1,841 research outputs found

    Analisis kemampuan berpikir komputasional matematis Siswa Kelas IX SMP Negeri 1 Cikampek pada materi pola bilangan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kemampuan komputasi matematis siswa pada materi pola bilangan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskripsi dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh kelas IX di SMP Negeri 1 Cikampek yang terdaftar pada semester ganjil tahun ajaran 2020/2021. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah 25 peserta didik di kelas IX-1. Pengumpulan data yang dilakukan dengan tes dalam bentuk soal uraian sebanyak 3 butir soal  yang keseluruhan mencangkup indikator kemampuan berpikir komputasi matemati yaitu abstractions, generalization, decomposition, algorithms, dan debugging. Dari hasil analisis diperoleh nilai rata-rata dari 25 siswa sebesar 33,25 dengan nilai maksimum sebesar 68,75 dan nilai minimum sebesar 0. Kemampuan berpikir koputasi peserta didik dapat kekelompokan sebagai berikut; pada kategori kelompok sangat baik sebesar 28%, kategori baik 8%, kategori cukup 16%, rendah sebesar 24%, sangat rendah dengan 24%. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pada kategori baik peserta didik telah mencapai seluruh indikator kemampuan berpikir komputasi. Pada kategori cukup peserta didik telah mencapai seluruh indikator kemampuan berpikir komputasim, namun pada indikator generalization peserta didik belum dapat menentukan solusi yang cepat. Sedangkan pada kategori rendah peserta didik belum mencapai seluruh indikator kemampuan berpikir komputasi matematis

    Studi Peraturan Daerah Kota Serang Nomor 6 tahun 2014 tentang Pengelolaan Zakat: Perspektif Efektifitas dan Kapasitas

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    Permasalahan seperti masih rendahnya kesadaran masyarakat untuk membayar zakat, dan proporsi penerimaan zakat yang tidak seimbang antara masyarakat dan Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) merupakan beberapa factor belum optimalnya pencapaian target dan realisasi penerimaan zakat di Kota Serang. Tujuan penelitian ini menganalisis bagaimana studi Perda Nomor 6 tahun 2014 Kota Serang tentang pengelolaan zakat dalam perspektif efektifitas dan kapasitas berdasarkan kapasitas kelembagaan, kebijakan/regulasi, perubahan system implementasi dan derajat perubahan kelompok sasaran. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik yang dilakukan oleh peneliti adalah survei literatur akademis. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui penelusuran berbagai sumber dan literatur baik dari dokumen pemerintah dan media massa elektronik, jurnal dan buku-buku yang terkait dengan Perda Kota Serang Nomor 6 tahun 2014 tentang pengelolaan zakat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa efektifitas dan kapasitas Peraturan Daerah Kota Serang Nomor 6 tahun 2014 tentang pengelolaan zakat sudah cukup memadai dan dalam implementasinya, kapasitas konten Perda sudah mengatur penyelenggaraan zakat dengan melibatkan partisipasi masyarakat serta menjadi menjadi instrument penting penerimaan zakat meskipun diperlukan penguatan pada aspek kelembagaan dan inovasi pengumpulan dan distribusi zakat yang efektif dan produktif

    Understanding designer design activity; unconscious interaction between human cognition and behaviour in everyday product / Muhammad Jameel Mohamed Kamil

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    Product designers were expected to apply their hermeneutic as well as reflective design thinking skills to find a fit between technology and human behaviour interaction, including the notion of experiencecentred. However, due to dynamics of changes in technology and the way users interact with products, the past several years have witnessed a growing interest and enthusiasm for designing the product which explicitly emphasise on user behaviour and interaction. Therefore, the recent studies have been paying attention to critically understand the elements of interaction between human and product used in everyday life. Unfortunately, it has been profound that there are limited discussions were presented within a single coherent perspective of designers’ design thinking related to the Unconscious Interaction between Human Cognition and Behaviour (UIHCB) in everyday product. In other words, a little intention has been devoted on how the UIHCB in everyday product can aid designers’ design activity. Thus, the purpose of this research is to understand designer design activity towards the UIHCB in everyday product. The research objective is to determine the attributes of unconscious interaction in everyday life, what are their responses towards the UIHCB in everyday product, how their reflective practice can be described, and how does the understanding of UIHCB in everyday product helps to aid designers’ capabilities in generating product design ideations. Four research questions have been formulated to get a firm answer posed in this research. The main empirical effort for this thesis involved qualitative and quantitative research in gathering and analysed implicit and explicit designer’s knowledge


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    This project aimed to produce numerical models for intergranular fracture at elevated temperature as continuation of the work by Rishi Raj and M.F. Ashby [1]. They have been studying about intergranular fracture caused by void formation mainly on homogenous copper. As one of the most referred journal in intergranular fracture at elevated temperature, working numerical models on other materials have not yet been made available. Upon completion of the numerical model, it will be then applied to other materials and applications that are exposed to intergranular fracture at elevated temperature. This project is divided in two main sections; to build a numerical model for nucleation of voids and the growth of voids. Even though there are many types of creep failures, the project will be centered only on creep failure as a result of nucleation, growth and coalescence of voids. The work will reproduce the model of nucleation and growth based on copper data as in the work of Raj and Ashby [1] and then to apply the models to other materials. It is anticipated that with the nucleation and growth models, estimation of rupture time of a material at elevated temperature can be reliably predicted. It is important not to confuse between intergranular fracture caused by void nucleation, growth and coalescence and intergranular fracture caused by boundary cracking. Major difference between these two is intergranular fracture caused by void formation occur in low stress, elevated temperature environment whereas intergranular fracture caused by boundary cracking is due to high stress exerted to the material

    Coefficient of Friction (COF) and Wear Ranking of Water-based Muds (WBM) and Oil-based Muds (OBM)

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    Drilling mud is used to lubricate the drill bit as well as bore hole and tool joints. Lubrication job is a must in order to minimize the friction and wear to the drill string. No reference table of selecting the best composition of drilling mud has been made in past years to study this friction and wear activities on the bore hole and tool joints. By manipulating different kinds of compositions in water-based muds (WBM) and oil-based muds (OBM), the responding variables which are the coefficient of friction (COF) and wear can be tabulated and ranked from the highest to lowest value. In terms of drilling cost, it can reduce the cost of number of drill strings used due to abrasion wear. This study is conducted by using Multispecimen Wear Tester (MWT) which the equipment simulates the rotations of drill string to the wellbore formation. From the findings, calcium chloride is the best additive to reduce the friction and wear activities for WBM and VG Plus is the best additive for OBM. Synthetic and polymer-based muds should be included in future in order to complete the COF and wear ranking of drilling fluids

    Multivariate Calibration of CO2 solubility in Methyldiethanolamine (MDEA) using Raman Spectroscopy

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    For decades, Carbon dioxide (CO2) capturing process had been an important issues since it is one of the major greenhouse gas (GHG) contributors which leads to the global warming. Alkanolamines such as Methyldiethanolamine (MDEA) had been widely used for CO2 capturing by absorption process. A study on carbon dioxide (CO2) solubility was done inside aqueous MDEA solution by using Raman Spectroscopy with the goal of calculating the CO2 loading. This is because, there was still no direct measurement to calculate the CO2 loading inside the MDEA solution. Therefore, a sensor or a measurement device is needed to calculate the CO2 loading. After a three careful experiment had been run on three different MDEA concentrations which are 10%, 20% and 30% concentration, the raw data from the Raman Spectrum had been obtained. Matlab simulation was used to construct a statistical calibration and validation models between the CO2 loading and the peak of Raman Shift by using Partial Least-Squares method (PLS). Results shows that lower MDEA concentration produce better Coefficient of Determination (R2) and Mean Square Error (MSE) for calibration models while the combination of the three MDEA concentrations has found as a good fit with R2 of 0.9651 and MSE of 0.0347 in CO2 loading prediction

    Spray Characteristics of Non-Newtonian Fluids

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    This report is about fundamental study of non-Newtonian fluid sprays. The concept of non-Newtonian fluid sprays is not well understood and research on this topic needs to be done in order to gain more information and to make this information useful. This concept is usually applied in the painting industry. The material that we used as non-Newtonian fluid is Xanthan gum. Xanthan gum is an extracellular polysaccharide produced by the micro-organism Xanthomonascampestris (Phillips, 2000). The purpose of this dissertation report is to represent all the flow and result of the study starting from introduction until conclusion. The first chapter makes brief introduction to the project. The report continues with the second chapter, which is literature review. Then it is followed by methodology and discussion which is discuss about how the process of study will carry and the obtain result. Conclusion part summarizes the result. The objective of the present research is to study characteristics of different concentration of non-Newtonian fluid sprays which are mean velocities, droplet sizes, and spray angle by using different pressure and same penetration range. Spray characteristics of 4Xanthan gum solution with different concentration (0.1% concentration of Xanthan gum solution, 0.5% concentration of Xanthan gum solution, 1.0% concentration of Xanthan Gum solution, 2.0% concentration of Xanthan gum solution and water) are analyzed by Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA) and Phase Doppler Anemometry (PDA). Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA) systems were used to measure droplet velocities of fluid sprays. Phase Doppler Anemometry (PDA) systems were used to measure the droplet sizes of fluid sprays. These results were compared with each other and relate it to spraying efficiency. All the results are analyzed to further understand the characteristics of non-Newtonian fluid sprays with different concentration. High speed digital camera was used in order to observe the structure of fluids and to measure the spray angles at nozzle exit

    Thermophysical Behavior of Aqueous Blends of Piperazine and Potassium Carbonate as Carbon Dioxide Capture Solvent

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    This project concerns the thermophysical behavior of aqueous blends of Piperazine (PZ) and Potassium Carbonate as carbon dioxide, capture solvent. The blends of amine solution has the potential to increase the rate of absorption of . The objectives of this project are: (1) to find out the physical properties of PZ to activate potassium carbonate solution in water; (2) to study the effect of temperature change on the physical properties of PZ, potassium carbonate and blends of PZ and potassium carbonate solutions; (3) to study the effect of concentration change on the physical properties of the blends of amines and (5) compare the result with conventional solvent. The scope of study of this project covers the refractive index surface tension for the physical properties of the chemicals solution and also the effect of temperature change and concentration change on the amines. Different set of concentration of PZ and potassium carbonate will be prepared for the blends solution. This experimental based project also will be conducted on the different set of temperatures. Each of potassium carbonate solution will be blended with five different set of percentage (wt%) of PZ and water during the experiment. This experiment will be conducted at different temperatures which are from 293.15K to 323.15K. The result of the experiment will be the refractive index and surface tension for each blends solution. When the data is obtained, further analysis and appropriate discussion will be explained
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