1,755 research outputs found

    Cylindrical Ising Nanowire in an Oscillating Magnetic Field and Dynamic Compensation Temperature

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    The magnetic properties of a nonequilibrium spin-1/2 cylindrical Ising nanowire system with core/shell in an oscillating magnetic field are studied by using a mean-field approach based on the Glauber-type stochastic dynamics (DMFT). We employ the Glaubertype stochastic dynamics to construct set of the coupled mean-field dynamic equations. First, we study the temperature dependence of the dynamic order parameters to characterize the nature of the phase transitions and to obtain the dynamic phase transition points. Then, we investigate the temperature dependence of the total magnetization to find the dynamic compensation points as well as to determine the type of behavior. The phase diagrams in which contain the paramagnetic, ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic, nonmagnetic, surface fundamental phases and tree mixed phases as well as reentrant behavior are presented in the reduced magnetic field amplitude and reduced temperature plane. According to values of Hamiltonian parameters, the compensation temperatures, or the N-, Q-, P-, R-, S-type behaviors in the Neel classification nomenclature exist in the system.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    New generations of PVD coatings

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá metodami povlakováni, řeznými materiály a novou generací povlaků. V první části jsou uvedeny a popsány základní povlakovací metody. Další část je zaměřena výhradně na PVD metody povlakování. Ve třetí části jsou uvedeny základní nástrojové materiály a jejich charakteristiky. Poslední část práce popisuje povlaky nové generace, jejich použití, vlastnosti a struktury.Bachelor thesis deals with methods of coating, cutting tools and a new generation of coatings. In the first part are listed and described basic coating methods. The next part is aimed on coating of PVD methods. In the third part are listed basic tool materials and their characteristics. The last part is focused on new generation of coatings, their application, properties and structures.

    Tüketim Kültürünün Yaşam Tarzlarına Etkileri: Küreselleşme, Medya ve Tüketim Kültürünün "Bir Lokma Bir Hırka Felsefesi" Bağlamında İrdelenmesi...

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    The spread of the media, the penetration of the lives of individuals in our globalized world, and the effectiverole of individuals in changing and shaping perception patterns, rhythms of everyday life, social, cultural,political and many leading elements such as mass society, cultural theory and popular culture have led todiscussion. We observe that the concept of Culture, which is defended from the perspective of the people, andwhich is the source of cultural transformation and standardization on the world, which is homogenized, whichis made copies of each other except for very small differences, is changing and transforming between the countries of the world, as well as in our Country. Communication technologies have made it as fast and easy aspossible to produce, receive and send/shared information. As mass media, radio, television, newspapers andinternet tools spread Daily, the communication process accelerated with the Transfiguration. In any part ofthe world through mass media to be aware of events that occur within a very short period, and events withvirtual realities-goer the possibility of being provided, on the one hand, participation in virtual events hasincreased while individuals can survive and find a living space to get away from the streets and started comingup on the agenda about the natural environment in time it is basically on the level of a problem. With globalization, the borders are rapidly eliminated, internet technology is becoming more and more widespread, making communication much easier and more common, while shrinking our world and bringing continents closerto each other by bringing uniform individual and uniform culture claims to the agenda. The life of the individual who is bombarded with information by the mass media is pacified and the ability to criticize and questionis minimized. The concept of "a bite and a cardigan" in Sufi life and mystical thought, which we can perceiveas an attitude towards the world order and structure, system, means not to fall under the charm of the world'sblessings, not to be fooled. Human beings are bound and enslaved by the blessings and materialities of theworld due to the qualities they possess in their structure. As long as some weaknesses of human beings are notprevented, he will dedicate himself to the world's goods with his ambition and his own self which he cannotblunt and will shape his life according to the compass of these blessings. The philosophy of a bite and a cardigan,which is examined in the context of the phenomenon of globalization, is the starting point of the study.Medya’nın yaygınlaşması, küreselleşen dünyamızda bireylerin yaşamlarına daha fazla nüfuz etmesi, beraberinde bireylerin algılama kalıplarını, gündelik yaşam ritimlerini, toplumsal, kültürel, siyasal, politik gibi birçok başat unsurun değişmesinde ve şekillenmesinde etkin rol oynaması, beraberinde kitle toplumu, kültür kuramı ve popüler kültür tariflerinin tartışılmasına neden olmuştur. Halk bunu istiyor bakış açısı ile savunulan ve kültürel dönüşüme ve dünya üzerinde standardizasyona kaynaklık eden, homojenleşmiş, çok küçük farklılıklar dışında birbirlerinin kopyaları durumuna gelen tüketim unsuru döngüsü içerisinde savrulan Kültür kavramının ülkemizde olduğu gibi, dünya ülkeleri arasında da değişim ve dönüşüm gösterdiğini gözlemlemekteyiz. İletişim teknolojileri sayesinde ortak enformasyon üretmek, almak ve göndermek\yaymak olabildiğince hızlı ve kolay bir şekle bürünmüştür. Kitle iletişim araçları, radyo, televizyon, gazeteler ve internet araçları her geçen gün yayılırken, iletişim süreci de başkalaşmak sureti ile hızlanmıştır. Kitle iletişim araçları vasıtası ile dünyanın herhangi bir coğrafyasında meydana gelen ve gelişen olaylardan çok kısa bir süre içerisinde haberdar olma ve sanal gerçeklikler ile olaylara müdavim olma imkânı sağlanmış, bir yandan bireylerin gelişen olaylara sanal katılımları artarken, hayatını idame edip, yaşam alanı bulduğu sokaklardan ve doğal çevresinden uzaklaşması da gündeme gelmeye başlamış, ilgili durum zaman içerisinde temelde bir sorun düzeyine gelmiştir. Küreselleşme ile sınırlar süratle ortadan kalkar iken, internet teknolojisinin de gün geçtikçe gelişerek yaygınlık kazanması, iletişimi oldukça kolaylaştırır ve yaygınlaştırır iken, dünyamızı daha da küçültmekte ve kıtaları birbirlerine yakınlaştırmak sureti ile tek tip birey ve tek düzen kültür savlarının gündeme gelmesine neden olmaktadır. Kitle iletişim araçları tarafından enformasyon bombardımanına tutulan bireyin yasamı pasivize edilerek, eleştiri ve sorgulama kabiliyeti en aza indirgenmektedir. Dünya düzeni ve yapılanmasına, sisteme karşı bir tavır olarak algılayabileceğimiz tasavvufi hayat ve mistik düşüncede "Bir lokma ve bir hırka" anlayışı, dünya nimetlerinin cazibesine kapılmamak, aldanmamak anlamına gelmektedir. İnsanoğlu yapısında bulundurduğu nitelikleri gereği dünyanın nimetlerine ve maddiyata bağlı ve esir konumdadır. İnsanoğlunun birtakım zaafları engellenmediği sürece, sahip olduğu hırs ve bir türlü köreltemediği nefsi ile dünya malına kendini adayacak ve yaşamını bu nimetlerin pusulasına göre şekillendirecektir. Küreselleşme olgusu bağlamında irdelenen bir lokma bir hırka felsefesi, çalışmanın çıkış noktasını oluşturmaktadır

    THE LAND OF MY MEMORIES: The Life and Work of Philister Baya Lawiri of South Sudan

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    In the following pages, you will find narrative stories about a Woman PeaceMaker, along with additional information to provide a deep understanding of a contemporary conflict and one person’s journey within it. These complementary components include a brief biography of the peacemaker, a historical summary of the conflict, a timeline integrating political developments in the country with personal history of the peacemaker, and a question-and-answer transcript of select interviews during her time at the Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice. Currently the chairperson of South Sudan’s Civil Service Commission, Philister Baya Lawiri was first a war child. At the age of 10, she and her family walked for 35 days through the forests of southern Sudan to what is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo to escape the violence of the first civil war in Sudan. She traces her desire to build peace to her years in Uganda as a refugee and then in Sudan’s capital, Khartoum, where she was living as an internally displaced person (IDP) when the second civil war broke out in 1983. In the suburbs of the capital, gross human rights violations were committed by state security personnel against IDP women and children, including physical beatings, harassment, forced labor and imprisonment for breaching Sharia law. Appalled by the situation, Lawiri became a human rights monitor and trained women in the camps how to identify their perpetrators and document the violations so they could file for redress in court. Lawiri and 10 other IDP women established Southern Women Solidarity for Peace and Development, a network of women’s groups established to assist women displaced by war. The group went on to write the book The Tragedy of Reality: Southern Sudanese Women Appeal for Peace, which was distributed at the Hague Appeal for Peace Conference in 1999. Prior to the secession of South Sudan in 2011, Lawiri led the push for a 25 percent quota of women in Sudan’s election law, and was then appointed as one of only two women on Sudan’s National Electoral Commission, the nine-member national body appointed to oversee the 2010 general elections. As someone who is well-known for “always believing not only in peace, but also in diversity as a source of power,” Lawiri serves has the South Sudan focal point for the bi-national Coalition of Women Leaders, supported by the Institute for Inclusive Security. The group of more than 200 women from Sudan and South Sudan works to advance women’s engagement in the peace process.https://digital.sandiego.edu/ipj-research/1017/thumbnail.jp

    Recent Amendments to Regulaiton K: An Analysis

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    Aproximación al lenguaje político fundacional de la Concertación de Partidos por la Democracia en Chile. Análisis de los conceptos Democracia y Socialismo en las revistas políticas durante la segunda mitad de 1980: El caso de Ricardo Lagos

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    El golpe de Estado de 1973 inaugura en la izquierda chilena, particularmente en el Partido Socialista y el MAPU, un proceso de autocrítica frente a lo realizado durante la Unidad Popular, debido a este proceso se repiensan y reelaboran conceptos fundamentales del acervo teórico de la izquierda, modificando el lenguaje político de la oposición a la dictadura. En este escenario, revisamos las apropiaciones, reelaboraciones y usos conceptuales de la democracia y el socialismo que el líder socialista Ricardo Lagos desarrollo desde la tribuna de lasrevistas políticas opositoras al régimen dictatorial