1,944 research outputs found

    Immersive Telepresence: A framework for training and rehearsal in a postdigital age

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    Forms of remuneration and their influence on forest work.

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    Theory of internal models in explaining logging accidents.

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    Attachment patterns, coping, emotional processing and theraphy alliance in recovery from trauma

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    This study investigated the role of personality factors, coping and attachment in torture survivors’ recovery, thus enhancing both attachment and trauma theories. The participants were Palestinian political ex-prisoners who were victims of human-rights abuse (the number of participants ranging from 36 to 176) from the Gaza strip. The findings revealed that in the natural course of recovery, avoidance symptoms were common when the trauma was still fresh, and at that time, relying on problem-focused coping was beneficial. However, in the long run, emotion-focused coping was related to successful recovery. Moreover, attachment was triggered in dangerous circumstances and was related to different ways of reacting in the aftermath of trauma. First, individuals with different attachment patterns differed in their strengths and vulnerabilities depending on whether the torture was psychological and interpersonal or physical. Secure individuals coped better with exposure to physical torture than to psychological torture, while insecurity was associated with increased levels of both psychological and somatic symptoms in exposure to physical torture. Secondly, we studied the emotional processing of traumatic memories. Secure men had a balanced emotional profile involving both cognitive and affective responses despite the severity of trauma exposure. Preoccupied men, in turn, showed intensive affective and behavioral responses, which heightened during extreme stress, while dismissive men showed intensive cognitive and low-intensity affective responses despite the degree of exposure. Thirdly, although there were no differences in early therapy

    You Have Witchcraft in Your Lips : Sensory Witchcraft in Shakespeare\u27s \u3ci\u3eAntony and Cleopatra\u3c/i\u3e and \u3ci\u3eMacbeth\u3c/i\u3e

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    Scholarship on witches and witchcraft within Shakespeare’s plays has been a popular subject for many scholars. But one of Shakespeare’s most famous characters has not yet been integrated into this scholarship: Cleopatra from Antony and Cleopatra. Although scholars have often noted her “witchiness,” none have argued for an interpretation of Cleopatra as a witch. This is because traditional definitions of witchcraft have not been able to include Cleopatra. In comparison, Lady Macbeth from Macbeth has often been cited as the fourth witch in the play. But this interpretation relies upon examining Lady Macbeth’s perceived masculinity, which subsequently also makes her the most reviled in the play. Both Lady Macbeth and Cleopatra are powerful female characters who have witch-like qualities. They are seductive and intimidating and consider their own passions first and foremost. Using the tools within the domestic sphere and their own feminine wiles, the power of witchcraft allowed women to move from affairs of the household to affairs of the state. Shakespeare was clearly interested in the connection between female power and witchcraft. He was not afraid to utilize this feminine power for dramatic purposes, but also recognized its chaotic potential, thus ensuring those endowed with such power must perish or fail. In this thesis, I will explore the historical depiction of the power of witchcraft in conjunction with the senses, arguing that Cleopatra and Lady Macbeth’s manipulation of the senses can be interpreted as witchcraft. This form of witchcraft, which I will refer to as sensory witchcraft, stems from the characters’ innate feminine qualities rather than the taking on of masculine qualities. Advisor: Julia Schlec

    Kauppakeskukset osana kestävää kulutusta ja kaupunkirakennetta

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    Wintertime oxygen regime in some North Savo lakes during the years 1997-2008

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    Pohjois-Savossa seurattiin talviaikaista happitilannetta vuosina 1997-2008. Seurannan kohteena oli neljä pienehköä järveä (Iso-Valkeinen, Kevätön, Kolmisoppi ja Vehmasjärvi), jotka ovat erityyppisiä syvyydeltään, rehevyystasoltaan ja humuspitoisuudeltaan. Näiden esimerkkijärvien oli tarkoitus antaa yleisemminkin viitteitä happitilanteen kehityksestä talven aikana. Alkutalven tulosten perusteella annettiin vuosittain tiedote, jossa arvioitiin happikatojen mahdollisuutta kevättalven kuluessa. Yleisöllä oli myös mahdollisuus seurata happi- ja lämpötilatuloksia Pohjois-Savon ympäristökeskuksen verkkopalvelun kautta. Hapenkulutusnopeus oli rehevimmässä seurantajärvessä kaksinkertainen verrattuna karumpiin ja syvyyden myötä ero vain korostui. Pohjanläheisessä vesikerroksessa 1 mg/l:n happipitoisuus kului karuissa järvissä noin kahdessa viikossa ja rehevässä noin kolmessa päivässä. Vuosien välinen vaihtelu oli kuitenkin hyvin suurta. Vaihtelu oli suurta myös karuissa järvissä. Veden jäätymisajankohdalla ja veden lämpötilalla on merkittävä vaikutus siihen, millainen kevättalven happitilanteesta muodostui. Seurantajärvien aineiston perusteella voidaan karkeasti arvioida, että kuukauden viivästyminen jäätymisessä tai vesipatsaan viilentyminen ennen jäätymistä asteen verran kylmemmäksi merkitsevät noin kolmanneksen korkeampaa happipitoisuutta kevättalvella. Vesipatsaan happitilanteen heikentymisen sekä ravinne- ja rautapitoisuuksien välillä todettiin vahvat yhteydet. Kaikkien järvien aineistossa happitilanteen heikkeneminen johti voimakkaimmin alusveden ammoniumtyppi-, kokonaisfosfori- ja rautapitoisuuksien kasvuun. Pitoisuusmuutokset olivat talven aikana suurimmat rehevimmässä kohdejärvessä, Kevättömässä, jossa kokonaisfosforipitoisuudet keskimäärin kymmenkertaistuivat, fosfaattifosforipitoisuudet kasvoivat keskimäärin 20-kertaisiksi ja rautapitoisuudet yli seitsenkertaisiksi.The oxygen regime of ice-covered lakes was monitored in North Savo during the years 1997-2008. The four relatively small target lakes (Iso-Valkeinen, Kevätön, Kolmisoppi and Vehmasjärvi) varied with regard to their depth, trophy and humic content. The data of the monitoring programme was used to predict the possibility of oxygen depletion during the late winter. Some graphs of the data were also published in the internet several times during winter. The oxygen consumption rate of the most eutrophic target lake was twofold compared to the more oligotrophic lakes and in deeper water depths the difference was amplified. In the hypolimnion near the bottom sediment an oxygen concentration of 1 mg/l was consumed on an average in two weeks in the oligotrophic lakes and in three days in the eutrophic lake. However, there was considerable annual variation in the oligotrophic lakes as well. The date of freezing over and the water temperature of ice-covered lakes have a signicicant impact on the late winter oxygen regime. On the basis of our monitoring data it may be roughly estimated that a delay of one month in the freezing over date or a water mass temperature of one degree Celsius below average will improve the late winter oxygen regime by over 30%. There were strong negative correlations between the oxygen regime and the concentrations of nutrients and iron. The oxygen depletion had a most significant impact on the concentrations of hypolimnetic ammonia, total phosphorus and iron. The water quality changes were most prominent in the eutrophic target lake, where the concentration of phosphorus increased tenfold on an average and the concentration of phosphate even more
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