12 research outputs found

    Estimating Crop Coefficients Using Remote Sensing-Based Vegetation Index

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    Crop coefficient (Kc)-based estimation of crop evapotranspiration is one of the most commonly used methods for irrigation water management. However, uncertainties of the generalized dual crop coefficient (Kc) method of the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations Irrigation and Drainage Paper No. 56 can contribute to crop evapotranspiration estimates that are substantially different from actual crop evapotranspiration. Similarities between the crop coefficient curve and a satellite-derived vegetation index showed potential for modeling a crop coefficient as a function of the vegetation index. Therefore, the possibility of directly estimating the crop coefficient from satellite reflectance of a crop was investigated. The Kc data used in developing the relationship with NDVI were derived from back-calculations of the FAO-56 dual crop coefficients procedure using field data obtained during 2007 from representative US cropping systems in the High Plains from AmeriFlux sites. A simple linear regression model (KcNDVI = 1.457 NDVI - 0.1725) is developed to establish a general relationship between a normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) from a moderate resolution satellite data (MODIS) and the crop coefficient (Kc) calculated from the flux data measured for different crops and cropping practices using AmeriFlux towers. There was a strong linear correlation between the NDVI-estimated Kc and the measured Kc with an r2 of 0.91 and 0.90, while the root-mean-square error (RMSE) for Kc in 2006 and 2007 were 0.16 and 0.19, respectively. The procedure for quantifying crop coefficients from NDVI data presented in this paper should be useful in other regions of the globe to understand regional irrigation water consumption

    Operational Remote Sensing of ET and Challenges

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    Satellite imagery now provides a dependable basis for computational models that determine evapotranspiration (ET) by surface energy balance (EB). These models are now routinely applied as part of water and water resources management operations of state and federal agencies. They are also an integral component of research programs in land and climat

    Sensitivity of evapotranspiration retrievals from the METRIC processing algorithm to improved radiometric resolution of Landsat 8 thermal data and to calibration bias in Landsat 7 and 8 surface temperature

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    We made an assessment on the use of 12-bit resolution of Landsat 8 (L8) on evapotranspiration (ET) retrievals via the METRIC process as compared to using 8-bit resolution imagery of previous Landsat missions. METRIC (Mapping Evapotranspiration at high Resolution using Internalized Calibration) is an ET retrieval system commonly used in water and water rights management where the surface energy balance process is coupled with an extreme- end point calibration process to remove most impacts of systematic bias in remotely sensed inputs. We degraded L8 thermal images by grouping sequential digital numbers to reduce the apparent numerical resolution and then recomputed ET using METRIC and compared to nondegraded ET products. The use of 8-bit thermal data did not substantially impair the accuracy of ET retrievals derived from METRIC, as compared to the use of 12-bit thermal data. The largest error introduced into ET was \u3c1%. We also compared ET retrieved from images processed during the L8 and Landsat 7 (L7) March 2013 underfly to assess differences in ET caused by differences in signal to noise ratio (SNR) and scaling of the two systems. We evaluated the impact of bias in land surface temperature (LST) retrievals on ET determination using the CIMEC calibration approach (Calibration using Inverse Modeling using Extreme Member Calibration) employed in METRIC by introducing globally systematic biases into LST retrievals from L7 and L8 and comparing to ET from non-biased retrievals. The impacts of the introduction of both additive and multiplicative biases into surface temperature on ET were small for the three regions of the US studied, and for both L7 and L8 satellite systems. An independent study showed that METRIC-produced ET compared to within 3% of measured ET for the California site. The study assessed the impact of the February 2014 recalibration of L8 thermal data that caused a 3 K downward shift in LST estimation and changed reflectance values by about 0.7%. We found that the use of the recalibrated LST and shortwave data sets in METRIC did not change the accuracy of ET retrievals due to the automatic compensation for systematic biases employed by METRIC

    EEFlux: A Landsat-based Evapotranspiration mapping tool on the Google Earth Engine

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    “EEFlux” is an acronym for ‘Earth Engine Evapotranspiration Flux.’ EEFlux is based on the operational surface energy balance model “METRIC” (Mapping ET at high Resolution with Internalized Calibration), and is a Landsat-imagebased process. Landsat imagery supports the production of ET maps at resolutions of 30 m, which is the scale of many human-impacted and human-interest activities including agricultural fields, forest clearcuts and vegetation systems along streams. ET over extended time periods provides valuable information regarding impacts of water consumption on Earth resources and on humans. EEFlux uses North American Land Data Assimilation System hourly gridded weather data collection for energy balance calibration and time integration of ET. Reference ET is calculated using the ASCE (2005) Penman-Monteith and GridMET weather data sets. The Statsgo soil data base of the USDA provides soil type information. EEFlux will be freely available to the public and includes a web-based operating console. This work has been supported by Google, Inc. and is possible due to the free Landsat image access afforded by the USGS

    Assimilating Remote Sensing-Based ET into SWAP Model for Improved Estimation of Hydrological Predictions

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    An agro-hydrological simulation model is useful for agriculture monitoring and Remote Sensing provides useful information over large area. Combining both information by data assimilation is used in agro-hydrological modeling and predictions, where multiple remotely sensed data, ground measurement data and model forecast routinely combined in operational mapping procedures. Remote sensing cannot observe input parameters of agro-hydrological models directly. A method to estimate input parameters of such model from Remote Sensing using data assimilation has been proposed by Ines [2002] using the SWAP (Soil, Water, Atmosphere and Plant) model. A Genetic Algorithm (GA) loaded stochastic physically based soil-water-atmosphere-plant model (SWAP) was extended for the discussed problem and used in the study. The objective of this study was to implement a data assimilation scheme to estimate hydrological parameters (e.g soil moisture) of SWAP model. For this study six Landsat TM/ETM satellite images were obtained for part of the Great Plains (Path 29, Row 32) in the states of Nebraska (NE) for the 2006 growing season (May -October). Then a land surface energy balance model (METRIC) was used to map spatiotemporal distribution of evapotranspiration. The ability of METRIC accuracy was compared with the measurements at several flux sites with Bowen Ratio Energy Balance System units. Remotely sensed ET data and ground measurement data from experiment fields were then combined in a data assimilation to estimate parameters of the SWAP model. The system is initialized with a population of random solutions and searches for optima by updating generations. The result shows that the reasonable parameters (sowing date and harvesting date, Ground water level) were successfully estimated. On the basis of estimated parameters, soil moisture is predicted by SWAP model. The agro-hydrological model driven by the observed ET produces reasonable water cycle states and fluxes, and the estimates are moderately improved by assimilating ET measurements that provides information on the surface soil moisture state, while it remains challenging to improve the results by assimilating regional ET estimated from satellite-based measurements

    Estimating Crop Coefficients Using Remote Sensing-Based Vegetation Index

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    Crop coefficient (Kc)-based estimation of crop evapotranspiration is one of the most commonly used methods for irrigation water management. However, uncertainties of the generalized dual crop coefficient (Kc) method of the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations Irrigation and Drainage Paper No. 56 can contribute to crop evapotranspiration estimates that are substantially different from actual crop evapotranspiration. Similarities between the crop coefficient curve and a satellite-derived vegetation index showed potential for modeling a crop coefficient as a function of the vegetation index. Therefore, the possibility of directly estimating the crop coefficient from satellite reflectance of a crop was investigated. The Kc data used in developing the relationship with NDVI were derived from back-calculations of the FAO-56 dual crop coefficients procedure using field data obtained during 2007 from representative US cropping systems in the High Plains from AmeriFlux sites. A simple linear regression model ( ) is developed to establish a general relationship between a normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) from a moderate resolution satellite data (MODIS) and the crop coefficient (Kc) calculated from the flux data measured for different crops and cropping practices using AmeriFlux towers. There was a strong linear correlation between the NDVI-estimated Kc and the measured Kc with an r2 of 0.91 and 0.90, while the root-mean-square error (RMSE) for Kc in 2006 and 2007 were 0.16 and 0.19, respectively. The procedure for quantifying crop coefficients from NDVI data presented in this paper should be useful in other regions of the globe to understand regional irrigation water consumption

    Estimating Crop Coefficients Using Remote Sensing-Based Vegetation Index

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    Crop coefficient (Kc)-based estimation of crop evapotranspiration is one of the most commonly used methods for irrigation water management. However, uncertainties of the generalized dual crop coefficient (Kc) method of the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations Irrigation and Drainage Paper No. 56 can contribute to crop evapotranspiration estimates that are substantially different from actual crop evapotranspiration. Similarities between the crop coefficient curve and a satellite-derived vegetation index showed potential for modeling a crop coefficient as a function of the vegetation index. Therefore, the possibility of directly estimating the crop coefficient from satellite reflectance of a crop was investigated. The Kc data used in developing the relationship with NDVI were derived from back-calculations of the FAO-56 dual crop coefficients procedure using field data obtained during 2007 from representative US cropping systems in the High Plains from AmeriFlux sites. A simple linear regression model (KcNDVI = 1.457 NDVI - 0.1725) is developed to establish a general relationship between a normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) from a moderate resolution satellite data (MODIS) and the crop coefficient (Kc) calculated from the flux data measured for different crops and cropping practices using AmeriFlux towers. There was a strong linear correlation between the NDVI-estimated Kc and the measured Kc with an r2 of 0.91 and 0.90, while the root-mean-square error (RMSE) for Kc in 2006 and 2007 were 0.16 and 0.19, respectively. The procedure for quantifying crop coefficients from NDVI data presented in this paper should be useful in other regions of the globe to understand regional irrigation water consumption

    Hydrological information system: Integrated system for modeling, simulation, analysis, and distribution of climate and hydrology data

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    This principal thrust of this research was to develop an integrated Hydrologic Information System (HIS) with advanced data acquisition, modeling, and processing techniques to simulate hydrological processes, in particularly evapotranspiration (ET), at varying spatial scales using easily and freely available remotely sensing data. A second important component was to develop a web-portal to disseminate hydrological data online for the purpose of improved water management decisions in Nebraska. The five main chapters of this dissertation represent the foundation on which the specific findings within this research are grounded. A suite of procedures, tools and products related to water consumption in Nebraska, the High Plains, and the nation are investigated and developed, including methods for efficient delivery to end-users and facilitation of effective spatial data handling. The methods and accomplishments described are considered to be a ‘first cut’ in establishing a responsive information production and delivery system to support near-real time resources management, in particular the management of water resources over the High Plains. The products, procedures and architectures are described or developed during this dissertation