739 research outputs found

    Modified ovarian response prediction index: a novel index for ovarian response prediction in GnRH agonist cycles

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    Background: Evaluation of the ovarian reserve is necessary to achieve an appropriate controlled ovarian stimulation (COS). This can be done by correctly predicting the ovarian response. The objective of this study was to derive a simple index by combining the above parameters which will be helpful determining ovarian response.Methods: This retrospective analysis was performed at Guru hospital, Madurai, involving 162 patients between July 2016 and July 2018. Inclusion criteria was all patients attending for their first ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) cycle between the above period, GnRH agonist protocol as the method of ovarian stimulation, no history of any previous ovarian surgery, presence of both ovaries and no evidence of any obvious endocrine disorders. We calculated MORPI values by multiplying the AMH (ng/ml) level by the number of antral follicles (2-9 mm), and the result was divided by the age (years) of the patient and the day- 3 serum FSH level.Results: At a cut-off value of 35 (AUC-0.952) for collection of ≥ 4 oocytes and 140 (AUC-0.952) for collection of ≥ 15 oocytes, MORPI was found to have optimum sensitivity and specificity under ROC curve analysis.Conclusions: MORPI is a simple, precise and cost effective index to predict a low ovarian response, the collection of >4 MII oocytes and an excessive ovarian response in infertile women. This index also has a good ability to predict the clinical pregnancy rate. This might be used to improve the cost-benefit ratio of ovarian stimulation regimens

    Role of serum FSH for predicting success of sperm retrieval for patients undergoing microdissection-TESE: a retrospective analysis

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    Background: The method of sperm retrieval for azoospermic patients had evolved in the recent times and micro-dissection TESE being the latest method for the same. Patient selection for TESE has always been an area of concern. Although low level of serum FSH is good indicator for successful sperm retrieval for conventional TESE, its role for micro-TESE is debatable. The primary objective of present study is to determine whether serum FSH level can predict success rate of sperm retrieval by micro-dissection TESE (micro-TESE). In addition, authors have compared the outcome of ICSI-TESE cycles between obstructive and nonobstructive azoospermia.Methods: This is a retrospective study conducted at Guru Hospital, Madurai, India between January 2014 and February 2018. Data collected from the previous hospital records.Results: Out of a total 147 azoospermic patients included in present study 68 (46.3%) were obstructive azoospermic whereas 79 (53.7%) were of nonobstructive variety. While assessing TESE- ICSI outcomes among obstructive versus nonobstructive azoospermic groups, authors found that the two groups had similar clinical pregnancy rates per transfer, chemical pregnancy rates per transfer, implantation rates, live birth rates and abortion rates per transfer. Authors also compared serum FSH level between micro TESE positive and micro-TESE negative groups. But there was no significant difference between the two groups. Authors could not find any definite correlation between serum FSH and sperm retrieval rate.Conclusions: For nonobstructive azoospermic men, TESE-ICSI provides a hope to parenting their genetically own child. Of course, before advising TESE-ICSI, nonobstructive azoospermic men should be counseled regarding the low success rate of sperm retrieval. Serum FSH level cannot predict success rate of sperm retrieval for patients undergoing micro-TESE

    Squeezing in Multivariate Spin Systems

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    In contrast to the canonically conjugate variates qq,pp representing the position and momentum of a particle in the phase space distributions, the three Cartesian components, JxJ_{x},JyJ_{y}, JzJ_{z} of a spin-jj system constitute the mutually non-commuting variates in the quasi-probabilistic spin distributions. It can be shown that a univariate spin distribution is never squeezed and one needs to look into either bivariate or trivariate distributions for signatures of squeezing. Several such distributions result if one considers different characteristic functions or moments based on various correspondence rules. As an example, discrete probability distribution for an arbitrary spin-1 assembly is constructed using Wigner-Weyl and Margenau-Hill correspondence rules. It is also shown that a trivariate spin-1 assembly resulting from the exposure of nucleus with non-zero quadrupole moment to combined electric quadrupole field and dipole magnetic field exhibits squeezing in cerain cases.Comment: 13 pages, 1 Table, Presented at ICSSUR-05, Franc

    Rare presentation of a case of primary parasitic leiomyoma with concurrent uterine leiomyomas

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    Uterine leiomyomas are the most common pelvic benign tumours affecting women of reproductive age group. Parasitic leiomyoma is a type of leiomyoma which has been completely detached from uterus and is having independent blood supply from nearby structures, it’s attached with. Parasitic leiomyoma is regarded as a sub-type of subserosal fibroid by some authors. While others consider it as a complication of uterine procedures being performed for some type of uterine pathology. Here we are reporting a rare case of primary parasitic leiomyoma with concurrent multiple uterine leiomyomas that were managed by laparoscopic myomectomy. They create clinical dilemma due to their tendency to mimic as other pelvic tumours. So parasitic fibroids must be kept in the differential diagnosis of every case of abdominopelvic mass. Finally, it can be a rare complication of morcellation procedure performed for myoma retrieval and hence caution should exercise during such procedures

    Knowledge Discovery from Web Logs - A Survey

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    Web usage mining is obtaining the interesting and constructive knowledge and implicit information from activities related to the WWW. Web servers trace and gather information about user interactions every time the user requests for particular resources. Evaluating the Web access logs would assist in predicting the user behavior and also assists in formulating the web structure. Based on the applications point of view, information extracted from the Web usage patterns possibly directly applied to competently manage activities related to e-business, e-services, e-education, on-line communities and so on. On the other hand, since the size and density of the data grows rapidly, the information provided by existing Web log file analysis tools may possibly provide insufficient information and hence more intelligent mining techniques are needed. There are several approaches previously available for web usage mining. The approaches available in the literature have their own merits and demerits. This paper focuses on the study and analysis of various existing web usage mining techniques

    Coexistence of both Brenner tumor and cystadenofibroma of ovary in a postmenopausal woman: a rare case

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    Brenner tumor, and cystadeno fibroma of ovary are rare varieties of ovarian tumor, characterized by presence of solid components. There are very rare instances where both Brenner tumor and cystadenofibroma coexist in a single patient. A 48-year P1L1, postmenopusal woman presented at Guru hospital, Madurai, with chief complaints of on and off postmenopausal bleeding for 6 months. On ultrasonography there were two simple cysts of ovary measuring 6x 6 cm on left side and 4x4 cm on right side. She was managed with total laparoscopic hysterectomy and bilateral salpingoophorectomy.  Intraoperatively there was a right ovarian mass of 6x6 cm size and a left ovarian mass of 4x4 cm size. Left ovarian mass reported as benign cystadenofibroma while the right ovarian mass was reported to be brenners tumor on histopathology. As the preoperative imaging are not completely relied for diagnosing these tumors, awareness of the surgeons of these entities is particularly important. The prognosis of both of these tumors is excellent with suitable treatment. They have a very low recurrence risk on compete removal through surgery


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    Objective: The present study evaluates the antioxidant and α-amylase inhibitory activity of leaf and bark extracts of Phyllanthus indofischeri with methanol and water as solvents. In addition to this, the total phenolic content and total flavonoid content was determined.Methods: The total phenolic and total flavonoid content of the extracts was determined by folin ciocaletus reagent method and aluminium chloride colorimetric method respectively. The antioxidant and α-amylase inhibitory activity were measured by various assays, including α, α-diphenyl-ẞ-dipicryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging, 2,2'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonicacid) (ABTS) radical scavenging, superoxide radical scavenging, total antioxidant capacity by phosphomolybdate method and porcine pancreatic α-amylase inhibitory assay. The IC50 values were calculated and compared with standards such as gallic acid, ascorbic acid and α-acarbose.Results: The results illustrated that all the extracts of Phyllanthus indofischeri exhibit significant antioxidant and α-amylase inhibitory activity. Among the extracts, methanolic leaf extract showed high levels of activity followed by bark water extract.Conclusion: Phyllanthus indofischeri extracts had shown antioxidant and α-amylase inhibitory activity. On the basis of these results, Phyllanthus indofischeri can be used as a natural antioxidant and hypoglycemic agent against various disorders related to oxidative stress; and the isolation of bioactive compounds was warranted.Â