125 research outputs found

    Типовая учебная программа по учебной дисциплине для специальности: 1-23 01 08 Журналистика (по направлениям), направление специальности 1-23 01 08-02 Журналистика (аудиовизуальная)

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    Enhancement of soft magnetic properties in the selected group of amorphous alloys was examined by different experimental methods. It was shown that permeability for annealed samples (at Ta for 1 h; 300 K < Ta < 900 K) plotted vs. Ta shows a maximum at which is 700, 725, 725, and 750 K for Fe82Nb2B14Y2, Fe82Nb2B14Gd2, Fe82Nb2B14Tb2 and Fe82Nb2B14Dy2 alloy, respectively. For samples after the optimization annealing permeability is at least 10 times higher than in the as-quenched state. The optimized microstructure is free of iron nanograins and corresponds to so-called relaxed amorphous phase

    Das Tumormikromilieu bei Speicheldrüsenkarzinomen – mögliche Konsequenzen für neue Therapiekonzepte

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    Hintergrund Speicheldrüsenkarzinome („salivary gland carcinomas“, SGC) sind seltene Tumoren, die aufgrund ihrer histologischen Vielfalt und den in Abhängigkeit vom Subtyp unterschiedlichen Krankheitsverläufen eine Herausforderung für Diagnostik und Therapie darstellen. Über die Zusammensetzung des Tumormikromilieus (TME) bei SGC ist bislang wenig bekannt. Ein umfassenderes Verständnis der relevanten molekularen Veränderungen und immunologischen Prozesse des Tumors sowie des umgebenden Stromas könnte dazu beitragen, die therapeutische Effizienz – beispielsweise durch eine adjuvante Immunmodulation – zu verbessern. Methoden In diesem Manuskript wurden Ergebnisse aus Studien zusammengefasst, die sich mit der Zusammensetzung des TME bei SGC beschäftigen. Ergebnisse Das Immunzellinfiltrat der verschiedenen Tumorentitäten ist unterschiedlich. Bei einem Drittel der SGC wurde eine Expression des Oberflächenzellrezeptors LAG3 („lymphocyte activation gene 3“) auf tumorinfiltrierenden Lymphozyten beobachtet. LAG3 inhibiert – ähnlich wie CTLA‑4 („cytotoxic T‑lymphocyte antigen 4“) und PD‑1 („programmed cell death 1 protein“) – die zelluläre Proliferation, Aktivierung und Homöostase von antitumoral wirksamen T‑Zellen. Höhere Expressionen sind dabei insbesondere bei den prognostisch ungünstigeren Entitäten wie den Speichelgangkarzinomen und Adenokarzinomen NOS („not otherwise specified“) zu beobachten. Schlussfolgerungen LAG3 ist insbesondere bei aggressiven Entitäten und fortgeschrittenen Tumoren nachzuweisen. Folglich könnte eine Therapie mit LAG3-Inhibitoren eine Therapie bei fortgeschrittenen und metastasierten SGC unterstützen

    Higher Programmatic Volume in Neonatal Heart Surgery Is Associated With Lower Early Mortality

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    BACKGROUND: The early results of congenital heart surgery in neonates remain a challenge. We sought to determine the nature of the association between annual center volume of neonatal cardiac surgery and operative mortality using a multicenter cohort. METHODS: The dataset consists of 27,556 neonatal procedures performed between 1999 and 2015 in 90 centers participating in the European Congenital Heart Surgeons Association database. Centers with mean annual volume load of six or more that submitted data for at least 3 consecutive years were included. World Bank annual gross national index per capita was utilized as an indicator of temporal national affluence. Multilevel logistic regression was used to create a model including the significant risk factors and to calculate odds ratios for operative mortality. Iterative modeling of the dataset incrementally excluding centers with lower annual caseload was used to identify the relationship between annual volume and mortality. RESULTS: In the model thus calculated including The Society of Thoracic Surgeons-European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (STAT) mortality score, operative weight and age, noncardiac genetic anomalies, and annual volume of operations were independent risk factors for operative mortality in the analysis of the entire cohort. In the model containing these variables, annual gross national index and year of surgery were not significantly associated with mortality. In the iterative process, annual volume ceased to be a risk factor when units operating on fewer than 60 neonates annually were excluded. CONCLUSIONS: In neonatal congenital heart surgery, the risk of operative death decreased with the increase of volume load. The cutoff point in this cohort was a mean annual volume of 60 neonatal operations per year.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Computational approaches for modeling human intestinal absorption and permeability

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    Human intestinal absorption (HIA) is an important roadblock in the formulation of new drug substances. Computational models are needed for the rapid estimation of this property. The measurements are determined via in vivo experiments or in vitro permeability studies. We present several computational models that are able to predict the absorption of drugs by the human intestine and the permeability through human Caco-2 cells. The training and prediction sets were derived from literature sources and carefully examined to eliminate compounds that are actively transported. We compare our results to models derived by other methods and find that the statistical quality is similar. We believe that models derived from both sources of experimental data would provide greater consistency in predictions. The performance of several QSPR models that we investigated to predict outside the training set for either experimental property clearly indicates that caution should be exercised while applying any of the models for quantitative predictions. However, we are able to show that the qualitative predictions can be obtained with close to a 70% success rate

    Inflammation und Metastasierung von Larynxkarzinomen

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    Inflammation and metastasis in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC)

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    Tumor microenvironment in salivary gland carcinomas: Consequences for new therapeutic concepts

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    Introduction Salivary gland carcinomas (SGCs) are rare tumors which represent a challenge for diagnosis and therapy due to their histological diversity and the different disease courses depending on the respective subtype. Little is known about the composition of the tumor microenvironment in SGCs. A more comprehensive understanding of the relevant molecular changes and immunological processes of the tumor and surrounding stroma could help to improve therapeutic efficiency, for example by adjuvant immunomodulation. Methods This manuscript highlights recent studies analyzing the composition of the tumor microenvironment in salivary gland carcinomas. Results The tumor microenvironment displays a significant diversity in the composition of immune cells among different tumor entities. In one third of the SGCs, an expression of cell surface molecule LAG3 on tumor infiltrating lymphocytes could be observed. LAG3-similar to CTLA-4 and PD-1-inhibits cellular proliferation, activation, and homeostasis of antitumor-effective T cells. Especially, prognostically less favorable entities such as salivary duct carcinomas and adenocarcinomas NOS (not otherwise specified) yielded higher expressions. Conclusions LAG3 is particularly detectable in aggressive entities and advanced tumors. Hence, LAG3 inhibition poses a potential targeted therapy for advanced and metastatic SGCs