1,993 research outputs found

    Simultaneous precise editing of multiple genes in human cells

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    Abstract. When double-strand breaks are introduced in a genome by CRISPR they are repaired either by non-homologous end joining (NHEJ), which often results i

    Epidemiology of hip fracture in Belarus: development of a country-specific FRAX model and its comparison to neighboring country models

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    Summary Fracture probabilities resulting from the newly generated FRAX model for Belarus based on regional estimates of the hip fracture incidence were compared with FRAX models of neighboring countries. Differences between the country-specific FRAX patterns and the rank orders of fracture probabilities were modest. Objective This paper describes the epidemiology of hip fractures in Belarus that was used to develop the country-specific fracture prediction FRAX® tool and illustrates its features compared to models for the neighboring countries of Poland, Russia, and Lithuania. Methods We carried out a population-based study in a region of Belarus (the city of Mozyr) representing approximately 1.2% of the country’s population. We aimed to identify all hip fractures in 2011–2012 from hospital registers and primary care sources. Age- and sex-specific incidence and national mortality rates were incorporated into a FRAX model for Belarus. Fracture probabilities were compared with those derived from FRAX models in neighboring countries. Results The estimated number of hip fractures nationwide in persons over the age of 50 years for 2015 was 8250 in 2015 and is predicted to increase to 12,918 in 2050. The annual incidence of fragility hip fractures in individuals aged 50 years or more was 24.6/10,000 for women and 14.6/10,000 for men, standardized to the world population. The comparison with FRAX models in neighboring countries showed that hip fracture probabilities in men and women in Belarus were similar to those in Poland, Russia, and Lithuania. The difference in incidence rates between the surveys including or excluding data from primary care suggested that 29.1% of patients sustaining a hip fracture were not hospitalized and, therefore, did not receive specialized medical care. Conclusion A substantial proportion of hip fractures in Belarus does not come to hospital attention. The FRAX model should enhance accuracy of determining fracture probability among the Belarus population and help guide decisions about treatment

    FRAX™ and the assessment of fracture probability in men and women from the UK

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    SUMMARY: A fracture risk assessment tool (FRAX) is developed based on the use of clinical risk factors with or without bone mineral density tests applied to the UK. INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to apply an assessment tool for the prediction of fracture in men and women with the use of clinical risk factors (CRFs) for fracture with and without the use of femoral neck bone mineral density (BMD). The clinical risk factors, identified from previous meta-analyses, comprised body mass index (BMI, as a continuous variable), a prior history of fracture, a parental history of hip fracture, use of oral glucocorticoids, rheumatoid arthritis and other secondary causes of osteoporosis, current smoking, and alcohol intake 3 or more units daily. METHODS: Four models were constructed to compute fracture probabilities based on the epidemiology of fracture in the UK. The models comprised the ten-year probability of hip fracture, with and without femoral neck BMD, and the ten-year probability of a major osteoporotic fracture, with and without BMD. For each model fracture and death hazards were computed as continuous functions. RESULTS: Each clinical risk factor contributed to fracture probability. In the absence of BMD, hip fracture probability in women with a fixed BMI (25 kg/m(2)) ranged from 0.2% at the age of 50 years for women without CRF's to 22% at the age of 80 years with a parental history of hip fracture (approximately 100-fold range). In men, the probabilities were lower, as was the range (0.1 to 11% in the examples above). For a major osteoporotic fracture the probabilities ranged from 3.5% to 31% in women, and from 2.8% to 15% in men in the example above. The presence of one or more risk factors increased probabilities in an incremental manner. The differences in probabilities between men and women were comparable at any given T-score and age, except in the elderly where probabilities were higher in women than in men due to the higher mortality of the latter. CONCLUSION: The models provide a framework which enhances the assessment of fracture risk in both men and women by the integration of clinical risk factors alone and/or in combination with BMD

    Epidemiology of fractures in Armenia: development of a country-specific FRAX model and comparison to its surrogate

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    Summary: Fracture probabilities derived from the surrogate FRAX model for Armenia were compared to those from the model based on regional estimates of the incidence of hip fracture. Disparities between the surrogate and authentic FRAX models indicate the importance of developing country-specific FRAX models. Despite large differences between models, differences in the rank order of fracture probabilities were minimal. Objective: Armenia has relied on a surrogate FRAX model based on the fracture epidemiology of Romania. This paper describes the epidemiology of fragility fractures in Armenia used to create an Armenia-specific FRAX model with an aim of comparing this new model with the surrogate model. Methods: We carried out a population-based study in two regions of Armenia (Ararat and Vayots Dzor representing approximately 11% of the country’s population). We aimed to identify all low-energy fractures: retrospectively from hospital registers in 2011–2012 and prospectively in 2013 with the inclusion of primary care sources. Results: The differences in incidence between the surveys with and without data from primary care suggested that 44% of patients sustaining a hip fracture did not receive specialized medical care. A similar proportion of forearm and humeral fractures did not come to hospital attention (48 and 49%, respectively). Only 57.7% of patients sustaining a hip fracture were hospitalized. In 2013, hip fracture incidence at the age of 50 years or more was 201/100,000 for women and 136/100,000 for men, and age- and sex-specific rates were incorporated into the new “authentic” FRAX model for Armenia. Compared to the surrogate model, the authentic model gave lower 10-year fracture probabilities in men and women aged less than 70 years but substantially higher above this age. Notwithstanding, there were very close correlations in fracture probabilities between the surrogate and authentic models ( >  0.99) so that the revisions had little impact on the rank order of risk. Conclusion: A substantial proportion of major osteoporotic fractures in Armenia do not come to hospital attention. The disparities between surrogate and authentic FRAX models indicate the importance of developing country-specific FRAX models. Despite large differences between models, differences in the rank order of fracture probabilities were minimal

    The Utility and Limitations of FRAX: A US Perspective

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    The FRAX calculator is a major achievement in terms of our understanding of measuring fracture risk. Along with being an easily accessible web-based tool, it is the only model based on extensive data on multiple cohorts. FRAX will help clinicians identify individuals who need osteoporosis treatments, while also screening out those who do not require osteoporosis treatments. However, FRAX is limited by a number of factors. Although it is web based, few physicians have the means to access it. It also assumes that body mass index and mortality are constant across different racial and ethnic groups. FRAX is further limited by the exclusion of variables known to be associated with fracture risk, lack of dose-response relationships for variables, increased subsequent fracture risk after initial fracture, restriction to only one bone mineral density site, racial and ethnic differences that may influence fracture risk, and availability of racial and ethnic fracture risk data to be used in the FRAX calculator. Finally, the values obtained from FRAX should not take the place of good clinical judgment

    Treatment of malignant hypercalcaemia with aminohexane bisphosphonate (neridronate).

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    Twenty patients with hypercalcaemia due to malignancy, which persisted following rehydration, were treated with the bisphosphonate, aminohexane bisphosphonate (AHBP), which is structurally similar to pamidronate. The treatment given was a single infusion of 125 mg of AHBP in 500 ml of normal saline infused over 4 h. Serum and urine biochemistry were measured before and after treatment. Acute toxicity was evaluated with particular attention to gastrointestinal symptoms, acute-phase reaction and change in renal function, as judged by serum creatinine. The infusion of AHBP induced a rapid fall apparent by day 3 (P < 0.001), with a nadir at day 7. The serum calcium remained lower at days 14 and 28 than at day 0, but the numbers followed up were low (n = 5 and n = 4). In all 20 patients there was a fall in serum calcium after treatment, and in 13 (65%) normocalcaemia was achieved. Failure to respond completely to AHBP appeared to be associated with a renal mechanism of hypercalcaemia. Treatment was associated with a significant decrease in fasting urinary calcium excretion (P < 0.05). There was no change in white cell count or renal function following AHBP and only two cases of mild pyrexia after infusion. We conclude that aminohexane bisphosphonate is an effective agent in the treatment of tumour-induced hypercalcaemia, with rapid onset of effect and low toxicity

    Effective treatment of malignant hypercalcaemia with a single intravenous infusion of clodronate.

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    Thirty patients with hypercalcaemia due to malignancy that persisted following rehydration, were treated with a single dose of the bisphosphonate, clodronate. Clodronate (1.5 g) was administered intravenously in 500 ml normal saline over 4 h. Serum and urine biochemistry were measured before and after treatment and the results were compared with data from 15 patients given the recommended regimen 300 mg intravenous clodronate daily for 5 consecutive days. The single infusion induced a rapid and significant fall in serum calcium, apparent at day 3 (P < 0.0001) that persisted to the end of follow-up at day 10 (P < 0.001). Eighty per cent (24/30) of patients became normocalcaemic. The response was associated with a significant decrease in fasting urinary calcium excretion, and no change in renal function, as judged by serum creatinine. The same dose of clodronate, given as 5 daily infusions, induced a comparable decrease in serum calcium, but was less rapid in onset so that at day 3 the serum calcium was significantly lower with the single infusion (P = 0.02). The calcium lowering effect of both regimens depended on the tumour type. We conclude that the single infusion of 1500 mg clodronate is as effective in reducing serum calcium as the same dose given over 5 days. The single infusion has a more rapid onset of effect, is more convenient than multiple infusions, and has no adverse effect on renal function

    A high incidence of vertebral fracture in women with breast cancer

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    Because treatment for breast cancer may adversely affect skeletal metabolism, we investigated vertebral fracture risk in women with non-metastatic breast cancer. The prevalence of vertebral fracture was similar in women at the time of first diagnosis to that in an age-matched sample of the general population. The incidence of vertebral fracture, however, was nearly five times greater than normal in women from the time of first diagnosis [odds ratio (OR), 4.7; 95% confidence interval (95% CI), 2.3–9.9], and 20-fold higher in women with soft-tissue metastases without evidence of skeletal metastases (OR, 22.7; 95% CI, 9.1–57.1). We conclude that vertebral fracture risk is markedly increased in women with breast cancer. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig