2,707 research outputs found

    On a New Characterization of Linear Passive Systems

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    Characterization of linear passive system

    A user's manual for the Automatic Synthesis Program /program C/

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    Digital computer program for numerical solution of problems in system theory involving linear mathematic

    Single shot parameter estimation via continuous quantum measurement

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    We present filtering equations for single shot parameter estimation using continuous quantum measurement. By embedding parameter estimation in the standard quantum filtering formalism, we derive the optimal Bayesian filter for cases when the parameter takes on a finite range of values. Leveraging recent convergence results [van Handel, arXiv:0709.2216 (2008)], we give a condition which determines the asymptotic convergence of the estimator. For cases when the parameter is continuous valued, we develop quantum particle filters as a practical computational method for quantum parameter estimation.Comment: 9 pages, 5 image

    Measuring salivary cortisol in the behavioral neuroscience laboratory

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    As instructors who teach laboratory courses in biological psychology/behavioral neuroscience, we have often been at a loss to find appropriate experiments where students are able to play both the role of experimenter and subject. The difficulty arises because there are few biological parameters representing CNS activity that can ethically be examined in human participants. As a result, the go-to experiments that allow students to act as both experimenter and subject tend to be electrophysiological in nature (e.g., EEG, GSR, etc.). It was our desire to create a laboratory module that would allow students to collect and analyze a biochemical measure of human neural activity. We report here the development of an experiment module that utilizes an easily obtainable enzyme immunoassay (EIA) kit (nearly identical to the ELISA) to measure human salivary cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone of the adrenal cortex that can be used as a peripheral indicator of hypothalamic neural activity. Plasma (and salivary) cortisol levels rise due to circadian influences as well as perturbations in the organism’s environment (i.e., stressors) that make it possible to detect rather robust experimental effects. Also, there has been much debate on the role of cortisol and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis dysregulation in the pathophysiology of depression making for a clinically relevant extension to the lecture portion dealing with the “stress axis” (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal or HPA axis). Collection of salivary cortisol is simple, painless, and non-invasive and can be performed at any time the subject desires. Sample storage is convenient as the samples can be kept in a home freezer. Repeated freeze-thaws do not adversely affect the determination of cortisol levels, so the students can just bring them in on the day of the assay without need of in-transport refrigeration or instructor/student coordination. The assay can be performed successfully by anyone with access to a plate reader and a few commonly-used laboratory items. A single plate assay can be completed in two hours (two to three hours by an inexperienced group of students under supervision). With the available cortisol kit, our students have examined both circadian effects and stressor/relaxation effects on salivary cortisol levels in a laboratory class setting. The module has been employed twice and we intend to include it in each semester that the course is taught. One further impact of the module is that studen

    A Dishful of a Troubled Mind: Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells in Psychiatric Research

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    Neuronal differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells and direct reprogramming represent powerful methods for modeling the development of neurons in vitro. Moreover, this approach is also a means for comparing various cellular phenotypes between cell lines originating from healthy and diseased individuals or isogenic cell lines engineered to differ at only one or a few genomic loci. Despite methodological constraints and initial skepticism regarding this approach, the field is expanding at a fast pace. The improvements include the development of new differentiation protocols resulting in selected neuronal populations (e.g., dopaminergic, GABAergic, hippocampal, and cortical), the widespread use of genome editing methods, and single-cell techniques. A major challenge awaiting in vitro disease modeling is the integration of clinical data in the models, by selection of well characterized clinical populations. Ideally, these models will also demonstrate how different diagnostic categories share overlapping molecular disease mechanisms, but also have unique characteristics. In this review we evaluate studies with regard to the described developments, to demonstrate how differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells and direct reprogramming can contribute to psychiatry

    Magnetometry via a double-pass continuous quantum measurement of atomic spin

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    We argue that it is possible in principle to reduce the uncertainty of an atomic magnetometer by double-passing a far-detuned laser field through the atomic sample as it undergoes Larmor precession. Numerical simulations of the quantum Fisher information suggest that, despite the lack of explicit multi-body coupling terms in the system's magnetic Hamiltonian, the parameter estimation uncertainty in such a physical setup scales better than the conventional Heisenberg uncertainty limit over a specified but arbitrary range of particle number N. Using the methods of quantum stochastic calculus and filtering theory, we demonstrate numerically an explicit parameter estimator (called a quantum particle filter) whose observed scaling follows that of our calculated quantum Fisher information. Moreover, the quantum particle filter quantitatively surpasses the uncertainty limit calculated from the quantum Cramer-Rao inequality based on a magnetic coupling Hamiltonian with only single-body operators. We also show that a quantum Kalman filter is insufficient to obtain super-Heisenberg scaling, and present evidence that such scaling necessitates going beyond the manifold of Gaussian atomic states.Comment: 17 pages, updated to match print versio

    SU(2) chiral perturbation theory low-energy constants from 2+1 flavor staggered lattice simulations

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    We extract the next-to-leading-order low-energy constants \bar\ell_3 and \bar\ell_4 of SU(2) chiral perturbation theory, based on precise lattice data for the pion mass and decay constant on ensembles generated by the Wuppertal-Budapest Collaboration for QCD thermodynamics. These ensembles feature 2+1 flavors of two-fold stout-smeared dynamical staggered fermions combined with Symanzik glue, with pion masses varying from 135 to 435 MeV, lattice scales between 0.7 and 2.0 GeV, while m_s is kept fixed at its physical value. Moderate taste splittings and the scale being set through the pion decay constant allow us to restrict ourselves to the taste pseudoscalar state and to use formulas from continuum chiral perturbation theory. Finally, by dropping the data points near 135 MeV from the fits, we can explore the range of pion masses that is needed in SU(2) chiral perturbation theory to reliably extrapolate to the physical point.Comment: 40 pages, 22 figures, 3 tables; v2: expanded discussion, matches published versio

    Determination of SU(2) ChPT LECs from 2+1 flavor staggered lattice simulations

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    By fitting pion masses and decay constants from 2+1 flavor staggered lattice simulations to the predictions of NLO and NNLO SU(2) chiral perturbation theory we determine the low-energy constants l_3 and l_4. The lattice ensembles were generated by the Wuppertal-Budapest collaboration and cover pion masses in the range of 135 to 435 MeV and lattice scales between 0.7 and 2.0 GeV. By choosing a suitable scaling trajectory, we were able to demonstrate that precise and stable results for the LECs can be obtained from continuum ChPT to NLO. The pion masses available in this work also allow us to study the applicability of using ChPT to extrapolate from higher masses to the physical pion mass.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, 1 table, talk presented at Xth Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum, Munich, October 201

    Collective excitations in electron-hole bilayers

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    We report a combined analytic and Molecular Dynamics analysis of the collective mode spectrum of an electron-hole (bipolar) bilayer in the strong coupling quasi-classical limit. A robust, isotropic energy gap is identified in the out-of-phase spectra, generated by the combined effect of correlations and of the excitation of the bound dipoles; the in-phase spectra exhibit a correlation governed acoustic dispersion for the longitudinal and transverse modes. Strong nonlinear generation of higher harmonics of the fundamental dipole oscillation frequency and the transfer of harmonics between different modes is observed. The mode dispersions in the liquid state are compared with the phonon spectrum in the crystalline solid phase, reinforcing a coherent physical picture.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Longitudinal Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Four-Propeller Deflected Slipstream VTOL Model Including the Effects of Ground Proximity

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    Results are presented of a wind-tunnel investigation of the longitudinal stability, control, and performance characteristics of a model of a four-propeller deflected-slipstream VTOL airplane in the transition speed range. These results indicate that steady level-flight transition and descending flight-path angles up to 7 or 8 deg. out of the region of ground effect can be accomplished without wing stall being encountered. In general, the pitching moments out of ground proximity can be adequately trimmed by programming the stabilizer incidence to increase with increasing flap deflection, except for a relatively large diving moment in the hovering condition. The deflection of the slipstream onto the horizontal tail in proximity of the ground substantially increases the diving moment in hovering, unless the tail is set at a large nosedown incidence