29 research outputs found

    Electronic structure of turbostratic graphene

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    We explore the rotational degree of freedom between graphene layers via the simple prototype of the graphene twist bilayer, i.e., two layers rotated by some angle θ\theta. It is shown that, due to the weak interaction between graphene layers, many features of this system can be understood by interference conditions between the quantum states of the two layers, mathematically expressed as Diophantine problems. Based on this general analysis we demonstrate that while the Dirac cones from each layer are always effectively degenerate, the Fermi velocity vFv_F of the Dirac cones decreases as θ0\theta\to 0^\circ; the form we derive for vF(θ)v_F(\theta) agrees with that found via a continuum approximation in Phys. Rev. Lett., 99:256802, 2007. From tight binding calculations for structures with 1.47θ<301.47^\circ \le \theta < 30^\circ we find agreement with this formula for θ5\theta \gtrsim 5^\circ. In contrast, for θ5\theta \lesssim 5^\circ this formula breaks down and the Dirac bands become strongly warped as the limit θ0\theta \to 0 is approached. For an ideal system of twisted layers the limit as θ0\theta\to0^\circ is singular as for θ>0\theta > 0 the Dirac point is fourfold degenerate, while at θ=0\theta=0 one has the twofold degeneracy of the ABAB stacked bilayer. Interestingly, in this limit the electronic properties are in an essential way determined \emph{globally}, in contrast to the 'nearsightedness' [W. Kohn. Phys. Rev. Lett., 76:3168, 1996.] of electronic structure generally found in condensed matter.Comment: Article as to be published in Phys. Rev B. Main changes: K-point mapping tables fixed, several changes to presentation

    Nonlinear Resonance of Superconductor/Normal Metal Structures to Microwaves

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    We study the variation of the differential conductance G=dj/dVG=dj/dV of a normal metal wire in a Superconductor/Normal metal heterostructure with a cross geometry under external microwave radiation applied to the superconducting parts. Our theoretical treatment is based on the quasiclassical Green's functions technique in the diffusive limit. Two limiting cases are considered: first, the limit of a weak proximity effect and low microwave frequency, second, the limit of a short dimension (short normal wire) and small irradiation amplitude.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    Evaluation of School Readiness Outcomes in Preterm and SGA Infant

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    The early preterm and SGA children show lower scores then term infants: high and medium scores were seen 84,8% in I Group; 47,1% in II group; and 48,1% in III group and 79,6% in Control group accordingly. Elementary school readiness scores was i

    Observações citológicas em citrus: ll. variedades triplóides

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    No presente trabalho apresenta-se um breve resumo dos conhecimentos atuais sôbre a citologia do gênero Citrus; descrevem-se, a seguir, duas variedades triplóides de interêsse econômico. Admite-se que uma delas se tenha derivado da outra por meio de um "seedling" nucelar. Os caracteres morfológicos e citológicos dêstes triplóides são apresentados em detalhes. Chama-se a atenção para a importância da triploidia nos trabalhos de melhoramento das plantas cítricas.<br>A review is presented of citrus cytology and account is given of the author's investigations of this subject. Two triploid citrus varieties are described which are of economic importance. It appears probable that one of these is a nucellar seedling derived from the other. The morphological and cytological characteristics of these triploids are given in detail. Attention is called to the importance of triploidy in citrus breeding