120 research outputs found

    Hubungan Tingkat Stres Dengan Kadar Gula Darah Pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus Tipe II Di Rumah Sakit Pancaran Kasih Gmim Manado

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    :Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder that is marked increase in blood glucose (hyperglycemia). People suffering from diabetes will also experience stress in it self, especially in the urban population. Where rapid technological advances and the disease that are in the suffering caused a decrease in a person's condition to trigger stress. Purpose of this study to analyze the relationship stress levels with blood sugar levels in patients with type II diabetes mellitus in hospital Arc of love GMIM Manado. Design research use cross sectional. Sampel use purposive sampling with total sampel of 75 people. Result of statistic chi-square test with a significance level of 95% (α=0,05) obtained value p 0,000. Conclusion correlation with the stress level of blood sugar levels in patients with type II diabetes mellitus in hospital Arc of love GMIM Manado

    Tindak Pidana Pendaftaran Sertifikat Hak Milik No 70/sidomulyo Menggunakan Alas Hak/dasar Palsu No. 168/3/mt/1979 oleh Badan Pertanahan Nasional (Studi Putusan Nomor : 646/pid/2013/pt.mdn).

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    Some factors which cause criminal act in falsifying land certificates are as follows: the implementation of incorrect law, non-transparent legal enforcement, frail administrative system, the ignorance of the personnel of the National Land Board, people's lack of knowledge in law, judges' negligence in the hearing facts and evidence, the involvement of the military personnel in falsifying the certificates, and sanction stipulated in UUPA (Agrarian Law) is too lenient. Government Regulation No. 24/1997 on Land Registration and Article 52 of UUPA on criminal sanction state that perpetrators in land crime, as it is regulated in Article 19 of UUPA, is sentenced to 3 months and fined Rp 10.000, Law Enforcement for perpetrators who have falsified land certificates is regulated in Articles 263 to 266 of the penal code on criminal act of falsifying certificates and Articel 52 of UUPA on criminal sanction on Land Crime. in order to forestall, handle, and settle the conflict on land, old feudalistic, centralistic bureaucratic, authoritative, and repressive paradigm should be changed to populist, democratic, and decentralized paradigm and respect for human rights

    Increasing rabies data availability: the example of a One Health research project in Chad, Côte d'Ivoire and Mali

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    Rabies is a fatal but preventable disease that remains notoriously underreported. Weak data availability hampers advocacy, constitutes a barrier to resource allocation and inhibits effective prevention and control. To gain better insight into the global rabies burden and human vaccine demand several studies were funded through the Vaccine Alliance (GAVI) learning agenda. With the help of this funding, Swiss TPH and local in country partner organizations implemented a One Health research project in Chad, Cote d'Ivoire and Mali to collect data at household, public health facility and veterinary level. This paper describes the implementation of this research project and evaluates its success on amount of information gained, achieved capacity building, impact on knowledge creation and influence on national and international policies. The project was based on the One Health concept and guided by the principles of transboundary research partnerships formulated by the Swiss Academy of Sciences. Data was collected on bite incidents and health seeking from over 24'000 households, on access to treatment of over 8'800 bite cases registered in public health facilities and on the status of over 1'800 rabies suspect animals. Selected country specific datasets have contributed to more than 10 scientific articles so far. On the international level, the multi-level data collection provided a unique set of indicators to inform, along with results from other studies, new WHO rabies immunization recommendations and a vaccine investment case scenario to prevent human rabies. New rabies burden estimates based on the data gathered are published for Mali and will be modelled for the whole West and Central African region. On the national level, the project facilitated communication between animal health and human health workers catalyzing creation of local and national committees and formulation of national action plans for Mali and Cote D'Ivoire. Major challenges arose from lack of data collection and documentation experience of human health and veterinary workers and weak infrastructural capacities of the veterinary and human health systems of the project countries. Through adherence to the principles of transboundary research partnerships, project team members acquired valuable research and networking skills despite language barriers, enabling them to play key roles in the future agenda towards national, regional and global canine rabies elimination. Project external collaborations with local public institutions was facilitated through long-term local partnerships. Both factors enabled success in project implementation and outcomes by identifying and mitigating risks in advance, resolving challenges amiably and enabling mutual knowledge creation as a fructuous ground for sustained commitment. Lack of immediate follow-up funding did not allow to maintain activities beyond the project timeframe. However, the national and international policy changes triggered, as well as the strengthened local disease control and research capacities provides sustainable basis for the elimination of dog transmitted human rabies

    From reverse innovation to global innovation in animal health: a review

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    Reverse innovation refers to learning from or diffusion of innovations developed in low income settings and further translated to industrialized countries. There is lack of consensus regarding terminology, but the idea that innovations in low-income countries are promising for adoption in high-income contexts is not new. However, in healthcare literature globally, the vast majority of publications referring to 'disruptive innovation' were published in the last ten years. To assess the potential of innovative developments and technologies for improving animal health, we initiated a literature review in 2020. We used a combined approach, incorporating targeted searching in PubMed using a key word algorithm with a snowball technique, to identify 120 relevant publications and extract data for qualitative coding. Heterogeneity of articles precluded meta-analysis, quality scoring and risk of bias analysis. We can distinguish technical innovations like new digital devices, diagnostic tests and procedures, and social innovations of intersectoral cooperation. We profile two case studies to describe potential global innovations: an integrated surveillance and response system in Somali Regional State, Ethiopia and a blockchain secured One Health intervention to optimally provide post-exposure prophylaxis for rabies exposed people in West Africa. Innovation follows no borders and can also occur in low-income settings, under constraints of cost, lack of services and infrastructure. Lower administrative and legal barriers may contribute to produce innovations that would not be possible under conditions of high density of regulation. We recommend using the term global innovation, which highlights those emanating from international partnership to solve problems of global implications

    A Roadmap for Transforming Research to Invent the Batteries of the Future Designed within the European Large Scale Research Initiative BATTERY 2030+

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    This roadmap presents the transformational research ideas proposed by “BATTERY 2030+,” the European large-scale research initiative for future battery chemistries. A “chemistry-neutral” roadmap to advance battery research, particularly at low technology readiness levels, is outlined, with a time horizon of more than ten years. The roadmap is centered around six themes: 1) accelerated materials discovery platform, 2) battery interface genome, with the integration of smart functionalities such as 3) sensing and 4) self-healing processes. Beyond chemistry related aspects also include crosscutting research regarding 5) manufacturability and 6) recyclability. This roadmap should be seen as an enabling complement to the global battery roadmaps which focus on expected ultrahigh battery performance, especially for the future of transport. Batteries are used in many applications and are considered to be one technology necessary to reach the climate goals. Currently the market is dominated by lithium-ion batteries, which perform well, but despite new generations coming in the near future, they will soon approach their performance limits. Without major breakthroughs, battery performance and production requirements will not be sufficient to enable the building of a climate-neutral society. Through this “chemistry neutral” approach a generic toolbox transforming the way batteries are developed, designed and manufactured, will be created

    Constant light enhances synchrony among circadian clock cells and promotes behavioral rhythms in VPAC(2)-signaling deficient mice

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    Individual neurons in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) contain an intracellular molecular clock and use intercellular signaling to synchronize their timekeeping activities so that the SCN can coordinate brain physiology and behavior. The neuropeptide vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) and its VPAC2 receptor form a key component of intercellular signaling systems in the SCN and critically control cellular coupling. Targeted mutations in either the intracellular clock or intercellular neuropeptide signaling mechanisms, such as VIP-VPAC2 signaling, can lead to desynchronization of SCN neuronal clocks and loss of behavioral rhythms. An important goal in chronobiology is to develop interventions to correct deficiencies in circadian timekeeping. Here we show that extended exposure to constant light promotes synchrony among SCN clock cells and the expression of ~24 h rhythms in behavior in mice in which intercellular signaling is disrupted through loss of VIP-VPAC2 signaling. This study highlights the importance of SCN synchrony for the expression of rhythms in behavior and reveals how non-invasive manipulations in the external environment can be used to overcome neurochemical communication deficits in this important brain system

    Neuropeptide Signaling Differentially Affects Phase Maintenance and Rhythm Generation in SCN and Extra-SCN Circadian Oscillators

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    Circadian rhythms in physiology and behavior are coordinated by the brain's dominant circadian pacemaker located in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) of the hypothalamus. Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) and its receptor, VPAC2, play important roles in the functioning of the SCN pacemaker. Mice lacking VPAC2 receptors (Vipr2−/−) express disrupted behavioral and metabolic rhythms and show altered SCN neuronal activity and clock gene expression. Within the brain, the SCN is not the only site containing endogenous circadian oscillators, nor is it the only site of VPAC2 receptor expression; both VPAC2 receptors and rhythmic clock gene/protein expression have been noted in the arcuate (Arc) and dorsomedial (DMH) nuclei of the mediobasal hypothalamus, and in the pituitary gland. The functional role of VPAC2 receptors in rhythm generation and maintenance in these tissues is, however, unknown. We used wild type (WT) and Vipr2−/− mice expressing a luciferase reporter (PER2::LUC) to investigate whether circadian rhythms in the clock gene protein PER2 in these extra-SCN tissues were compromised by the absence of the VPAC2 receptor. Vipr2−/− SCN cultures expressed significantly lower amplitude PER2::LUC oscillations than WT SCN. Surprisingly, in Vipr2−/− Arc/ME/PT complex (Arc, median eminence and pars tuberalis), DMH and pituitary, the period, amplitude and rate of damping of rhythms were not significantly different to WT. Intriguingly, while we found WT SCN and Arc/ME/PT tissues to maintain a consistent circadian phase when cultured, the phase of corresponding Vipr2−/− cultures was reset by cull/culture procedure. These data demonstrate that while the main rhythm parameters of extra-SCN circadian oscillations are maintained in Vipr2−/− mice, the ability of these oscillators to resist phase shifts is compromised. These deficiencies may contribute towards the aberrant behavior and metabolism associated with Vipr2−/− animals. Further, our data indicate a link between circadian rhythm strength and the ability of tissues to resist circadian phase resetting

    Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide mediates circadian rhythmicity and synchrony in mammalian clock neurons

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    The mammalian suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is a master circadian pacemaker. It is not known which SCN neurons are autonomous pacemakers or how they synchronize their daily firing rhythms to coordinate circadian behavior. Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) and the VIP receptor VPAC(2) (encoded by the gene Vipr2) may mediate rhythms in individual SCN neurons, synchrony between neurons, or both. We found that Vip(−/−) and Vipr2(−/−) mice showed two daily bouts of activity in a skeleton photoperiod and multiple circadian periods in constant darkness. Loss of VIP or VPAC(2) also abolished circadian firing rhythms in approximately half of all SCN neurons and disrupted synchrony between rhythmic neurons. Critically, daily application of a VPAC(2) agonist restored rhythmicity and synchrony to VIP(−/−) SCN neurons, but not to Vipr2(−/−) neurons. We conclude that VIP coordinates daily rhythms in the SCN and behavior by synchronizing a small population of pacemaking neurons and maintaining rhythmicity in a larger subset of neurons