373 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pendekatan Pembelajaran Taktis dan Pendekatan Pembelajaran Teknis terhadap Hasil Belajar Keterampilan Passing dan Stoping

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    This research is about to study the effect of tactical and technical approach to learning result of passing andstoping skill. The results of this study is expected to serve as an alternative solution in order to improve thequality of learning soccer. The method used in this research is the experimental method. The population in thisresearch is the first semester 1 student of FKIP UIR as many as 160 people. The number of samples are 16people with sampling technique using Cluster Random Sampling. Time of research is for 2 months, the numberof treatment 16 times meeting, with frequency 1 week 3 times. The author\u27s chosen instrument is a passing andstoping skills test in football. for physical education students FKIP UIR soccer skills test (early and final test ofpassing and stoping skills). Based on the result of the analysis, it can be concluded: (1) The learning approachusing tactical approach gives influence to the skill of passing and stoping the student of FKIP UIR physicaleducation (2) The learning approach using tactical approach gives influence to the skill of passing and stopingthe student of FKIP UIR mask. (3) using a tactical approach and a technical approach are equally influential onpassing and stoping skills of UF FKIP students. However, the learning approach using tactical approach hasmore significant impact than the technical learning approach.PENGARUH PENDEKATAN PEMBELAJARAN TAKTIS DANPENDEKATAN PEMBELAJARAN TEKNIS TERHADAP HASIL BELAJARKETERAMPILAN PASSING DAN STOPIN

    Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Community Based Rural Tourism (CBRT) Development: the case of East Coast Economic Region (ECER), Malaysia

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    The launch of sustainable community based rural tourism (CBRT) programs in 1996 by the Ministry of Tourism of Malaysia (MOTOUR) indicated the government's commitment to incorporate sustainable development principles into the national tourism planning and development framework. Since then, the programs have been widely promoted by the government through various agencies and strongly embraced by the rural communities. Although the programs promise much potential such as job creations, provide an alternative of income for the rural household while promoting culture preservation and environment protection, recent studies showed that there was an issue of lack of monitoring of performance and progress of the programs due to the absence of criteria and indicators. From this research point of view, the absence of monitoring tools such as indicators could create obstacles and challenges, especially for the government and other donor agencies, in assessing the return on their investment in the programs and other impacts on the communities involved. Through extensive review of literature, a sufficient number of a preliminary list of criteria and indicators were identified. Each criteria and indicators were assigned into different category of sustainable CBRT namely economic, socio-cultural, environment and institutional. 64 preliminary indicators covered by eight criteria were identified by brought forward for the next stage: formulation of survey questionnaire. The identification and selection of a set of indicators using questionnaire survey was carried out using a Delphi exercise with experts and survey of local stakeholders. For the Delphi exercise, 20 experts were identified (academics, government officials, NGOs and tourism consultants) and consulted during the Stage One of Delphi consultation (selection of importa!lt indicators). However, due to the unavoidable issue of experts' dropout, a smaller number of 11 experts were maintained for Stage Two (ranking of indicators). The surveys of local stakeholders were carried out during the Stage Two involving 85 respondents from three selected villages as case studies (Le. Kuala Medang, Teluk Ketapang and Seterpa) located in the East Coast Economic Region (BCER). As a result, out of 64 indicators initially listed in the survey questionnaire, 47 indicators were selected both by the experts and by local stakeholders and included in the final list of indicators. The fieldwork results indicate that both the experts and local stakeholders are interested to support the idea of indicators formulation for monitoring the CBRT progress. At the final stage of the research, the proposed list of 47 indicators was put to test to assess the applicability and measurability of indicators for monitoring CBRT performances in the three villages i.e. Kuala Medang, Teluk Ketapang and Seterpa where 50 respondents participated in the survey. The field test intended to measure the uptake of sustainable economic, socio-cultural, environment and institution practices of CBRT program in all three villages. The outcomes for the analysis on uptake of CBRT economic and institution practices has shown a moderate success level with both 54% and 76% of an overall achievement while the analysis on uptake of CBRT socio-cultural and environment practices has shown a high success level with both 72% and 52% of an overall achievement. The field test revealed that the proposed indicators have been shown to be useful for measuring CBRT performance in the three case study villages. Furthermore, the achievement of CBR T practices could be determined as either low, or moderate or highly sustainable using index score approach. The results from quantitative and qualitative data collection processes could provide vital information to researchers, local hosts and other stakeholders about the current performance in the CBR T program from all major categories of indicators: economic, social-cultural, and environment and institution. In conclusion, the results from field test of indicators could inform decision makers and the CBRT participants in general about "where they are", i.e. based on the current level of sustainability practices, and "where they want to go", i.e. the local hosts' go~l or target setting for development of CBRT program. More importantly, indicators could also reveal to local hosts and other stakeholders "how far they are from achieving their goal/target"

    Permainan Perang Air (Chian-cui) pada Perayaan Imlek di Selatpanjang

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    The game is the creation of a water fight in the celebration of Chinese New Year in Selatpanjang. With the game of water war (Chian-CUI) in Selatpanjang able to add an air of excitement and entertainment in celebration of the Chinese New Year. It was proved by the increasing local and foreign tourists every year when entering the Chinese New Year celebration to visit Selatpanjang to see the excitement contained in Selatpanjang when entering the Chinese New Year celebrations, which will not be felt in other areas. The purpose of this study was to determine the Chinese tradition in Selatpanjang. To find out the background for the game of water war (Chian-CUI) at a Chinese New Year celebration in Selatpanjang. To find out how the development of water wargame (Chian-CUI) at a Chinese New Year celebration in Selatpanjang. To determine the value terkadung water fight during the game (Chian-CUI) at a Chinese New Year celebration in Selatpanjang. To determine the effect of water wars game (Chian-CUI) to the Chinese New Year celebrations in Selatpanjang. To determine the impact of positive and ngeatif water war games (Chian-CUI) at the time of the celebration Imlwk in Selatpanjang. The method used in this study is historical and qualitative methods. Data were obtained from interviews later in the analysis in its own language. The research sites are in town Selatpanjang Meranti Islands District. When the study started from the seminar proposal until a thesis seminar. Data collection techniques used were observation, interview techniques, technical documentation and technical literature. From research it has been found that the water wargame (Chian-CUI) is a game to be held for six days from the first day until the sixth day of the Lunar Lunar played on a motor rickshaw to surround these wars. Water war games have long played by the public Selatpanjang children terkhususnya Malay community, but only the last few years developed by Chinese young people as creations in the celebration of Chinese New Year in Selatpanjang

    Analisis Dampak Motivasi dan Profesionalisme terhadap Kualitas Audit Aparat Inspektorat dalam Pengawasan Keuangan Daerah (Studi Empiris pada Pemerintah Kabupaten Cirebon)

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    This research entitled is "The Impact of Motivation and Professionalism on the Auditquality of Inspectorate officers Financial Supervisory Areas (Empirical Studies inCirebon regency governments)." The purpose of this study was to examine theimpact of motivation and professionalism on audit quality. Common issues in thisresearch is the existence of audit findings that are not detected by the officers of theInspectorate as an internal auditor, but found by Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK)as the external auditor. This study has three variables, namely motivation andprofessionalism as independent variables and audit quality as dependent variables.Motivation variables were measured with four indicators of the level of aspiration,toughness, tenacity, and consistency. Variables measured with five indicators ofprofessionalism that is dedication to the profession, social obligations,independence, confidence in the profession, relations with other professions. Whileaudit quality is measured by three indicators of the process quality, quality results,and quality audit, follow-up audit. Method of this research is explanatory orConfirmation Research. The sampling data of this study using census techniques.The data analysis used is simple regression analysis and multiple regressions. Thepopulation chosen was the auditor in charge of the Inspectorate of Cirebon. Thesamples taken were 30 respondents. Based on the research that has been done, itcan be seen that the impact of motivation on audit quality is 12.6%, but notsignificant impact, professionalism impact on audit quality by 41.9% and significantlypositive. While, motivation and professionalism simultaneously impact on auditquality by 38.3%

    Aplikasi Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Berbasis Radio Frequency (RF) dan SMS Alert GSM

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    Monitoring Technology is a system with low cost and high efficiency becomes a challenge in the current era. The author makes a room monitoring system with wireless sensor network (WSN) based radio frequency GSM and SMS Alert. This system consists of two pieces of slave nodes and one master node. Master node and slave nodes using XBee modules as communications equipment. Each slave node consists of a DHT11 sensor to measure the room temperature and humidity, light sensor light dependent resistor (LDR) for measuring the intensity of light, the voltage sensor to measure the voltage source tools and PIR sensor for detecting movement of people in the room. All data sent to each slave node to the master node is processed and displayed. Then when the system is operating in a state of active monitoring, when the movement is detected, the master node will send SMS alerts to the user using a GSM modem wavecom module. Room monitoring results with these systems in accordance with the design, room condition information generated quite accurate with an average error of measurement is not more than 2%. SMS alerts precisely and quickly accepted by the user as soon as movement is detected in the room

    Modelling the conceptual design process with hybridization of TRIZ methodology and systematic design approach

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    The Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) methodology is known to be very effective in complex problem solving. The method, however, needs enhancements in the safety considerations at the earlier stage of conceptual design. This paper presents a hybridized TRIZ methodology with the work of Pahl and Beitz, Systematic Design Approach (SDA) through an effective modelling. This modelling helps in critical problem solving in conceptual design of aircraft parts. The process is applied to a case study of selected aircraft components with a proposal of a systematic and creative methodology in the conceptual designing process. The implications of this study will help aircraft designers to optimize the aircraft parts design in an effective and creative way

    Abstraction and Generalization in Conceptual Design Process: Involving Safety Principles in TRIZ-SDA Environment

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    Abstraction and generalization are the processes of facilitating a specific problem to help designers solve problems efficiently. Abstraction and generalization reduce complexity and increase creativity. Both abstraction and generalization guide designers to focus on the key factors of a problem towards producing a broader solution perspective. This paper aims to discuss the use of abstraction and generalization in the conceptual design process within the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) environment, specifically, in TRIZ-SDA (Systematic Design Approach), which was developed to increase the understanding of safety principles in the conceptual design process. In addition, the aspects of abstraction and generalization advantages, their implementation in the design process, safety constraints and comparisons between abstraction and generalization are also reviewed. A case study of an aircraft component is used as the example in conducting abstraction and generalization in the safety approach

    Modelling Constraints in the Conceptual Design Process with TRIZ and F3

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    Constraint stimulates creativity and is the key to understanding complexity. The benefit of the constraint-based problem is that it can spark ideas for new knowledge, new possibilities, and new opportunities. In every design, boundaries, controls and restraints exist. The constraint model in this paper shows the relationship among Form-Fit-Function (F3), Functional Analysis Model (FAM) and Su-Field. The constraint-based techniques improve problem solving in the preliminary design and satisfy ideal conceptual design. Constraints lift and improve creativity by reframing problems in a creative way. The best way to visualize constraints is by adopting design parameters and embedding them in the conceptual design stage, and continuously diagnosing them to ensure that the design does not violate the constraint requirements. This paper aims to model design constraints as a criterion for generating creative ideas and solutions, and suggest as a systematic entity in the conceptual design process. The model will be useful as a guide for developing an understanding of constraints in the conceptual design process