31 research outputs found

    The Promotion of Social Inclusion by Adopting of the Private Finance Initiative on a Correctional Institution

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    This study focuses on two questionnaire surveys that were conducted about the adoption of the Private Finance Initiative (PFI prison) method in Japan as a new correctional system. For study 1, a Web questionnaire was administered to residents of within a 30 km zone of Tokyo as well as those in Yamaguchi Prefecture to determine familiarity and resistance to the PFI prison systems. For study 2, a questionnaire survey was administered to residents of a neighborhood near a PFI prison in Mine city. The results showed that the attitudes toward the PFI prison were more positive in this area. Furthermore, contact with the correctional systems promoted residents’ acceptance of prisoners and former prisoners. Finally, we discuss social and institutional support and contact with social systems to promote social inclusion

    OMAE2003-37305 Case Study on the Universal Town Planning for Water Front Redevelopment in Okinawa Prefecture

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    Abstract In Japan, recently, the word 'Universal Design' is getting to settle down in the field of town planning and producing subsistence goods owing to the prospects of coming super-aged society

    Ergonomiska och produktionsmässiga förbättringar kring lockning av spirorör

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    IL-1 beta augments H2S-induced increase in intracellular Ca2+ through polysulfides generated from H2S/NO interaction

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    H2S has excitatory and inhibitory effects on Ca2+ signals via transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 (TRPA1) and ATP-sensitive K+ channels, respectively. H2S converts intracellularly to polysulfides, which are more potent agonists for TRPA1 than H2S. Under inflammatory conditions, changes in the expression and activity of these H2S target channels and/or the conversion of H2S to polysulfides may modulate H2S effects. Effects of proinflammatory cytokines on H2S-induced Ca2+ signals and polysulfide production in RIN14B cells were examined using fluorescence imaging with fura-2 and SSP4, respectively. Na2S, a H2S donor, induced 1) the inhibition of spontaneous Ca2+ signals, 2) inhibition followed by [Ca2+](i) increase, and 3) rapid [Ca2+](i) increase without inhibition in 50% (23/46), 22% (10/46), and 17% (8/46) of cells tested, respectively. IL-1 beta augmented H2S-induced [Ca2+](i) increases, which were inhibited by TRPA1 and voltage-dependent L-type Ca2+ channel blockers. However, IL-1 beta treatment did not affect [Ca2+](i) increases evoked by a TRPA1 agonist or high concentration of KCl. Na2S increased intracellular polysulfide levels, which were enhanced by IL-1 beta treatment. A NOS inhibitor suppressed the increased polysulfide production and [Ca2+](i) increase in IL-1 beta-treated cells. These results suggest that IL-1 beta augments H2S-induced [Ca2+](i) increases via the conversion of H2S to polysulfides through NO synthesis, but not via changes in the activity and expression of target channels. Polysulfides may play an important role in the effects of H2S during inflammation

    矯正システムの可視化による社会的包摂促進の検討 ―喜連川社会復帰促進センターに対する近隣住民の意識調査―

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    本研究は、日本で近年開始された新たな社会システムとして官民協働刑務所(PFI刑務所)に注目し、2つの調査を実施した。研究1では、官民協働刑務所のひとつである喜連川社会復帰促進センターをとりあげ、施設近隣住民に施設に対する態度を尋ねる面接調査を行なった。研究2 では、喜連川社会復帰促進センターの近隣住民に対し、質問紙調査を実施した。その結果、施設のことが地域住民に知られ、社会システムの可視化が促進されることによって、官民協働刑務所に関する態度が肯定的に変化することが示唆された。This study focused on the adoption of the Private Finance Initiative(PFI prison)method in Japan as a new social system. In this research, two surveys were conducted. In Study 1, neighbors’ interviews on their attitudes against PFI prison systems were administered to 5 people living in the vicinity of Kitsuregawa Rehabilitation Program Center which employed the PFI prison method with major emphasis. The Study 2 questionnaire survey was administered to a neighborhood of Kitsuregawa Rehabilitation Program Center in Sakura city. The results showed that the transparency of the correctional systems promoted in this area lead to positive changes in neighborhood residents’ attitudes towards the PFI prison

    官民協働(PFI)刑務所に関する知識獲得と刑務所に対する態度の変容 ―出所者の社会的包摂に有効な情報とは何か―

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    This study focused on the relationship between acquisition of knowledge on Rehabilitation Program Center (PFI prison in Japan) and attitude change for the correctional system. An experiment was conducted on 223 undergraduate students. All subjects were provided with the information about PFI prisons under 4 conditions where 4 different types of information were given:( 1) prisoner’s life,( 2) management of the facilities,( 3) both(1 and 2) information and( 4) no information( controlled condition). After reading the information, they answered the questions on their attitudes toward PFI prisons and former prisoners. As a result, the psychological distance of the students in (1)(2)(3) conditions against the former PFI prisoners were shorter than students under the controlled condition. The trust against a prison facilitated the positive attitudes toward a former prisoner in general. In the conclusion, regarding the social inclusion of people with criminal records in Japan, I have discussed the importance of enhancing the confidence of correctional facilities in general and the effectiveness of publicity for the reformation system.本研究は、PFI 刑務所に関する情報獲得と矯正システムに関する態度変容の関連について注目した。223人の大学生を対象にし、PFI 刑務所に関する情報を提示する実験を行った。参加者は以下の4 条件に振り分けられた: ⑴受刑者情報提示群、⑵施設運営情報提示群、⑶両情報提示群、⑷統制群。説明を読んだあとで、参加者はPFI 刑務所や出所者に対する態度を尋ねる質問に回答した。その結果、⑴⑵⑶条件では、統制群と比較して、PFI 刑務所出所者に対する心理的距離が近かった。また、刑務所に対する信頼が、刑務所出所者一般に対する受容的態度を促進させていた。結論として、日本の刑務所出所者の社会的包摂のために、刑務所施設全体の信頼感を高めることの重要性と、矯正システムに関する広報の有効性が議論された