32 research outputs found

    Identification of candidate effector genes of <i>Pratylenchus penetrans</i>

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    Pratylenchus penetrans is one of the most important species of root lesion nematodes (RLNs) because of its detrimental and economic impact in a wide range of crops. Similar to other plant‐parasitic nematodes (PPNs), P. penetrans harbours a significant number of secreted proteins that play key roles during parasitism. Here, we combined spatially and temporally resolved next‐generation sequencing datasets of P. penetrans to select a list of candidate genes aimed at the identification of a panel of effector genes for this species. We determined the spatial expression of transcripts of 22 candidate effectors within the oesophageal glands of P. penetrans by in situ hybridization. These comprised homologues of known effectors of other PPNs with diverse putative functions, as well as novel pioneer effectors specific to RLNs. It is noteworthy that five of the pioneer effectors encode extremely proline‐rich proteins. We then combined in situ localization of effectors with available genomic data to identify a non‐coding motif enriched in promoter regions of a subset of P. penetrans effectors, and thus a putative hallmark of spatial expression. Expression profiling analyses of a subset of candidate effectors confirmed their expression during plant infection. Our current results provide the most comprehensive panel of effectors found for RLNs. Considering the damage caused by P. penetrans, this information provides valuable data to elucidate the mode of parasitism of this nematode and offers useful suggestions regarding the potential use of P. penetrans‐specific target effector genes to control this important pathogen

    The <i>Pratylenchus penetrans</i> transcriptome as a source for the development of alternative control strategies:mining for putative genes involved in parasitism and evaluation of <i>in planta</i> RNAi

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    The root lesion nematode Pratylenchus penetrans is considered one of the most economically important species within the genus. Host range studies have shown that nearly 400 plant species can be parasitized by this species. To obtain insight into the transcriptome of this migratory plant-parasitic nematode, we used Illumina mRNA sequencing analysis of a mixed population, as well as nematode reads detected in infected soybean roots 3 and 7 days after nematode infection. Over 140 million paired end reads were obtained for this species, and de novo assembly resulted in a total of 23,715 transcripts. Homology searches showed significant hit matches to 58% of the total number of transcripts using different protein and EST databases. In general, the transcriptome of P. penetrans follows common features reported for other root lesion nematode species. We also explored the efficacy of RNAi, delivered from the host, as a strategy to control P. penetrans, by targeted knock-down of selected nematode genes. Different comparisons were performed to identify putative nematode genes with a role in parasitism, resulting in the identification of transcripts with similarities to other nematode parasitism genes. Focusing on the predicted nematode secreted proteins found in this transcriptome, we observed specific members to be up-regulated at the early time points of infection. In the present study, we observed an enrichment of predicted secreted proteins along the early time points of parasitism by this species, with a significant number being pioneer candidate genes. A representative set of genes examined using RT-PCR confirms their expression during the host infection. The expression patterns of the different candidate genes raise the possibility that they might be involved in critical steps of P. penetrans parasitism. This analysis sheds light on the transcriptional changes that accompany plant infection by P. penetrans, and will aid in identifying potential gene targets for selection and use to design effective control strategies against root lesion nematodes

    Genetic transformation of \u3ci\u3eFusarium oxysporum\u3c/i\u3e f.sp. \u3ci\u3egladioli\u3c/i\u3e with \u3ci\u3eAgrobacterium\u3c/i\u3e to study pathogenesis in \u3ci\u3eGladiolus\u3c/i\u3e

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    Fusarium rot caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. gladioli (Fog) is one of the most serious diseases of Gladiolus, both in the field and in bulbs in storage. In order to study the mechanisms of pathogenesis of this fungus, we have transformed Fog with Agrobacterium tumefaciens binary vectors containing the hygromycin B phosphotransferase (hph) gene and fluorescence reporter genes EGFP (green), EYFP (yellow) or ECFP (cyan) using the AGL-1 strain of A. tumefaciens. Hygromycin B (100 ÎŒg/ml) resistant colonies were observed only when acetosyringone was added to the co-cultivation medium. Transformed colonies are more clearly visible when co-cultivated on cellophane membrane than on Hybond -N+ membrane. Transformed lines were stably maintained through four serial passages on medium containing hygromycin B, and they expressed green, yellow or cyano fluorescence. PCR with hph-specific primers and Southern blotting with an hph-specific probe were positive for HygR lines but not for the untransformed isolate. The cyano fluorescence of the ECFP-transformed isolate was clearly distinguishable from the green autofluorescence of Gladiolus roots, signifying the potential of these lines for further histopathological investigations. Transformed lines will be useful for identifying pathogenicity related genes, screening transgenic resistance, and in studies of host-pathogen interactions

    Characterization of Lilium longiflorum cv. 'Nellie White' Infection with Root-lesion Nematode Pratylenchus penetrans by Bright-field and Transmission Electron Microscopy

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    Lilium longiflorum cv. Nellie White, commonly known as Easter lily, is an important floral crop with an annual wholesale value of over $26 million in the United States. The root-lesion nematode, Pratylenchus penetrans, is a major pest of lily due to the significant root damage it causes. In this study, we investigated the cytological aspects of this plant–nematode interaction using bright-field and transmission electron microscopy. We took advantage of an in vitro culture method to multiply lilies and follow the nematode infection over time. Phenotypic reactions of roots inoculated with P. penetrans were evaluated from 0 to 60 d after nematode infection. Symptom development progressed from initial randomly distributed discrete necrotic areas to advanced necrosis along entire roots of each inoculated plant. A major feature characterizing this susceptible host response to nematode infection was the formation of necrosis, browning, and tissue death involving both root epidermis and cortical cells. Degradation of consecutive cell walls resulted in loss of cell pressure, lack of cytoplasmic integrity, followed by cell death along the intracellular path of the nematode's migration. Pratylenchus penetrans was never seen in the vascular cylinder as the layer of collapsed endodermal cells presumably blocked the progression of nematodes into this area of the roots. This study presents the first detailed cytological characterization of P. penetrans infection of Easter lily plants

    Identification and characterization of the first pectin methylesterase gene discovered in the root lesion nematode Pratylenchus penetrans.

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    Similar to other plant-parasitic nematodes, root lesion nematodes possess an array of enzymes that are involved in the degradation of the plant cell wall. Here we report the identification of a gene encoding a cell wall-degrading enzyme, pectin methylesterase PME (EC, in the root lesion nematode Pratylenchus penetrans. Both genomic and coding sequences of the gene were cloned for this species, that included the presence of four introns which eliminated a possible contamination from bacteria. Expression of the Pp-pme gene was localized in the esophageal glands of P. penetrans as determined by in situ hybridization. Temporal expression of Pp-pme in planta was validated at early time points of infection. The possible function and activity of the gene were assessed by transient expression of Pp-pme in plants of Nicotiana benthamiana plants via a Potato virus X-based vector. To our knowledge, this is the first report on identification and characterization of a PME gene within the phylum Nematoda