85 research outputs found

    Perencanaan Strategi Pengembangan Pendidikan Islam

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    Until now aspects of educational planning in the Islamic education environment, both macro and micro, are still seen as something that is not important. Educational planning, which should be an integral part of the management of the administration of Islamic education, is often ignored and not yet a tradition in the development of Islamic education. This article offers an Islamic Education Planning Strategy, along with various possibilities and alternatives that may be carried out in developing Islamic education in the future, this article also tries to offer several alternative models of Islamic education planning, especially related to the dynamics of the community that are stakeholders of education. This article has a plan. the concepts, paradigms, strategies and steps of Islamic education planning. The expected results in this plan can formulate desired and controlled goals. The selection of the right program, to achieve the goals and collect and designated resources is always limited

    Globalization And Economic Diversification In Brunei Darussalam

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    ABSTRACT Asian countries have shown the highest growth rates in the world between 1965 and 1990. Ibis unprecedented record was largely due to superior accumulation of natural and human capital through globalization. However, with the catastrophic collapse of the East Asian miracle economies since 1997, the continued spread of globalization as a way forward to global market integration has heralded a cautious approach, none more so from small developing countries. Brunei Darussalam, a rich but small labour short country has depended on oil and gas for most of its development objectives anti has attained comparable levels of development to many of the miracle Asian economies, without Lie manifold benefits of massive global investments. However, with globalization becoming a faith accompli the integration of world markets in the new millennium. the implications of the economic diversification programmes Brunei Darussalam become all the more interesting. This study examines the implications of globalization in Brunei\u27s development programmes of economic diversification contained in its Eighth National Development Plan, In this regards, the paper draws from historical and contemporary materials on economic crisis in the Asian region to Eden* and examine the possible general effects of economic diversification through investment on new employment, income generating opportunities as well as on the social \u27and cultural traditions of the country. ibis is against the awareness that the inevitable opening of Brunei to continued global influences in the new millennium may bring many unwelcome influences and changes. The study concludes that globalization is inevitable in the new millennium and suggests. That for Bruuei Darussalam, the development of small scale sector in manufacture and services is one major possible diversification strategy for Brunei Darussalam in the new millennium Kata Kunci.: globalization - economic diversification - brunei darussala


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    The use of lithium-ion batteries today is very popular among the electronics world. Lithium-ion batteries are commonly used in electric vehicles to store electric energy electric vehicles. Government will also make inroads on electric vehicles. The Indonesian government targets that by 2020 it will carry 13 million electric vehicles and by 2030 will reach 100 million. Electric vehicles have no emissions or exhaust gases like conventional vehicles now. Electric vehicles also do not cause environmental pollution because they do not have exhaust gases and do not cause very noisy noise. In the study using fuzzy method and without using fuzzy method and done comparison with simulation results on simulink matlab. The results of lithium-ion battery testing when using fuzzy control with constant current 1,11 ampere obtained a capacity of 2,6 Ah and experienced a battery temperature increase of 2,44 celsius.While testing without using controls with a 10 watt lamp load obtained a battery capacity of 2,07 Ah and a battery temperature increase of 2,71 celsius. And when compared to simulations on simulink matlab obtained a capacity of 2,7 Ah.   Keywords — Lithium-ion Batteries, Fuzzy Inference System, constant current

    The Dilemma of Food in Africa

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    ABSTRACT Although over 70 per cent of the labour force is engaged in agriculture, Africa is loosing the capacity to feed itself. Drought, a fast growing population, widespread deterioration of the countryside, as well as a chronic undereinvestment in agriculture, have all contributed to declining yields and a vicious cycle of poverty from which the peasant farmer and African countries have increasingly found it difficult to escape. The need therefore is most urgent for African governments to reexamine their food and agricultural policies to tumble them provide more food for their growing population. Encouragement of large and Medium scale commercial farming, land reform, environmental management, reduction of population growth, improvement in storage and transport facilities as well as pursue political stability and a cessation of the violent conflicts that have characterized the continent, will reduce the food problem in Africa. key words: food, agriculture, farmin


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    ABSTRACT Feuds and conflicts that occur in the world are dynamics that occur and things that cannot be avoided by the state. Conflicts between Israel and Palestine occur repeatedly, but the realization of international accountability has not been in accordance with existing rules. The existence of events that resulted in casualties in the war must be accounted for by Israel as a State, as well as the individuals involved. As a result of this action, the perpetrators of war crimes must be held accountable under international law. The formulation of the problem (1) What is the responsibility of the State of Israel for violations of the laws of war? (2) What is the individual responsibility of the Israeli side towards Palestine for violating the laws of war?. The conclusions of this research are: (1) There is no responsibility of the State of Israel for violations of the laws of war, from every violation of international law Israel remains free from punishment, of course this is related to international politics which is considered very inhumane. Israel has not ratified the Rome Statute, so the ICC certainly will not be able to process cases of war crimes committed by Israel, making it difficult to hold Israel accountable for violations of the laws of war. In order for the implementation of international humanitarian law enforcement for perpetrators of war crimes, it can be carried out through Internationally Wrongful Acts, it can be realized by carrying out full reparations for losses in the form of restitution, compensation and satisfaction, either separately or in combination. (2) The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has fulfilled the elements of an international crime, it is proper that individuals who have committed this should be punished. However, in this violation case, Israel is considered unwilling and unable to handle the case, so the UN should have the right to urge the security council to establish an ad hoc court so that the case can be resolved and the perpetrators can be held accountable for their actions. Keywords: Liability, Violation of the Law of War, Israel and Palestine, International Law Perspective

    Pengaruh Faktor Lingkungan Terhadap Kejadian TB Paru di Provinsi Sumatera Utara (Analisis Data Riskesdas 2018)

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    Provinsi Sumatera Utara tahun 2018 memiliki jumlah kasus TB Paru sebanyak 26.418 dan peningkatan kembali pada tahun 2019 sebanyak 33.779. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kejadian TB Paru di Provinsi Sumatera Utara. Menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan desain studi cross-sectional. Menggunakan jenis data sekunder Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) 2018 serta analisisnya dilakukan pada bulan Februari-Agustus 2022. Lokasi penelitian di provinsi Sumatera Utara. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh individu yang tercatat dalam Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) sebanyak 69.517. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini telah melalui proses cleaning data dan diperoleh sebanyak 68.681 sampel. Menggunakan analisis univariat deskriptif, bivariat dengan uji chi-square dan multivariat dengan uji regresi logistik. Hasil penelitian diperoleh kejadian TB Paru di Provinsi Sumatera Utara sebanyak 203 (0,3%). Keberadaan ventilasi, keberadaan jendela dan pencayaan berdasarkan Kepmenkes RI No.829 tahun 1999 memenuhi syarat jika luas lantai kamar tidur dengan jumlah penghuni menghasilkan > 8 m2 luas lantai per orang, skala kelembaban antara 40% - 60%, skala suhu antara 18ºC - 30ºC, dengan ventilasi dalam ruangan ≥ 10% dari luas lantai. Terdapat pengaruh usia (P Value=0,000,Exp (B)/Odd Ratio=0,312), jenis kelamin (P Value= 0,000,Exp (B)/Odd Ratio =2.076) dengan kejadian TB Paru di Provinsi Sumatera Utara. Diharapkan Dinas Kesehatan Sumatera Utara melakukan koordinasi dengan dinas kesehatan kabupaten/kota di seluruh daerah Sumatera Utara untuk memantau dan mengevaluasi terkait penyebaran TB Paru sebagai upaya pencegahan kejadian TB Paru


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    This research was conducted at the Tulang Bawang Resort Police from 10 to 17 January 2019. The research design used a quantitative approach with data collection techniques using questionnaires. Respondents in this study were Tulang Bawang resort police personnel with a population of 352 respondents and a sample of 35 respondents. From the analysis, it was found that the work ethic and performance structure of the performance allowances affected personnel performance. This shows that personnel working in accordance with culture and regulations will improve the quality and quantity of work of the personnel so that it affects the performance of each personnel. Keyword: Work Ethic, Performance Allowance Policy, Performanc

    Evaluasi Kelayakan Usaha TS Alumunium di Yogyakarta

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    Kondisi ekonomi menjadi isu yang sangat penting dewasa ini di Indonesia. Baik perusahaan-perusahaan besar maupun usaha-usaha kecil menengah harus siap mengatur strategi-strategi untuk menghadapi kondisi ekonomi yang tidak stabil ini jika tidak ingin usaha yang dilakoninya gulung tikar. TS Alumunium merupakan salah satu usaha kecil menengah yang bergerak di bidang pengecoran alumunium. Dalam menjalankan usahanya,TS Alumunium membutuhkan bahan baku alumunium yang setiap tahunnya mengalami kenaikan harga. Selain itu, ada beberapa perusahaan sejenis yang menjadi pesaing dan ancaman bagi TS Alumunium. Jika dibandingkan dari pengalaman masa lalu, keuntungan yang didapat TS Alumunium pada tahun 2000 dengan kapasitas produksi 250 dengan keuntungan yang diperoleh sekarang dengan kapasitas produksi 500 hampir sama. Jika dilihat dari aspek pasar, teknis dan finansialnya, apakah usaha ini masih layak untuk dijalankan? pengecoran alumunium, pasar, finansial, kelayakan


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    The study used PID to control the direction of dc motor spin on faucets to regulate water. No controller has oscillations, because the system is nonlinear. Controlled by functionality is the best way for nonlinear systems. PID is the best choice for achieving tasks. Kp 20 Ki 10 and Kd 1. When the voltage is less than 12V, pid responds to increase voltage, logic on relay chanel one is 0 and 1 on relay chanel two. Chanel one relay NC, relay chanel two NC to NO so the motor rotates to the left up to voltage 12V then PID stops. When the voltage is more than 12V, pid responds to lower the voltage. logic relay chanel one is 1 and 0 on the relay chanel two. Relay chanel one NC becomes NO, relay chanel two NC, so the motor rotates to the right. PID response is inversely proportional to voltage

    LEAD ACID BATTERY MODELING FOR ELECTRIC CAR POWER SOURCES Pemode/an Baterai Asam (Lead Acid Battery) Sebagai Sumber Energi Mobil Listrik

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    ABSTRACT Successful commercialization of electric vehicles will require a confluence of technology, market, economic, and political factors that transform EVs into an attractive choice for consumers. The characteristics of the traction battery will playa critical role in this transformation. The relationship between battery characteristics such as power, capacity and efficiency, and EV customer satisfaction are discussed based on real world experience. A general problem, however, is that electrical energy can hardly be stored. In general, the storage of electrical energy requires its conversion into another form of energy. Electrical energy is typically obtained through conversion of chemical energy stored in devicessuch as batteries. In batteries the energy of chemical compoundsacts as storage medium, and during discharge, a chemicalprocess occurs that generates energy which can be drawn from the battery in form of an electric current at a certain voltage.A computer simulation is developed to examine overall battery design with the MATLAB/Simulink.Battery modelling with this program have error level less than 5%. Keywords: Electrochemistry,lead acid battery, stored energ
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