127 research outputs found

    Генетичка структура популација поточне пастрмке (Salmo trutta L., 1758) у дунавском сливу Хрватске

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    Brown trout is an extremely morphologically and genetically variable species, whose taxonomic status has often changed. Today, eight phylogenetic lineages are known, which are defined as a complex of the species Salmo cf. trutta – Danubian (DA), Atlantic (AT), Mediterranean (ME), marmoratus (MA), Adriatic (AD), Tigris, Duero and Dades. The Western Balkans is an area characterized by the greatest phenotypic and genotypic diversity of trout populations, and a large part of the internal territory belongs to the Black Sea basin, where the Danubian Da1 haplotype is native. Numerous studies of brown trout populations in this area have shown that their genetic diversity has been deteriorated by the introduction of the non-native Atlantic phylogenetic lineage, but also non-native Danubian haplotypes. Breeding of allochthonous lineages and stocking of streams attractive for angling in the Western Balkans has a long history. Research of the genetic structure of farmed populations is not legally regulated, although these populations are often the only available material for stocking. The rivers of the Danube basin in Croatia have been poorly researched in terms of the genetic diversity of brown trout populations. Therefore, the aim of this research was to examine the genetic structure of the populations, their status and the influence of allochthonous lineages on their survival. Fifteen populations in the Danube basin of the central-western and eastern part of Croatia were analyzed. The molecular markers used in this research were: control region of mitochondrial DNA, the L-lactate dehydrogenase nuclear gene locus and eight microsatellite loci. Amplification of the control region was done using appropriate primers, and the obtained sequences were compared with known sequences from previous research in other areas. Restriction analysis of the sequenced L-lactate dehydrogenase locus was performed to assess hybridization between different phylogenetic lineages. Analysis of eight microsatellite loci determined the structure of brown trout populations, as well as the degree of introgression of allochthonous genetic material. Morphometric analysis was performed using the method of geometric morphometry in order to determine variations in body shape between autochthonous and allochthonous lineages, as well as their hybrids. Sequencing the control region of mitochondrial DNA revealed four haplotypes, three of which belong to the Danubian and one to the Atlantic phylogenetic lineage. Only one haplotype (Da1) is considered autochthonous for the researched area. Two haplotypes were described for the first time – Da1f in the Jankovac Stream and Da1g in the River Toplica. Other brown trout haplotypes (Da2, Da22 and At1) most likely entered natural watercourses through uncontrolled stocking from fish farm stocks. Hybrids of the Danubian and Atlantic phylogenetic lineages were identified in all researched rivers, except in the “Vrabac” fish farm where all individuals were “pure” Atlantic. The analysis of microsatellite loci revealed overlapping between populations, confirming a long history of introduction with non-native genetic material, which most likely originates from imported and farmed individuals of the Atlantic phylogenetic lineage. Potential confirmation of the origin of Atlantic brown trout was presented by additional morphometric analysis, which showed the least variation in body shape in Atlantic individuals from the “Vrabac” fish farm and those found in natural watercourses. A clear differentiation in body shape was also established between individuals of the Atlantic lineage on the one side and the Danubian lineage and hybrids on the other. The biggest differences were observed in body height, head length and eye size. The morphological differences between the Danubian lineage and hybrids were not statistically significant...Поточна пастрмка представља изузетно морфолошки и генетички варијабилну врсту чији се таксономски статус често мењао. Данас је познато осам филогенетских линија које су дефинисане као комплекс врсте Salmo cf. trutta – дунавска (DА), атлантска (АТ), медитеранска (МЕ), marmoratus (МА), јадранска (АD), Тигрис, Дуеро и Дадес. Западни Балкан је област коју одликује највећи фенотипски и генотипски диверзитет пастрмских популација, а велики део унутрашње територије припада црноморском сливу у којем је нативан дунавски Dа1 хаплотип. Бројна истраживања популација поточне пастрмке на овом простору показала су да је њихов генетички диверзитет нарушен интродукцијом алохтоне атлантске филогенетске линије, али и ненативних дунавских хаплотипова. Узгој алохтоних линија и порибљавање риболовно атрактивних река на Западном Балкану има дугу историју. Испитивање генетичке структуре гајених популација није законски регулисанo, иако су ове популације најчешће једини доступни материјал за порибљавање. Реке дунавског слива у Хрватској слабо су истражене с аспекта генетичког диверзитета популација поточне пастрмке и зато је циљ овог истраживања био испитивање генетичке структуре популација, њиховог статуса и утицаја алохтоних линија на њихов опстанак. Анализирано је 15 популација у дунавском сливу централно-западног и источног дела Хрватске. Молекуларни маркери коришћени у овом истраживању били су: контролни регион митоходријске ДНК, локус једарног гена Л-лактат дехидрогеназе и осам микросателитских локуса. Амплификација контролног региона урађена је употребом одговарајућих прајмера, а добијене секвенце упоређене су са познатим секвенцама из претходних истраживања на другим подручјима. Рестрикционом анализом секвенцираног локуса Л-лактат дехидрогеназе процењено је укрштање између различитих филогенетских линија. Анализом осам микросателитксих локуса утврђена је структура популација поточне пастрмке, као и степен интрогресије алохтоног генетичког материјала у аутохотни. Морфометријске анализе урађене су методом геометријске морфометрије како би се утврдиле варијације у облику тела између аутохтоних и алохтоних линија, али и њихових хибрида. Секвенцирањем је идентификовано четири хаплотипова, од којих три припадају дунавској, а један атлантској филогенетској линији. Само један хаплотип (Dа1) сматра се аутохтоним за истражено подручје. Два хаплотипа описана су први пут – Da1f на локалитету Јанковац-поток и Da1g у реци Топлица. Остали хаплотипови поточне пастрмке (Da2, Da22 и At1) највероватније су доспели у природне водотокове неконтролисаним порибљавањем из рибњачких популација. Хибриди дунавске и атлантске филогенетске линије идентификовани су у свим истраженим рекама, осим у рибњаку „Врабац” где су све јединке „чисте” атлантске. Анализом микросателитских локуса утврђена је велика измешаност међу популацијама, потврђујући дугу историју интродукције ненативним генетичким материјалом, који највероватније потиче из увезених и гајених јединки атлантске филогенетске линије. Потенцијална потврда о пореклу атлантских пастрмки представљена је додатним морфометријским анализама, које су показале најмање варијације у облику тела код атлантских јединки поточне пастрмке из рибњака „Врабац” и оних нађених у природним водотоковима. Такође је утврђена јасна диференцијација у облику тела између јединки атлантске линије с једне стране и дунавске линије и хибрида с друге стране. Највеће разлике уочене су у висини тела, дужини главе и величини очију. Морфолошке разлике између дунавке линије и хибрида нису биле статистички значајне..

    State estimation of active distribution networks integrated in distribution manage-ment system

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    U disertaciji je predstavljen postupak distributivne estimacije stanja (DES) za moderne distributivne mreže sa distributivnim energetskim resursima (aktivne distributivne mreže) koji je integrisan u distribtivni menadžment sistem (DMS). Integracija postupka DES u DMS se sastoji od sledećeg: 1) postupak DES se naslanja na jedinstvenu bazu podataka DMS i 2) rezultati dobijeni proračunom DES koriste se u velikom broju ostalih funkcija DMS u realnom vremenu. U disertaciji je opisana ideja brze, robusne i veoma efikasne DES u realnom vremenu. NJena brzina je rezultat redukcije neopservabilnih delova mreže (bez telemetrisanih vrednosti merenja) u matematički model mreže. Ona je robusna jer je kreirana tako da može da se primeni nezavisno od stepena automatizacije distributivne – od mreže koje raspolaže samo sa istorijskim podacima, do mreže koja je u potpunosti daljinski kontrolisana. Glavni aspekt ove disertacije jeste potvrda efikasnosti DES u realnom okruženju kako za uravnotežene distributivne mreže u simetričnim i nesimetričnim režimima, tako i za neuravnotežene distributivne mreže (u nesimetričnim režimima).The dissertation presents the procedure of distributive state estimation (DSE) for modern distribution networks with distributed energy resources (active distribution networks) which is integrated into the distribution management system (DMS). The integration of the DES procedure into the DMS consists of the following: 1) the DES procedure relies on a single DMS database and 2) the results obtained by the DES calculation are used in a large number of other real-time DMS functions. The dissertation describes the idea of fast, robust and very efficient real - time DES. Its speed is the result of the reduction of non-observable parts of the network (without telemetry measurement values) into a mathematical model of the network. It is robust because it is designed so that it can be applied regardless of the degree of automation of the distribution - from a network that has only historical data, to a network that is fully remotely controlled. The main aspect of this dissertation is the confirmation of its efficiency in the real environment for both balanced and unbalanced distribution networks

    Histochemical and immunohistochemical analyses of the myocardial scar fallowing acute myocardial infarction

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    Background/Aim. The heart has traditionally been considered as a static organ without capacity of regeneration after trauma. Currently, the more and more often asked question is whether the heart has any intrinsic capacities to regenerate myocytes after myocardial infarction. The aim of this study was to present the existence of the preserved muscle fibers in the myocardial scar following myocardial infarction as well as the presence of numerous cells of various size and form that differently reacted to the used immunohistochemical antibodies. Methods. Histological, histochemical and immunohistochemical analyses of myocardial sections taken from 177 patients who had died of acute myocardial infarction and had the myocardial scar following myocardial infarction, were carried out. More sections taken both from the site of acute infarction and scar were examined by the following methods: hematoxylin-eosin (HE), periodic acid schiff (PAS), PAS-diastasis, Masson trichrom, Malory, van Gieson, vimentin, desmin, myosin, myoglobin, alpha actin, smoth muscle actin (SMA), p53, leukocyte common antigen (LCA), proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), Ki-67, actin HHF35, CD34, CD31, CD45, CD45Ro, CD8, CD20. Results. In all sections taken from the scar region, larger or smaller islets of the preserved muscle fibers with the signs of hypertrophy were found. In the scar, a large number of cells of various size and form: spindle, oval, elongated with abundant cytoplasm, small with one nucleus and cells with scanty cytoplasm, were found. The present cells differently reacted to histochemical and immunohistochemical methods. Large oval cells showed negative reaction to lymphocytic and leukocytic markers, and positive to alpha actin, actin HHF35, Ki-67, myosin, myoglobin and desmin. Elongated cells were also positive to those markers. Small mononuclear cells showed positive reaction to lymphocytic markers. Endothelial and smooth muscle cells in the blood vessel walls were positive to CD34 and CD31, and smooth muscle cells to SMA. Oval and elongated cells were positive to PCNA and Ki-67. The preserved muscle fibers in the scar were positive to myosin, myoglobin and desmin as well as elongated and oval cells. Other cells were negative to these markers. Conclusion. Our findings speak that myocardial regeneration is maybe possible and develops in human ischemic heart damages and that the myocardium is not a static organ without capacity of cell regeneration

    Heart in anatomy history, radiology, anthropology and art

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    Background: Anthropologic, artistic and medical significance of heart inspired usto undertake this multidisciplinary study.Materials and methods: Amongst the 24 obtained echocardiograms and phonograms, 1 was used for a Photoshop processing. In addition, over 20,000 art work reproductions were examined in this study.Results: Artistic and symbolic presentation of heart started some 15,000 years ago. First heart models were made by the Egyptian and Olmec civilisations. Ancient cultures regarded heart as the seat of the soul, spirit and intelligence. First anatomical and artistic images of heart were created by Leonardo da Vinci in the15th century, and first wax models by the Italian anatomists in the 17th century. Mediaeval religious symbolism of heart was replaced in the Renaissance and later on mainly by its role in the romantic love. Anatomical heart art continued in the 18th and 19th centuries through the works of Sénac, Cloquet, Hirschfeldand Bourgery. Some modern artists, such as Dalí, Kahlo, Rivera, Warhol, Ivanjicki, Vital, Kober and Mastrlova, created the anatomical heart images or sculptures, whereas some others, such as Duchamp, Klee, Miró, Matisse and Dine, presented heart symbol in their artworks. New radiologic technologies produce fine images of heart, some of which are similar to the works of modern artists.Conclusions: Heart biology and symbolism have had a tremendous influence on our culture, including art and medical sciences. New radiologic techniques and computer technology have produced such images of heart, which substantially improved diagnosis, but also enhanced the heart aesthetics

    Sudden death: Neurogenic causes, prediction and prevention

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    Sudden death is a major health problem all over the world. The most common causes of sudden death are cardiac but there are also other causes such as neurological conditions (stroke, epileptic attacks and brain trauma), drugs, catecholamine toxicity, etc. A common feature of all these diverse pathologies underlying sudden death is the imbalance of the autonomic nervous system control of the cardiovascular system. This paper reviews different pathologies underlying sudden death with emphasis on the autonomic nervous system contribution, possibilities of early diagnosis and prognosis of sudden death using various clinical markers including autonomic markers (heart rate variability and baroreflex sensitivity), present possibilities of management and promising prevention by electrical neuromodulation

    Diagnosis and results of treatment of heart myxoma

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    Background/Aim. Myxoma is the most common benign primary cardiac neoplasm, and usually originates from the left atrial septum. Early diagnosis of cardiac myxomas depends on a high index of a clinical suspicion. Surgical management must be done as soon as possible after diagnosis. The aim of this retrospective study was to present diagnostics and treatment outcome data of 61 patients with cardiac myxoma treated in the Military Medical Academy, Belgrade during a 49-years period. Methods. Intrahospital diagnosis was established in all the patients by the cardiologist. Diagnostic methods were various, in dependence on the examination period and suspected diagnosis. Results. Within a 49-years period (1961-2009) heart myxoma was diagnozed and treated in 61 patients in the Military Medical Academy, Belgrade. Most of the operated patients were females (38 or 62.3%). The operated patients were 19-68 years old. Average age of all the patients was 47.9%. The great majority of them (98.4%) had atrial, and only one operated patient had ventricular myxoma. In 13 (21.3%) of the patients heart myxoma was found out accidentally due to no previous cardiologic symptomatology. In most patients (27.44%) symptomatology was presented as thromboembolic disease. Because of the suspected ventricular myxoma in one patient, the patient was operated on, but Hodgkin's lymphoma was found out which, according to the subsequent course of the disease, could be justifiably recognized as primary heart lymphoma. This study presented brief descriptions of the course of the disease in 4 patients with myxomas in each of the cardiac cavities. Conclusion. The only diagnostic difficulty in cardiac myxoma is due to its asymptomatic and oligosymptomatic presence within the longer period of time, namely, its growth period. Echocardiography should be the standard method of cardiologic examination of these patients, which could considerably contribute to early diagnosis and treatment of heart myxoma. Surgical extirpation of myxoma is the only and very successful therapeutic method

    Mechanisms of endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation induced by procyanidin B2 in venous bypass graft

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    Cardioprotective abilities of procyanidins, might, at least in part, attribute to their vasodilator properties. The present study was undertaken to assess the vasorelaxant effect of procyanidin B2 on isolated human saphenous vein (HSV) and its underlying mechanisms. Procyanidin B2 relaxed phenylephrine-induced contraction of HSV rings in concentration-dependent manner. The relaxation was dependent on the presence of endothelium and was strongly affected by l-NAME, hydroxocobalamin or ODQ, the inhibitors of NO/cGMP pathway. Indomethacin significantly affected only the relaxation produced by the highest concentrations of procyanidin B2. Apamin and TRAM-34 combination, in the presence of l-NAME and indomethacin, did not additionally decreased procyanidin B2-induced relaxation. In the presence of K+ channel blockers, relaxation induced by procyanidin B2 was partially attenuated by 4-aminopyridine, significantly inhibited by glibenclamide and almost abolished by iberiotoxin. Procyanidin B2 also relaxed the contractions induced by phenylephrine or caffeine in Ca2+-free solution. Finally, nifedipine slightly, while thapsigargin strongly antagonized HSV relaxation. Our results indicate that procyanidin B2 induces endothelium-dependent relaxation of HSV, which results primarily from stimulation of NO production, as well K+ channels opening, especially BKCa, and partially KATP and KV. Regulation of the intracellular Ca2+ release and inhibition of Ca2+ influx probably cont

    Ultrastructural characteristics of the vascular wall components of ruptured atherosclerotic abdominal aortic aneurysm

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    The aim of this study was to determine the ultrastructural characteristics of cell populations and extracellular matrix components in the wall of ruptured atherosclerotic abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). We analyzed 20 samples of ruptured AAA. For orientation to the light microscopy, we used routine histochemical techniques by standard procedures. For ultrastructural analysis, we applied transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Our results have shown that ruptured AAA is characterized by the remains of an advanced atherosclerotic lesion in the intima followed by a complete absence of endothelial cells, the disruption of basal membrane and disruption of internal elastic lamina. On plaque margins as well as in the inner media we observed smooth muscle cells (SMCs) that posses a euchromatic nucleus, a well-developed granulated endoplasmic reticulum around the nucleus and reduced myofilaments. The remains of the ruptured lipid core were acellular in all samples; however, on the lateral sides of ruptured plaque we observed a presence of two types of foam cells (FCs), spindle- and star-shaped. Fusiform FCs possess a well-differentiated basal lamina, caveolae and electron dense bodies, followed by a small number of lipid droplets in the cytoplasm. Star-shaped FCs contain a large number of lipid droplets and do not possess basal lamina. On the inner margins of the plaque, we observed a large number of cells undergoing apoptosis and necrosis, extracellular lipid droplets as well as a large number of lymphocytes. The media was thinned out with disorganized elastic lamellas, while the adventitia exhibited leukocyte infiltration. The presented results suggest that atherosclerotic plaque in ruptured AAA contains vascular SMC synthetic phenotype and two different types of FCs: some were derived from monocyte/macrophage lineage, while others were derived from SMCs of synthetic phenotype. The striking plaque hypocellularity was the result of apoptosis and necrosis of different cell populations

    Contemporary approach to primary prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism regarding the impact of risk factors on anticoagulation therapy duration

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    Odgovarajuća tromboprofilaksa podrazumeva pravovremeno identifikovanje reverzibilnih i ireverzibilnih faktora rizika za venski tromboembolizam (VTE), kao i njihovu kategorizaciju. Podaci da najveći procenat plućnih embolija nastaje kod bolesnika sa nehirurškim oboljenjima i da se kod hirurški lečenih bolesnika VTE uglavnom javlja posle otpusta iz bolnice nameću potrebu za odgovarajućom zaštitom od VTE osoba obolelih od inflamatornih oboljenja, akutnih bolesti i drugih nehirurških oboljenja, kao i produženjem i optimalizacijom antikoagulantnog režima posle hirurških intervencija u primarnoj profilaksi VTE. Kao gotovo potpuno neprepoznate i u praksi zanemarene značajne faktore rizika za VTE posebno ističemo hroničnu opstruktivnu bolest pluća (HOBP) i insuficijenciju srca, naročito kod bolesnika koji pripadaju trećoj i četvrtoj funkcionalnoj klasi prema klasifikaciji Njujorškog udruženja za srce (NYHA III i IV) sa značajno smanjenom funkcijom leve komore. Postoji opasnost da se kod bolesnika sa HOBP znaci dispneje i kašalj jednostrano pogrešno protumače kao tipični simptomi uzrokovani isključivo osnovnom respiratornom bolešću, a da se znaci pogoršanja oboljenja kod osoba s insuficijencijom srca pripišu samo pogoršanju kardijalnog statusa, zanemarujući mogućnost da je u osnovi reč o plućnom tromboembolizmu koji nije na odgovarajući način prepoznat i lečen. Savremeni način života pogoduje nastanku novih faktora rizika za VTE, kao što je 'putnička' tromboza, naročito kod osoba koje lete na dugačkim avionskim linijama, kao i ljudi koji veći deo dana sede ispred kompjutera (engl. e-thrombosis). Utvrđivanje i prepoznavanje faktora rizika za VTE, naročito zanemarenih nehirurških, i istovremenog postojanja višestrukih faktora rizika u određenom vremenskom intervalu neophodno je radi određivanja odgovarajućeg antikoagulantnog terapijskog režima kod bolesnika s nehirurškim oboljenjima i onih koji su hirurški lečeni u primarnoj prevenciji VTE.Adequate thromboprophylaxis primarily requires timely detection of reversible and irreversible risk factors of venous thromboembolism (VTE) and their categorization. It is important to note that the highest percentage of VTE episodes occur in non-surgical (medical) patients and that VTE develops in a large number of surgical patients upon hospital discharge; this emphasizes the need for adequate VTE prevention in inflammatory diseases, acute medical illness and other medical diseases as well as for prolonging and optimizing the anticoagulant regimen after surgical intervention in the primary VTE prophylaxis. As almost completely unrecognized and neglected major risk factors of VTE in clinical practice, we particularly point out the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and heart failure, especially in NYHA functional class III and IV patients with significantly reduced left heart ventricle. It is necessary to raise clinicians' awareness of a potential danger from wrongly and one-sidedly interpreted dyspnea and coughing signs in patients with COPD as typical symptoms of basic respiratory disease as well as from ascribing the signs of disease aggravation in heart failure patients exclusively to cardial status worsening, neglecting the possibility of having unrecognized and untreated pulmonary embolism at issue. Contemporary way of life enhances the development of new VTE risk factors such as traveler's thrombosis, in particular during long-haul flights as well as in individuals sitting at a computer for prolonged periods (e-thrombosis). Determining and recognizing VTE risk factors, especially those formerly neglected nonsurgical ones and simultaneous presence of multiple risk factors within a given period is required for defining an adequate anticoagulant regimen in primary VTE prophylaxis for surgical and non-surgical (medical) patients