1,111 research outputs found

    Cretaceous (Albian-Turonian) calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of the onshore Cauvery Basin, southeastern India

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    A suite of outcrop samples from the Cauvery Basin belonging to the mudrock-claystone dominated Karai Formation were analysed for nannofossil biostratigraphy in two newly measured sections at Karai and Garudamangalam. The age of the Karai Section is interpreted as early Albian to early Turonian, whereas the Garudamangalam Section is interpreted as late Albian to late Cenomanian. The Albian ‘BC’ zones of Bown et al. (1998) are applicable in both sections, whereas the Cenomanian and Turonian ‘UC’ zones of Burnett (1998), are only partially applicable, due to some problematic primary and secondary markers. The Albian-Cenomanian boundary appears to be continuous and is approximated in both sections using the FO of lower Cenomanian ammonites of the M. mantelli Zone. The Cenomanian-Turonian boundary interval is incomplete in the two sections, with a hiatus of ~0.66 myr, indicated by the absence of the upper Cenomanian Nannofossil Zone UC5. The nannoplankton assemblages are composed of broadly cosmopolitan taxa, despite the relatively high-latitude setting of SE India during the Albian (~45°S), which is reflected in the common occurrence of biogeographically bipolar taxa such as Repagulum parvidentatum and Seribiscutum primitivum. The palaeobiogeographic affinity of the nannoplankton, however, does not bear a distinct Austral stamp, as typical Austral taxa, such as Sollasites falklandensis and Zeugrhabdotus kerguelenensis are very rare in the studied sections. The early appearance of Crucibiscutum hayi in the lower Albian, and Gartnerago segmentatum in the upper Albian in the Cauvery Basin suggests that these two species may have originated in southern high latitudes before migrating to the northern Boreal regions. Four new calcareous nannofossil species, Calculites karaiensis, Loxolithus bicyclus, Manivitella fibrosa and Tranolithus simplex are described

    Inelastic scattering of protons from 6,8^{6,8}He and 7,11^{7,11}Li in a folding model approach

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    The proton-inelastic scattering from 6,8^{6,8}He and 7,11^{7,11}Li nuclei are studied in a folding model approach. A finite-range, momentum, density and isospin dependent nucleon-nucleon interaction (SBM) is folded with realistic density distributions of the above nuclei. The renormalization factors NR_R and NI_I on the real and volume imaginary part of the folded potentials are obtained by analyzing the respective elastic scattering data and kept unaltered for the inelastic analysis at the same energy. The form factors are generated by taking derivatives of the folded potentials and therefore required renormalizations. The β\beta values are extracted by fitting the p + 6,8^{6,8}He,7,11^{7,11}Li inelastic angular distributions. The present analysis of p + 8^8He inelastic scattering to the 3.57 MeV excited state, including unpublished forward angle data (RIKEN) confirms L = 2 transition. Similar analysis of the p + 6^6He inelastic scattering angular distribution leading to the 1.8 MeV (L = 2) excited state fails to satisfactorily reproduce the data.Comment: one LaTeX file, five PostScript figure

    Stability Assessment and Suggestion for Control Measures of a Potential Landslide Slope on NH 94, Uttarakhand Himalaya, India

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    An unstable slope having few houses which were under distress was studied to arrive at suitable control measures. The slope has undergone subsidence at the road level and there are few houses down the road level which have developed major cracks. The study was focused on identification of causes, assessment of slope stability and suggestions for control measures. The study involved geological and geotechnical investigations, slope stability analysis and monitoring of movements. The paper highlights the field observations and results of the study

    Solving kk-means on High-dimensional Big Data

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    In recent years, there have been major efforts to develop data stream algorithms that process inputs in one pass over the data with little memory requirement. For the kk-means problem, this has led to the development of several (1+ε)(1+\varepsilon)-approximations (under the assumption that kk is a constant), but also to the design of algorithms that are extremely fast in practice and compute solutions of high accuracy. However, when not only the length of the stream is high but also the dimensionality of the input points, then current methods reach their limits. We propose two algorithms, piecy and piecy-mr that are based on the recently developed data stream algorithm BICO that can process high dimensional data in one pass and output a solution of high quality. While piecy is suited for high dimensional data with a medium number of points, piecy-mr is meant for high dimensional data that comes in a very long stream. We provide an extensive experimental study to evaluate piecy and piecy-mr that shows the strength of the new algorithms.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures, published at the 14th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms - SEA 201

    Plants used by kamar, gond and halba tribe of Dhamtari district of Chhattisgarh for relief of sickle cell disease

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    In Chhattisgarh state sickle cell disease is reported in many tribal communities. Some of these tribes reside in Jawwara, Dugali, Nagari, Sihawa, which are the remote forest areas of Dhamtari. They totally dependent on forest and forest produce for their livelihood and ailments. Gond is the dominant tribe of C.G. as well as of India, Halba is an advance tribe and Kamar tribe is declared as one of the most primitive tribe of India in sixth five year plan. During Ethnobotanical survey it was observed that for cure ailments they used their traditional herbal medicines and use wild vegetables fruits and foods such as under ground rhizome of Curcuma angustifolia (Tikhur) fresh tuberous roots of Abelmoschus crinitus (Dotokand) flowers of Indigofera cassoides (Ghirgholi) and boiled seeds of Dolichos biflorus (Kulthi), unriped fruits of Carica papaya (Papita) and Musa paradisica (Kela) to improve their general health conditions. In traditional herbal medicines the whole plants as decoction of Andrographis paniculata. (Bhuineem) dried roots of Scoparia dulcies boiled, tubers of Dioscorea sps, dried powder of Chlorophytum tuberosum (Safed Musli) are used for general health problems. In the present study 20 sickle cell homozygous patients (identified during screening process of sickle cell project coordinated by Department of Biochemistry. Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Medical College. Raipur, C.G.), are taken under consideration to check the level of fetal haemoglobin and haemoglobin after giving traditional herbal treatment by traditional medicine man for further six months because most of the health problems are managed by local traditional healers. After the stipulated time the fetal hemoglobin and hemoglobin status will be seen so as to see the role of traditional herbs taken by the tribal people.  Â

    Elastic and total reaction cross sections of oxygen isotopes in Glauber theory

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    We systematically calculate the total reaction cross sections of oxygen isotopes, 1524^{15-24}O, on a 12^{12}C target at high energies using the Glauber theory. The oxygen isotopes are described with Slater determinants generated from a phenomenological mean-field potential. The agreement between theory and experiment is generally good, but a sharp increase of the reaction cross sections from ^{21}O to ^{23}O remains unresolved. To examine the sensitivity of the diffraction pattern of elastic scattering to the nuclear surface, we study the differential elastic-scattering cross sections of proton-^{20,21,23}O at the incident energy of 300 MeV by calculating the full Glauber amplitude.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Landslide Investigation at Phata Village on Rudraprayag-Kedarnath Road, Uttaranchal — A Case Study

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    Phata village on the Guptakashi-Gaurikund road in the Mandakini valley of Garhwal Himalaya was affected by a major landslide on 16th July 2001 due to heavy rainfall. The debris flow not only swept away several houses but it also claimed 15 lives. A detailed landslide investigation was carried out to assess the present stability condition. Geotechnical investigation was carried out to determine the soil properties. Seismic refraction survey to determine the overburden thickness was also carried out using Engineering Seismograph. Slope stability analysis was carried out to ascertain the existing stability of the slope. It was found that with rise in pore pressure the slope is marginally stable. The seismic stability analysis showed that seismicity of the order of 0.15g may trigger slips on the slope. The human settlement on the downhill slope may get effected in the eventuality of slide due to seismicity or rain. The paper presents the results of the geological and geotechnical studies which helped to assess the present stability condition


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    La chute des régimes communistes et l'instauration de démocraties pluralistes en Europe centrale et orientale, accompagnées de proclamations de rupture radicale avec le passé, ont engendré un bouleversement général des repères qui jusque-là permettaient les identifications individuelles et l'élaboration d'identités collectives dans toutes les sphères sociales. Le rejet obligé du passé a été décliné de différentes manières selon les pays, en fonction des diverses expériences du communisme (et de sa chute) dans chacune des sociétés concernées. Toutefois, si les modalités sont variables et les calendriers spécifiques, ces recompositions sociales et politiques se sont toutes inscrites dans un même cadre mental. La condamnation globale du communisme a favorisé des visions polarisées et simplifiées du passé, fondées sur des catégories binaires et des figures stéréotypées, plus ou moins marquées, de bourreaux et de victimes. Au-delà du consensus affiché dans le rejet et la condamnation du communisme, un examen plus fin du rapport au passé dans ces sociétés dites post-communistes souligne la difficulté d'élaborer un discours commun sur le passé (...)

    Relating Statistical Image Differences and Degradation Features

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    Document images are degraded through bilevel processes such as scanning, printing, and photocopying. The resulting image degradations can be categorized based either on observable degradation features or on degradation model parameters. The degradation features can be related mathematically to model parameters. In this paper we statistically compare pairs of populations of degraded character images created with different model parameters. The changes in the probability that the characters are from different populations when the model parameters vary correlate with the relationship between observable degradation features and the model parameters. The paper also shows which features have the largest impact on the image