4 research outputs found

    Muhammad Hamidullah as a historian

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    Muhammed Hamidullah (1908-2002) yirminci yüzyılın en önde gelen İslâm âlimlerinden birisidir. Kendisi İslâmî ilimlere bütüncül bir bakış açısıyla yaklaşmış olup pek çok alanda eserler vermiştir. İslâm Tarihi alanında değerli eserler kaleme almış olan müellif, İslâm Tarihine yaklaşımı, metodu ve çalışmalarıyla dikkat çekmektedir.İslâm Tarihi çalışmalarında Kur'an ve sünnet temelli bir yaklaşıma sahip olan yazar, kaynaklarının çeşitliliği ve bunları değerlendirmesi ile titiz bir araştırmacılık örneği sergilemektedir. Tarihî mekânları yerinde inceleyerek şahsî gözlemlerini de çalışmalarında kaynak olarak kullanması onun orijinal yönlerindendir.Tarihî olayları değerlendirmede durumun tüm yönleriyle ortaya koyulmasına gayret eden Hamidullah, pek çok ilim dalından yararlanmakta ve bilimsel bir üslupla konuları ele almaktadır. İslâm Tarihine önemli katkılarda bulunmuş olan müellif, şahsiyeti ve çalışmalarıyla pek çok kimseyi etkilemiştir. Muhammad Hamidullah (1908-2002) is one of the most prominent Islamic scholar of the twentieth century. He has approached Islamic sciences with a holistic perspective and worked in many field of İslamic sciences. Especially in the field of Islamic History the author had written valuable works and draws attention with his studies, method and approach to Islamic History.In his studies of Islamic History, the author?s approach based on Quran and Sunnah. With the diversity of his sources, and assessment of them the author presents an example of a meticulous researcher. Using personal observations as a resource by examining the historical places is one of the original aspects of him.In the analyzing historical events Hamidullah makes an effort to put forth all aspects of the situation, takes advantage of many branches of science and discusses the issues with a scientific style. The author who made ??important contributions to History of Islam, influenced many people with his works and personality

    Teaching with Augmented Reality Using Tablets, Both as a Tool and an Object of Learning

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    In this paper, we present a novel approach to utilizing tablets in chemistry education. In the context of education for sustainable development, we utilize tablets as objects of learning to address the lithium-ion battery. In addition, we used tablets as learning tools by making use of augmented reality technology. This way, we have created an innovative digital learning scenario that corresponds to a 3-h laboratory. Evaluation took place during the implementation of nonformal student laboratories. Results show positive effects in interest to working with tablets as a tool and an object of learning.publishe

    Establishment of interdisciplinary child protection teams in Turkey 2002-2006: Identifying the strongest link can make a difference!

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    WOS: 000265321200007PubMed ID: 19328549Objectives: The University of Iowa Child Protection Program collaborated with Turkish professionals to develop a training program on child abuse and neglect during 2002-2006 with the goals of increasing professional awareness and number of multidisciplinary teams (MDT), regional collaborations, and assessed cases. This paper summarizes the 5-year outcome. Methods: A team of instructors evaluated needs and held training activities in Turkey annually, and provided consultation when needed. Descriptive analysis was done via Excel and SPSS software. Results: Eighteen training activities were held with 3,570 attendees. Over the study period, the number of MDTs increased from 4 to 14. The MDTs got involved in organizing training activities in their institutions and communities. The number of medical curriculum lectures taught by MDTs to medical students/residents, conferences organized by the MDTs, and lectures to non-medical professional audiences increased significantly (R-2 = 91.4%, 83.8%, and 69.2%, respectively). The number of abuse cases assessed by the MDTs increased by five times compared to pre-training period. Conclusions: A culturally competent training program had a positive impact on professional attitudes and behaviors toward recognition and management of child abuse and neglect in Turkey. The need to partner with policy makers to revise current law in favor of a greater human services orientation became clear. Practice implications: Pioneers in developing countries may benefit from collaborating with culturally competent instructors from countries with more developed child protection systems to develop training programs so that professional development can improve recognition and management of child abuse and neglect. Published by Elsevier Ltd