181 research outputs found

    Popularity of species of polypores which are parasitic upon oaks in coppice oakeries of the South-Western Central Russian Upland in Russian Federation

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    The article deals with research of popularity of polypores species (Polyporaceae sensu lato), which are parasitic upon living English oaks Quercus robur L. in coppice oakeries of the South -Western Central Russian Upland in the context of their eco-biological peculiaritie

    Eco-morphologic Aspects of Differentiation and Identification of Species Armillaria mellea Sensu Lato in Coppice Oakeries of Belgorod Region for the Purposes of Exploitation of Natural Resources

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    The article deals with matters of differentiation and identification of species of the complex Armillaria mellea sensu lato in loco in coppice oakeries of Belgorod region in Russian Federation. On the basis of results of comparison of local ecomorphotypes descriptions and known descriptions of Armillaria mellea s. l. European species it was stated that in Belgorod region’s oakeries there are two species belonging to the complex Armillaria mellea s. l.: Armillaria cepistipes and Armillaria gallic

    Opportunities for the analysis of the spatial ecological structure of the mycobiota of macromycetes of a natural-territorial entity (the case of the Botanical Garden of Belgorod University, Belgorod, Russia)

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    On the basis of direct observations, the general principles of the organization of the mycobiota of the macromycetes of the natural-territorial formation "Botanical Garden" of Belgorod State University (Belgorod, Russian Federation) have been clarified. Based on the clarified principles, a scheme of their spatial ecological organization has been constructed: mycobiota - mycohore (mycocenosis, mycoaggregation) - mycosinium-3 - mycocenocells - mycocell. The obtained results can be used to study the spatial ecological organization of mycobiota macromycetes of other natural-territorial formation

    Trans-species relation in communities of pathogenic Polyporaceae on pedunculate oak Quercus robur L

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    In the process of research phytopathological and mycocenological methods were used As a result of the research, real trans-species relation were revealed in the most common and frequently occurring types of PPF on oak within various communities: Mutually positive type relationships based on the proto-operation were found between Laetiporus sulphureus and Fistulina hepatica. Neutral type relationships were found in between Fistulina hepatica and Fomitiporia robusta, Laetiporus sulphureus and Fomitiporia robust

    Investigation of the Respiration Rate During Storage of Fruit Vegetables Under the Influence of Abiotic Factors

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    The aim of the work was to establish the influence of most important abiotic planting factors (temperature, precipitation quantity) on the respiratory rate of fruit vegetables at storage and also a possibility of correction of respiratory metabolism by post-harvest thermal processing by antioxidant compositions. Fruits of cucumbers of the hybrids Masha and Afina, bush pumpkins Kavili and Tamino, sweet pepper of the hybrids Nikita and Hercules, tomato of the varieties Novachok and Rio Grande Original were used for the studies. It was established, that the respiratory rate of pumpkin fruit vegetables is importantly influenced by the variety specificity. The respiratory level of pumpkin vegetables directly correlates with the sum of active temperatures of the period of fruits formation and reversibly – with precipitation and hydrothermal coefficient.The influence of the variety specificity for nightshade vegetables is leveled, and among meteorological planting conditions the important intense influence on the respiratory rate is realized by the sum of active temperatures of the period of fruits formation and ripening. Precipitation and hydrothermal coefficient have the important influence only on pepper fruits.It was established, that the use of post-harvest thermal processing by antioxidant compositions results in inhibition of respiratory processes in fruit vegetables at storage

    Digitalization of Higher Education in 2021 – Challenges for University Students In Russia

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    Digital educational platforms emerged as an anticipated technological response to the need for the modernization of higher education. The digitalization of education was promoted at the state level as a strategy and an instrument to improve the quality and competitiveness of education. In 2020, the coronavirus pandemic accelerated the transition from the classroom to online-only, revealing the lack of purposeful online teaching methods, and insufficient digital competence among teachers. The authors analyzed publications by foreign and Russian researchers to highlight the common problems of higher education digitalization, including datafication, limited capabilities of digital educational platforms, and the changing role of the teachers in e-learning. The article focuses on students’ attitudes towards online education, and their voluntary or unwilling involvement in the digital educational environment, considering synchronous, asynchronous, and blended forms of learning before and during the pandemic. The achieved results suggest that such factors as the novelty and accessibility of online courses at Western universities initially served as a factor of attraction the students, inviting them to diversify their studies in their own creative way. However, increased stress and workload, various technical problems, tough teachers’ control on the one hand, and poor feedback, on the other, weakened the popularity of the digital educational environment. When asked to compare the pros and cons of online education, most students spoke in favour of maintaining the blended education format, as it allows for reducing the workload and – to some extent – enables the students to take control of their education trajectories. This work is intended for educators and researchers interested in the challenges caused by integrating digital technologies into traditional forms of education

    Investigation of the respiration rate during storage of fruit vegetables under the influence of abiotic factors

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    The aim of the work was to establish the influence of most important abiotic planting factors (temperature, precipitation quantity) on the respiratory rate of fruit vegetables at storage and also a possibility of correction of respiratory metabolism by post-harvest thermal processing by antioxidant compositions. Fruits of cucumbers of the hybrids Masha and Afina, bush pumpkins Kavili and Tamino, sweet pepper of the hybrids Nikita and Hercules, tomato of the varieties Novachok and Rio Grande Original were used for the studies. It was established, that the respiratory rate of pumpkin fruit vegetables is importantly influenced by the variety specificity. The respiratory level of pumpkin vegetables directly correlates with the sum of active temperatures of the period of fruits formation and reversibly – with precipitation and hydrothermal coefficient. The influence of the variety specificity for nightshade vegetables is leveled, and among meteorological planting conditions the important intense influence on the respiratory rate is realized by the sum of active temperatures of the period of fruits formation and ripening. Precipitation and hydrothermal coefficient have the important influence only on pepper fruits. It was established, that the use of post-harvest thermal processing by antioxidant compositions results in inhibition of respiratory processes in fruit vegetables at storage

    Agrolandscape ecotones potential for rational nature management

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    The article deals with matters of studying mechanisms of agrolandscapes adaptation to dynamic environment based on using environment - forming and environment - stabilizing potential of such landscape components as ecotones. Premised on results of ecotones research, obtained by the authors in the territory of Russia’s forest - steppe zone, the article suggests optimal parameters of the protective fo rest plantation system inclusive of ecotone

    Philosophical and methodological principles underlying the prenatal diagnosis of the fetal central nervous system in placental dysfunction

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    The article considers the fundamental philosophical and methodological principles as theoretical prerequisites for prenatal diagnosis of the fetus in pregnant women with placental dysfunction.В статье рассматриваются фундаментальные философско-методологические принципы как теоретические предпосылки пренатальной диагностики плода у беременных с плацентарной дисфункцией