51 research outputs found

    Herpes Simplex Virus Type-2 Cervicovaginal Shedding Among Women Living With HIV-1 and Receiving Antiretroviral Therapy in Burkina Faso: An 8-Year Longitudinal Study.

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    BACKGROUND: The impact of antiretroviral therapy (ART) on herpes simplex virus type-2 (HSV-2) replication is unclear. The aim of this study was to assess factors associated with cervicovaginal HSV-2 DNA shedding and genital ulcer disease (GUD) in a cohort of women living with human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) in Burkina Faso. METHODS: Participants were screened for cervicovaginal HSV-2 DNA, GUD, cervicovaginal and systemic HIV-1 RNA, and reproductive tract infections every 3-6 months over 8 years. Associations with HSV-2 shedding and quantity were examined using random-effects logistic and linear regression, respectively. RESULTS: Of the 236 women with data on HSV-2 shedding, 151 took ART during the study period. Cervicovaginal HSV-2 DNA was detected in 42% of women (99 of 236) in 8.2% of visits (151 of 1848). ART was associated with a reduction in the odds of HSV-2 shedding, which declined for each year of ART use (odds ratio [OR], 0.74; 95% confidence interval [CI], .59-.92). In the multivariable model, the impact of ART was primarily associated with suppression of systemic HIV-1 RNA (adjusted OR, 0.32; 95% CI, .15-.67). A reduction in the odds of GUD was also observed during ART, mainly in those with HIV-1 suppression (adjusted OR, 0.53; 95% CI, .25-1.11). CONCLUSIONS: ART is strongly associated with a decrease in cervicovaginal HSV-2 shedding, and the impact was sustained over several years

    Design and challenges of a large HIV prevention clinical study on mother-to-child transmission: ANRS 12397 PROMISE-EPI study in Zambia and Burkina Faso

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    Under embargo until: 2022-04-23Post-natal HIV infection through breastfeeding remains a challenge in many low and middle-income countries, particularly due to non-availability of alternative infant feeding options and the suboptimal Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV-1 (PMTCT) cascade implementation and monitoring. The PROMISE-EPI study aims to address the latter by identifying HIV infected mothers during an almost never-missed visit for their infant, the second extended program on immunization visit at 6–8 weeks of age (EPI-2). The study is divided into 3 components inclusive of an open-label randomized controlled trial aiming to assess the efficacy of a responsive preventive intervention compared to routine intervention based on the national PMTCT guidelines for HIV-1 uninfected exposed breastfeeding infants. The preventive intervention includes: a) Point of care testing for early infant HIV diagnosis and maternal viral load; b) infant, single-drug Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) (lamivudine) if mothers are virally unsuppressed. The primary outcome is HIV-transmission rate from EPI-2 to 12 months. The study targets to screen 37,000 mother/infant pairs in Zambia and Burkina Faso to identify 2000 mother/infant pairs for the clinical trial. The study design and challenges faced during study implementation are described, including the COVID-19 pandemic and the amended HIV guidelines in Zambia in 2020 (triple-drug PrEP in HIV exposed infants guided by quarterly maternal viral load). The changes in the Zambian guidelines raised several questions including the equipoise of PrEP options, the standard of care-triple-drug (control arm in Zambia) versus the study-single-drug (intervention arm).acceptedVersio

    Comparison of Serum HBsAg Quantitation by Four Immunoassays, and Relationships of HBsAg Level with HBV Replication and HBV Genotypes

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    BACKGROUND: The decline in hepatitis B virus surface antigen (HBsAg) may be an early predictor of the viral efficacy of Hepatitis B virus (HBV) therapy. The HBsAg levels obtained by different immunoassays now need comparing and the relationships between levels of HBsAg and HBV DNA alongside HBsAg and genotype must be evaluated. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: HBsAg levels were compared among 80 patients using the Abbott Architect assay, a commercial immunoassay approved for HBsAg detection and quantitation, and three other assays derived from immunoassays approved for HBsAg detection (manufactured by Diasorin, Bio-Rad and Roche). Good correlation was found between the Abbot vs. Diasorin, Bio-Rad and Roche assays with narrow 95% limits of agreement and small mean differences: -0.06 to 0.11, -0.09 log(10) IU/mL; -0.57 to 0.64, -0.04 log(10) IU/mL; -0.09 to 0.45, -0.27 log(10) IU/mL, respectively. These agreements were not affected by genotypes A or D. HBsAg was weakly correlated with HBV DNA, whatever the HBsAg assay used: Abbott, ρ = 0.36 p = 0.001, Diasorin ρ = 0.34, p = 0.002; Bio-Rad ρ = 0.37, p<0.001; or Roche ρ = 0.41, p<0.001. This relationship between levels of HBsAg and HBV DNA seemed to depend on genotypes. Whereas HBsAg (Abbott assay) tended to correlate with HBV DNA for genotype A (ρ = 0.44, p = 0.02), no such correlation was significant for genotypes D (ρ = 0.29, p = 0.15). CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: The quantitation of HBsAg in routine clinical samples is comparable between the reference assay and the adapted assays with acceptable accuracy limits, low levels of variability and minimum discrepancy. While HBsAg quantitation is not affected by HBV genotype, the observed association between levels of HBsAg and HBV DNA seems genotype dependent

    Development of biological alternative tools and strategies for HIV, HBV and HCV diagnosing and monitoring in developing countries

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    Le diagnostic et le suivi des infections par le VIH, VHB et VHC restent un défi dans les pays à faibles ressources qui sont par ailleurs les plus touchés. Il est urgent de pouvoir disposer d'outils de biologie simples, fiables et peu chers pour le contrôle de ces infections virales. Le défi est immense d'un point de vue clinique et politique de santé. L'objectif de ce travail de recherche effectué dans le cadre de la présente thèse est de développer et valider des stratégies et de nouveaux outils de biologie adaptés au diagnostic et au suivi des hépatites virales et de l'infection VIH dans les pays à ressources limitées. Dans un premier temps, nous avons investigué sur les résultats de sérologie VIH discordants, car en biologie et en pratique clinique, il est important d'établir le statut sérologique réel des personnes dépistées avec des résultats clairs pour une prise de décision adéquate à l'échelle individuelle. Dans ce travail, nous avons trouvé que les résultats discordants par l'algorithme de dépistage des femmes enceintes au Burkina Faso, étaient dans 94% des cas de faux positifs dus au test Determine™ HIV-1/2 et 4% de faux négatifs liés au test Genie II™ HIV-1/HIV-2. En matière de santé publique, les femmes présentant ce type de résultat peuvent être considérées comme séronégatives dans les centres où des investigations supplémentaires ne sont pas possibles, surtout dans les pays comme le Burkina Faso où la prévalence de l'infection est basse avec une faible diversité génétique. Dans un second temps, nous avons focalisé nos travaux sur la faisabilité d'une stratégie de dépistage qui combine la détection des trois infections (VIH, VHB et VHC) sur une seule carte DBS. Dans cette étude pilote, nous avons démontré que le DBS collecté en parallèle au test rapide VIH dans un centre de dépistage volontaire permet d'une part de faire la confirmation du VIH par immunoblot, et d'autre part de compléter par le diagnostic des hépatites B et C par ELISA suivi de western blot et PCR pour la confirmation pour le VHC. Cette stratégie peut servir de modèle pour promouvoir et vulgariser le dépistage des hépatites virales B et C dans les pays à ressources limitées. Le DBS peut servir de contrôle et de confirmation du diagnostic du VIH, VHB et VHC. Par la suite, nous avons évalué la performance de deux tests de 4ème génération immunoluminométriques (Elecsys® HIV Combi PT assay, Roche Diagnostics et Liaison® XL Murex HIV Ab/Ag test, DiaSorin) sur des échantillons séchés sur papier filtre en comparaison au test de diagnostic rapide et aux échantillons de sérum frais prélevés chez les patients en primo-infection VIH. Ces travaux ont clairement montré que les deux tests de 4ème génération réalisés sur papier filtre offrent de bonnes performances dans le diagnostic de la primo-infection par rapport aux tests de diagnostic rapide sur sérum frais. Cette méthode peut être utilisée pour détecter précocement le VIH chez les personnes difficiles à atteindre et les populations vivant dans des zones périphériques des pays à ressources limitées. Enfin, nous avons mis au point une technique de PCR en temps réel de détection et de quantification de l'ADN du VHB. A cet effet, nous sommes partis de deux PCR « maison » ciblant deux régions génomiques différentes (gène X pour la qPCR 1 et gène S pour la qPCR 2) en comparaison à un test commercial de charge virale (Cobas AmpliPrep/Cobas TaqMan HBV Test, version 2.0, Roche Diagnostics). La qPCR 2 avec un seuil de détection à 91 UI/ml (vs 104 UI/ml pour la qPCR 1) a montré une meilleure performance dans la quantification de l'ADN du VHB. Cette qPCR 2 peu chère est aujourd'hui produite sous forme de kit par une start-up appelée OMUNIS. Ce kit en développement fera l'objet d'une évaluation multicentrique en France, en Afrique et en Asie du Sud-Est à travers un réseau de laboratoires sous la promotion de l'ANRS.Diagnosis and management of hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV infections are a real challenge in middle and low-income countries. There is an urgent need for simple, reliable and inexpensive tools to control these infections in high prevalence sittings like Africa and Asia. The challenge is immense in clinical and public health policy hands. The main goal of this research work performed for our PhD is the development and validation of strategies and tools to diagnose and monitor HIV, HBV and HCV infections in resource-constrained countries. At a first step, we investigated the results of HIV discordant results, since it is important to establish the real HIV status of people tested with clear results for appropriate decision-making in biological and clinical practice. This work show that discordant results obtained in the algorithm of HIV screening among pregnant women in Burkina Faso, are false positive results in 94% of cases due to the Determine™ HIV-1/2 immunochromatographic test and false negative results in 4% of cases due to the Genie II ™ HIV-1 / HIV-2 test. In public health practice, women with this type of result can be considered as negative for HIV testing in centers where additional investigations are not possible, especially in countries like Burkina Faso with a low incidence and a low genetic diversity of HIV.In a second step, we focused our work on the feasibility of a screening strategy that detects HIV, HBV and HCV infections into a single card of DBS. In this pilot study, we demonstrated that DBS collected in parallel to HIV rapid testing in a voluntary counseling and testing center allows HIV confirmation using immunoblotting, and an additional testing by diagnosing HBV and HCV using ELISA followed by immunoblotting and PCR for HCV confirmation. This strategy can serve as a model to promote and scale-up the screening of HBV and HCV in resource-limited countries. DBS can be served as control and confirmation of HIV, HBV and HCV diagnosis. Furthermore, we evaluated the performance of two 4th generation chemiluminescent immunoassays (Elecsys HIV Combi PT assay, Roche Diagnostics and Liaison XL Murex HIV Ab/Ag test, DiaSorin) tested on filter paper samples in comparison to rapid diagnostic test and fresh serum samples from patients with acute HIV infection. These studies have clearly shown that the two 4th generation tests performed on filter paper offer good performance in terms of sensitivity for the diagnosis of HIV infection in its early phases compared with rapid diagnostic tests. This approach may be used in combination with HIV rapid tests in hard-to-reach individuals and populations living in remote areas of when an early HIV infection is suspected since rapid tests do not offer appropriate performance in this case.Finally, we developed a real-time PCR for HBV DNA detection and quantification. In this study, we evaluated two in-house PCR targeting two different regions of HBV genome (X gene for qPCR 1 and S gene for qPCR 2) in comparison with a commercial Roche HBV DNA test (Cobas AmpliPrep / Cobas TaqMan HBV Test, version 2.0, Roche Diagnostics) as a gold standard. The qPCR 2 with a low detection limit of 91 IU/ml (vs 104 IU/ml for 1 qPCR) showed a better performance in HBV DNA quantification. This inexpensive qPCR with best performance characteristics is producing by a start-up called OMUNIS. This kit will be evaluated in France, in Africa and in South and East Asia in a research study funded by ANRS (France REcherche Nord & sud Sida-hiv Hépatites)

    Effect of the combination of Silybrum marianum and Lycopodium clavatum on some biological markers for monitoring chronic hepatitis B virus patients

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    Viral hepatitis B is a disease for which no curative treatment is available to date. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of Silybrum marianum and Lycopodium clavatum preparations on the biological parameters of viral hepatitis B follow-up. Material and methods: This was a longitudinal study of a period of 5 months. The study population consisted of consenting chronic hepatitis B patients. A questionnaire was used to collect sociodemographic information and medical history of the patients. One Step Rapid Test HBV-2210305 and Biolabo kits were used to test for serological parameters and transaminases. The viral load was determined using the real-time PCR technique. The decoctions were made from the leaves and rhizomes of Sylibum marianum associated with the floral juice of Lycopodium clavatum. The evaluation of the effect of the decoction was done by comparing the values of parameters between the beginning and after 3 months of treatments. Results: Seven out of nine patients were chronically infected with the hepatitis B virus in active phase. After 90 days of treatment, we noted the persistence of AgHbs in all patients but a disappearance of AgHbe in 75% of patients.&nbsp; Mean transaminase activity and viral load decreased significantly after treatment (P=0.045). Conclusion: The preparation of a decoction of Silybrum marianum and Lycopodium clavatum leads to normalization of Alanine Amino transferase activities (AAT), loss of HBe antigen and decrease of viral load after three months of treatment. Keywords: Chronic hepatitis B, Silybrum marianum, Lycopodium clavatum, decoctions, transaminase activity and viral load

    Semi-quantitative real-time PCR: A useful approach to identify persons with low replicative chronic hepatitis B

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    International audienceAntiviral therapy can be avoided during the low replicative phase of chronic Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection which is characterized notably by HBV DNA concentration below 2000IU/ml. Simplified diagnostic tests can improve access to HBV DNA monitoring in resource-limited settings. The capacity of a new semi-quantitative real-time PCR approach based on sample-to-standard relative detection of the target to discriminate samples with HBV DNA levels above or below the clinical threshold of 2000IU/ml was compared to a quantitative assay (Roche CobasAmpliPrep/CobasTaqMan HBV Test v2.0). The semi-quantitative assay correctly identified 40/40 (100%) low replicative HBV DNA patients and 58/61 (95%) samples from HBV-infected subjects with moderate/high levels of viral DNA. Our results suggested that this alternative PCR test is efficient to guide therapeutic decision based on identification of low replicative HBV infection from all of the chronic hepatitis B carriers requiring treatment, and may be useful in resource-limited settings where the vast majority of cases live

    Performances of fourth generation HIV antigen/antibody assays on filter paper for detection of early HIV infections

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    International audienceBACKGROUND:Point-of-care testing and diagnosis of HIV acute infections play important roles in preventing transmission, but HIV rapid diagnosis tests have poor capacity to detect early infections. Filter paper can be used for capillary blood collection and HIV testing using 4th generation immunoassays.OBJECTIVES:Antigen/antibody combined immunoassays were evaluated for their capacity to identify early HIV infections using filter paper in comparison with rapid test.STUDY DESIGN:Thirty nine serum samples collected from HIV seroconverters were spotted onto filter paper and tested by the Roche Elecsys(®) HIV Combi PT test and the DiaSorin Liaison XL Murex HIV Ab/Ag assay.RESULTS:Fourth generation immunoassays identified 34 out of 39 HIV early infections using dried serum spot, whereas the Determine™ HIV-1/2 rapid test detected 24 out of 39 HIV positive serum (87.2% vs 61.5% respectively, p = 0.009). p24 antigen was detected by the Liaison XL in 19 dried serum samples (48.7%). In the group characterized by a negative western blot, 7 out of 8 (87.5%) and 6 out of 8 (75.0%) samples were found positive for HIV using the Elecsys and the Liaison XL, respectively. None of these eight samples classified in this group of early acute infections were found positive by the rapid test.CONCLUSION:Fourth generation Ag/Ab immunoassays performed on dried serum spot had good performance for HIV testing during the early phases of HIV infection. This method may be useful to detect HIV early infections in hard-to-reach populations and individuals living in remote areas before rapid tests become positive

    Vesicular MicroRNA as Potential Biomarkers of Viral Rebound

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    Changes in the cellular microRNA (miRNA) expression profile in response to HIV infection, replication or latency have been reported. Nevertheless, little is known concerning the abundance of miRNA in extracellular vesicles (EVs). In the search for a reliable predictor of viral rebound, we quantified the amount of miR-29a, miR-146a, and miR-155 in two types of plasma extracellular vesicles. Venous blood was collected from 235 ART-treated and ART-naive persons living with HIV (85 with ongoing viral replication, &ge;20 copies/mL) and 60 HIV-negative participants at five HIV testing or treatment centers in Burkina Faso. Large and small plasma EVs were purified and counted, and mature miRNA miR-29a, miR-146a, and miR-155 were measured by RT-qPCR. Diagnostic performance of miRNA levels in large and small EVs was evaluated by a receiver operating characteristic curve analysis. The median duration of HIV infection was 36 months (IQR 14&ndash;117). The median duration of ART was 34 months (IQR 13&ndash;85). The virus was undetectable in 63.8% of these persons. In the others, viral load ranged from 108 to 33,978 copies/mL (median = 30,032). Large EVs were more abundant in viremic participants than aviremic. All three miRNAs were significantly more abundant in small EVs in persons with detectable HIV RNA, and their expression levels in copies per vesicle were a more reliable indicator of viral replication in ART-treated patients with low viremia (20&ndash;1000 copies/mL). HIV replication increased the production of large EVs more than small EVs. Combined with viral load measurement, quantifying EV-associated miRNA abundance relative to the number of vesicles provides a more reliable marker of the viral status. The expression level as copies per small vesicle could predict the viral rebound in ART-treated patients with undetectable viral loads

    Herpes Simplex Virus Type-2 Cervicovaginal Shedding Among Women Living With HIV-1 and Receiving Antiretroviral Therapy in Burkina Faso: An 8-Year Longitudinal Study

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    International audienceBACKGROUND : The impact of antiretroviral therapy (ART) on herpes simplex virus type-2 (HSV-2) replication is unclear. The aim of this study was to assess factors associated with cervicovaginal HSV-2 DNA shedding and genital ulcer disease (GUD) in a cohort of women living with human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) in Burkina Faso.METHODS : Participants were screened for cervicovaginal HSV-2 DNA, GUD, cervicovaginal and systemic HIV-1 RNA, and reproductive tract infections every 3-6 months over 8 years. Associations with HSV-2 shedding and quantity were examined using random-effects logistic and linear regression, respectively.RESULTS : Of the 236 women with data on HSV-2 shedding, 151 took ART during the study period. Cervicovaginal HSV-2 DNA was detected in 42% of women (99 of 236) in 8.2% of visits (151 of 1848). ART was associated with a reduction in the odds of HSV-2 shedding, which declined for each year of ART use (odds ratio [OR], 0.74; 95% confidence interval [CI], .59-.92). In the multivariable model, the impact of ART was primarily associated with suppression of systemic HIV-1 RNA (adjusted OR, 0.32; 95% CI, .15-.67). A reduction in the odds of GUD was also observed during ART, mainly in those with HIV-1 suppression (adjusted OR, 0.53; 95% CI, .25-1.11).CONCLUSIONS : ART is strongly associated with a decrease in cervicovaginal HSV-2 shedding, and the impact was sustained over several years