33 research outputs found
There are many kind of carbohydrate compound having strong bioactivity. Authors had been reported that natural polysaccharide and olligosaccharide would have novel biological activity by chemical modification. Structure analysis of chemically modified dietary fiber polygalactosamine having NH_2 group on 2nd position by use of molecular force field calculation wsa also reported. In this paper, we described that synthesis and structure analysis of sulfated polysaccharides, such as polygalactosamin and chitosan. Molecurar orbital and semi-empirical molecular orbital methods were used for 3-dimentional graphical mapping of electron density, electrostatic potential (the energy of interaction of a point positive charge with the nuclei of a molecule), and local ionaization potential (a measure of the ease with which electrons are detached from a region of space)
多くの女性がやせ形の体型を理想とし、細く見えるからという理由で黒い衣服やストライプ柄の衣服を選択する傾向がある。しかし、一般的に細く見えると思われている色や柄が実際に他のものよりも体型を細く見せているのだろうか。本研究ではこれらの問題に対し具体的知見を得ることを目的とし、色や柄(ストライプ・ボーダー)が持つ視覚的効果がどのように働き、見る側にどのような印象を与えるのかについて、コンピュータによる画像処理の手法で比較する画像を作成し、学生を被験者として調査を行った。 その結果、無地の色相比較では、黒が最も着やせし、黄が最も着太りして見えるという知見が得られ、色の持つ心理的効果による見え方の違いが認められた。白無地とストライプやボーダーを比較した場合は、ストライプは無地より細く見えるが、ボーダーは色によって見え方が異なることが分かった。色相は変えずに明度を変化させ、明度を変えて同じ色相で比較した場合では、ほとんどの色が明度の高い色より低い色の方が細く見えるという結果が得られた。また、背景色の影響についても評価するため、背景色をベージュから灰に変更しさらに色相比較を行った結果、黒が最も細く見えることに変化はないものの、最も太く見える色は赤や緑という結果になり、背景色も見え方に影響を与えることが示唆された。 これらの結果から、着やせして見える色、着太りして見える色、と言う視覚効果には色の持つ心理的効果があり、柄は錯視によって見え方に差が生じることが示された
The presence of modified genes resistant to a chemical herbicide Roundup Ready (glyphosate) in commercially available bean curd (tofu) labeled as modified gene-free was examined by the PCR method. Samples were taken from twelve brands of bean curd all available on the market and bought during August and September 2005. For DNA extraction, PCR analysis was conducted from primers based on the disclosed Roundup Ready-resistant expression sequence and soybean lectin expression sequence using a DNeasy Plant Mini Kit produced by Qiagen, and the results were confirmed by electrophoresis. As a result a clear band that appears to derive from modified genes was detected in one brand, and a trace of such a band was detected in two other brands. In an analysis of unsorted ration for livestock carried out for comparison, a clear band that appears to derive from modified genes was detected
1)ドリンク剤および乾燥クランベリーを安息香酸量として100および22mg相当量摂食した時、30~60分後に尿中馬尿酸濃度(クレアチニン比)は最高値になり、その後漸減して180分後にはかなりの低値になった。2)摂取した安息香酸量と30分後の尿中馬尿酸濃度(g/gクレアチニン)の間には用量-反応関係が認められ、その相関係数は0.98、回帰直線式Y=0.024X-0.388であった。3)ACGIH勧告の馬尿酸BEI値(2.5g/gクレアチニン)に対する受容有効数値(シグナル/ノイズ=3)から算出された安息香酸量は約50mgであり、この値をモニタリングの摂食許容安息香酸量として提案する。In order to lower a false positive risk in biomonitoring workers exposed to toluene, the relationship between intake of benzoic acid (BA) contained in foods and urinary hippuric acid (HA) concentration was studied. Five male and female adults were administered placebo drink which contained 100mg BA. The urinary HA/creatinine concentration before, 30 and 60 minutes after the administration were 0.18±0.06, 1.82±0.33 and 1.68±0.49g/g, respectively. The urinary concentration ratio after 90 minutes was rapidly decreased, and after 180 minutes, it exhibited a value close to the basal level. The HA concentrations found in experiment in which subjects ate the dried fruit cranberry (containing 22mg BA) were lower than that of placebo groups, but the excretion pattern was similar to each other. Gotoh (2002) reported the excretion of urinary HA when taking 137, 68.5 and 50mg BA-containing soft drink. HA excretion patterns found in this report and that of reported in Gotoh were very similar, and showed a dose-response relationships between BA intake and urinary HA concentration. These results may suggest that the food derived HA can be estimated, if the amount of intaken BA from foods is determined
審査論文 和服の着崩れにおける素材の影響とそのメカニズムについて
若者は、着物に対して興味や憧れといった肯定的な意識を持っているが、着物を着るにあたって着心地や着崩れといった様々な障害により着物を着ることが難しい現状にある。本研究では着物を着る上での大きな障害である着崩れのいくつかの要因のうち、主に、素材と着崩れとの関係に着目した。 研究対象とした素材は、綿、絹、ポリエステル、セオα(ポリエステル系新素材)の4種で、まず、顕微鏡による繊維の観察、摩擦測定、KESによる生地の力学特性の測定によって生地の状態を把握した。次に、各種の素材を用いて試験衣を作成し、それを着装し3種の単純動作を行うことで、着崩れの方向並びに量を解析することによって、素材による着崩れ傾向の違いを評価した。また、解析によって“おはしょり”が着崩れの緩衝機構になっていることが示唆されたため、おはしょりの無い試作対丈着物についても製作し比較検討を行った。 その結果、おはしょり有りの着物では、セオαの着崩れが最も少ない一方、綿の着崩れ量が大きいことが分かった。おはしょり有りとおはしょり無しを比較した場合はおはしょり無しの方が着崩れが目立ったが、セオαにおいておはしょり有りでは見られなかった新たな着崩れが生じ、おはしょりが着崩れに与える影響は素材によって異なることも明らかとなった
Quantification of how much a kimono loses its shape when worn is a fundamental key factor in studying the correlation between a kimono design and its loss of shape. The establishment of a precise method for the quantification of the degree of shape loss has been pursued in this study. To obtain the changing positions of a kimono on the body by visual method, a check patterned yukata was selected and sewn for the test. The position of the yukata on parts of the body before and after certain movements made by the wearer were recorded, using a high-resolution digital camera. Movements involved walking up and down a staircase, and raising and lowering both arms. FulHength images of the wearer were taken from the front, back, right side and left side, with he/she standing in front of a 10cm grid screen. Using Adobe Photoshop as an image analysis software, the checkered patterns of the yukata were isolated from each image, and overlaid on the corresponding image which was made semi-transparent. For the overlay, the toes or heels were used as registration points for the lower end, and the base of the neck between the collarbones for the top end, while the latter was marked as a fixed reference point. This was found to be an ideal registration point as it was completely free from the effects of the head movement. Distances moved were measured on the overlaid images, at the center, collar, obi, ohashori and hem points. This method enabled an accurate quantification of the distances moved of each part. Although it was possible in the case of the front images to successfully fix the body position by selecting the base of the neck between the collarbones and the toes as registration points, it was suggested that the images taken from the other directions may cause some deviation depending on the head position, as the top of the head was selected as a registration point. This study will serve as an important guideline for the improvement of kimono design and dressing techniques
エイズヤク カードラン リュウサン ト タンパクシツ ノ ソウゴ サヨウ ノ NMR ニ ヨル カイセキ
A positively charged polylysine dendrimer generation 3 (LDG3) produced gels by interacting with a negatively charged curdlan sulfate which is a sulfated polysaccharide with high anti-AIDS virus activity. 1H NMR spectra showed a new peak caused by gel formation, which became highest at the ion ratio of 0.75. In addition, when a linear polyornithine (PO) were mixed with curdlan sulfate, gel formation also occurred. In the molar ratio of 0.7, the mixture afforded 100% gel. This result suggests that the action mechanism of curdlan sulfate is attributed to an ionic interaction