27 research outputs found

    Rap1b facilitates NK cell functions via IQGAP1-mediated signalosomes

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    Rap1 GTPases control immune synapse formation and signaling in lymphocytes. However, the precise molecular mechanism by which Rap1 regulates natural killer (NK) cell activation is not known. Using Rap1a or Rap1b knockout mice, we identify Rap1b as the major isoform in NK cells. Its absence significantly impaired LFA1 polarization, spreading, and microtubule organizing center (MTOC) formation in NK cells. Neither Rap1 isoform was essential for NK cytotoxicity. However, absence of Rap1b impaired NKG2D, Ly49D, and NCR1-mediated cytokine and chemokine production. Upon activation, Rap1b colocalized with the scaffolding protein IQGAP1. This interaction facilitated sequential phosphorylation of B-Raf, C-Raf, and ERK1/2 and helped IQGAP1 to form a large signalosome in the perinuclear region. These results reveal a previously unrecognized role for Rap1b in NK cell signaling and effector functions

    Functional Dichotomy between NKG2D and CD28-Mediated Co-Stimulation in Human CD8+ T Cells

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    Both CD28 and NKG2D can function as co-stimulatory receptors in human CD8+ T cells. However, their independent functional contributions in distinct CD8+ T cell subsets are not well understood. In this study, CD8+ T cells in human peripheral blood- and lung-derived lymphocytes were analyzed for CD28 and NKG2D expression and function. We found a higher level of CD28 expression in PBMC-derived naĆÆve (CD45RA+CD27+) and memory (CD45RAāˆ’CD27+) CD8+ T cells (CD28Hi), while its expression was significantly lower in effector (CD45RA+CD27āˆ’) CD8+ T cells (CD28Lo). Irrespective of the differences in the CD28 levels, NKG2D expression was comparable in all three CD8+ T cell subsets. CD28 and NKG2D expressions followed similar patterns in human lung-resident GILGFVFTL/HLA-A2-pentamer positive CD8+ T cells. Co-stimulation of CD28Lo effector T cells via NKG2D significantly increased IFN-Ī³ and TNF-Ī± levels. On the contrary, irrespective of its comparable levels, NKG2D-mediated co-stimulation failed to augment IFN-Ī³ and TNF-Ī± production in CD28Hi naĆÆve/memory T cells. Additionally, CD28-mediated co-stimulation was obligatory for IL-2 generation and thereby its production was limited only to the CD28Hi naĆÆve/memory subsets. MICA, a ligand for NKG2D was abundantly expressed in the tracheal epithelial cells, validating the use of NKG2D as the major co-stimulatory receptor by tissue-resident CD8+ effector T cells. Based on these findings, we conclude that NKG2D may provide an expanded level of co-stimulation to tissue-residing effector CD8+ T cells. Thus, incorporation of co-stimulation via NKG2D in addition to CD28 is essential to activate tumor or tissue-infiltrating effector CD8+ T cells. However, boosting a recall immune response via memory CD8+ T cells or vaccination to stimulate naĆÆve CD8+ T cells would require CD28-mediated co-stimulation

    Clinical Relevance of Natural Killer Cells Following Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation

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    Natural killer (NK) cells are one of the first cells to recover following allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), and are believed to play an important role in facilitating engraftment or preventing post-transplant infection and tumor recurrence. Recent studies have provided novel insights into the mechanisms by which NK cells mediate these highly clinically relevant immunological functions. In particular, the ability of NK cells to reduce the risk of graft versus host disease (GVHD) and increase the graft versus leukemia effect (GVL) in the setting of human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-haploidentical HSCT highlights their clinical potentials. NK cells also mediate anti-viral protection, in particular against cytomegalovirus (CMV), an infection that causes significant morbidity and mortality following transplant. Another crucial function of NK cells is providing protection against bacterial infections at the mucosal barriers. NK cells achieve this by promoting anti-microbial defenses and regeneration of epithelial cells. These recent exciting findings provide a strong basis for the formulation of novel NK cell-based immunotherapies. In this review, we summarize the recent advances related to the mechanisms, functions, and future clinical prospects of NK cells that can impact post-transplant outcomes.</p

    IL-22: An Evolutionary Missing-Link Authenticating the Role of the Immune System in Tissue Regeneration

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    Tissue regeneration is a critical component of organ maintenance. The ability of lymphocytes to kill pathogen-infected cells has been well-studied. However, the necessity for lymphocytes to participate in reconstruction of destroyed tissues has not been explored until recently. Interleukin (IL)-22, a newly defined cytokine exclusively produced by subsets of lymphocytes, provides the strongest proof yet for the tissue regenerative potentials of the immune system. IL-22 plays an obligatory role in epithelial homeostasis in the gut, liver and lung. The receptor for IL-22 (IL-22R1 and IL-10R2) is predominantly expressed by epithelial cells. While the pro-inflammatory effect is questioned, the pro-constructive potential of IL-22 is well established. It is evident from the response to IL-22, that epithelial cells not only produce anti-microbial peptides but also actively proliferate. Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) and retinoic acid-related orphan receptor (ROR&#947;t) transcription factor are required for IL-22 generation from Lymphoid Tissue inducer cells LTi, Th22 and NK-like cells. However, IL-22 production from conventional NK cells is independent of AhR and ROR&#947;t. In this review, we present a case for a paradigm shift in how we define the function of the immune system. This would include tissue regeneration as a legitimate immune function.</p

    Effects of novel isoform-selective phosphoinositide 3-kinase inhibitors on natural killer cell function.

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    Phosphoinositide 3-kinases (PI3Ks) are promising targets for therapeutic development in cancer. The class I PI3K isoform p110Ī± has received considerable attention in oncology because the gene encoding p110Ī± (PIK3CA) is frequently mutated in human cancer. However, little is known about the function of p110Ī± in lymphocyte populations that modulate tumorigenesis. We used recently developed investigational inhibitors to compare the function of p110Ī± and other isoforms in natural killer (NK) cells, a key cell type for immunosurveillance and tumor immunotherapy. Inhibitors of all class I isoforms (pan-PI3K) significantly impaired NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity and antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity against tumor cells, whereas p110Ī±-selective inhibitors had no effect. In NK cells stimulated through NKG2D, p110Ī± inhibition modestly reduced PI3K signaling output as measured by AKT phosphorylation. Production of IFN-Ī³ and NK cell-derived chemokines was blocked by a pan-PI3K inhibitor and partially reduced by a p110Ī“inhibitor, with lesser effects of p110Ī± inhibitors. Oral administration of mice with MLN1117, a p110Ī± inhibitor in oncology clinical trials, had negligible effects on NK subset maturation or terminal subset commitment. Collectively, these results support the targeting of PIK3CA mutant tumors with selective p110Ī± inhibitors to preserve NK cell function

    Influence of CD28 and NKG2D-mediated co-stimulation in cytotoxicity.

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    <p>Negatively selected CD3<b><sup>+</sup></b>CD8<b><sup>+</sup></b> T cells were further sorted based on their CD28 expression levels into CD28<sup>Lo</sup> and CD28<sup>Hi</sup> CD8<b><sup>+</sup></b> T cells. These cells were activated with plate-bound antibodies directed against CD3, CD28 and NKG2D in different combinations. Cell surface expression of CD107a was analyzed through flow cytometry and used as a measure of cytotoxicity. Three independent samples were used to obtain data and P values were calculated using paired t-test.</p

    Analysis of CD28 expression on influenza-specific (M1 peptide, GFL9) CD8<sup><b>+</b></sup> T cells in PBMC and lung.

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    <p><b>A</b>) Human PBMC and lung-derived lymphocytes were stained with anti-CD3, anti-CD8 and GFL9/HLA-A2 pentamer to detect antigen-specific CD8<b><sup>+</sup></b> T cells. Gated populations indicate percent GFL9 epitope-specific CD8<b><sup>+</sup></b> T cells. CD28 expression is higher in antigen-specific memory CD8<sup>+</sup> T cells. <b>B)</b> GFL9/HLA-A2 pentamer-positive tracheal and <b>C)</b> lung tissue-resident CD8<b><sup>+</sup></b> T cells were analyzed for CD28 and NKG2D expression using confocal microscopy. Arrow heads mark some of the pentamer-positive CD8<sup>+</sup> T cells. <b>D)</b> Lung tissue and <b>E)</b> PBMC were stained for CD27 and CD45RA in order to classify them into effector and memory cells. These cells were stained with anti-CD28 and GFL9/HLA-A2 pentamer. Histograms show the level of CD28 expression among the pentamer-positive effector or memory CD8<sup>+</sup> subsets. Numbers in the histograms represent the MFI of CD28 expression.</p