103 research outputs found

    Involving Nepali academics in health research

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    JMBTO SEE JHIn a world dominated by globalization and knowledge exchange conducting research and academic publishing has become increasingly important. In this light it is important to report the findings of research conducted in Nepal as it may be relevant and useful in North Korea as in Namibia. The editorial outlines some of the barriers and opportunities that exist for academics in Nepal

    Patient perspectives on integrated healthcare for HIV, hypertension and type 2 diabetes: a scoping review

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    Introduction Antiretroviral therapy has reduced mortality and led to longer life expectancy in people living with HIV. These patients are now at an increased risk of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Integration of care for HIV and NCDs has become a focus of research and policy. In this article, we aim to review patient perspectives on integration of healthcare for HIV, type 2 diabetes and hypertension. Methods The framework for scoping reviews developed by Arksey and O'Malley and updated by Peter et al was applied for this review. The databases PubMed, Web of Science and Cochrane library were searched. Broad search terms for HIV, NCDs (specifically type 2 diabetes and hypertension) and healthcare integration were used. As the review aimed to identify definitions of patient perspectives, they were not included as an independent term in the search strategy. References of included publications were searched for relevant articles. Titles and abstracts for these papers were screened by two independent reviewers. The full texts for all the publications appearing to meet the inclusion criteria were then read to make the final literature selection. Results Of 5502 studies initially identified, 13 articles were included in this review, of which 11 had a geographical origin in sub-Saharan Africa. Nine articles were primarily focused on HIV/diabetes healthcare integration while four articles were focused on HIV/hypertension integration. Patient’s experiences with integrated care were reduced HIV-related stigma, reduced travel and treatment costs and a more holistic person-centred care. Prominent concerns were long waiting times at clinics and a lack of continuity of care in some clinics due to a lack of healthcare workers. Non-integrated care was perceived as time-consuming and more expensive. Conclusion Patient perspectives and experiences on integrated care for HIV, diabetes and hypertension were mostly positive. Integrated services can save resources and allow for a more personalised approach to healthcare. There is a paucity of evidence and further longitudinal and interventional evidence from a more diverse range of healthcare systems are needed

    Downregulation of MIP-1α/CCL3 with praziquantel treatment in Schistosoma haematobium and HIV-1 co-infected individuals in a rural community in Zimbabwe

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    The results of our study show that the MIP-1alpha/CCL3 levels were positively associated with S. haematobium egg counts at baseline but not with HIV-1 infection status. MIP-1alpha/CCL3 levels were significantly reduced at three months post treatment with praziquantel. We therefore conclude that MIP-1alpha/CCL3 is produced during infection with S haematobium. S. haematobium infection is associated with increased MIP-1alpha/CCL3 levels in an egg intensity-dependent manner and treatment of S. haematobium is associated with a reduction in MIP-1alpha/CCL3

    Parous women perform less moderate to vigorous physical activity than their nulliparous peers: a population-based study in Denmark

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    Objectives The World Health Organization (WHO) highlights parous women as a key population for monitoring trends of physical activity (PA). We aimed to estimate the proportion of Danish women non-adhering to WHO PA guidelines in parous women compared with nulliparous women and to describe leisure-time PA intensity in each of these groups. Study design Cross-sectional study. Methods This population-based study builds on a sample of 27,668 women aged 16–40 years from the Danish National Health Survey 2021. These data were linked with childbirth data from the Danish National Birth Registry. The primary outcome was self-reported weekly hours of moderate to vigorous leisure-time PA (MVPA) dichotomized into: (i) adhering to WHO guidelines for MVPA or (ii) not adhering to WHO guidelines for MVPA. Binomial regression analysis was used to calculate prevalence proportions (PP) and prevalence proportion ratios (PPR). Results Of the 27,668 women, a total of 20,022 were included; 9338 (46.6%) parous women and 10,684 (53.4%) nulliparous women. The PP of women non-adhering to WHO PA guidelines was 63.8% (95% CI 62.9–64.8) for parous and 51.3% (95% CI 50.4–52.3) for nulliparous women, corresponding to a PPR of 1.24 (95% CI 1.21; 1.27). Conclusions The proportion of parous women who did not adhere to WHO PA guidelines for MVPA was 24% higher than that of nulliparous women. This highlights parous women as a subgroup of the adult population at increased risk of non-adherence to WHO PA guidelines. These findings call for future research to inform new strategies aiming to promote PA in parous women

    Extended self-knowledge

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    We aim to move the externalism and self-knowledge debate forward by exploring two novel sceptical challenges to the prospects of self-knowledge of a paradigmatic sort, both of which result from ways in which our thought content, cognitive processes and cognitive successes depend crucially on our external environments. In particular, it is shown how arguments from extended cognition (e.g., Clark A, Chalmers D. Analysis 58:7–19 (1998); Clark A. Supersizing the mind: Embodiment, action, and cognitive extension. Oxford: Oxford University Press (2008)) and situationism (e.g., Alfano M. The Philosophical Quarterly 62:223–249 (2012), Alfano M. Expanding the situationist challenge to reliabilism about inference. In Fairweather A (ed) Virtue epistemology naturalized, Springer, Dordrecht, pp 103–122 (2014); Doris JM. Noûs 32:504–530 (1998), Doris JM. Lack of character: Personality and moral behavior. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2002); Harman G. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society. 99:315–331 (1999), Harman G. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 100:223–226 (2000)) pose hitherto unexplored challenges to the prospects of self-knowledge as it is traditionally conceived. It is shown, however, that, suitably understood, these apparent challenges in fact only demonstrate two ways in which our cognitive lives can be dependent on our environment. As such, rather than undermining our prospects for attaining self-knowledge, they instead illustrate how self-knowledge can be extended and expanded

    Treatment of Helminth Co-Infection in Individuals with HIV-1: A Systematic Review of the Literature

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    Many people living in areas of the world most affected by the HIV/AIDS pandemic are also exposed to other common infections. Parasitic infections with helminths (intestinal worms) are common in Africa and affect over half of the population in some areas. There are plausible biological reasons why treating helminth infections in people with HIV may slow down the progression of HIV to AIDS. Thus, treating people with HIV for helminths in areas with a high prevalence of both HIV and helminth infections may be a feasible strategy to help people with HIV delay progression of their disease or initiation of antiretroviral therapy. After a comprehensive review of the available literature, we conclude that there is not enough evidence to determine whether treating helminth infections in people with HIV is beneficial

    May Measurement Month 2017: An analysis of blood pressure screening results in Nepal - South Asia

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    Hypertension is the leading risk factor of mortality in Nepal accounting for ∼33 000 deaths in 2016. However, more than 50% of the hypertensive patients are unaware of their status. We participated in the May Measurement Month 2017 (MMM17) project initiated worldwide by the International Society of Hypertension to raise the awareness on the importance of blood pressure (BP) screening. In this paper, we discuss the screening results of MMM17 in Nepal. An opportunistic cross-sectional survey of volunteers aged ≥18 years was carried out in May 2017 following the standard MMM protocol. Data were collected from 18 screening sites in 7 districts covering 5 provinces. Screenings were conducted either in health facilities, public places, or participants' homes. Trained volunteers with health science background and female community health volunteers were mobilized to take part in the screening. A total of 5972 individuals were screened and of 5968 participants, for whom a mean of the 2nd and 3rd readings was available, 1456 (24.4%) participants had hypertension; 908 (16.8%) of those not receiving treatment were hypertensive; and 248 (45.2%) of those being treated had uncontrolled BP. MMM17 is the first nationwide BP screening campaign undertaken in Nepal. Given the suboptimal treatment and control rates identified in the study, there is a strong imperative to scale up hypertension prevention, screening, and management programmes. These results suggest that opportunistic screening can identify significant numbers with hypertension. Mobilization of existing volunteer networks and support of community stakeholders, would be necessary to improve the overall impact and sustainability of future screening programmes

    ‘Clinically unnecessary’ use of emergency and urgent care : a realist review of patients' decision making

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    Background Demand is labelled ‘clinically unnecessary’ when patients do not need the levels of clinical care or urgency provided by the service they contact. Objective To identify programme theories which seek to explain why patients make use of emergency and urgent care that is subsequently judged as clinically unnecessary. Design Realist review. Methods Papers from four recent systematic reviews of demand for emergency and urgent care, and an updated search to January 2017. Programme theories developed using Context‐Mechanism‐Outcome chains identified from 32 qualitative studies and tested by exploring their relationship with existing health behaviour theories and 29 quantitative studies. Results Six mechanisms, based on ten interrelated programme theories, explained why patients made clinically unnecessary use of emergency and urgent care: (a) need for risk minimization, for example heightened anxiety due to previous experiences of traumatic events; (b) need for speed, for example caused by need to function normally to attend to responsibilities; (c) need for low treatment‐seeking burden, caused by inability to cope due to complex or stressful lives; (d) compliance, because family or health services had advised such action; (e) consumer satisfaction, because emergency departments were perceived to offer the desired tests and expertise when contrasted with primary care; and (f) frustration, where patients had attempted and failed to obtain a general practitioner appointment in the desired timeframe. Multiple mechanisms could operate for an individual. Conclusions Rather than only focusing on individuals' behaviour, interventions could include changes to health service configuration and accessibility, and societal changes to increase coping ability

    Sensitivity and specificity of point-of-care circulating Cathodic antigen test before and after praziquantel treatment in diagnosing Schistosoma mansoni infection in adult population co-infected with human immunodeficiency virus-1, North-Western Tanzania.

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    BACKGROUND: The effect of Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1 (HIV-1) on CD4+ Th2 cells is hypothesized to affect parasitological diagnosis of Schistosoma mansoni using Kato Katz technique. Thus, the use of more sensitive technique such as Point-of-Care Circulating Cathodic Antigen (POC-CCA) test is recommended. However, the sensitivity of this diagnostic test in diagnosing S.mansoni infection and the usefulness of it in monitoring efficacy of praziquantel drug in presence of HIV-1 co-infection remains inconclusive. The Primary objective of the present study was to assess accuracy of the POC-CCA test in diagnosing S.mansoni infection before and after praziquantel treatment in adult population co-infected with HIV -1. METHODS: A prospective longitudinal study was conducted among individuals aged 15-55 years at Igalagala village, north-western Tanzania. At baseline and 4 weeks after treatment, a single stool and urine samples were collected from each participants. Kato Katz (KK) technique and Point-of-Care Circulating Cathodic Antigen tests were used for diagnosis of Schistosoma mansoni. RESULTS: At baseline, based on KK and POC-CCA, the prevalence of S.mansoni was 57.8% (95%CI: 52.9-62.4) and 87.5% (95%CI: 83.9-90.4). Based on KK technique and POC-CCA test, 3.6% and 5.7% of the study participants were co-infected with S.mansoni and HIV-1. At baseline, in the general population, the sensitivities of POC-CCA test using KK technique and combine gold standard were 96.3%(95%CI: 93.1-98.3) and 97.6%(95%CI:95.5-98.9) respectively. In the HIV-1 seropositive group, at baseline, the sensitivities of POC-CCA test using KK technique and combined gold standards, were 93.3%(95%CI:68.1-99.8) and 96%(95CI%:79.6-99.9). Four weeks after treatment, in general population, the sensitivities of POC-CCA test using KK technique and combined gold standards were 47.8%(95%CI:26.8-69.4) and 84.4%(95%CI:74.4-91.7). In the HIV-1 seropositive group, using KK technique, the sensitivity was 100% (95%CI:2.5-100). CONCLUSION: The sensitivity of POC-CCA in diagnosing S.mansoni infection was higher than KK technique in adult individuals likely to have low infection intensity and co-infected with HIV-1. However, its sensitivity decreases following praziquantel treatment but remained higher than Kato Katz technique. If the goal of the post-treatment is to identify uncured individuals, then POC-CCA test offers the best choice