136 research outputs found

    Implementasi Project-Based Learning Di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan

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    The present study was aimed at mapping the model configurations of project-based learning implemented as curricular activities in several vocational schools in the municipality of Malang. For the purpose, an exploratory survey and in-depth observation were performed at 8 vocational schools, offering 14 vocational programs and involving 24 teachers and 62 groups of students, each of whichconsisting 2-5 students. The study found: 1) the project-based learning modes in several vocational schools in Malang could be categorized into three model configurations characterized by the implementation of the very simple to the complex and ideal ones. The first configuration placedproject work as a medium for the development of vocational skills and the teachers played dominant roles in the completion of students' project works. The second configuration placed project work as a medium for putting theoretical and practical learning as close as possible, but teachers' control over project completion was still greatly dominant. The third configuration placed project work as amedium for integrating theoretical-practical learning, collaborative learning of solutions to contextualproblems provisioning more autonomy to the students in the decision making process for project work completion. The third configuration was considered as the most ideal model in project-based learning

    Factors associated with newly diagnoses HIV-positive among antenatal mothers in prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) program in Kelantan

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    Background: Vertical transmission is common and important mode of HIV transmission in children and without intervention, 30% to 45% will be infected with HIV from the mother during pregnancy, the delivery of the baby or breast feeding. Malaysia embarked on national PMTCT Program in 1998. It covers four strategies: a) primary prevention of HIV for PMTCT; b) preventing unintended pregnancies among HIV-positive women; c) preventing vertical transmission or HIV transmission from women to their infants; and d) providing care, treatment and support for mothers with HIV and their children. Safer modes of delivery which usually caesarean section are applied in these strategies and replacement feeding to baby born from HIV positive mothers will be supplied by MOH until the baby is 24 months old. Objective: This study aims to describe and determine associations of sociodemographic, obstetric history and risks of mothers and husband with newly diagnosed HIV-positive antenatal mothers in PMTCT program in Kelantan from 2009-2017

    Penerapan nilai melalui kurikulum tersembunyi dalam kalangan guru-guru sekolah rendah di daerah Johor Bahru

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    Kurikulum tersembunyi juga dikenali sebagai kurikulum tidak rasmi; kurikulum tidak formal; kurikulum tersirat atau dalam bahasa Inggeris disebut sebagai hidden curriculum atau unwritten curriculum. Proses penerapan nilai merupakan suatu proses identifikasi dan sosialisasi yang dilakukan oleh agensi tertentu sehingga seseorang itu secara langsung dan tidak langsung telah menerima atau mengambil standard nilai yang diamalkan oleh orang perseorangan dan kumpulan ahli masyarakat untuk dijadikan satu sistem nilainya sendiri. Kajian ini dilaksanakan untuk meninjau konsep kurikulum tersembunyi dan menentukan apakah strategi dan masalah penerapan nilai melalui kurikulum tersembunyi dalam kalangan guru-guru sekolah rendah di daerah Johor Bahru. Kajian ini adalah kajian kuantitatif. Kajian ini melibatkan 404 orang responden. Data yang diperolehi dianalisis secara kuantitatif menggunakan perisian Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS 20.0) yang melibatkan penggunaaan statistik deskriptif dalam bentuk skor min, sisihan piawai, kekerapan dan peratusan. Hasil kajian mendapati konsep kurikulum tersembunyi dalam kalangan guru-guru sekolah rendah di daerah Johor Bahru berada pada tahap tinggi (min = 3.89, sp = 0.40). Strategi penerapan nilai melalui kurikulum tersembunyi yang berada pada tahap tertinggi ialah strategi secara isyarat. Manakala masalah penerapan nilai melalui kurikulum tersembunyi yang tertinggi ialah masalah kurang pengetahua


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    Perjanjian Pengikatan Jual Beli Hak Atas Tanah merupakan perjanjian pendahuluan, isinya mengenai jual beli hak atas tanah, tetapi formatnya hanya sebatas perjanjian pengikatan dibuat di hadapan notaris yang dibuat antara pihak penjual dan pembeli. Tujuan PPJB sebagai pengikat sementara, yang berisi kesepakatan penjual untuk mengikatkan diri akan menjual kepada pembeli. PPJB diatur dalam Peraturan Menteri Negara Perumahan Rakyat No.09/ KPTS/M/1995 tentang Pedoman Pengikatan Jual Beli Rumah. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode yuridis normatif, menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan konseptual. Penelitian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa PPJB merupakan perikatan dengan syarat tangguh, menangguhkan lahirnya perikatan sampai dengan terjadinya peristiwa yang diperjanjikan, serta Notaris mempunyai kewenangan yang bukan sekedar menuangkan keinginan para pihak ke dalam akta otentik, tetapi juga wajib menjamin keabsahan akta tersebut berdasarkan bukti-bukti formil yang diajukan oleh penghadap

    Influence of Deposition Parameter to Wear Behaviour of Tungsten Carbide-Nickel (WC-Ni) High Velocity Oxyfuel (HVOF) Coating

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    This study is done to investigate the influence of deposition parameter to the hardness and wear resistance of the tungsten carbide nickel (WC-Ni) High velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) coating which is sprayed on the AISI 1040 medium carbon steel. Three different spraying parameters were used with the oxygen flowrate of each being changed and all other parameters and its value is kept constant. Oxygen flowrate of 30, 45 and 60 LPM were used. The result of hardness, wear rate and surface morphology were compared between the coatings. To compare the surface morphology of the three different parameter HVOF coatings, a scanning electron microscope was used. No significant changes shown on the surface of the coatings where all shows the same lump and crevices structure. X-ray diffraction was used to observe the elemental composition on the three coatings, all the coatings have the same elements present on them. It can be seen that all the coatings contains nickel, tungsten carbide, tungsten (II) carbide and oxygen. The method used for hardness test was the Vickers microhardness tester while weight loss test was used to study the wear resistance. Following the test, it is found that the hardness and wear resistance increased as the oxygen flowrate was increased. The highest hardness and wear resistance can be found in the coating with 60 LPM oxygen flowrate

    Pengaruh Customer Relationship Management Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Pada Bengkel Ahass Rantau Indah Motor 9100 Pati

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    Penurunan jumlah unit sepeda motor yang diservis diduga disebabkan adanya penurunan loyalitas pelanggan. Untuk menanggulangi kondisi persaingan serta mengembalikan pelanggan, bengkel AHASS Rantau Indah Motor 9100 Pati harus terus berusaha membina hubungan baik dengan pelanggan. Dalam menciptakan suatu loyalitas pelanggan maka diperlukan customer relationship marketing yang terdiri dari sumber daya manusia adalah pelayanan karyawan, dan kemampuan karyawan. Proses melalui kemudahan melakukan transaksi, pelayanan konsumen, penanganan keluhan. Teknologi melalui kemudahan pelanggan mendapatkan informasi melalui media elektronik, penggunaan aplikasi pelanggan. Tujuan penelitian menguji pengaruh sumber daya manusia (karyawan), proses, teknologi terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Pada Bengkel Ahass Rantau Indah Motor 9100 Pati baik secara parsial maupun secara berganda. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data mengumpulkan data melalui (questionaire) kepada responden. Analisis datanya menggunakan uji validitas reliabililitas, regresi berganda, uji hipotesis dan uji koefisien determinasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan, pengaruh SDM (karyawan), proses, teknologi terhadap loyalitas pelanggan dapat diambil kesimpulan variabel independen SDM (karyawan) pengaruh yang signifikan dengan loyalitas pelangga. Variabel independen proses pengaruh yang signifikan dengan loyalitas pelanggan. Variabel independen teknologi pengaruh yang signifikan dengan loyalitas pelanggan. Pengujian secara bersama-sama variabel SDM (karyawan), proses, teknologi secara simultan atau bersama-sama terhadap loyalitas pelanggan mempunyai pengaruh positif signifikan

    A Non-Invasive Method for Extraction of Fetal Heart Sound Signals using a Statistical Tool

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    In this paper, we present a novel approach to analyze and process the fetal heart sound signals (FHS). The proposed enhanced method extracts fetal heartbeat signals from the signal recorded by placing the mics on the mother?s womb. The signals collected are processed by signal processing approach based on Blind Source Separation (BSS) technique. The approach shows that ICA can be efficiently used as a statistical tool for Blind Source Separation (BSS) and to process acoustic phonocardiograph. The experimental results obtained by the proposed technique are encouraging and shows the accurate extraction of the fetal heart sound signals. The output of the proposed method can be further used to analyze the heart rate of the fetus

    Deposition of ZnO-Al (AZO) thin films for optical properties

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    Zinc Oxide (ZnO) is an inorganic compound and it is doped with aluminum to increase its capabilities. Aluminum Zinc Oxide (AZO) thin films are semiconductor materials that have band gap energy of 3.3eV. Various method of deposition have been study to growth AZO thin films. It has been extensively use in solar cell application, display application, gas sensing purposes, and thin film transistors (TFTs). In this work, sol gel method and spin coating was used to deposited AZO thin films. The ZnO sol-gel were synthesized using zinc acetate dihydrate as precursor, isopropanol as solvent, diethanolamine as sol stabilizer, and distilled water as oxidation agent. Then, synthesized ZnO were doped with different mole ratio of aluminum nitrate nanohydrate to produced AZO. The glass substrate was used as substrate and AZO thin films were then calcinated at 300°C and 500°C. The characterization of AZO thin film were done using X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis), Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM), and Energy Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). The XRD results show that the ZnO with hexagonal wurtzite-type structure and temperature does have effect on the film intensity which related to crystallinity of thin films. Through AFM analysis, the value of RMS decreases from 3.018 nm to 2.240 nm as the temperature increases. Meanwhile, from UV-Vis result, it can be seen that AZO thin film have a high transmittance percentage above 90% after wavelength 400 nm with band gap value of 3.3 eV. FESEM image show that the grain boundary of AZO decrease with both parameter (mole ratio and calcinations temperature). Both parameters do have effect on AZO thin film. EDX analysis shows that there are existence of zinc, oxide, and aluminum

    Peramalan Tingkat Permiantaan bahan Bakar Minyak Avtur di Pertamina UPMS I DPPU Polonia Medan

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    Dalam rangka meningkatkan pelayanan kepada konsumen Airline akan kebutuhan bahan bakar minyak A VTUR di Bandara Polonia Medan, maka PERTAMINA DPPU Polonia Medan harus dapat mengantisipasi kenaikan permintaan Avtur dan diperlukan usaha-usaha untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan tersebut sejalan semakin dan ke Bandara Polonia Medan