111 research outputs found

    Estudio descriptivo del componente ideológico en la didáctica de la interpretación simultánea: el discurso político argumentativo

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    This article discusses the results of a descriptive study of the mechanisms used by interpreting trainees to transmit ideology in the simultaneous interpreting of an argumentative discourse. For this, a textual corpus was created, consisting of a political discourse in French and the corresponding target texts in Spanish created by Conference Interpreting students (2012-2013) of the former degree course in Translation and Interpreting at the University of Granada. First, theories of Critical Discourse Analysis, especially the proposals of Fairclough and van Dijk, were used to analyse the ideological content of the discourse. Next, the Functionalist model of translation analysis was applied to the study of the mechanisms used by the interpreting trainees to transfer the ideology of the original discourse. Results of the analysis point to a lack of functional adequacy between the original discourse and the target texts, which is reflected at various levels of language, especially in the personal pronouns, neologisms and grandiloquent phrasing.En este artículo se discuten los resultados de un estudio descriptivo sobre los mecanismos de transmisión de la ideología en la interpretación simultánea de un discurso argumentativo por parte de intérpretes en formación. Para ello, se ha compilado y analizado un corpus textual que consiste en un discurso político en francés, y sus correspondientes interpretaciones al español realizadas por estudiantes de la asignatura de Interpretación de Conferencias del curso 2012-2013 de la antigua Licenciatura en Traducción e Interpretación de la Universidad de Granada. En primer lugar, se analizó el contenido ideológico del discurso a partir de las teorías del Análisis Crítico del Discurso y, en particular, de las propuestas de Fairclough y van Dijk. Seguidamente, se estudiaron los mecanismos de transmisión de la ideología del discurso original en la interpretación de dicho discurso. Para ello, se tomó como marco teórico el modelo funcionalista de la traducción. Los resultados del análisis apuntan a una falta de adecuación funcional entre el discurso original y las interpretaciones, lo cual se refleja en varios niveles del lenguaje, especialmente en los pronombres personales y en los neologismos y palabras grandilocuentes

    Cryptanalysis of a fair anonymity for the tor network

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    The aim of this paper is to present an attack upon the protocol of Diaz et al. \cite{Diaz}, which goal is to introduce a fair anonymity in the Tor network. This attack allows an attacker to impersonate Tor users with the complicity of an exit node

    Another Tor is possible

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    The aim of this paper is to introduce some modifications in Tor, in order to improve user’s anonymity and relay’s security. Thus, we introduced a system that will ensure anonymity for all users, while maintaining the ability to break the anonymity of a sender in case of misconduct. The revocation of the anonymity will require the use of secret sharing schemes, since we assume that, the lifting of the anonymity of the dishonest user should not depend on a single entity, but on a consensus within the network. In addition to the revocation of the anonymity, we propose in this paper further improvements such as mixing Tor traffic with those of the major internet groups, using the camouflage, or introducing a honeypot in the network

    A revocable anonymity in Tor

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    This new protocol is based on the idea of introducing a revocable anonymity in Tor, which was presented in our recent paper entitled Another Tor is possible . Compared to that previous paper, this present scheme simplify the first protocol and reduce the power of the directory server, while maintaining the ability for the Tor community, to break the anonymity of a sender in case of misconduct. We also take the opportunity of this paper, to appeal the majors internet companies, to help in the creation of a responsible Tor network (without pedophiles, spies, ....), by mixing billions of data flowing through their networks with those of Tor

    Heterologous Expression of Wheat VERNALIZATION 2 (TaVRN2) Gene in Arabidopsis Delays Flowering and Enhances Freezing Tolerance

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    The vernalization gene 2 (VRN2), is a major flowering repressor in temperate cereals that is regulated by low temperature and photoperiod. Here we show that the gene from Triticum aestivum (TaVRN2) is also regulated by salt, heat shock, dehydration, wounding and abscissic acid. Promoter analysis indicates that TaVRN2 regulatory region possesses all the specific responsive elements to these stresses. This suggests pleiotropic effects of TaVRN2 in wheat development and adaptability to the environment. To test if TaVRN2 can act as a flowering repressor in species different from the temperate cereals, the gene was ectopically expressed in the model plant Arabidopsis. Transgenic plants showed no alteration in morphology, but their flowering time was significantly delayed compared to controls plants, indicating that TaVRN2, although having no ortholog in Brassicaceae, can act as a flowering repressor in these species. To identify the possible mechanism by which TaVRN2 gene delays flowering in Arabidopsis, the expression level of several genes involved in flowering time regulation was determined. The analysis indicates that the late flowering of the 35S::TaVRN2 plants was associated with a complex pattern of expression of the major flowering control genes, FCA, FLC, FT, FVE and SOC1. This suggests that heterologous expression of TaVRN2 in Arabidopsis can delay flowering by modulating several floral inductive pathways. Furthermore, transgenic plants showed higher freezing tolerance, likely due to the accumulation of CBF2, CBF3 and the COR genes. Overall, our data suggests that TaVRN2 gene could modulate a common regulator of the two interacting pathways that regulate flowering time and the induction of cold tolerance. The results also demonstrate that TaVRN2 could be used to manipulate flowering time and improve cold tolerance in other species

    Food insecurity resilience measurement in north and south regions of Senegal

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    Les stratégies d’adaptation des populations à risque dépendent de la capacité des ménages et des moyens d’existence. L’objectif de cette étude était de mesurer la résilience à l’insécurité alimentaire dans deux Zones de Moyen d’Existence (ZME) SN06 (zone sylvo-pastorale) et SN11 (agroforestière-pêche et tourisme). En se basant sur les données de l’Enquête Nationale de Sécurité Alimentaire et Nutritionnelle (ENSAN) de 2013, des piliers de la résilience à l’insécurité alimentaire comme les Stratégies d’Adaptations, les Actifs Productifs, l’Accès à l’Alimentation, l’Accès aux Services Sociaux de Base ont été déterminés. Ainsi, grâce à la méthodologie d’Alinovi et al. 2010 et par une analyse factorielle basée sur l’Analyse des Composantes Principales, l’indice composite de résilience a été calculé. Les résultats ont montré que l’indicateur de l’Accès à l’Alimentation et celui des Stratégies d’Adaptation sont les plus influents sur la résilience à l’insécurité alimentaire. La résilience des ménages ruraux était influence par l’âge et le sexe du chef de ménage. La SN06 s’est avérée plus résiliente que la SN11. Les programmes qui contribuent à la sécurité alimentaire doivent tenir compte des piliers les plus déterminants pour l’efficacité des interventions visant à réduire l’insécurité alimentaire. Mots Clés : Insécurité Alimentaire, Résilience, Moyens d’Existence, Zone de Moyen d’ExistenceCountries localized in the South of Sahara, such as Senegal, exhibit the highest severity of food insecurity. People living in these countries develop adaptation strategies to survive. This capacity to resist and to recovery from food insecurity called resilience depends on the household capacity and livelihoods. The objective of this study was to measure the resilience to food insecurity in two areas: ZME SN06 (livestock and pastoral areas) and ZME SN 11 (agroforestry-fishing-tourism regions). Based on data from the 2013 National Food and Nutrition Security Survey (ENSAN), the dimensions of resilience to food insecurity such as Adaptation Strategies, Productive Assets, Access to Food and Access to Basic Social Services were determined. Using a methodology developed by Alinovi et al. 2010 a Resilience Index (RI) was calculated for the departments and the ZME. The results showed that the Food Access index and Adaptation Strategies indicators are the most influential factors on resilience to food insecurity. Rural households’ capacity and livelihoods were infleuenced by the age and the sex of the head of the household. The ZME SN 06 (RI: 0.558) was found more resilient than the ZME SN 11 (RI: 0.459). According to the specificity of the ZME, initiatives to improve resilience to food insecurity should be taken. These programs must take into account the dimensions that impact mostly the resilience for the effectiveness of the interventions. Keywords: Food Security, Resilience, Livelihoods, “Zone de Moyens d’Existence
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