114 research outputs found

    Asymptotic Stabilization of a Flexible Beam with an Attached Mass

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    A Dynamic Observer for a Class of Infinite-Dimensional Vibrating Flexible Structures

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    Infinite-dimensional control systems with outputs are considered in the Hamiltonian formulation with generalized coordinates. An explicit scheme for constructing a dynamic observer for this class of systems is proposed with arbitrary gain coefficients. Sufficient conditions for the convergence of the constructed observer are obtained on the basis of the invariance principle. This result is applied to a flexible beam model attached to a mass-spring system with lumped and distributed actuators. The estimation error decay is illustrated with numerical simulations of finite-dimensional approximations of the observer dynamics.Comment: This is a preprint version of the paper accepted to the 2023 European Control Conferenc

    Theory of sub-10 fs Generation in Kerr-lens Mode-locked Solid-State Lasers with a Coherent Semiconductor Absorber

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    The results of the study of ultra-short pulse generation in continuous-wave Kerr-lens mode-locked (KLM) solid-state lasers with semiconductor saturable absorbers are presented. The issues of extremely short pulse generation are addressed in the frames of the theory that accounts for the coherent nature of the absorber-pulse interaction. We developed an analytical model that bases on the coupled generalized Landau-Ginzburg laser equation and Bloch equations for a coherent absorber. We showed, that in the absence of KLM semiconductor absorber produces 2pi - non-sech-pulses of self-induced transparency, while the KLM provides an extremely short sech-shaped pulse generation. 2pi- and pi-sech-shaped solutions and variable-area chirped pulses have been found. It was shown, that the presence of KLM removes the limitation on the minimal modulation depth in absorber. An automudulational stability and self-starting ability were analyzed, too.Comment: revised version, 18 pages, 6 figures, LaTeX, Maple program is available on http://www.geocities.com/optomaple

    On the Eigenvalue Distribution for a Beam with Attached Masses

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    We study a mathematical model of a hinged flexible beam with piezoelectric actuators and electromagnetic shaker in this paper. The shaker is modelled as a mass and spring system attached to the beam. To analyze free vibrations of this mechanical system, we consider the corresponding spectral problem for a fourth-order differential operator with interface conditions that characterize the shaker dynamics. The characteristic equation is studied analytically, and asymptotic estimates of eigenvalues are obtained. The eigenvalue distribution is also illustrated by numerical simulations under a realistic choice of mechanical parameters.Comment: Accepted for publication in the special issue "Stabilization of Distributed Parameter Systems: Design Methods and Applications", SEMA SIMAI Springer Serie

    Enhancement of stimulated Brillouin scattering of higher-order acoustic modes in single-mode optical fiber

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    This paper was published in Optics Letters and is made available as an electronic reprint with the permission of OSA. The paper can be found at the following URL on the OSA website: http://www.opticsinfobase.org/abstract.cfm?URI=ol-30-20-2685. Systematic or multiple reproduction or distribution to multiple locations via electronic or other means is prohibited and is subject to penalties under law.Solving the elastic wave equation exactly for a GeO2-doped silica fiber with a steplike distribution of the longitudinal and shear velocities and density, we have obtained the dispersion, attenuation, and fields of the leaky acoustic modes supported by the fiber. We have developed a model for stimulated Brillouin scattering of these modes in a pump-probe configuration and provided their Brillouin gains and frequencies for an extended range of core sizes and GeO2 doping. Parameter ranges close to cutoff of the acoustic modes and pump depletion enhance the ratio of higher-order peaks to the main peak in the Brillouin spectrum and are suitable for simultaneous strain-temperature sensing.Shahraam Afshar V., V. P. Kalosha, Xiaoyi Bao, Liang Che

    Gaussian pulse dynamics in gain media with Kerr nonlinearity

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    Using the Kantorovitch method in combination with a Gaussian ansatz, we derive the equations of motion for spatial, temporal and spatiotemporal optical propagation in a dispersive Kerr medium with a general transverse and spectral gain profile. By rewriting the variational equations as differential equations for the temporal and spatial Gaussian q parameters, optical ABCD matrices for the Kerr effect, a general transverse gain profile and nonparabolic spectral gain filtering are obtained. Further effects can easily be taken into account by adding the corresponding ABCD matrices. Applications include the temporal pulse dynamics in gain fibers and the beam propagation or spatiotemporal pulse evolution in bulk gain media. As an example, the steady-state spatiotemporal Gaussian pulse dynamics in a Kerr-lens mode-locked laser resonator is studied

    Затраты ПУП ”Брестские традиции“ и направления их оптимизации

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    Статья содержит анализ затрат на производство и реализацию продукции в ПУП ”Брестские традиции“, анализ факторов, влияющих на их изменение, а также возможные направления оптимизации затрат

    Design considerations for large-aperture single-mode oxide-confined vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers

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    This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. This article appeared in Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 071117 (2012) and may be found at https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4746422.The output modal content of the oxide-confined vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) crucially depends upon the thickness of the low-index oxide aperture, its position with respect to the standing waves of the transverse-longitudinal modes and the separation from the cavity. Three-dimensional cold-cavity optical modes of typical AlGaAs/GaAs VCSELs at 850 nm were simulated to study these dependencies quantitatively taking into account the field diffraction and the material dispersion. Modification of one or two periods of the distributed Bragg reflector by positioning the thin oxidized aperture layers in the mode nodes allows single-mode regime to extend to the aperture diameters as large as 10 μm.DFG, 43659573, SFB 787: Halbleiter - Nanophotonik: Materialien, Modelle, Bauelement

    Multiorder coherent Raman scattering of a quantum probe field

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    We study the multiorder coherent Raman scattering of a quantum probe field in a far-off-resonance medium with a prepared coherence. Under the conditions of negligible dispersion and limited bandwidth, we derive a Bessel-function solution for the sideband field operators. We analytically and numerically calculate various quantum statistical characteristics of the sideband fields. We show that the multiorder coherent Raman process can replicate the statistical properties of a single-mode quantum probe field into a broad comb of generated Raman sidebands. We also study the mixing and modulation of photon statistical properties in the case of two-mode input. We show that the prepared Raman coherence and the medium length can be used as control parameters to switch a sideband field from one type of photon statistics to another type, or from a non-squeezed state to a squeezed state and vice versa.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    True Time Reversal via Dynamic Brillouin Gratings in Polarization Maintaining Fibers

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    A novel technique to realize true time reversal of an optical signal, using dynamic Brillouin gratings in high-birefringence fibers, is proposed. A data sequence of optical pulses with 2-ns duration was efficiently time-reversed