148 research outputs found

    "Prawo pracy pod kwarantanną". Szczególne obowiązki pracodawcy w związku z pandemią wirusa SARS-CoV-2 a także odpowiedzialność karna za niedopełnienie niektórych z nich

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    Human health and life are values that must be given special importance beyond any doubt.This is reflected at many levels - including the legal system, which provides them with specialprotection, which is evident in every single branch of law. The authors have transferred theirconsiderations to the labour law, where the employer has been made the guarantor of protection ofhuman health and life, and ther efore has a number of important obligations, and failure to meet themrequires a criminal sanction. This makes the authors' deliberations interdisciplinary. The authorspoint out that even sudden, unforeseen and extraordinary events do not exempt the employer from theobligation to ensure the protection of health and life of employees while performing their work. Thesubject of the Authors' deliberations has beenmade the issue of protection of health and life ofemployees, with the sede liberations having their specific context. This is the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic,which is the greatestthreat to health and life that we arecurrentlyfacing - includingworkers andemployers. This requires the implementation of appropriate procedures as well as specific behaviours,which the authorsindicate in their study. Finally, the authors also describe the criminal lawconsequences of the employer'sfailure to protect workers' health and life duringan extraordinary timeof pandemic.Zdrowie i życie ludzkie to wartości, którym ponad wszelką wątpliwość należy przypisać szczególne znaczenie. Znajduje to swoje odbicie na wielu płaszczyznach - również na gruncie systemu prawnego, który zapewnia im szczególną ochronę, która uwidacznia się w każdej pojedynczej gałęzi prawa. Autorzy swoje rozważania przenieśli na grunt prawa pracy, gdzie gwarantem ochrony zdrowia i życia ludzkiego uczyniony został pracodawca, w związku z czym ciąży na nim szereg doniosłych obowiązków, a ich niedopełnienie wiąże się z koniecznością zastosowania sankcji karnej. To czyni rozważania Autorów interdyscyplinarnymi. Autorzy wskazują, że nawet zdarzenia nagłe, nieprzewidziane i nadzwyczajne nie zwalniają pracodawcy z obowiązku zapewnienia ochrony zdrowia i życia pracowników podczas wykonywania przez nich pracy. Tematem rozważań Autorów uczyniona została problematyka ochrony zdrowia i życia pracowników, przy czym rozważania te mają swój konkretny kontekst. Jest to pandemia wirusa SARS-CoV-2, który jest największym zagrożeniem zdrowia i życia, z jakim obecnie przyszło się zmierzyć - również pracownikom i pracodawcom. Wiąże się z tym konieczność wdrożenia odpowiednich procedur, a także określonych zachowań, na które wskazują Autorzy w swoim opracowaniu. Wreszcie - Autorzy opisują również prawnokarne konsekwencje niedopełnienia przez pracodawcę obowiązku ochrony zdrowia i życia pracowników w nadzwyczajnym czasie pandemii

    Is there a relationship between wettability and rates of equilibration of the H-bonded oligomer PMMS under confinement?

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    In this paper, we investigated the annealing experiments of poly(mercaptopropylmethylsiloxane, PMMS) confined within two types of porous templates (anodic aluminium oxide, AAO, and silica) characterized by different pore diameter, d= 8-120nm, using different thermal protocols (varying significantly in cooling/heating rate) by means of Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy (BDS) supported by the complementary Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and temperature-dependent contact angle, {\theta}, measurements. It was found that relaxation times obtained from routine temperature-dependent dielectric investigations deviate from the bulk behavior when approaching the glass transition temperature. Importantly, this confinement induced effect can be easily removed by the annealing experiments performed at some specific range of temperatures. The analysis of the dielectric data collected during isothermal experiments of confined samples that was beforehand cooled with different rates revealed that (i) constant rates of annealing gets longer with cooling and weakly depend on the rate of cooling, and (ii) activation energy of the equilibration process, E_a, varies with the reduction of the pore diameter and material the porous template is made of. In fact, there is significant reduction in E_a from ~62 to ~23 kJ/mol obtained for the annealing process carried out in AAO (d= 10 nm) and silica (d= 8 nm) membranes, respectively. Such significant change in E_a can be explained taking into account temperature-dependence of {\theta} of PMMS indicating a notable change in wettability between both surfaces upon cooling. As a consequence, one can expect that the mass exchange between interfacial and core molecules as well as adsorption-desorption processes occurring at the interface at lower temperatures must be affected

    The use of a barley-based well to define cationic betaglucan to study mammalian cell toxicity associated with interactions with biological structures

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    Among potential macromolecule-based pharmaceuticals, polycations seem particularly interesting due to their proven antimicrobial properties and use as vectors in gene therapy. This makes an understanding of the mechanisms of these molecules’ interaction with living structures important, so the goal of this paper was to propose and carry out experiments that will allow us to characterize these phenomena. Of particular importance is the question of toxicity of such structures to mammalian cells and, in the work presented here, two lines, normal fibroblasts 3T3-L1 and A549 lung cancer, were used to determine this. In this work, three well-defined cationic derivatives of barley-derived betaglucans obtained in a reaction with glycidyltrimethylammonium chloride (BBGGTMAC) with different degrees of cationization (50, 70, and 100% per one glucose unit) and electrostatic charge were studied. The studies address interactions of these polymers with proteins (bovine serum proteins and BSA), nucleic acids (DNA), glycosaminoglycans (heparin), and biological membranes. The results described in this study make it possible to indicate that toxicity is most strongly influenced by interactions with biological membranes and is closely related to the electrostatic charge of the macromolecule. The presentation of this observation was the goal of this publication. This paper also shows, using fluorescently labeled variants of polymers, the penetration and impact on cell structure (only for the polymer with the highest substitution binding to cell membranes is observed) by using confocal and SEM (for the polymer with the highest degree of substitution, and the appearance of additional structures on the surface of the cell membrane is observed). The labeled polymers are also tools used together with dynamic light scattering and calorimetric titration to study their interaction with other biopolymers. As for the interactions with biological membranes, lipid Langmuir monolayers as model membrane systems were used

    Preliminary studies on the mechanism of antifungal activity of new cationic β-glucan derivatives obtained from oats and barley

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    [Image: see text] New chemical structures with antifungal properties are highly desirable from the point of view of modern pharmaceutical science, especially due to the increasingly widespread instances of drug resistance in the case of these diseases. One way to solve this problem is to use polymeric drugs, widely described as biocidal, positively charged macromolecules. In this work, we present the synthesis of new cationic β-glucan derivatives that show selective antifungal activity and at the same time low toxicity toward animal and human cells. Two β-glucans isolated from oats and barley and modified using glycidyltrimethylammonium chloride were obtained and evaluated for biocidal properties on the cells of mammals and pathogenic fungi and bacteria. These compounds were found to be nontoxic to fibroblast and bacterial cells but showed selective toxicity to certain species of filamentous fungi (Scopulariopsis brevicaulis) and yeasts (Cryptococcus neoformans). The most important aspect of this work is the attempt to explain the mechanisms of action of these compounds by studying their interaction with biological membranes. This was achieved by examining the interactions with model biological membranes representative of given families of microorganisms using Langmuir monolayers. The data obtained partly show correlations between the results for model systems and biological experiments and allow indicating that the selective antifungal activity of cationic β-glucans is related to their interaction with fungal biological membranes and partly lack of such interaction toward cells of other organisms. In addition, the obtained macromolecules were characterized by spectral methods (Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and (1)H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopies) to confirm that the desired structure was obtained, and their degree of modification and molecular weights were determined

    Stereoregulation, molecular weight, and dispersity control of PMMA synthesized via free-radical polymerization supported by the external high electric field

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    We show the remarkable effect of using static (DC) and alternating (AC) electric fields to control the free-radical polymerization of methyl methacrylate (MMA). The magnitude and/or frequency of the applied electric field (up to 154 kV cm−1) were found to control the molecular weight, dispersity, and stereochemistry of the produced polymers

    Interplay between the static ordering and dynamical heterogeneities determining the dynamics of rotation and ordinary liquid phases in 1,6-anhydro-β-D-glucose

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    In this letter, we reported thorough the structural and molecular dynamics studies on 1,6-Anhydro-β-D-glucose, the second compound reported so far that is capable to form rotator and supercooled liquid phases. In contrast to the data presented for ethanol, temperature dependences of structural dynamics in both phases are very comparable. On the other hand, X ray measurements revealed unusually long range ordering/correlations between molecules in the ODIC (d â ‰ 95 Å) and supercooled phases (d â ‰ 30-40 Å) of this carbohydrate. Our consideration clearly demonstrated that the interplay between length scales of static range ordering and dynamical heterogeneities as well as internal molecular arrangement seem to be the key to understanding the molecular dynamics of different materials characterized by varying degree of disorder in the vicinity of the glass transition temperature