193 research outputs found

    Laboratorium Study of Asphalt Starbit E-55 Polymer Modified Application on Asphalt Concrete Wearing Course (Ac-Wc)

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    The conventional asphalt road has almost been considered fail to serve the transportation needs. It is indicated by the occurrence of premature damage which is caused by vehicle load and climate. Starbit E-55, the polymer modified bitumen, is formulated to meet the requirement of transport development. Considering those needs, it is important to investigate the feasibility level of that modified bitumen as alternate asphalt instead of the conventional one. This research began with the measurement of the properties of hard layered AC-WC Starbit E-55, then comparing the result to 60/70 penetration of Pertamina asphalt. The next step is then, to determine the converted value so as to be close to that of Pertamina (60/70 penetration). This step is conducted by applying durability and ITS tests on the mixture. Result of the tests showed that hard layered AC-WC Starbit E-55 has better characteristic at 5.7% optimum level asphalt and 6.4% of Pertamina asphalt (60/70 penetration). Starbit E-55 converted level within hard-layered ACWC is 5.6%. The performance test result on immersion with variance of 1, 3, 5, 7 and 14 days shows that durability value of Starbit E-55 AC-WC has better performance. During the process, Starbit E-55 required 15.38% higher energy consumption

    Using ABC to prototype VDM specifications

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    ABC is a high-level, easy-to-use imperative language, designed originally as a replacement for BASIC. Although intended primarily as a teaching language, it has many powerful attributes that make it suitable as a language for the rapid prototyping of formal specifications. This paper illustrates how ABC was used to prototype specifications written in the formal specification language of VDM

    Service-based business models in the Swedish railway industry

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    Purpose: The purpose is to describe new business opportunities within the Swedish railway industry and to support the development of business models that corresponds with the needs and requirements of Industry 4.0, here denoted as Service Management 4.0. Design/methodology/approach: The study is an in-depth and descriptive case study of the Swedish railway system with specific focus on a railway vehicle maintainer. Public reports, statistics, internal documents, interviews and dialogues forms the basis for the empirical findings. Findings: The article describes the complex business environment of the deregulated Swedish railway industry. Main findings are in the form of identified business opportunities and new business model propositions for one of the key actors, a vehicle maintainer. Originality/value: The article provides valuable understanding of business strategy development within complex business environments and how maintenance related business models could be developed for reaching Service Management 4.0

    Java in Two Semesters

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    Like any student starting out on a ?rst programming module, you will be itching to do just one thing—get started on your ?rst program. We can well understand that, and you won’t be disappointed, because you will be writing programs in this very ?rst chapter

    Motivación y educación virtual en estudiantes de maestría en docencia universitaria de una universidad de Lima, 2022

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    Esta investigación realicé planteando el objeto de demostrar una relación existente entre la motivación y la educación virtual en estudiantes de maestría en docencia universitaria en una universidad de Lima, 2022. Este estudio de tipo teórica y no experimental de diseño transversal, correlacional. Se desarrolló con una muestra censal de 40 estudiantes de maestría en docencia universitaria, a los mismos que se les aplicó la técnica de recolección de datos la encuesta y su instrumento un cuestionario de 24 ítems tomados a través del aplicativo Google forms para medir la relación presente entre motivación y educación virtual la variable dependiente con tres dimensiones: motivación conductual, motivación cognitiva y motivación de atribución, y la variable independiente educación virtual cuyas respuestas fueron evaluadas mediante una escala de valoración Likert, nunca, casi nunca, a veces, casi siempre y siempre. Al hacer el análisis correlacional entre los reactivos se obtuvo los resultados que en promedio el 51% de estudiantes se siente motivado en sus tres dimensiones definidas en relación a su educación virtual, los que se considera como una correlación moderada alta entre ambas variables anteriormente mencionadas

    Human organ re-representation using UML and CMAUT

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    Clinical data was captured and stored data using natural language (NL) in order to describe the human organs, their attributes and behaviour (Olsen et, 1998). Although this was an accurate form of data representation it created information overload, space complexity, inconsistency and erroneous data. To address the issue of data inconsistency and standardisation, clinical coding such as UMLS was used while for clinical interoperability and data exchange between users, NL7 was introduced. A survey conducted by (de Keizer et, 2000a) revealed that these methods are inadequate for clinical data representation hence the data rerepresentation technique (Haimowitz et, 1988) was introduced and used for modelling CIS with Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) and (FOL)(de Keizer et, 2000b). However this model does not address the issue of information overload and space complexity. Hence, this paper presents an alternative approach where UML is used to capture human organs, their attributes and relationships. A new framework with built in algorithm converts the multiple attributes modelled in the class diagram into mathematical formalisation using the CMAUT. The logical expression serves as input to the optimisation algorithm to determine the optimal amount of data that must be retrieved for primary healthcare investigation. To evaluate the framework, mathematical operations were performed which revealed that the space complexity when using the CMA rerepresentation technique is θ ( n + 1) compared to θ (2n) for nonCMA. This means less space is needed when the CMA with AND connector is used but for substitutable organs with OR connector the space complexity for both CMA and nonCMA representations have the same exponential expansion of θ (2 n ). A ttest conducted on the amount of data required for investigation before and after optimisation gave a pvalue of 0.000 which means there is a significant different between the two data sets. For epidemiological analysis the output of the framework was benchmarked against the output of a web based heart risk calculator and the single sample ttest conducted gave a pvalue of 0.686 meaning there is no difference between two outputs. Thus this framework with data rerepresentation occupies less space as compared to others and can be used to calculate the risk factor of a heart patient

    Engineering education development – a business modelling approach

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    Purpose – The purpose of this article is to promote an innovative approach to education development projects by the application of business modelling tools and methods. Design/methodology/approach – The proposed method is based on tools and methods from the business modelling area, such as stakeholder mapping, SWOT analysis, business modelling canvas and scenario analysis. The applicability of the approach is illustrated by a case study conducted on an engineering programme, where qualitative and quantitative data were gathered through interviews, surveys and workshops. Findings – Utilising business modelling tools for development projects in higher education gives several benefits: (1) knowledge-informed decision making; the methods require good understanding of the current situation as well as possible strategies to be applied, that is data gathering is necessary before decision making; (2) structured decision making by applying a step-by-step approach for the development project; (3) including different stakeholder's perspectives in order to gain a holistic understanding and avoid sub optimisation. Originality/value – The approach promotes innovation and action driven development rather than a bureaucratic and metric based improvement process. Tools and models from the business area have previously been applied for educational development. However, a holistic business modelling approach for educational development has not yet been applied