17 research outputs found

    Innovative financing for enterprises

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    The industrial and innovative development of Kazakhstan accounts for the growth of the national economy. Although the return on investment in innovative business is quite high in the global financial market in general, individual investors may either get very high profits or lose all their invested funds, which is unacceptable for enterprises. Therefore, it is especially important to define strategic approaches to reduce the potential loss ratio and increase the commercial success of innovation projects. For this purpose, it is necessary to properly and systematically form the financing sources of enterprises’ innovative development, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by international and Kazakh experience. On the other hand, it is important to determine directions and conditions for the use of these funds in the course of the innovation process, since the timely suspension or termination of the project will significantly reduce possible losses.peer-reviewe

    Effect of Mechanical Activation on the Reactivity of Composites for Flameless Heaters

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    The work is devoted to the activation of metal powder mixtures suitable for use in flameless food heaters. Four activated powders have been manufactured starting from the reference material using a standard technique. Activated powders exhibited a significant increment of the reactivity for the reference mixture. Experimental tests were carried out to characterize the resulting composites in terms of the combustion rate. The oxidation reaction at a low heating rate was monitored using a SEIKO EXTAR II thermal analysis machine and its tests were carried out at open air in temperature range starting from room temperature up to 1150 °C at the heating rate of 10 °C/min. Powders activated by mechanical activations and the initial mixture of materials were characterized in terms of apparent density, absorbed surfactant with the mass of sizing, i.e. granulometry, oxidation properties at a low heating rate. With increase the grinding time, the color of the powder switches to dark tones. Powder granulometry was performed on a MALVERN laser granulometer MASTERSIZER 2000 using dry block SCIROCCO. Three measurements for each sample were performed and the results were averaged. The tests were recorded and processed by digital technology to make the combustion rate of the powders, also the experimental setup used for investigations was presented. The sample AlS-AlF_MnO2_SiO-150 is characterized by the lowest metal content, and by the most regular combustion propagation. The powder AlS-AlF_MnO2_SiO-50 features the highest metal content, but the less regular combustion propagation. The use of mechanical activation allows increasing the number of nanoscale materials, which contributes to the synthesis of highly effective flameless food heaters

    Efficacy of teaching medical students by problem-based learning method

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    To determine and analyze the evaluate efficacy of teaching senior students of medical faculties at Universities in terms of avoiding medical errors in pediatrics. Students studied according to problem based learning method while learning the subject “Pediatrics” within the framework of ERASMUS+ ТАМЕ project. Therefore, students were distributed into three groups: students, who learnt pediatrics by branch case method, students, who studied by problem-based learning method and linear cases method in particular and students, who studied by the traditional classical scheme of teaching pediatrics. The compiled questionnaire consisted of questions including: questions the subject of cases, tangent questions, they were not included into cases and control questions. The analysis of questionnaire of students showed that the best result (in percent of right answers) was seen in I group; its representatives studied by branch cases (42,0% Ukrainian and 43,2% Kazakhstan). The lowest percentage of right answers (37,6%) was determined in the control ІІІ group (41,9% in Kazakhstan), and the results of the group with linear cases was 40,6% of right answers (36,5% in Kazakhstan). Thus, problem-based learning considerably stimulates motivation of students to learning and promotes better efficacy of the whole educational process. Students who study according to problem-based learning method as compared to those who study according to the traditional methods demonstrate better results by the number of right answers given to tests

    Сформированные наночастицами сплавы V–Cd: получение, фазовый состав и структура

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    The results of the study of targeted sputtering and deposition of ultrafine vanadium and cadmium particles on substrates that are not heated and shifted with respect to the substrate plasma currents are revealed. As a result of the conducted studies, coatings were obtained in the range with a concentration of cadmium from 9.6 to 88.6 at.%. The critical size of vanadium particles capable of forming alloys with cadmium is 0.6 nm. The concentration limit for the presence of solid solutions of cadmium in vanadium is the cadmium content of ~37 at.%, at a higher cadmium content the film coating is represented by a mixture of cadmium phases and a solid solution of cadmium in vanadium. The dependence of the lattice parameter of α-vanadium on the content of cadmium in it corresponds to the expression: а [nm] = 8·10–4СCd + 0.3707, where СCd is the concentration of cadmium, at.%. On the surface of the sample in the region of solid solutions (31.6 at.% Cd), the presence of threadlike crystals of cadmium was found, the reason for the appearance of which is the lattice pressure of the matrix metal. Annealing of films rich in cadmium (69.5 at.%) in vacuum is accompanied by cracking of the coating and the formation of pores. The latter can be used as a method for obtaining porous vanadium.Приведены результаты исследований распыления и осаждения ультрадисперсных частиц ванадия и кадмия на необогреваемые и перемещаемые относительно потоков плазмы подложки. Были получены покрытия в интервале концентраций кадмия от 9,6 до 88,6 ат.%. Критическим размером частиц ванадия, способных к образованию сплавов с кадмием, определена величина 0,6 нм. Концентрационной границей существования твердых растворов кадмия в ванадии является содержание кадмия ~37 ат.%, при большей его доли пленочное покрытие представлено смесью фаз кадмия и твердого раствора кадмия в ванадии. Зависимость параметра решетки α-ванадия от содержания кадмия в нем соответствует следующему выражению: а [нм] = 8·10–4СCd + + 0,3707, где СCd – концентрация кадмия, ат.%. На поверхности образца в области твердых растворов (31,6 ат.% Cd) обнаружено наличие нитевидных кристаллов кадмия, причиной появления которых является решеточное давление матричного металла. Отжиг богатых по содержанию кадмия пленок (69,5 ат.%) в вакууме сопровождается растрескиванием покрытия и образованием пор. Последнее может быть использовано как метод получения пористого ванадия

    Instability Control in Aircraft Automatic Control Systems

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    In general, an aircraft as a solid is described by a system of nonlinear non-stationary differential equations. This system includes the equations of motion of the center of mass, the equations of motion relative to the center of mass and kinematic equations


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    Presents an analysis of outpatient and inpatient medical records of patients delivered in infectious hospital № 4 of Ufa with suspected acute intestinal infection and transferred after clinical laboratory examination or from admissions for emergency indications, either from the intestinal-diagnostic unit after the establishment of the non-core nature of the disease in other hospitals. The most informative clinical symptoms and of anamnestic data in the differential diagnosis of acute intestinal infections, acute surgical diseases of abdominal organs (acute appendicitis, intestinal obstruction, cholecystitis and cholelithiasis, incarcerated hernia, diverticular disease, peritonitis, pancreatic necrosis), tumors of the intestine and thrombosis of the mesenteric vessels. In the differential diagnosis of a large circle of non-core diseases were used the results of additional research: the General analysis of blood and urine, capriform, bacteriological and enzyme immunoassay of faeces and vomit on pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic enterobacteria, rotaviruses, as well as the ultrasound and radiography of the abdomen, sigmoidoscopy. Представлен анализ амбулаторных и стационарных медицинских карт больных, доставленных в инфекционную клиническую больницу № 4 г. Уфы с подозрением на острые кишечные инфекции и переведенных после клинико-лабораторного обследования либо из приемного отделения по экстренным показаниям, либо из кишечно-диагностического отделения после установления непрофильного характера заболевания в другие стационары. Выделены наиболее информативные клинические симптомы и анамнестические данные при дифференциальной диагностике острых кишечных инфекций с острой хирургической патологией органов брюшной полости (острым аппендицитом, кишечной непроходимостью, холециститом и желчнокаменной болезнью, ущемленной грыжей, дивертикулярной болезнью, перитонитом, панкреонекрозом), с опухолями кишечника и тромбозом мезентериальных сосудов. При дифференциальной диагностике большого круга непрофильных заболеваний были использованы результаты дополнительных исследований: общего анализа крови и мочи, копроцитограммы, бактериологического и иммуноферментного анализов испражнений и рвотных масс на патогенные и условно-патогенные энтеробактерии, ротавирусы, а также данные УЗИ и рентгенографии органов брюшной полости, ректороманоскопии.

    Effect of mechanical activation on the reactivity of composites for flameless heaters

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    The work is devoted to the activation of metal powder mixtures suitable for use in flameless food heaters. Four activated powders have been manufactured starting from the reference material using a standard technique. Activated powders exhibited a significant increment of the reactivity for the reference mixture. Experimental tests were carried out to characterize the resulting composites in terms of the combustion rate. The oxidation reaction at a low heating rate was monitored using a SEIKO EXTAR II thermal analysis machine and its tests were carried out at open air in temperature range starting from room temperature up to 1150 °C at the heating rate of 10 °C/min. Powders activated by mechanical activations and the initial mixture of materials were characterized in terms of apparent density, absorbed surfactant with the mass of sizing, i.e. granulometry, oxidation properties at a low heating rate. With increase the grinding time, the color of the powder switches to dark tones. Powder granulometry was performed on a MALVERN laser granulometer MASTERSIZER 2000 using dry block SCIROCCO. Three measurements for each sample were performed and the results were averaged. The tests were recorded and processed by digital technology to make the combustion rate of the powders, also the experimental setup used for investigations was presented. The sample AlS-AlF _MnO2 _SiO-150 is characterized by the lowest metal content, and by the most regular combustion propagation. The powder AlS-AlF_MnO2_SiO-50 features the highest metal content, but the less regular combustion propagation. The use of mechanical activation allows increasing the number of nanoscale materials, which contributes to the synthesis of highly effective flameless food heaters

    Гендерное неравенство в образовательной среде: международный опыт и Республика Казахстан

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    Гендерное неравенство в сфере образования претерпела значительные изменения за последние десятилетия. Ведь образование является наиболее важным инструментом развития человеческих ресурсов и универсальным правом человека, а также важным компонентом расширения прав и возможностей женщин. В настоящем исследовании предпринята попытка ответить на вопрос: какие изменения произошли в сфере гендерного неравенства в международной образовательной среде посредством анализа отечественной и зарубежной литературы по данной тематике. В статье рассматриваются эмпирические исследования и теоретические взгляды на гендерное неравенство в системе образования. Исследуется, как реформа образования за последнее десятилетие повлияла на гендерное равенство. Проведен анализ тенденции гендерного неравенства в мире. Объясняются причины гендерного неравенства в образовании и анализируется, как гендерное неравенство в образовании влияет на экономику, демографию, социальную сферу и так далее. Так, гендерное неравенство в образовании оказывает прямое влияние на экономическую рост за счет снижения среднего качества человеческого капитала. Оно препятствует прогрессу в снижении рождаемости и детской смертности, тем самым ставит под угрозу прогресс в области благосостояния в развивающихся странах. Хотя это неравенство нежелательно с точки зрения социальной справедливости, можно также утверждать, что более эффективное использование потенциала женщин на рынке может привести к большей эффективности. Образование воспроизводит, а не бросает вызов социальному неравенству. Кроме того, в некоторых областях отношений, связанных с трудоустройством, образование имеет важное значение. Это говорит о том, что различные интересы могут формировать влияние образования на отношение мужчин к женщинам, и что образование может предложить женщинам ресурсы, которые поощряют некоторые изменения в их интерпретации статуса. Ключевые слова: неравенство, образование, гендер, человеческий ресурс, анализ

    Humanitarian Diplomacy as a Tool of International Relations: the Position of the Kazakhstani Foreign Policy Elite and the Experience of Foreign Countries

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    The article provides an analysis of the development of humanitarian diplomacy in terms of current and new challenges, such as pandemic, armed conflicts. The potential for conflict will always exist in relations between states. The role of diplomacy is to anticipate and resolve problems before they escalate into conflicts. When conflicts are inevitable, diplomats work to resolve differences peacefully to avoid violent clashes. The protection of human rights is a critical area of international conflict resolution, in which diplomats play a key role. Countries with more human rights violations are more prone to fast-spreading and violent conflict. Diplomats work to prevent human rights violations and promote respect for the political, civil, economic and social rights of people in countries around the world. In recent decades, human rights issues, once considered the internal affairs of individual states, have become the subject of humanitarian interventions, often led by the UN and the world’s superpowers. As a result, military intervention can be accompanied by humanitarian intervention, which is sometimes perceived as a violation of the sovereignty of the affected countries. It is in these conflict situations that diplomacy and human rights are directly linked. Humanitarian diplomacy tries to resolve potential problems through negotiations, while at the same time finding ways to help those affected by the crisis. Humanitarian diplomacy emphasizes the importance of stable political relationships to help and support vulnerable people or groups whose rights and interests are threatened and whose voices are silenced in the midst of more serious socio-political conflicts. The concept of human rights is more important now than at any time since the Cold War, as global forces shift and regional divisions flare up in response to the political, economic and social upheaval caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Consideration of foreign experience in the humanitarian sphere can identify the role of humanitarian diplomacy in the implementation of the country’s foreign policy. The article examines the models of the humanitarian policy of France as the main vector of the foreign policy of the country, Russia and the United States in the context of humanitarian assistance to Syria, which have conflicting interests in relation to the Middle Eastern country. It also examines the experience of Kazakhstan in the field of humanitarian diplomacy, as well as the position of the foreign policy elite and prospects in this area. Key words: Humanitarian diplomacy, pandemic, Kazakhstan, foreign countries, international humanitarian law

    How much does an employer's attractiveness matter to youth employment? Evidence from a developing country

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    Purpose Drawing on the contemporary literature and the theory of employer attractiveness, the authors aimed to examine key antecedents and consequences of employer attractiveness by proposing functional hypotheses and relationships between some endogenous variables. Design/methodology/approach Using the quota-cum-purposive sampling method, the unit of analysis selected for this study was millennials aged 18–35 years and working in the hospitality, travel, tourism and leisure (HTTL) sectors for the last two years. A total of 218 responses were collected in three months (June–August 2022). The data were analysed using partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). Findings For young employees, company recruitment behaviour, company image and source credibility are significantly and directly related to company attractiveness. The relationship between company image and employee word of mouth (WOM) was significantly positive. Company recruitment behaviour was found to significantly influence employee commitment. Company attractiveness was found to be directly related to young employees' WOM about the company and commitment to it. Originality/value The study establishes the significance of company attractiveness because a company's success largely depends on the company's ability to attract and retain a talented and skilled workforce. Moreover, the present study provides much-needed insights to policymakers and regulators that can help the policymakers define and implement favourable policies to promote and protect the country's job market and offer directions to youth employment.peerReviewe