current measurements on several prototype 16 pixel linear arrays are reported. They demonstrate the feasibility of the current concept. ***This paper does not include Figures due to astro-ph size limitations. Please download entire file at http://fifi-ls.mpe-garching.mpg.de/spie.det.ps.gz ***Comment: 8 pages, SPIE Proceedings, Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 200

    Winston Churchill and the Second World War

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    Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill osoba je od iznimne važnosti za tijek Drugog svjetskog rata, pa i same povijesti. Počevši od godina neposredno prije rata upozoravao je na rastuću opasnost njemačkog ubrzanog naoružavanja, prvenstveno u obliku užurbane proizvodnje zrakoplovstva. Po početku rata povjerena mu je najviša politička dužnost – ona premijera.Velika Britanija se pod njegovim vodstvom u prvim godinama sukoba sama suprotstavljala moći njemačkog ratnog stroja. „Bitka za Britaniju“ najveća je zračna bitka u povijesti i označila je vrhunac britanskog otpora. Za vrijeme njena trajanja izgubljeni su bezbrojni britanski životi, a Churchill je održao neke od svojih najpoznatijih govora. Njegovi govor svoju nadahnjujuću moć ne gube ni prolaskom desetljeća. Zajedno sa Staljinom i Rooseveltom određivao je sudbine mnogih nacija. Velika trojka sastala se tijekom rata na nekoliko konferencija, od kojih su najpoznatije one u Teheranu, Jalti i Potsdamu. Već na tim sastancima postajalo je jasno kako Velika Britanija gubi moć na pozornici velikih svjetskih sila. Ta činjenica očitovala se i u nemogućnosti zaštite srednje i istočne Europe od Staljinova utjecaja. Po završetku rata je kao veliki protivnik komunizma i staljinističke politike upozoravao na opasnost blokovske podjele svijeta. Kovač je često korištenog pojma „željezne zavjese“ kojeg je prvi puta upotrijebio u govoru na američkom koledžu u Fultonu. Iako je po proglašenju mira u Europi bio prisiljen uručiti ostavku s mjesta premijera, Churchillova politika i ustrajnost tijekom Drugog svjetskog rata bili su od krucijalne važnosti za njegovo realno pozitivno razrješenje

    Feasibility, endocrine and anti-tumour effects of a triple endocrine therapy with tamoxifen, a somatostatin analogue and an antiprolactin in post-menopausal metastatic breast cancer: a randomized study with long-term follow-up.

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    Suppression of the secretion of prolactin, growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) might be important in the growth regulation and treatment of breast cancer. Because oestrogens may counteract the anti-tumour effects of such treatment, the combination of an anti-oestrogen (tamoxifen), a somatostatin analogue (octreotide) and a potent anti-prolactin (CV 205-502) might be attractive. In this respect, we performed a first exploratory long-term study on the feasibility of combined treatment and possible clear differences in endocrine and anti-tumour effects during such combined treatment vs standard treatment with tamoxifen alone. Twenty-two post-menopausal patients with metastatic breast cancer (ER and/or PR positive or unknown) were randomized to receive either 40 mg of tamoxifen per day or the combination of 40 mg of tamoxifen plus 75 microg of CV 205-502 orally plus 3 x 0.2 mg of octreotide s.c. as first-line endocrine therapy. An objective response was found in 36% of the patients treated with tamoxifen alone and in 55% of the patients treated with combination therapy. Median time to progression was 33 weeks for patients treated with tamoxifen and 84 weeks for patients treated with combination therapy, but the numbers are too small for hard conclusions. There was no difference in overall post-relapse survival between the two treatment arms. With respect to the endocrine parameters, there was a significant decrease of plasma IGF-1 levels in both treatment arms, whereas during combined treatment plasma growth hormone tended to decrease and plasma prolactin levels were strongly suppressed; in some patients insulin and transforming growth factor alpha (TGF-alpha) decreased during the triple therapy. Although there was no significant difference in mean decrease of plasma IGF-1 levels between the two treatment arms, combined treatment resulted in a more uniform suppression of IGF-1. Therefore, the addition of a somatostatin analogue and an anti-prolactin may potentially enhance the efficacy of anti-oestrogens in the treatment of breast cancer owing to favourable endocrine and possible direct anti-tumour effects. Large phase III trials using depot formulations (to increase the feasibility) of somatostatin analogues are warranted to demonstrate the potential extra beneficial anti-tumour effects of such combination therapy

    Simulacijsko modeliranje kao osnova metodologije projektiranja brodograđevnog proizvodnog procesa

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    In this research a simulation modeling based methodology for shipbuilding production process design is suggested. It is expected from suggested methodology to give faster, better and more efficient tool for designers of complex production processes, with special focus on shipbuilding production processes design. Within the first part of research, against available resources, various methods, techniques and tools used in production process design practice, are investigated with special focus on critical analysis of simulation modeling method appliance opportunities. In continuing, simulation modeling method, as basis of suggested methodology, is investigated and described regarding its special characteristics, advantages and reasons for application, especially in shipbuilding production process. Furthermore, suggested methodology for production process design procedure is described in details. The appliance of suggested methodology for designing a real robotized profile cutting process line within specific shipyard production process is demonstrated. Finally, methodology is tested and evaluated through comparison with installed robotized profile cutting line in specific shipyard production process. On grounds of this research and conclusions droved from comparison with real installation in specific shipyard, directions for further research are suggested. * Defended Doctoral Thesis (2009)U istraživanju je predložena metodologija projektiranja brodograđevnog proizvodnog procesa koja se temelji na primjeni metode simulacijskog modeliranja kao osnove predložene metodologije. Pri tome, od predložene metodologije se očekuje da projektantima procesa omogući brži, efikasniji i kvalitetniji pristup projektiranju složenosti i dinamike kompleksnih proizvodnih procesa, s posebnim naglaskom na brodograđevni proizvodni proces. U prvom su dijelu rada, prema dostupnim izvorima, istraživane metode, tehnike i alati koji se općenito primjenjuju kod problema projektiranja proizvodnih procesa s posebnim osvrtom na kritičku analizu mogućnosti primjene metode simulacijskog modeliranja. U nastavku ovog istraživanja, opisano je simulacijsko modeliranje kao osnova predložene metodologije projektiranja sa svojim osnovnim karakteristikama, razlozima primjene i sa posebnim osvrtom na brodograđevni proizvodni proces. Nadalje, opisana je procedura provođenja predložene metodologije projektiranja brodograđevnog proizvodnog procesa u sedam uzastopnih faza. Osnovana metodologija je primijenjena na konkretnom primjeru brodograđevnog proizvodnog procesa za projektiranje potpuno nove robotizirane linije za obradu profila. U konačnici, metodologija je verificirana i potvrđena usporedbom sa njezinim realiziranim postavom u stvarni proizvodni proces promatranog brodogradilišta. Temeljem ovog istraživanja i zaključaka iz usporedbe sa stvarnim proizvodnim procesom, predlažu se smjernice daljnjeg istraživanja. * Obranjena doktorska disertacija (2009.

    Childhood and Race

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    Amongst the many social factors that impact upon children, race is arguably one of the largest. Race is an ever-present social category that governs many elements of a child’s interaction with others, and especially for racial minority children it exerts a deep influence on their understanding of themselves. In this chapter, we shall begin by examining what the concept of race really amounts to, emphasizing its status as a socially constructed concept, before examining in the following section how children first come to recognize the existence of race, and to understand their own racial identity.We will then look at two important areas that illustrate the profound impact that the social presence of race and the child’s developing understanding of racial identity have upon the social conditions of many children. First, we will examine how race and childhood intersect in matters of educational opportunity and achievement, before moving on to examine the issue of transracial adoption in the final section

    Za sociologijsku teoriju urbanog planiranja

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    S francuskog preveo Ognjen Čaldarović

    SPIFI: a Direct-Detection Imaging Spectrometer for Submillimeter Wavelengths

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    The South Pole Imaging Fabry-Perot Interferometer (SPIFI) is the first instrument of its kind -a direct-detection imaging spectrometer for astronomy in the submillimeter band. SPIFI ’s focal plane is a square array of 25 silicon bolometers cooled to 60 mK; the spectrometer consists of two cryogenic scanning Fabry-Perot interferometers in series with a 60-mK bandpass filter. The instrument operates in the short submillimeter windows (350 and 450 μm) available from the ground, with spectral resolving power selectable between 500 and 10,000. At present, SPIFI’s sensitivity is within a factor of 1.5-3 of the photon background limit, comparable with the best heterodyne spectrometers. The instrument ’s large bandwidth and mapping capability provide substantial advantages for specific astrophysical projects, including deep extragalactic observations. We present the motivation for and design of SPIFI and its operational characteristics on the telescope


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    According to Northrop Frye, 20th-century literature is marked by characters whose intelligence and capabilities are lesser than those of the average human. Typical such figures are the protagonists of Kafka’s and Beckett’s works, who lack even the most basic information regarding their own position – due to which the reader has the sense of looking down on scenes of bondage, frustration or absurdity. Vjenceslav Novak’s Tito Dorčić, from the eponymous novel, is a forerunner of this type of character. He is trapped by his own predisposition and social environment and becomes unhappy in the "better life" imposed on him by his father. He is utterly unsuccessful in his career as well as in his family life. 20th-century interpreters found the cause of Tito’s state, or the source for such a character, in Darwinist theories supposedly praised by the novel’s author; a more recent critic emphasises the psychoanalytic motifs. Both theories unconsciously bear witness to the reduced power of the action of the protagonist. The novel’s final scene, in which Tito Dorčić’s left leg is stuck in a crevice whilst the upper part of his body immersed in the sea is a metaphor of his entire life. The scapegoat mechanism, as proposed by René Girard, also explains the events in Tito Dorčić’s life: the social crisis is seemingly only slightly present, yet Tito is depicted as a person holding a position in the judicial administration which, because of his low intelligence, immorality and lack of cultural refinement, he does not deserve. He commits mistakes in his prosecutor’s work and is punished because an innocent person has been hanged. Tito had previously been marked by the collapse of his marriage. Eventually, he loses his job, falls into madness, which might also be an act of selfpunishment, and at the end, he dies. The text, or the narrator, kills him, in the last step in the long procedure of attacking the protagonist.Prema Northropu Fryeu, književnost XX. stoljeća obilježuju likovi koji imaju manje inteligencije i time slabiju moć te suženiji opseg djelovanja od prosječnoga čovjeka. Tipični su protagonisti Kafkinih i Beckettovih djela kojima manjkaju osnovne informacije o vlastitu položaju – stoga svjedočimo prizorima zarobljenosti i nemoći. Ovakvim likovima prethodi i dobrim dijelom pripada Novakov Tito Dorčić iz istoimenoga romana, koji je zarobljen svojim predispozicijama i sredinom te je nesretan u "boljem životu" koji mu obrazovanjem nameću roditelji. Potpun neuspjeh pokazuje u braku i u karijeri. Interpretatori nalaze uzroke u darvinističkim teorijama pripovjedača i samoga autora Novaka te psihoanalitičkim tumačenjima zbilje koje ističe novija kritika; obje teorije nesvjesno svjedoče o smanjenoj moći protagonista. Završni prizor u kojem je Tito Dorčić mrtav ukliješten između stijena i napola u moru sinegdoha je njegove ukupne životne situacije. Ustroj žrtvenoga jarca (scapegoat mechanism), kako ga tumači René Girard, također dobro tumači događaje u životu Tita Dorčića: društvena kriza tek naizgled nije jače naglašena, no Tito je prikazan kao osoba koja zauzima položaj što mu ne pripada zbog smanjene inteligencije, nemorala i nekulture; griješi na poslu, a za smrt nevinoga čovjeka on najviše strada; već je prije toga bio obilježen krivnjom za raspad svojega braka. Konačno gubi posao, zapada u ludilo, čime se i sâm kažnjava i napokon umire. Tekst ili pripovjedač ubijaju ga, što je samo posljednji korak u dugu postupku ocrnjivanja glavnoga lika