634 research outputs found
Small-scale industries in Indonesia provide more than 65% of total manufacturing employment. Sixty-three percent of small-scale firm employment is in firms that are clustered. A cluster is defined statistically in Indonesia as at least 20 firms in a village. For some agro-processing industries, such as bamboo plaiting, clustering does not involve interaction among firms; for others, notably the furniture industry, clustering firms make joint marketing efforts, subcontract each other, and share large orders. This article uses two recent case studies in the agro-processing sector – the furniture and the palm sugar industries – in Central Java. We argue that the target market of the industry (local or international) influences the nature of the contracts and other forms of interaction in the clusters. Targeting an international market requires formal contracts, more focus on marketing, and separate roles for finishing firms and subcontracting firms. Policy should be directed at enabling clusters to shift to the international market by improving contract enforcement regulations, vocational training, and providing opportunities for group lending.Agribusiness, Industrial Organization,
The fundamental issue in every general election, for instance the Indonesia’s 2024 election, is the existence of stipulated principle of neutrality of the State Civil Apparatus (SCA) in election laws. The principle has been in conflict with the highest values which should govern it. The purpose of this research is to describe and discuss the idea or effective legal theory for solving the conflict of SCA with the highest values that should govern it. The research applied the Indonesian legal theory known as Dignified Justice to navigate the finding. The methods used is pure legal research or the normative legal research. It has found that the root problem of violations of the principle of SCA in, for instance the 2024 is that election laws is in conflict with the Pancasila, which has long been understood as not as the highest law, but an ideology, while an ideology has been argued as a manipulative tool of a ruling elite to control its subject. In order to solve the problem, this study proposes that Pancasila should be treated as containing the highest values or the inner morality of law to govern the principle of SCA stated in the country’s election laws
Modeling trabecular bone adaptation to local bending load regulated by mechanosensing osteocytes
Cancellous bone has a complicated three-dimensional porous microstructure that consists of strut-like or plate-like trabeculae. The arrangement of the trabeculae is remodeled throughout the organism’s lifetime to functionally adapt to the surrounding mechanical environment. During bone remodeling, osteocytes buried in the bone matrix are believed to play a pivotal role as mechanosensory cells and help regulate the coupling of osteoclastic bone resorption and osteoblastic bone formation according to the mechanical stimuli. Previously, we constructed a mathematical model of trabecular bone remodeling incorporating cellular mechanosensing and intercellular signal transmission, in which osteocytes are assumed to sense the flow of interstitial fluid as a mechanical stimulus that regulates bone remodeling. Our remodeling simulation could describe the reorientation of a single strut-like trabecula under uniaxial loading. In the present study, to investigate the effects of a bending load on trabecular bone remodeling, we simulated the morphological change in a single trabecula under a cyclic bending load based on our mathematical model. The simulation results showed that the application of the bending load influences not only the formation of the plate-like trabecula but also the changes in trabecular topology. These results suggest the possibility that the characteristic trabecular morphology, such as the strut-like or plate-like form, is determined depending on the local mechanical environment
Interstitial fluid flow in canaliculi as a mechanical stimulus for cancellous bone remodeling: in silico validation
Cancellous bone has a dynamic 3-dimensional architecture of trabeculae, the arrangement of which is continually reorganized via bone remodeling to adapt to the mechanical environment. Osteocytes are currently believed to be the major mechanosensory cells and to regulate osteoclastic bone resorption and osteoblastic bone formation in response to mechanical stimuli. We previously developed a mathematical model of trabecular bone remodeling incorporating the possible mechanisms of cellular mechanosensing and intercellular communication in which we assumed that interstitial fluid flow activates the osteocytes to regulate bone remodeling. While the proposed model has been validated by the simulation of remodeling of a single trabecula, it remains unclear whether it can successfully represent in silico the functional adaptation of cancellous bone with its multiple trabeculae. In the present study, we demonstrated the response of cancellous bone morphology to uniaxial or bending loads using a combination of our remodeling model with the voxel finite element method. In this simulation, cancellous bone with randomly arranged trabeculae remodeled to form a well-organized architecture oriented parallel to the direction of loading, in agreement with the previous simulation results and experimental findings. These results suggested that our mathematical model for trabecular bone remodeling enables us to predict the reorganization of cancellous bone architecture from cellular activities. Furthermore, our remodeling model can represent the phenomenological law of bone transformation toward a locally uniform state of stress or strain at the trabecular level
AbstractPeople in the society would have never been living afar from crime or misdemeanor. At the same time, people in the society have also never ceased to think and making every effort within the law to prevent and eradicate crimes and misdemeanors. Not only things such us found in this 21th century, which is the century accompanied with sophisticated telecommunication and information technology revolution. But also with all types of crimes and misdemeanor, or in this article has been given specific attention on the typology of crimes and misdemeanor which are essentially by nature business and economic, or in this article has been considered as the oldest crimes as old as mankind itself. Many kind of efforts to prevent or to eradicate the crime with rules of law have begun since the Garden of Eden, from there until this sophisticated telecommunication and information technological age the law has already been existed. In the essence, the law which governs the typology of handling all kinds of business and economic crimes and misdemeanor are themselves running from the basic ideas of contract, or the agreement based on Pancasila. In Indonesia, Pancasila is the First Agreement and the highest law in the legal system.Keywords: crime; dignified justice; economicAbstrakManusia dalam masyarakat tidak pernah hidup sepi kehidupannya dari kejahatan dan atau pun pelanggaran. Bersamaan dengan itu pula manusia di dalam masyarakat tidak pernah berhenti berpikir dan mengupayakan pencegahan, maupun penanggulangan kejahatan dan atau pun pelanggaran menurut hukum.Tidak saja seperti yang dapat disaksikan berlangsung di abad 21, yaitu abad yang penuh dengan kompleksitas kecanggihan revolusi teknologi informasi dan telekomunikasi. Namun, segala bentuk kejahatan, maupun pelanggaran, atau dalam artikel ini diberikan perhatian terhadap tipologi kejahatan dan pelanggaran yang bercorak Tindak Pidana Ekonomi (TPE) sudah sama tuanya dengan keberadaan manusia itu sendiri. Berbagai macam usaha untuk mencegah terjadinya tindak Kejahatan dan Pelanggaran maupun menanggulanginya dengan pengaturan berupa kaidah hukum sudah dimulai sejak taman Eden, di sana pun hingga zaman teknonologi informasi dan telekomunikasi super canggih ini sudah ada hukum untuk itu. Pada hakikatnya, hukum yang mengatur tipologi penanganan atas berbagai kejahatan ekonomi-bisnis dilakukan melalui kesepakatan atau Perjanjian. Di Indonesia, Kesepakatan atau Perjanjian Pertama tersebut tidak lain adalah Pancasila hukum tertinggi, dan sumber dari segala sumber hukum.Kata kunci: delik; ekonomi, keadilan bermartaba
Revenge porn merupakan salah satu bentuk kejahatan yang melanggar hak privasi dan martabat korban. Kerangka hukum perlindungan data pribadi di Indonesia saat ini belum memberikan perlindungan memadai bagi korban, terutama dalam hal penghapusan konten dari internet. The right to be forgotten dikaji sebagai solusi potensial untuk mengatasi masalah ini. Penelitian ini menganalisis kerangka hukum perlindungan data pribadi di Indonesia yang relevan dengan kasus revenge porn, yaitu the right to be forgotten, serta mengidentifikasi tantangan dan merumuskan rekomendasi perbaikan hukum. Penelitian berlandaskan pada teori Keadilan Bermartabat. Penerapan right to be forgotten dalam UU PDP masih terbatas dan memerlukan penyempurnaan. Meskipun right to be forgotten berpotensi menjadi solusi efektif untuk melindungi korban revenge porn. Mekanisme pengajuan permohonan dan alasan penghapusan data yang belum jelas. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan revisi UU PDP untuk memperkuat right to be forgotten, dengan peraturan pelaksanaan. Hal itu sejalan dengan tuntutan hukum dalam jiwa bangsa sesuai teori Keadilan Bermartabat
Theoretical concept of cortical to cancellous bone transformation
Microstructures of cortical and cancellous bones are altered continually by load-adaptive remodeling; in addition, their cellular mechanisms are similar despite the remarkably different porosities. The cortico-cancellous transitional zone is a site of vigorous remodeling, and intracortical remodeling cavitates the inner cortex to promote its trabecularization, which is considered the main cause of bone loss because of aging. Therefore, to prevent and treat age-related cortical bone loss effectively, it is indispensable to gain an integrated understanding of the cortical to the cancellous bone transformation via remodeling. We propose a novel theoretical concept to account for the transformation of dense cortical bone to porous cancellous bone. We develop a mathematical model of cortical and cancellous bone remodeling based on the concept that bone porosity is determined by the balance between the load-bearing function of mineralized bone and the material-transporting function of bone marrow. Remodeling simulations using this mathematical model enable the reproduction of the microstructures of cortical and cancellous bones simultaneously. Furthermore, current remodeling simulations have the potential to replicate cortical-to-cancellous bone transformation based on changes in the local balance between bone formation and resorption. We anticipate that the proposed mathematical model of cortical and cancellous bone remodeling will contribute to highlighting the essential features of cortical bone loss due to trabecularization of the cortex and help predict its spatial and temporal behavior during aging
Creativity and its paradoxes: How the Indonesia movie industry can survive
Creativity is the driving force of the global economy. Competitors will arguably outcompete companies that cannot accelerate creativity in terms of technology and innovation. Highly reliant on creativity, the movie industry exhibits tensions and dilemmatic situations from time to time. On the one hand, creativity is needed to produce high-quality cultural products. On the other hand, commercial success and market acceptance are crucial for survivability. This research explores the Indonesian movie industry in terms of creativity and commerciality and its relationship with the creativity paradox that is relatively understudied before. The research was conducted in 2015-2017 using the grounded method. We conducted several interviews with moviemakers and audiences and organized focused group discussions with experts (film-culture critics). The results show that filmmakers need to recognize this paradoxical situation and manage their creativity better. Besides cinematography and story-telling skills, a better understanding of consumer behavior, marketing strategies, innovation, and financing strategies are important factors in managing creativity in the movie industry.Kreativitas adalah motor penggerak ekonomi dunia saat ini. Bisnis yang tidak bisa mengejar ketinggalannya dalam kreativitas yang mewujud pada teknologi dan inovasi, sangat mungkin terhempas dan tidak mampu bersaing lagi. Industri film yang sarat dengan kreativitas memperlihatkan tegangan-tegangan dan situasi dilematis dari masa ke masa. Di satu sisi kreativitas sangat diperlukan untuk menghasilkan produk budaya yang berkualitas tinggi, namun di sisi lain komersialitas dan bisa diterima pasar menjadi kebutuhan dan syarat untuk tetap eksis. Penelitian ini ingin mengeksplorasi industri film di Indonesia dari sisi kreativitas sekaligus komersialitas dan hubungannya dengan paradoks kreativitas, sesuatu yang belum dilakukan oleh penelitian-penelitian sejenis sebelumnya. Penelitian dilangsungkan pada tahun 2015-2017 dengan menggunakan metode grounded. Industri film Indonesia dipilih sebagai studi kasus. Sejumlah wawancara dengan pembuat film (produser) dan penonton, serta focus group discussion dengan para ahli di bidang film dan budaya, telah dilakukan. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa pembuat film harus mengenal situasi paradoksal ini dan mengelola kreativitasnya pada proses bisnis yang ia tekuni dengan lebih baik. Pengenalan perilaku konsumen, strategi dan inovasi marketing, dan strategi pembiayaan, selain dari penggarapan sinematografi dan story-telling, menjadi faktor kunci dalam mengelola kreativitas pada proses bisnis atau industri kreatif
An electroelastic problem of a semi-infinite body with D∞ symmetry subjected to distributed surface loading
Electroelastic field in an semi-infinite body with D symmetry subjected to a
locally uniform electric potential on its surface is investigated. By extending a potential
function method for transversely isotropic bodies, the electroelastic field inside the body is
formulated. Furthermore, numerical calculation is performed to investigate the field
qualitatively and quantitatively
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