757 research outputs found

    Resonant cyclotron acceleration of particles by a time periodic singular flux tube

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    We study the dynamics of a classical nonrelativistic charged particle moving on a punctured plane under the influence of a homogeneous magnetic field and driven by a periodically time-dependent singular flux tube through the hole. We observe an effect of resonance of the flux and cyclotron frequencies. The particle is accelerated to arbitrarily high energies even by a flux of small field strength which is not necessarily encircled by the cyclotron orbit; the cyclotron orbits blow up and the particle oscillates between the hole and infinity. We support this observation by an analytic study of an approximation for small amplitudes of the flux which is obtained with the aid of averaging methods. This way we derive asymptotic formulas that are afterwards shown to represent a good description of the accelerated motion even for fluxes which are not necessarily small. More precisely, we argue that the leading asymptotic terms may be regarded as approximate solutions of the original system in the asymptotic domain as the time tends to infinity

    Web Based Audio/Video Lecture Browser: Adding of Feature

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    Práce se zabývá přidáním funkcionality k již vytvořenému webovému prohlížeči záznamů přednášek, která byla vypracována Ing. Josefem Žižkou jako diplomová práce. První část je úprava pomocného programu pro extrahování slidů tak, aby byla možná co nejvyšší míra automatizace při přidávání nových videozáznamů do systému. Druhá část se zabývá vytvářením pluginů do JW Playeru, který přehrává videozáznamy přednášek.Thesis deal with adding of features to already created Web-based lecture browser, which was elaborated by Ing. Josef Žižka as a dissertation. The first part is adjustment of utility for slides detection and extraction with the claim on the highest possible automation to add new videos into the system. The second part deals with creating plugins for JW player which plays video lectures.


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    Four foraminiferal paleobiogeographic realms are distinguished in the Carboniferous – North Paleotethyan, Perigondwanian, Siberian and North American. The Carboniferous foraminiferal faunas of both the Istanbul and Anatolide-Tauride zones distinctly differ from both Cimmerian terranes (Central Afghanistan, Qiangtang) and Libya and Egypt of the Perigondwana Realm and show close relation to the North Paleotethyan Realm, especially to the Fennosarmatian Province of southeastern Laurussia (Moesian and Scythian platforms) or to the Central Asiatic Province. A model that best fits with available evidence is that the Anatolide-Tauride Zone was either a part or located close to Laurasia in Carboniferous. The Istanbul Zone represents an equivalent of the Rhenohercynian Zone of the Central Europe and can not be compared with Intra-Alpine or south Variscan terranes which may be correlated with the Anatolide-Tauride Zone. Later, in the Permian, the Anatolide -Tauride Zone may has been separated from the Eurasian mainland by the Karakaya back-arc ocean.&nbsp

    Extraction of Alkali Ions Investigated by Conductometric and pH Measurements

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    Extraction of alkali ions from aqueous solutions of chlorides and hydroxides into a lipophilic liquid membrane composed of tetraethyl p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene tetraacetate (TBT) solution in hexane was investigated by means of measurements of changes in the electrolytic conductivity and pH-value of the aqueous solution. Hydrolysis of the TBT ionophore resulting in the release of the ethyl groups was proposed as the main reaction process, leading to disturbance of the known preference of TBT for sodium ions.

    Extraction of Alkali Ions Investigated by Conductometric and pH Measurements

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    Extraction of alkali ions from aqueous solutions of chlorides and hydroxides into a lipophilic liquid membrane composed of tetraethyl p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene tetraacetate (TBT) solution in hexane was investigated by means of measurements of changes in the electrolytic conductivity and pH-value of the aqueous solution. Hydrolysis of the TBT ionophore resulting in the release of the ethyl groups was proposed as the main reaction process, leading to disturbance of the known preference of TBT for sodium ions.