51 research outputs found


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    Ikan tongkol komo (Euthynnus affinis) merupakan salah satu komoditas ekonomis penting yang tertangkap di perairan Laut Jawa sebelah utara Jawa Timur. Tingkat pemanfaatan ikan tongkol komo terus meningkat sehingga perlu dikelola dengan baik untuk keberlanjutannya agar tidak mengalami penurunan stok. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengevaluasi status sumberdaya ikan tongkol komo dengan mengestimasi parameter populasi dan rasio potensi pemijahan dengan pendekatan ukuran panjang ikan, digunakan sebagai titik acuan biologis dalam menentukan kondisi stok ikan. Sebanyak 1995 data ukuran panjang ikan yang dikumpulkan secara acak selama bulan Februari hingga Juni 2021 di Pasongsongan, Jawa Timur. Metode ELEFAN digunakan untuk menentukan parameter populasi yaitu pertumbuhan, kematian, dan laju pemanfaatan. Analisis rasio potensi pemijahan dilakukan dengan menggunakan parameter populasi, dan parameter biologi yang didapatkan dari hasil penelitian sebelummnya dengan paket LB-SPR. Hasil analisis pertumbuhan von Bertalanffy ikan tongkol komo dari penelitian ini diperoleh persamaan Lt= 60,9 (1-e-0,41(t-0,19)). Rata-rata tongkol komo yang tertangkap belum matang gonad (Lc<Lm), tekanan penangkapan dalam kategori tinggi dan rekrutmen dalam stok terganggu. Hal ini terlihat bahwa rasio mortalitas penangkapan relatif (F/M) = 2,51, laju eksploitasi (E) = 0,71, dan SPR = 20%. Oleh sebab itu diperlukan penyusunan pengelolaan yang efektif untuk keberlanjutan stok ikan tongkol komo.Kawakawa (Euthynnus affinis) is one of the important economic commodities caught in the sea waters north of East Java. The utilization rate of kawakawa is quite high, so it is necessary to regulate the sustainability of kawakawa stock to maintain it. This study aimed to evaluate the status of kawakawa fish resources by estimating population parameters and spawning potential ratio (SPR) with a fish length approach, used as a biological reference point in determining fish stock conditions. 1995 data on the length of fish were collected randomly from February to June 2021 in Pasongsongan, East Java. The ELEFFAN method was used to determine population parameters: growth, mortality, and utilization rate. SPR analysis was carried out using population and biological parameters obtained from previous studies with the LB-SPR package. The results of von Bertalanffy's growth analysis for kawakawa from this study were written with the equation Lt= 60.9 (1-e-0.41(t-0.19)). The average kawakawa caught was immature gonads (Lc<Lm), fishing pressure was also still high, and recruitment in stock was disrupted. It can be seen that the relative fishing mortality ratio (F/M) = 2.51, exploitation rate (E) = 0.71, and SPR = 20%. Therefore, it is necessary to develop effective management for the sustainability of kawakawa stocks


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    Abstract: The Hamiltonââ¬â¢s anchovy (Thryssa hamiltonii Gray, 1835) is one of main target species in Indonesian small pelagic fishery. This engraulids member is characterized by short lifespan and fast reproductive cycle. The research aims were to explore the reproduction aspects of the females Hamiltonââ¬â¢s anchovy in terms of changes in length at first maturity, spawning seasons, and fecundity as well as egg diameter as reproductive output. Fish was collected weekly during 2009 at fish landing site at Gebang Mekar, Cirebon. The fish was length measured, after which ovaries staged for gonadal maturity stage (GMS), fecundity, and eggs diameter. Length frequency data was all linked to this reproductive aspects. The results showed that Lm was 171.5 ñ 1.62 mm, comparable to annual calculation of 171.05 ñ 0.01 mm, Lc largely tend to smaller than Lm which indicated to unsustainable fishing. Fish spawns monthly with fecundity range between 3,456 ââ¬â 15,843 (8,261 ñ 2,776 eggs), it might be categorized as high fecundity fish relative to its body size. The distribution of eggs diameter showed 2-3 modus, i.e. they are partial spawner fish. The discrepancies in reproductive ouput is suggested to be influenced by seasons which characterized by different environmental conditions.àKeywords: Hamiltonââ¬â¢s anchovy, females, length, spawning, reproductive outpu


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    Badan Sungai Sebangau, Kalimantan Tengah, terbagi atas induk sungai sebagai wilayah umum dan anak sungai sebagai wilayah penangkapan ikan terkontrol melalui pengelolaan berbasis hak. Di sisi lain, sebagian lintasan sungai tersebut merupakan batas terluar kawasan konservasi Taman Nasional Sebangau (TNS). Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengidentifikasi kinerja pengelolaan perikanan berbasis hak di Sungai Sebangau tersebut. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Oktober hingga Desember 2019 dengan lokasi penelitian yang mencakup kawasan induk sungai dan tiga anak sungainya, yaitu Sungai Bakung, Rasau, dan Bangah. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif, didukung oleh data primer yang dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi, dan data sekunder yang diperoleh melalui penelusuran dokumen terkait. Informan utama dalam pengumpulan data primer adalah nelayan sungai. Proses analisis data terdiri atas reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagai berikut. Dari aspek sumber daya, diperoleh bahwa hutan rawa gambut membawa pengaruh langsung pada kondisi sungai, yang ditandai oleh keberadaan delapan famili ikan di sungai tersebut dan warna air sungai yang cenderung kehitaman. Dari aspek sosial kelembagaan diperoleh hasil bahwa: (1) nelayan memanfaatkan keberadaan modal sosial berupa pola kekeluargaan dan kekerabatan yang merupakan pondasi kehidupan bermasyarakat, (2) kegiatan penangkapan menjadi perekonomian utama, namun pendapatan nelayan mempunyai tingkat ketidakpastian tinggi, (3) nelayan didukung oleh damang, tenaga fasilitator dari Balai TNS, dan WWF Kalimantan Tengah sebagai aktor pengelola sungai dan membentuk interaksi asosiatif dan disosiatif. Penelitian memberikan arahan untuk mengukuhkan aturan dalam mempertahankan pengelolaan perikanan perairan darat berbasis hak di Sungai Sebangau.Titlle:  Rights-Based Inland Water Fishery Management In Sebangau River, Sebangau National Park Central KalimantanThe Sebangau River, Central Kalimatan, consists of mainstream as common area and tributaries as controlled area of fishing ground by means of rights-based management. On the other hand, the river constitute outer boundary of the Sebangau National Park (SNP) conservation area in Central Kalimantan. The research objective was to identify the rights-based fisheries management in Sebangau River. This study was conducted in October to December 2019 and was located on the mainstream and three tributaries, they are Bakung, Rasau, and Bangah River. The study used descriptive qualitative method with primary data that were collected from observation, interviews, and documentation, as well as secondary data that were collected from document study. The main informants were fishermen. The process of data analysis involves data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The research represented some findings. On resource aspect, it was found that peat swamp forest directly affected the condition of the river. It was indicated by the occurrence of eight fish families and the black colour of river water. On the social institutional aspect, it was found that: (1) Kinship systems were the social capital for the foundation of social life, (2) Fishing is the main economic activity, but it has a high level of income uncertainty for the fishers, (3) The fishers are supported by damang, facilitators from Balai TNS, and WWF Central Kalimantan as river management and building associative and dissociative interactions. This study provides direction for enforcing the rules in maintaining a rights-based inland fisheries management system in Sebangau River


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    Aims: This study aims to assess the value sustainable development opportunity of the coral reef fisheries activities in Indonesia from the ecological, economic, and social aspect, with a case study of coral reef fisheries at the coastal area of Ternate Island, using the Sustainability Window (SuWi) approach. Methodology and Results: The data was collected from statistical data from relevant institutions and literature study, which consists of ecological, economic and social data, and analyzed using the Sustainability Window approach to determine the sustainability of the fisheries development. The result shows that the Sustainability Window of the coral reef fisheries in the research area tends to move towards sustainable development, where the national policy in catch fisheries management has an impact on the sustainable development and management of coral reef fisheries at the coastal area of Ternate Island. Conclusion, significance and impact study: The Sustainability Window of coral reef fisheries at the coastal area of Ternate Island tends to move towards sustainable processes, with the width of sustainability window that not too narrow to the coral reef fisheries activities at the provincial and national levels. This condition attaches strings to a precautionary approach in policy decision for the management process, and consideration to the effect that can result from the development policy, both at the provincial and national level. The use of Sustainability Windows approach can provide a new simple way for assessing whether the development has been towards a more sustainable direction or not

    Sunfish’s (Mola spp.) Habitat Characteristics on their Appearance at Dive Tourism Depths in Nusa Penida Waters, Bali

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    The sunfish or mola fish (Mola spp.) is one of marine tourism’ icon in Nusa Penida waters where they appear seasonally. This study was aimed to observe the habitat characteristics of mola fish at the depths of diving tourism where they are visible. The research was conducted from July to December 2019 using survey and descriptive methods to obtain information of mola fish animal linked to habitat conditions. On its appearance data on depths, temperatures, currents, and the presence of symbiotic fishes were observed directly assisted by dive center operators. By comparing the morphological characteristics shown photographically, it is assumed that mola fish in study area is composed by two species, M. alexandrini and M. mola. The highest individual record was in September and decreasing along the incoming months. Mola fish prefers calm deeper water with lower temperatures coincides with the presence of cleaning reef fishes.

    Heavy metal content of Pb and Cd in bandik grouper (Cephalopholis boenak) in Banten Bay, Indonesia

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    Banten Bay is a developing area that is used by various activities such as fishing ports, industry and hotels. Many activities in the coastal areas of Serang City and Cilegon Regency have a serious impact on the quality of waters and fishery resources along Banten Bay. This study aims to analyze and determine maximum tolerance limit for bandik grouper (C. boenak) meat and gills which are safe for consumption by adults and children. The study was conducted at six stations, namely Panjang Island and Pamujaan Besar Island during the period of May, June and July 2019. Measurement of heavy metal content on meat and gills carried out using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric (AAS). The content of Pb and Cd in water fluctuates. The metal content of Pb and Cd in the meat and gills of bandik grouper has exceeded the quality standards set by BPOM and FAO/WHO, and is classified as polluted mild to moderate Pb bioconcentration factor values in grouper meat ranged from 6.78-72.00 and Pb bioconcentration in grouper gills 32.86-762.61. The maximum weight of grouper meat that can be tolerated for consumption for adults is 3,5 kg/week and children 1.0 kg/week


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    Pesisir Kabupaten Lampung Timur merupakan sentra budidaya udang vaname (Litopenaeus vannamei). Namun, daerah ini mengalami fluktuasi produksi, di mana produksi periode tahun 2019-2021 mengalami penurunan dari 10.504 ton menjadi 5.903 ton. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengevaluasi kesesuaian fisik lahan serta kualitas air dan tanah tambak pemeliharaan udang vaname yang diklasifikasikan ke dalam dua tingkat teknologi budidaya: tradisional dan semi-intensif atau intensif. Lokasi penelitian berada di pesisir Kabupaten Lampung Timur. Parameter yang diukur (1) kesesuaian fisik lahan meliputi ketinggian lahan, penggunaan lahan, jarak dari pantai, dan jarak dari sungai; (2) kualitas air terdiri dari suhu, salinitas, pH, oksigen terlarut, alkalinitas, amonia, nitrit, nitrat, serta fosfat; dan (3) kualitas tanah berupa pH dan jenis substrat sedimen. Tingkat kesesuaian fisik lahan dianalisis menggunakan sistem informasi geografis dengan metode tumpang susun (overlay) peta. Kesesuaian kualitas air dan tanah berpedoman pada Peraturan Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Nomor 75 Tahun 2016. Hasil evaluasi kesesuaian lahan untuk tambak tradisional menunjukkan 491,45 ha masuk kategori sangat sesuai (S1) dan sesuai (S2) serta 9.662,61 ha sesuai marjinal (S3). Untuk tambak semi-intensif atau intensif seluas 11,61 ha masuk kategori S1 dan S2 serta 10.416,58 ha kategori S3. Nilai hasil uji kualitas air dan tanah bervariasi di tiap titik pengujian, namun umumnya sesuai, hanya salinitas tambak semi-intensif atau intensif tercatat tidak sesuai standar budidaya udang vaname. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan lokasi tambak di lahan S3 dan ketidaksesuaian salinitas menjadi faktor yang memengaruhi secara langsung keberhasilan budidaya dan stabilitas produksi udang.The coastal area of East Lampung Regency is one of the main centers for whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) aquaculture in Lampung Province. However, the area’s shrimp production has highly fluctuated. For example, in 2019-2021, the production decreased from 10,504 tons to 5,903 tons. This study aimed to evaluate the land suitability, water and soil quality of shrimp ponds located in the coastal of East Lampung Regency which use two types of farming technology: traditional and semi-intensive or intensive. The measured parameters included: (1) physical suitability parameters: land height from sea level, land use, distance from the beach and river; (2) water quality parameters: temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, alkalinity, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and phosphate; and (3) soil quality parameters: pH and types of sediment. The level of land suitability was determined using the geographic information system (GIS) approach, in which a weighted overlay method was employed. The suitability classification of water and soil quality was based on the standard in the Decree of the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Number 75/2016. The results showed that 491.45 ha was categorized as highly suitable (S1) and suitable (S2) and 9,662.61 ha as marginally suitable (S3) for traditional farming. For semi-intensive or intensive farming were located in the S1 and S2 of 11.61 ha and S3 category of 10,416.58 ha. Water and soil quality varied in each research site but generally still met the required standard, only the water salinity of the semi-intensive/intensive did not meet the required standards of whiteleg shrimp farming. The study concludes that the location of the ponds in S3 land and the inappropriate salinity directly affect the success and stable production of shrimp farming in the area

    Evaluasi Pengelolaan Perikanan Cumi-Cumi Skala Kecil dengan Pendekatan Ekosistem di Perairan Medan, Sumatera Utara

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    Perairan Laut Medan merupakan bagian dari Wilayah Pengelolaan Perikanan Indonesia (WPP 571) yang merupakan daerah penangkapan cumi-cumi ( Uroteuthis spp.) oleh nelayan skala kecil di Belawan Kota Medan. Informasi mengenai kondisi perikanan cumi-cumi di daerah ini masih sangat kurang, sehingga diperlukan kajian ilmiah untuk mengetahui status perikanan dan pengelolaannya dengan menggunakan beberapa pendekatan yang relevan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji kondisi perikanan cumi-cumi yang ada di Belawan Kota Medan melalui enam domain indikator dalam Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management(EAFM) yaitu (1) Sumberdaya Ikan, (2) Habitat dan Ekosistem, (3) Teknik Penangkapan, (4) Ekonomi, (5) Sosial, (6) Kelembagaan. Pengambilan data untuk domain sumberdaya ikan dilakukan dengan teknik pengambilan sampel cumi-cumi secara langsung, selanjutnya data domain sosial dan ekonomi diperoleh melalui wawancara dengan kuisioner, sedangkan domain habitat dan kelembagaan dengan data sekunder. Nilai Domain tertinggi pada domain teknik penangkapan ikan sebesar 280 dengan kategori baik dan domain terendah pada domain habitat dan ekosistem sebesar 170 kategori kurang. Alasannya adalah tidak diketahui secara spesifik habitat cumi-cumi (tempat pemijahan ,daerah mencari makan dan daerah asuhan) di daerah penelitian. Sementara itu, hasil perhitungan agregat semua domain EAFM Belawan-Medan adalah 207 dalam kategori sedang , sehingga diperlukan beberapa keputusan taktis dalam pengelolaan perikanan cumi-cumi di wilayah ini

    Ratio of coral reefs to macroalgae: An ecosystem approach management

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    Abstract. The decline in the quality of coral reef ecosystems is not only caused by human activities but also caused by competition in ecosystems, including competition for space and nutrients. Research on the comparison of coral reefs with macroalgae is one of the determinants of coral reef health which is the basis for the management of coral reefs with an ecosystem approach. The purpose of this study was to analyze the comparison of coral reef cover with macroalgae. The research method used is Line Intercept Transect (LIT), the research location is 13 stations divided into 3 locations, namely north, centre, and south from Ternate Island in North Maluku. The results showed that the condition of coral reefs ranged from 24 – 86.60%, based on the condition categories of 13 observation locations, the coral reefs of Ternate Island were in very good condition at 15.38%, good conditions at 46.16%, adequate conditions at 30.77%, and damaged conditions 7.69%, while the condition of macroalgae cover ranged from 0 - 30.60% in the area of coral reef ecosystems. The ratio of the of coral reefs to algae ranges from 0 to 1.117, based on the ratio value, it is classified as low, medium to high, spread in the coral reef ecosystem of Ternate Island. Coral reef management strategies on Ternate Island include a continuous monitoring program for coral reef ecosystems, education on coral reef ecosystems, creating a conscious community of waste, and limiting the capture and restoking of herbivorous fish in coral reef areas.Keywords: Coral reef, ecosystem approach management, macroalgae, Ternate Islan


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    Penelitian tentang distribusi, kelimpahan dan ukuran larva ikan dilakukan pada bulan Maret, Mei, Juni dan Oktober 2011. Stasiun pengambilan contoh meliputi Muara Delta Upang (stasiun 1), Muara Sungai Musi (stasiun 2) dan Pulau Payung (stasiun 3). Pengambilan larva pada siang hari menggunakan Bongo net yang berukuran mata jaring 250 µm. Hasil identifikasi diperoleh 13 famili ditinjau menurut musim, pada bulan Mei dan Oktober masing-masing diperoleh 7 famili, dan pada bulan juni sebanyak 3 famili. Kelimpahan larva ikan berkisar antara 9-46 ind/m3 dengan jumlah yang tertinggi (46 ind/m3) pada bulan Mei dan terendah pada bulan Juni (9 ind/m3). Larva ikan dari famili Gobiidae memiliki sebaran yang cukup luas baik spasial maupun temporal. Variasi ukuran larva ikan menurut famili setiap bulannya memiliki variasi ukuran yang hampir sama. Research about the distribution, abundance and size of fish larvae was conducted in March, May, June and October 2011. Sampling stations encompasses Delta Upang (station 1), Muara Sungai Musi (station 2) and Pulau Payung (station 3). Larvae taken during the daytime using a Bongo net with mesh size of 250 µm. Identification results obtained 13 families based on the season, in May and October respectively 7 families, and in June as many as 3 families. Abundance of fish larval around 9-46 ind/m3 with the highest number (46 ind/m3) in May and the lowest in June (9 ind/m3). Larvae of Gobiidae family have a large distribution on spatial and temporal. The variation in size of fish larvae by family on each month are the same.
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