228 research outputs found

    Communication blades: modular communications for tangible and embedded interfaces

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    Bladed Tiles is a modular hardware toolkit for building tangible and embedded interface devices. It includes “function blades” and “interaction tiles,” which can provide a flexible, inexpensive, open-ended platform for constructing a wide variety of tangible and embedded interfaces. In this paper, we propose Communication Blades. These are a class of electronic modules with varied computational capabilities for interfacing devices built using bladed tiles toolkit and also for interfacing embedded devices as adapters with external communication networks. These blades provide flexibility by offering the ability to select between different communication technologies and connectivity by providing devices with interoperability over different communication mediums. Furthermore, the modular blade architecture allows different types of communication blades to be plugged in on demand. This reduces the need for development and knowledge of communication protocols by the developers, thus abstracting the underlying complexity. My research work includes studying and designing various communication blades i.e. Serial, USB, Bluetooth and Gumstix. It also includes prototyping, testing and implementing the communication blades

    Interplay between Drosophila importin-alpha2, beta and kelch during oogenesis and early embryogenesis

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    This work describes the interplay between importin-α2 (imp-α2), kelch and importin-β (imp-β) during two developmental periods of the fruit fly Drosophila namely, oogenesis and early embryogenesis. In particular, we emphasize on the role played by Imp-α2 in localizing Kelch to the ring canals (RC) during oogenesis. Imp-α2 is critically involved in RC assembly. In mutant imp-α2 females, the RCs are occluded and dumping of nurse cell cytoplasm into the oocyte is prevented. In the egg chambers, Kelch is synthesized but unable to bind RCs and mediate their opening. kelch mutations produce similar RC occlusion. In wild-type, Kelch strongly decorates RCs, yet Imp-α2 remains in the cytoplasm. Further analyses reveal no direct interaction between Kelch and Imp-α2, suggesting a mechanism by which Imp-α2 acts upon a factor regulating Kelch function (Gorjánácz et al., 2002). The first part of this study focuses on the interactions that take place between imp-α2 and kelch as well as kelch and imp-β . Using a sensitized background we were able to show that genetic interaction could take place between imp-α2 and kelch. Moreover, the interaction between imp-β and kelch is even stronger because we can detect interaction genetically and physically. Analysis of the distribution of Imp-α2 in wild type and kel∆ ovaries indicated an interdependence of Imp-α2 and Kelch in their cellular localization. Confocal analysis showed that the Kelch protein can be detected in preblastodermic embryos. Kelch was found to decorate the centrosomes and the spindle during mitosis although its pattern of distribution is generally distinct from that of Imp-α2 but overlaps during anaphase. The occurrence of both proteins in the nuclei during mitosis suggests that they may to interact. Hence, we suggest a new role for Kelch in mitosis during early embryogenesis. Further analysis showed that Imp-α2ΔIBB, which is unable to bind Imp-β, blocks oogenesis whereas Imp-α2NLSB-, which is able to bind an NLS bearing cargo protein, allows oogenesis to fully proceed in mutant imp-α2 females but subsequently arrests nuclear division in embryos, indicating that Imp-α2 exerts specific functions in distinct processes, such as RC assembly and mitosis. Genetic interaction between Kelch and Imp-β was detected by using the recessive imp-βRE34 allele whose binding affinity for Imp-α2 is affected. Heterozygous kelΔ/imp-βRE34 females, similar to imp-α2D14/imp-βRE34, produced eggs whose development was arrested during early embryogenesis. Moreover, pull-down assays showed that Kelch and Imp-β can physically interact. Based on our results we propose a model, wherein Imp-β could be the mediator between Imp-α2 and Kelch during oogenesis and that binding of Imp-α2 to Imp-β could release Kelch which will be able to gain access to RCs. In conclusion, this study reveals a possible mechanism through which Imp-α2 controls the localization of Kelch to RCs and a new role played by Kelch during early embryogenesis

    The Impact of Test Suite Granularity on the CostEffectiveness of Regression Testing

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    Regression testing is an expensive testing process used to validate software following modifications. The cost-effectiveness of regression testing techniques varies with characteristics of test suites. One such characteristic, test suite granularity, involves the way in which test inputs are grouped into test cases within a test suite. Various cost-benefits tradeoffs have been attributed to choices of test suite granularity, but almost no research has formally examined these tradeoffs. To address this lack, we conducted several controlled experiments, examining the effects of test suite granularity on the costs and benefits of several controlled experiments, examining the effects of test suite granularity on the costs and benefits of several regression testing methodologies across six releases of two non-trivial software systems. Our results expose essential tradeoffs to consider when designing test suites for use in regression testing evolving systems

    Implementation of Implantation-Stagger Measuring Unit using Image Processing

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    The electrical traction system of railways is a combination of physical upright structures and OCL(Overhead Contact Lines). The horizontal distance from the center of the track to the OHE mast called implantation, horizontal displacement of overhead contact wire with respect to the center of the railway track called stagger, and the perpendicular height of overhead contact wire from the ground are periodically checked by a lineman in order to ensure a safe distance from the railway track. In this paper, we have put forth an idea of building a distance measuring device to measure the implantation and stagger without touching the objects using Open CV on raspberry pi with a camera module which will be placed at the center of the track. The system will be having two features. To measure the distance of the nearest poles, the camera has to be placed facing the mast perpendicular to a circle of diameter appropriate which is placed on the pole for measurement purposes. And to measure the stagger, the camera has to be placed facing the overhead wire from the center of    the track

    Cervical Facet Joint Injections in the Neck and Shoulder Pain

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    The effects from cervical facet joint injections in those patients who have been complaining cervical zygapophyseal joint pain were compared. The patients were diagnosed originally as myofascial pain syndrome (MPS), cervical herniated nucleus pulposus (HNP), and whiplash-associated disorders (WAD). Patients with the zygapophyseal joints pain of C5-6 and C6-7 were classified by their pain origin as MPS, HNP, and WAD. All patients had been undergone cervical zygapophyseal joints injections with the mixture of lidocaine and triamcinolone unilaterally or bilaterally through the posterior approach under C-arm imaging guide. The therapeutic effects were compared with reduction of numeric rating scale (NRS) of pain before and immediately after blockade and symptom-free periods in each group after 12 months. Symptom durations before injections were 16.1±9.6, 4.6±1.9 and 4.1±1.1 months in each MPS, HNP, and WAD groups. The reductions of NRS immediately after the blockade among the three groups were not different. However, the symptom-free duration after blockade lasted longer in the HNP group than the other two groups. In patients with cervical zygapophyseal pain syndromes, the analgesic effect from cervical facet joint blocks lasted longer in cervical HNP than MPS or WAD

    Cultural adaptation of INDIGO mental health stigma reduction interventions using an ecological validity model in north India.

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    BACKGROUND: The International Study of Discrimination and Stigma Outcomes (INDIGO) Partnership is a multi-country international research program in seven sites across five low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) in Africa and Asia to develop, contextually adapt mental health stigma reduction interventions and pilot these among a variety of target populations. The aim of this paper is to report on the process of culturally adapting these interventions in India using an established framework. METHODS: As part of this larger program, we have contextualized and implemented these interventions from March 2022 to August 2023 in a site in north India. The Ecological Validity Model (EVM) was used to guide the adaptation and contextualization process comprising eight dimensions. FINDINGS: Six dimensions of the Ecological Validity Model were adapted, namely language, persons, metaphors, content, methods, and context; and two dimensions, namely concepts and goals, were retained. CONCLUSION: Stigma reduction strategies with varied target groups, based on culturally appropriate adaptations, are more likely to be acceptable to the stakeholders involved in the intervention, and to be effective in terms of the program impact

    Adapting and piloting a social contact-based intervention to reduce mental health stigma among primary care providers:Protocol for a multi-site feasibility study

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    Stigma among primary care providers (PCPs) is a barrier to successful integration of mental health services in primary healthcare settings globally. Therefore, cross-culturally adaptable and feasible strategies are needed to reduce stigma among PCPs. This protocol is for a multi-site pilot study that aims to adapt and evaluate cross-cultural feasibility and acceptability of a social contact-based primary healthcare intervention in 7 sites in 5 low-and-middle-income countries. A mixed methods pilot study using an uncontrolled before-after study design will be conducted in China (Beijing, Guangzhou), Ethiopia (Sodo), India (Bengaluru, Delhi), Nepal (Syangja), and Tunisia (Testour). The intervention, entitled REducing Stigma among HealthcAre ProvidErs (RESHAPE), is a collaboration with people with lived experience of mental health conditions (PWLE), their family members, and aspirational figures (who are PCPs who have demonstrated high motivation to integrate mental health services). PWLE and their family members are trained in a participatory technique, PhotoVoice, to visually depict and narrate recovery stories. Aspirational figures conduct myth busting exercises and share their experiences treating PWLE. Outcomes among PCPs will include stigma knowledge, explicit and implicit attitudes, and mental healthcare competencies. To understand the feasibility, and acceptability of the intervention, qualitative interviews will be carried out with PWLE, family members, and aspirational figures, PhotoVoice trainers, mental health specialists co-leading the primary care trainings, and PCPs receiving mental health training. The sites will also generate evidence regarding feasibility, acceptability, recruitment, retention, fidelity, safety, and usefulness of the intervention to make further adaptations and modifications. The results will inform cross-cultural guidelines for collaboration with PWLE when conducting mental health training of primary healthcare workers. The results will be used to design future multi-site hybrid trials focusing on effectiveness and implementation