225 research outputs found

    The Polish experiment 1980-1989 -revolution or transformation? Antinomies of transition from authoritarianism to democracy

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    The article is an attempt to assess some of the key aspects of the Polish breakthroughof 1980–1989 in the context of the many years of discussion about the nature andconsequences of the events that took place during that period. The main considerations includeresolving the still valid dilemma of whether it is justified to define this breakthrough as a revolution.The text contains a presentation and evaluation of the main arguments made for andagainst such a conclusion. In methodological terms, the discourse involves confronting thecharacteristic features relating to the genesis, goals, process and results of the Polish experimentof 1980—1989, with the theoretical knowledge on the phenomenon of the revolutionbased on historical analyses and contemporary experience.In science, the term “experiment” is usually used to describe cognitive processes involvingan intentional interference of the researcher in the real world in order to acquire cognitive data.It happens, however, that certain unique phenomena and processes characterised by an objectivecourse of events, which scientists can analyse in similar terms to a conventional inducedexperiment, enter the scope of this concept. In certain circumstances, a systematic observationof events which have not been induced by the researcher, but are exceptional and important inthemselves, can provide the key to discovering the sense, regularities, and mechanisms of thereal world. This is significant for social and political studies in particular, in which the spacefor utilising the classical, natural sciences‑basedexperiment, is very limited.The Polish political events of 1980—1989 made way for further disintegration of thecolonial‑imperialdivision of the world by initiating the fall of the Eastern Bloc. It turned out to be not just an episode, but an effective initiation of a powerful and extensive process thatled to a total change in the global geopolitical system. The fact that it happened in the centreof Europe, rather than in its peripheries, exacerbated the surprise of such a course of events,and of its final result in particular

    Towards common Christian response to the anthropological challenges? Pope’s Francis encyclical letter Laudato si’ and the Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation programme of the World Council of Churches

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    The article contains a comparison of the way of formulating the challenges posed by and facing Christian theological anthropology in the Catholic approach of Pope Francis in Laudato si’, as well as documents that impose on the program of the World Council of Churches: Justice, peace and integrity of creation. The diagnosed challenges relate primarily to the protection of human life from direct danger and in a wider scope of protection of the natural environment as necessary to sustain life, including human life on Earth. Many of the threats humanity faces today have their source in distorting the understanding of man as a creature of God endowed with inalienable dignity, which results in his inborn rights. To overcome the reductionist vision of a man, an “anthropological conversion” is needed. The way of overcoming the threats is also indicated by the concept of the “economy of life” developed in the WCC documents. Artykuł zawiera porównanie sposobu formułowania wyzwań stawianych przez i stojących przed chrześcijańską antropologią teologiczną tak w katolickim ujęciu papieża Franciszka w Laudato si’, jak i z dokumentami składającymi się na program Światowej Rady Kościołów Sprawiedliwość, pokój i integralność stworzenia. Diagnozowane wyzwania dotyczą przede wszystkim ochrony życia ludzkiego przed niebezpieczeństwem bezpośrednim oraz – w szerszym zakresie – ochrony środowiska naturalnego jako niezbędnego do podtrzymania życia, w tym życia ludzkiego na Ziemi. Wiele zagrożeń, przed jakimi staje dziś ludzkość, ma swe źródło w wypaczeniu pojmowania człowieka jako stworzenia Bożego obdarzonego niezbywalną godnością, z której wynikają przyrodzone mu prawa. Dla przezwyciężenia redukcjonistycznej wizji człowieka potrzebne jest „nawrócenie antropologiczne”. Drogę pokonania zagrożeń wskazuje też koncepcja „ekonomii życia” rozwijana w dokumentach ŚRK

    Antropologia teologiczna u podstaw kontrowersji międzywyznaniowych: dialog w obrębie Światowej Rady Kościołów

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    The article discusses moral concerns, which are a challenge for Churches and constitute principal foci of controversy. Anthropological questions underpin moral issues. The answer to the question about the source of human dignity and inherent human rights determines the response to specific matters, such as defining the beginning of human life and its inviolabil- ity, the approach to abortion, euthanasia, genetic engineering, and even disability. The crea- tion of man in God’s image and cooperation with the Creator in the development of creation results in the need for a proper setting of the world, including the establishment of a social, political, and economic order serving each man. The way to overcome the differences in the interpretation of Christian anthropology – and thus determine the moral issues – are ecumenical dialogues in which the parties seek to discover the truth. Dialogue must be made in the two dimensions simultaneously: vertical (the essence of faith) and horizontal (social and moral issues). The unity of faith determines the unity in moral issues. If dialogue is to bear fruit in the form of mutual recognition, the parties should avoid anthropological errors contained in contemporary thinking (a.o. materialism, atheistic socialism, genetic reductionism, utilitarianism, and relativism as well as the falsehood of gender ideology). The recipe for this is to return to the biblical anthropology and to a patient and humble search for the truth.Artykuł podejmuje zagadnienie kwestii moralnych, które jako główne ogniska kontrowersji stanowią dziś wyzwanie dla Kościołów. U podstaw kwestii moralnych znajdują się zagadnienia antropologiczne. Odpowiedź na pytanie o źródło ludzkiej godności i przysługujących człowiekowi praw warunkuje odpowiedź na kwestie szczegółowe, takie jak: określenie początku życia ludzkiego i jego nienaruszalności, podejście do aborcji, eutanazji, inżynierii genetycznej, a nawet do niepełnosprawności. Z faktu stworzenia człowieka na obraz Boży i współudziału człowieka w stwórczym dziele Boga wynika dalej obowiązek dbałości o zachowanie stworzenia oraz o sprawiedliwe urządzenie świata, a w nim ładu społecznego, politycznego i gospodarczego służącego każdemu człowiekowi. Drogą do przezwyciężenia różnic w interpretacji antropologii chrześcijańskiej – a co za tym idzie, określenia kwestii moralnych – są dialogi ekumeniczne, w których strony dążą do odkrywania prawdy. Dialog musi się dokonywać w obu wymiarach łącznie: wertykalnym (istota wiary) i horyzontalnym (kwestie społeczne i moralne). Jedność wiary warunkuje bowiem jedność w kwestiach moralnych. Aby dialog przyniósł owoce w postaci wzajemnego uznania, należy uniknąć błędów antropologicznych, zawartych we współczesnych prądach myślowych (m.in. materializmu, socjalizmu ateistycznego, redukcjonizmu genetycznego, utylitaryzmu i relatywizmu, a także fałszu ideologii gender). Receptą na to jest powrót do antropologii biblijnej oraz cierpliwe i pokorne szukanie prawdy

    Roman Catholic Church in the Fight for Social Justice during the Communist Dictatorship in Poland

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    The Roman Catholic Church in Poland was the main force capable to oppose the communist dictatorship. Although the state was officially "œsocialist" the condition of ordinary people, including workers in industry and agriculture, was deplorable. Communist regime totally neglected the principles of social justice, creating and using against society the whole apparatus of repression. The Church was only force in the society which created "œspace of liberty", provided instruction in the principles of Catholic social teaching and moral strength to the fighting for peoples"™ rights. In the absence of any organisation truly representing the world of work, the Roman Catholic Church often played the role of intermediation between the civil authorities and the society. All this led in many ways to the martyrdom of Church leaders and other Church representatives. Suffering with the nation and sharing its fate allowed the Church building up a unique authority, what is still fruiting nowadays when the society tries to shake off the rests of communism now disguised in the suit of liberalism. Keywords: Roman Catholic Church in Poland, Solidarity, martyrdom, communist regime, Cardinal WyszyÅ„ski, Jerzy PopieÅ‚uszko, Bishop Kaczmare

    Dziesięć lat Ordynariatów dla Anglikanów – kilka refleksji na temat nowego modelu eklezjologicznego

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    The article describes the Ordinariates for Anglicans from the ecclesiological point of view. The publication of Pope Benedict XVI’s Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum coetibus created a new situation in the interconfessional relations and in the search for the unity of the Church. Firstly the Author explains what are the Ordinariates for Anglicans and what solutions contains the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum coetibus. In the second point of the article we find an analysis of an ecclesiological model created by the constitution Anglicanorum coetibus. While not being the return to the past method of gaining the unity of the Church by partial unions (i.e. so called “uniatism” or “unionism”) the Ordinariates offer to the conversing Anglicans the possibility of upkeeping their liturgical tradition. The Ordinariates also enjoy a large scale of independence in the frame of the Catholic Church. Alongside the bright spells there are also some shadows. The Author points at the major ecclesiological weakness of the construction called “Ordinariate”. The liturgical tradition of Anglicanism transferred to the Ordinariates is, in fact, deprived of its natural theological background, which is Anglican. That is why the solution offered by the Ordinariates one of the Anglican theologians called “the shortened version of Anglicanism”. The last point of the article is consecrated to the depiction of first Anglican reactions to the situation introduced by the apostolic constitution Anglicanorum coetibus. The most promising initiative is the establishment of so called “Anglican Communion Covenant”, which is designated to consolidate the Communion from inside, also by preventing the provinces from taking unilateral decisions leading to the breaks in the whole of the Anglican World.Artykuł opisuje ordynariaty dla anglikanów z eklezjologicznego punktu widzenia. Publikacja Konstytucji Apostolskiej papieża Benedykta XVI Anglicanorum coetibus stworzyła nową sytuację w stosunkach międzykonfesjonalnych i dążeniu do jedności Kościoła. Po pierwsze autor wyjaśnia, czym są ordynariaty dla anglikanów i jakie rozwiązania zawiera konstytucja apostolska Anglicanorum coetibus. W drugim punkcie artykułu znajduje się analiza modelu eklezjologicznego stworzonego przez konstytucję Anglicanorum coetibus. Nie będąc powrotem do dawnej metody odtwarzania jedności Kościoła przez częściowe unie (tj. przez tak zwany „uniatyzm” lub „unionizm”), ordynariaty oferują konwertującym anglikanom możliwość utrzymania ich tradycji liturgicznej. Ordynariaty cieszą się także dużą skalą niezależności w ramach Kościoła katolickiego. Oprócz jasnych stron są też cienie. Autor wskazuje na główną słabość eklezjologiczną konstrukcji zwanej „Ordynariatem”. Tradycja liturgiczna anglikanizmu przeniesiona do ordynariatów jest w rzeczywistości pozbawiona naturalnego kontekstu teologicznego, jakim jest anglikanizm. Dlatego rozwiązanie zaproponowane przez model ordynariatu jeden z teologów anglikańskich nazwał „skróconą wersją anglikanizmu”. Ostatni punkt artykułu poświęcony jest przedstawieniu pierwszych reakcji anglikańskich na sytuację wprowadzoną przez konstytucję apostolską Anglicanorum coetibus. Najbardziej obiecującą inicjatywą jest ustanowienie tak zwanego „Przymierza Komunii Anglikańskiej”, które ma na celu konsolidację Komunii od wewnątrz, również poprzez zapobieganie podejmowaniu przez prowincje jednostronnych decyzji prowadzących do rozłamów w całym świecie anglikańskim

    Nowe lokalne ruchy społeczne a kapitał polityczny

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    The experience of many highly developed countries prove that the so-called new social movements could play an important role of publicizing issues that are critical to improved the lives of neighborhoods, cities and even regions. In Polish conditions, these movements could have a significant impact on building local democracy, especially during period of declined confidence in the party and disintegration of political structures. Increasingly, the activity of local communities visible in social movements (e.g. urban movements) is a significant contribution to building social capital, but this does not translate into a change in the directions of local development, which are determining by political preferences not local, but of a national nature. The share of social movements in the processes of co-management of local government units, especially in cities, is increasing. However, an important barrier in their operation is the lack of ability to building political capital, which is the basis for making changes in the social and political environment. The article presents the factors determining the level of political capital, the properties of new social movements, and the importance of their values and goals, structure, methods of action, awareness of participants and existing institutional and legal solutions for the possibility of achieving practical outcomes (better community life) as well as symbolic values (deepening democracy)

    The relationship between the quality of the city's recreational offering and the physical activity of its inhabitants : results of a pilot survey in Bielsko-Biała

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    The aim of the article is to outline the theoretical framework for studying the relationship between the quality of the city’s recreational offering and the physical activity of its inhabitants. The study was based on a review of the literature and was supplemented with data from a pilot questionnaire survey. The pilot survey was conducted in 2016 and involved 180 inhabitants of Bielsko-Biała. Responses were collected during direct interviews based on the survey questionnaire consisting of two parts: the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (short version) and recreational offering assessment questionnaire proposed by authors. The literature review revealed gaps in research and publications addressing the relationship between the quality of the city’s recreational product and the level of physical activity of its inhabitants, and results of previous studies vary depending on their location (which was also confirmed by the pilot survey). According to the authors’ pilot survey, the respondents preferred outdoor forms of physical activity (Nordic walking and fast walks). The majority of respondents can be classified as sufficiently active. No statistically significant findings were found between respondents’ assessment of the service staff or the recreational infrastructure and the level of physical activity reported by inhabitants of Bielsko-Biała who participated in the survey. The innovative character of the work consists in developing and testing during the pilot survey a new theoretical framework for researching relationships between the quality of the city’s recreational offering and the level of physical activity of its inhabitants. The authors propose extending the existing approaches involving mainly the assessment of recreational assets by including marketing, staff-related and organizational aspects. This calls for interdisciplinary research

    Parameterization a Geometry of the Impeller Centrifugal Multistage Pump.

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    W artykule opisano parametryczny zapis geometrii promieniowego wirnika zamknietego pompy osrodkowej. Potrzeba parametryzacji rozumianej jako zapis konstrukcji (topologii, kształtu) poprzez zestaw liczb sterujacych wymiarami wynika z procesu projektowania wykorzystujacego optymalizacje. Zaprezentowano jeden ze sposobów parametryzacji geometrii wirnika odsrodkowej pompy wielostopniowej. Wykorzystano jezyk skryptowy „Name Input Format” zaimplementowany w programie „BladeModeler” wchodzacy w skład pakietu ANSYS-CFX.In this article a parametric description of the closed radial impeller discussed. The need for parameterization understood here as a description of the structure (topology, shape) by a set number of control dimensions result of the design process using optimization. One way of parameterization impeller geometry of the centrifugal pump impeller was presented. Used Scripting language "Name Input Format" implemented in the program BladeModeler forming part of the ANSYS-CFX package

    Optimization of the Pump Impeller - Effect of Some Geometric Parameters Describes Shape of Blade.

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    W artykule zamieszczono wyniki przeprowadzonego procesu optymalizacji kształtu łopatki wirnika stopnia pierwszego pompy wielostopniowej. Wykorzystano do tego celu jedna z metod optymalizacji konstrukcji z ograniczeniami. Funkcjami celu w tym przypadku są: największą z możliwych sprawności oraz najmniejsza z możliwych nadwyżek antykawitacyjnych (NPSH).The article describes the results of the optimization process, the shape of the impeller blades of the first stage of multi-stage pump. Used for this purpose one of the methods of design optimization with constraints. Functions to in this case are: the highest possible efficiency and the lowest possible surplus anti-cavitation (NPSH)

    Changes in the recreational physical activity (RPA) behaviours caused by COVID-19 lockdown : a case study of Poland

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    This article aims to describe, explain and compare the changes in Poles’ recreational physical activity (RPA) behaviours that emerged in response to the restrictions introduced by the Covid-19 pandemic. The literature review revealed gaps regarding this subject. Of particular interest is taking into account the comparison of both the national and international context and the comprehensive approach to explaining the mechanism of change. Based on the literature, the theoretical framework was developed, which was then used to design an online questionnaire. The questionnaire was conducted from 20 May to 31 October 2020 and included 533 respondents. To analyse the data, a combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis methods was used (descriptive statistics and grounded theory techniques). Research has shown that RPA behaviours changed temporally or permanently. The behaviours were partially differentiated by gender and age. In comparison to other countries, it seems to be a result of the range and strictness of the introduced restrictions and national culture. The novelty of the work consists of the combined data analysis methods, which allow for an explanation of the mechanism of changes and a comparison of results with other countries