586 research outputs found

    Effect of Processing Methods on Nutritive and Antinutritive Properties of Seeds of Brachystegia eurycoma and Detarium microcarpum from Nigeria

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    Proximate analysis of the seeds of Brachystegia eurycoma and Detrarium microcarpum were carried out on both the dehulled and undehulled samples of the flour. The protein content of the seeds are quite low 9.1;7.2 and 11.4;8.2 for undehulled and dehulled Brachystegia eurycoma and Detarium microcarpum, respectively. Crude fibre is less than 3% in each, while ash was less than 5% each per 100gm dry weight of sample. Detarium microcarpum has a higher crude fat composition 18.5±0.03, 15.5±0.02 while Brachystegia eurycoma 15.5±0.04, 14.0±0.01 for the undehulled and dehulled samples respectively. Moisture content is higher in dehulled samples 14.3±0.01 and 16.7±0.03 for both seed types. The available carbohydrate is equally higher in the dehulled samples 59.0±0.01 and 57.0±0.01, respectively for both seeds. The sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium contents were less than 1% each, with calcium having the highest concentration, followed by phosphorous. The phytochemical analysis showed the presence of alkaloids, tannins, saponins and flavonoids. Brachystegia eurcoma showed no presence of tannin. The findings are of nutritional relevance since these seeds are used for soup thickening by many homes in the southeastern Nigeria

    Management of Online Tutorials: A Model for a Step-by-Step Approach

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    Online tutorials have great potential to reach a large population and to accommodate multiple learning styles anytime and anywhere. This paper describes the management of online tutorials and related concepts in detail. The review of literature method is used to study the variables. The variables under study include the mission, objectives, funding, manpower, in-house creation, outsourcing, incorporation in curriculum, content, type, technology, metadata, discovery services, script design, standards, assessment, professional training, marketing techniques and future goals for creation and management of online tutorials in libraries. A practical model based on literature study and the authors\u27 experience with online tutorials is designed and recommended for libraries for a step-by-step approach to planning and designing online tutorials for their library user population

    The Woes of Scientific Realism

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    This paper investigated the disagreement between Realists and Anti-realists on the observable and unobservable distinction in scientific practice. Whilethe realists maintain that machines and gadgets can simulate the human act of perception there-by making all realities under the screen of science observable, the anti-realists or the instrumentalists insist that what cannot be observed with the human senses even if detected with gadgets are not observable. This paper contended against the realist position which says that machines can simulate the human activity of perception. Hence the distinction between what is observable and unobservable is shown to be indisputable

    Understanding and Predicting Foam in Anaerobic Digester

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    As a result of the ambiguity and complexity surrounding anaerobic digester foaming, efforts have been made by various researchers to understand the process of anaerobic digester foaming so as to proffer a solution that can be universally applied rather than site specific. All attempts ranging from experimental analysis to comparative review of other process has not fully explained the conditions and process of foaming in anaerobic digester. Studying the current available knowledge on foam formation and relating it to anaerobic digester process and operating condition, this piece of work presents a succinct and enhanced understanding of foaming in anaerobic digesters as well as introducing a simple method to identify the onset of anaerobic digester foaming based on analysis of historical data from a field scale system

    Abstract B047: Biochemical parameters of prostate cancer patients in Nigeria

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    The screening of biochemical parameters of cancer patients and their development into reliable and specific diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers has been reported in several studies. The biochemical signature of prostate cancer patients in Nigeria may vary from others and can serve as important leads in discovery of new biomarkers for the disease. This will ultimately provide more information on the specific causes and prognosis of the disease as well as improve its diagnosis and management. This study examined some biochemical parameters including alanine transaminase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), high-density lipoprotein (HDL), triglycerides (TRIG), reduced glutathione (GSH), lipid peroxidation and peroxidase (POD) in the plasma of prostate cancer patients and controls. The data obtained indicate that there were no significant differences in the ALT, LDL, HDL, and POD while ALP and TRIG were significantly increased. Also, there was a significant reduction in GSH. This indicates the possible implication of ALP, TRIG, and GSH in prostate cancer disease in Nigeria and their potential to be further developed into diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers

    The Genome of the Chicken DT40 Bursal Lymphoma Cell Line

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    The chicken DT40 cell line is a widely used model system in the study of multiple cellular processes due to the efficiency of homologous gene targeting. The cell line was derived from a bursal lymphoma induced by avian leukosis virus infection. In this study we characterized the genome of the cell line using whole genome shotgun sequencing and single nucleotide polymorphism array hybridization. The results indicate that wild type DT40 has a relatively normal karyotype except for whole chromosome copy number gains, and no karyotype variability within stocks. In a comparison to two domestic chicken genomes and the Gallus gallus reference genome we found no unique mutational processes shaping the DT40 genome except for a mild increase in insertion and deletion events, particularly deletions at tandem repeats. We mapped coding sequence mutations that are unique to the DT40 genome; mutations inactivating the PIK3R1 and ATRX genes likely contributed to the oncogenic transformation. In addition to a known avian leukosis virus integration in the MYC gene we detected further integration sites that are likely to de-regulate gene expression. The new findings support the hypothesis that DT40 is a typical transformed cell line with a relatively intact genome, therefore it is well suited to the role of a model system for DNA repair and related processes. The sequence data generated by this study, including a searchable de novo genome assembly and annotated lists of mutated genes, will support future research using this cell line

    APOBEC3 as a driver of genetic intratumor heterogeneity

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    Our recent study revealed that APOBEC3B is upregulated during the preinvasive stages of non-small cell lung cancer and breast cancer. In addition to its role in mediating single nucleotide variants, we propose that APOBEC3 promotes copy number intratumor heterogeneity prior to invasion, providing a substrate for cancer evolution

    Marketing of household toilets in Ghana

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    This paper describes a research on the application of commercial marketing approach to sanitation. The research project is being conducted in Nkawie/Toase, a small town in Ghana by WEDC; LSHTM, and TREND (a local NGO based in Kumasi, Ghana) in collaboration with the Atwima District Assembly. The research is still on going; therefore this paper presents the process that is being implemented and some of the results
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