59 research outputs found


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    Pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang taktik dan strategi futsal modern belum diketahui oleh Mahasiswa PJKR FIK UNM. Kebanyakan hanya mengetahui permainan futsal secara umum.  PKM ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan taktik dan strategi futsal dalam melakukan keterampilan permainan futsal. Selain itu juga untuk meningkatkan pemahaman tentang pentingnya taktik dan strategi futsal modern.  Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan ini dibagi menjadi dua tahap yaiut penjelasan secara teori dan mempraktekkan langsung taktik dann strategi futsal modern. Hasil PKM ini menunjukkan bahwa ini peserta yang mengikuti PKM ini mampu mendemonstrasikan teknik dan strategi bermain futsal modern sesuai aturan yang baku.  Selain itu mereka menjadi paham tentang perlunya menerapkan teknik dan strategi futsal modern untuk efektifitas dalam bermain futsa

    Tensile Strength of Woven Kenaf Reinforced High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Composites

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    Environmental awareness and depletion of petroleum resource issue have triggered an enormous interest in utilizing natural fiber as environmentally friendly and sustainable materials as an alternative to the existing material. Therefore, this project aims to study the tensile strength of woven kenaf fiber reinforced HDPE composites. The raw materials for this project were continuous kenaf fiber from India and HDPE pallets. The kenaf was weaved to produce a structured fiber instead of continuous or short fiber. Two composition of HDPE/woven kenaf fiber were used i.e. 90/10 and 80/20 to produce the composite materials using compression molding technique at processing temperature of 17 The s mples were underwent tensile test according to ASTM D638 standard. It is found that the tensile strength of the composite increase with the increase of fiber content. HDPE/woven kenaf of 80/20 wt.% showed an improvement of 16.6 % in tensile strength compared to neat HDPE

    Penurunan Kadar Gula Darah Penderita Diabetes Melalui Aktivitas Fisik Senam Bugar Lansia

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui efektivitas senam bugar lansia terhadap kadar gula dalam darah bagi lansia. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen one group pretest-posttest design. Dilakukan kepada 20 lansia pasien Klinik An Nur Kabupaten Sinjai penderita DM yang dipilih menggunakan purposive sampling dengan kriteria wanita lansia usia 50-70 tahun. Pengukuran kadar gula darah dengan menggunakan glucometer (autochek Nesco) untuk mengetahui kadar glukosa darah penderita yang dinyatakan dalam satuan mg/dl. Ini dilakukan sebelum diberikan aktivitas fisik berupa senam bugar lansia (pretest) dan setelah diberikan perlakuan (posttest). Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji-t dengan bantuan software SPSS 16.00 untuk mengetahui perbedaan mean dua sampel. Hasil penelitian ini adalah terjadi penurunan yang signifikan kadar gula darah pasien setelah diberikan perlakuan berupa senam bugar lansia dengan nilai mean difference antara pretest dan posttest sebesar 18,23 mg/dL

    Pengaruh Kemampuan Fisik Terhadap Keterampilan smash Dalam Permainan Bulutangkis

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    This research is descriptive research that aims to determine: (1 ) the physical fitnes of athletes badminton , (2 ) skill smash athlete badminton , (3 ) physical fitnes contributed to the smash skill in badminton. The population is all the athletes PB.Yanti Jaya Makassar totaling 40 people . Sampling technique was purposive sampling . The data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis, correlation coefficient analysis, and single regression analysis through SPSS 14, at significant level α = 0.05. The results showed that: ( 1 ) the physical fitnes of in the category Enough with the average value of 200.05 , (2 ) Athlete Skills smash in the category Enough with the average value of 6.17 points; ( 3 ) There is a significant analysis of the physical components of the skill smash on Athletes badminton , the R value of 0836 ( Pvalue < 0.05 ) and accounted for 69.8 %.

    Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT) Terhadap Daya Tahan Kardiovaskuler

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    This study aims to find out the relationship of BMI to cardiovascular resistance in students. The type of research used is analytical observational research with Cross Sectional approach. The population is all students of the first-rate Barombong Shipping Polytechnic. A sample of 30 people obtained by simple random sampling with criteria ages 18-21 years, men, willing as a sample, are in good health and have no history of asthma and shortness of breath. BMI measurement is done with the formula BMI = BB (kg) / TB2 (m2). Cardiovascular endurance measurement using a bleep test is performed by running 20 meters back and forth. Data analysis techniques use descriptive analysis and regression using SPSS version 2.0 with a validity rate of 95% (α ≤ 0.05). The results of the study obtained BMI is in the normal category and cardiovascular endurance is in the category sufficient. In addition, it was also found that there was a significant relationship between BMI to cardiovascular endurance with an R value of 0.638 and p < 0.05. The conclusion of this study is that there is a significant relationship between BMI and cardiovascular endurance in students of Barombong Shipping Polytechnic

    Application of Massed Practice Method and Motoric Ability to Fencing Martial Skills

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    This research provides information about the application of massed practice benefits associated with the motoric ability of the students in the fencing learning process. The purposes of this research are to understand the impacts of application of massed practice for the group of high motoric skills and the group of low motoric skills in fencing martial learning process. This research method is an experimental method with pre-test and post-test randomized two-group design.The number of students that used as the samples is 20 students with simple random sampling technique through the motoric skills test. These samples were divided into 2 groups, the group of high motoric skills and the group of low motoric skills, each of these groups consists of 10 students. The data collecting technique uses motoric skills test (throws at target test, the flexibility of ‘togok’ and waist test, long jump without prefix test, face down and wake test, push-up test, the agility of run back and forth test) and fencing test. Data analysis technique in this research uses the statistic of t two independent samples test. The results indicate that 1) there is a significant effect of the application of massed practice learning method to the group of high motoric skills towards fencing martial arts skills, with a probability value of 0.000 (p <0.05), 2) there is a significant effect of the application of massed practice learning method to the group of low motoric skills on fencing martial arts skills, with a probability value of 0.001 (p <0.05), 3) there are significant differences effect of the application of massed practice learning methods in the group of low motoric skills with the group of high skills, with a value t-observation is 2.498 with a probability value of 0.022, (p <0.05)

    The Efforts to Improve Children’s Motoric Ability By Utilizing The Role of Traditional Games

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    The purpose of this study was to find out the implementation of traditional games such as traditional hopscotch and jump rope games on students' gross motor skills and find out how much influence there was between experimental class 1 using traditional hopscotch games and experimental class 2 using traditional jump rope games on students' gross motor skills. This study uses a quantitative approach. This research is an experimental research with the design used is the Quasi Experimental Research method or quasi-experimental. Quasi Experimental Research is a type of research method that has a control group and an experimental group that are not randomly selected. Researchers used the Quasi Experimental Research method because in this study there were outside variables that the researcher could not control. The conclusion from this study is that there is an influence of traditional games (engklek and jump rope) on children's gross motor skills. The implication of this study is as a complement in completing the playing process for children at school in games for gross motoric skills


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    Olahraga pickleball adalah cabang olahraga yang terbilang baru berkembang di indonesia. Bahkan di berbagai daerah olahraga tersebut belum dikenal sama sekali termasuk di kabupaten Sidrap Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Dominan hanya permainan yang menggunakan raket seperti bulutangkis, tennis lapangan yang populer meskipun karakteristik permainan olahraga pickleball hampir sama atau serupa dengan cabang olagraga yang menggunakan raket. PKM ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan atau melakukan sosialisasi terkait pemahaman/pengenalan cabang olahraga pickleball pada guru PJOK Kabupaten Sidrap dimana didalam materi tersebut terdapat materi teknik dasar, teknik bermain dan tata cara perwasitan dalam olahraga pickleball. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan ini dibagi menjadi dua tahapan yakni penjelasan secara teori dan mempraktekkan langsung teknik dasar/teknik bermain serta praktik tata cara perwasitan dalam olahraga pickleball. Hasil PKM ini menunjukkan bahwa mitra yang mengikuti PKM ini mampu memahami dan&nbsp; mempraktikkan teknik dasar, teknik bermain dan mampu mengaplikasikan tata cara perwasitan sesuai dengan aturan baku standar federasi olahraga pickleball

    Tensile Strength of Woven Kenaf Reinforced High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Composites

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    Environmental awareness and depletion of petroleum resource issue have triggered an enormous interest in utilizing natural fiber as environmentally friendly and sustainable materials as an alternative to the existing material. Therefore, this project aims to study the tensile strength of woven kenaf fiber reinforced HDPE composites. The raw materials for this project were continuous kenaf fiber from India and HDPE pallets. The kenaf was weaved to produce a structured fiber instead of continuous or short fiber. Two composition of HDPE/woven kenaf fiber were used i.e. 90/10 and 80/20 to produce the composite materials using compression molding technique at processing temperature of 17 The s mples were underwent tensile test according to ASTM D638 standard. It is found that the tensile strength of the composite increase with the increase of fiber content. HDPE/woven kenaf of 80/20 wt.% showed an improvement of 16.6 % in tensile strength compared to neat HDPE


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh disiplin belajar terhadap prestasi belajar mahasiswa di Universitas. Disiplin belajar merupakan faktor kunci yang dapat memengaruhi pencapaian akademik mahasiswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah survei dengan pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner kepada sampel mahasiswa universitas. Analisis data dilakukan melalui teknik statistik seperti regresi linier dan uji hipotesis. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa disiplin belajar memiliki pengaruh positif yang signifikan terhadap prestasi belajar mahasiswa. Mahasiswa yang memiliki tingkat disiplin belajar yang lebih tinggi cenderung mencapai prestasi akademik yang lebih baik. Selain itu, faktor-faktor lain seperti dukungan sosial dan motivasi juga dapat memoderasi hubungan antara disiplin belajar dan prestasi belajar mahasiswa. Penelitian ini memiliki implikasi penting bagi pengembangan strategi pendidikan di universitas. Dalam rangka meningkatkan prestasi belajar mahasiswa, perlu diberikan perhatian khusus terhadap pengembangan disiplin belajar mahasiswa melalui program-program pembinaan dan dukungan sosial. Selain itu, penelitian lebih lanjut dapat dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor lain yang mungkin memengaruhi prestasi belajar mahasiswa secara lebih mendala
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