127 research outputs found

    Bis(μ-N-benzyl-N-furfuryldithio­carbamato)-1:2κ3 S,S′:S′;2:1κ3 S,S′:S′-bis­[(N-benzyl-N-furfuryldithio­carbamato-κ2 S,S′)cadmium]

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    In the centrosymmetric title compound, [Cd2(C13H12NOS2)4], pairs of dithio­carbamate ligands exhibit different structural functions. Each of the terminal ligands is bidentately coordinated to one CdII atom and forms a planar four-membered CS2Cd chelate ring, whereas pairs of the tridentate bridging ligands link two neighbouring CdII atoms, forming extended eight-membered C2S4Cd2 tricyclic units whose geometry can be approximated by a chair conformation. The coordination polyhedron of the CdII atoms is a distorted square-pyramid. The five-membered furan ring and the benzene ring are disordered over two sets of sites with an occupancy ratio of 0.62 (8):0.38 (8)

    Design of Low-Cost Hydroponic Technology for Cultivation of Leafy Vegetables for Human Food Security in a Cold Desert Area of the Trans-Himalayan Range

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    For many decades, food security has been a worldwide concern. The present research aimed to examine an efficient technique for planting system i.e. hydroponic (a soil less system of farming) and statistical experimental design approach was used to compare the growth of different Leafy Vegetables (Spinach and Lettuce Varieties) in the Cold Desert Region of Trans Himalaya under the designed hydroponic system. The results showed that the leafy vegetable variety that were grown in the NFT system, exhibited significant differences in above attributes. The BC ratio of nutrient solution was found to be four times higher

    How good are we at determining risk? Quantifying the accuracy of clinician determined risk for VTE prophylaxis

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    Objectives: Create and validate a simple tool for concurrent audits of risk stratification, compliance and documentation Evaluate accuracy of clinician risk stratification and prophylatic ordering practice compared with a standardized Caprini RAM across different assigned risk categories Provide recommendations for EPIC VTE Prophylaxis CDS Developmenthttps://jdc.jefferson.edu/patientsafetyposters/1050/thumbnail.jp

    Quantifying Patient Reported and Documented Compliance with Adjuncts to Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis

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    Objectives: 1. Measure patient compliance with pharmacologic, mechanical and ambulatory prophylactic measures. 2. Evaluate for agreement between nursing documentation and patient reported compliance with mechanical and ambulatory prophylactic measures.https://jdc.jefferson.edu/patientsafetyposters/1042/thumbnail.jp


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    Pippalyadi Yoga is Churna Kalpana described by Acharya Chakrapani in Vandhyatva (infertility). Ovulatory dysfunction is the prime cause of Infertility among the world, Pippalyadi Yoga is useful in patients especially having Anovulation which is known as Abeejatva in Ayurveda. So a new pharmaceutical preparation Pippalyadi Yoga in the form of Churna (powder) was tried to standardize which is economical in terms of time and machinery usage. Pharmacognostical and phyto-chemical observations revealed the specific characters of all active constituents used in the preparation. The present work was carried out to standardize the finished product of Pippalyadi Yoga to confirm its identity, quality and purity. The presence of stone cells, oil globules, olio resin cells, parenchymatous cells, oval & beaker shaped starch grains, pollen grains were the characteristic features observed in the microscopy of the prepared drug. Phyto-chemical analysis showed Loss on drying 10.07 % w/w, ash value 6.55 %w/w, water soluble extract 14 % w/w, methanol soluble 13.40 % w/w, particle consistency above 60 mesh 4.10 % w/w, between 60-85 mesh 9.20 % w/w, between 85-120 mesh 13.30 % w/w & below 120 mesh 73.37 % w/w & pH 5.0. HPTLC of Pippalyadi Yoga is the preliminary quantitative analysis which shows 8 prominent spots at Rf. 0.09, 0.61, 0.67, 0.74, 0.80, 0.86, 0.91, 1.00 in UV 254 nm and 7 prominent spots at Rf. 0.06, 0.17, 0.63, 0.67, 0.75, 0.82, 0.88 in UV 366 nm. Pippalyadi Yoga, a polyherbal formulation of 4 ingredients was prepared and HPTLC finger print profile was developed and it can be considered pharmacopial standard of Pippalyadi Yoga

    cis-Bis(4-methyl­piperazine-1-carbo­dithio­ato-κ2 S,S′)bis­(pyridine-κN)cadmium

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    In the title complex, [Cd(C6H11N2S2)2(C5H5N)2], the CdII ion is hexa­coordinated by two N atoms from two pyridine ligands and by four S atoms from two dithio­carbamate ligands in a distorted octa­hedral geometry. The CdII ion lies on a twofold axis. The piperazine ring is in chair conformation and its least-squares plane makes a dihedral angle of 81.4 (1)° with that of the pyridine ring

    Diisopropyl 1-(4-meth­oxy­phen­yl)-2,6-dimethyl-4-(3-nitro­phen­yl)-1,4-dihydro­pyridine-3,5-dicarboxyl­ate

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    In the title compound, C28H32N2O7, the 1,4-dihydro­pyridine ring adopts a flattened boat conformation. The two benzene rings are approximately perpendicular to the dihydro­pyridine ring, forming dihedral angles of 84.29 (9) and 82.96 (9)° with the mean plane of the 1,4-dihydro­pyridine unit, whereas the ester groups are only slightly twisted relative to this plane, with dihedral angles of 10.6 (1) and 9.0 (1)°

    Development of Novel Interspecific Fertile Cytotype (4X) Of \u3cem\u3ePennisetum glaucum\u3c/em\u3e X \u3cem\u3ePennisetum purpureum\u3c/em\u3e Utilizing Modified Ploidy Coupled With Embryo Rescue Technique

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    Interspecific hybrids of genus Pennisetum (P. glaucum x P. purpureum) is the one of the most popular manmade hybrid. It combines the unique features of both P. glaucum (Pearl millet; Bajra) and P. purpureum (Napier; Elephant grass) species, which makes it more resilient to harsh environments with superior fodder quality. Due to ploidy level variation among the parents, these hybrids are sterile and propagated vegetatively only. To overcome this, attempts were made in the present study by exploring the feasibility of novel tetraploid pearl millet (2n=4x=28; Tetra 1; INGR 09047) developed at IGFRI, as a female parent in crossing program involving different Napier genotypes as male parent. Due to limited crossability and hybrid necrosis issues among countless crosses (\u3e 1000), only 1% seed set was initially recorded that too in shriveled state and the developing embryos were aborted after 10-14 days of pollination and fertilization. To save these, embryo rescue technique was standardized and the developing embryos were dissected out aseptically and rescued after 8-10 days of pollination. Continuous crossing programme along with screening of large tissue culture raised nurseries resulted in development of a novel tetraploid seed producing BN hybrid (TBN-20-15) along with 14 novel sterile tetraploid BN hybrids. Presence of univalent chromosomes leads to sterility while proper pairing between parents of TBN-20-15 hybrid have significant effect on fertility. The fertile hybrid is able to produce \u3e15,000-20,000 seeds throughout the year with 80-90% seed germination ability. Their hybridity was confirmed by morphology, molecular and cytogenetic studies. This fertile tetraploid BN hybrid (TBN-20-15) reported for the first time globally will be very helpful in easy and cost-effective dissemination of this highly potential forage crop to the farmer’s field. It has the potential to be the game changer in biofuel production, grassland rejuvenation programs besides bridging the fodder demand supply deficit

    Identifying Factors to Improve Oral Cancer Screening Uptake: A Qualitative Study

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    Aims: To engage with high risk groups to identify knowledge and awareness of oral cancer signs and symptoms and the factors likely to contribute to improved screening uptake. Methods: Focus group discussions were undertaken with 18 males; 40+ years of age; smokers and/or drinkers (15+ cigarettes per day and/or 15+ units of alcohol per week), irregular dental attenders living in economically deprived areas of Teesside. Results: There was a striking reported lack of knowledge and awareness of oral cancer and its signs and symptoms among the participants. When oral/mouth cancer leaflets produced by Cancer Research UK were presented to the participants, they claimed that they would seek help on noticing such a condition. There was a preference to seek help from their general practitioner rather than their dentist due to perceptions that a dentist is ‘inaccessible ’ on a physical and psychological level, costly, a ‘tooth specialist ’ not a ‘mouth specialist’, and also not able to prescribe medication and make referrals to specialists. Interestingly, none of the 18 participants who were offered a free oral cancer examination at a dental practice took up this offer. Conclusions: The uptake of oral cancer screening may be improved by increasing knowledge of the existence and signs and symptoms of oral cancer. Other factors that may increase uptake are increased awareness of the role of dentists in diagnosing oral cancer, promotion of oral cancer screening by health professionals during routine health checks, and the use of a ‘‘health’ ’ screening setting as opposed to a ‘‘dental’ ’ setting for such checks

    Greater Skeletal Gains in Ovary Intact Rats at Maturity Are Achieved by Supplementing a Standardized Extract of Butea monosperma Stem Bark that Confers Better Bone Conserving Effect following Ovariectomy and Concurrent Treatment Withdrawal

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    With a longitudinally designed study, we tested whether an acetone soluble fraction (ASF) from the stem bark of Butea monosperma resulted in maximizing bone gain in rats during growth and maturation and thus protected against osteopenia following ovariectomy (OVx) with concomitant treatment withdrawal. Female rats at weaning were given ASF (100 mg/kg/d) or vehicle for 12 weeks, and baseline skeletal parameters (micro-CT) and total plasma antioxidant status (TAS) were measured. At this stage, one group was OVx and the other group was sham operated. Vehicle group (untreated) after OVx was given E2 or continued with vehicle (OVx control). ASF group after OVx was given vehicle (ASF withdrawn, ASFW). After another 12 weeks, all groups were killed and various skeletal parameters were determined. ASF resulted in substantially better skeletal parameters and higher plasma TAS over control at maturity. Rats treated with ASF before OVx had reduced rates of bone loss compared to OVx control. Twelve weeks after OVx, the ASFW group exhibited better trabecular microarchitectural preservation, bone turnover profiles, increased cortical deposition, and biomechanical strength over the OVx control, and the effects were comparable to OVx + E2 group. ASF supplementation during skeletal growth could maximize bone accrual and could confer increased resistance to postOVx osteopenia despite treatment withdrawal