28 research outputs found

    Antimycobacterial activity of linoleic acid and oleic acid obtained from the hexane extract of the seeds of Mesua ferrea L. and their in silico investigation

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    Tuberculosis is responsible for about 8 million deaths worldwide annually. The emergence of multidrug-resistant and extensively drug-resistant strains urgently requires the development of new drugs against tuberculosis. Drug discovery from plants against tuberculosis is an exciting area for exploration. In the present study, the fatty acids- linoleic and oleic acids isolated and identified from the seeds of the plant Mesua ferrea L. exhibited antimycobacterial activity. The analysis was done using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry and supplementary information was obtained using fourier transform-infra red and 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance. The minimum inhibitory concentration of the purified fraction containing both the compounds was found to be 78 µg/mL. In silico molecular docking studies against the target proteins GlfT2, Inh A and mtKasB of Mycobacterium tuberculosis revealed high scores for both the compounds. Cytotoxicity studies of the compounds revealed no toxicity and high antioxidant activity was observed


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    In the present work, multi-response optimization of electro-discharge machining (EDM) process is carried out based on an experimental analysis of machining superalloy Inconel-718. The study aims at optimizing and determining an optimal set of process variables, namely discharge current (), pulse-on duration () and dielectric fluid-pressure () for achieving optimal machining performance in EDM. Nine independent experiments based on L9 orthogonal array are carried out by using tungsten as the electrode. The productivity performance of the EDM process is measured in terms of material removal rate (MRR) and its cost parameter is measured in terms of tool wear rate (TWR) and electrode wear rate (EWR). The TOPSIS is used in conjunction with five different criterion weight allocation strategies— (namely, mean weight (MW), standard deviation (SDV), entropy, analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and Fuzzy). While MW, SDV and entropy are based on the objective evaluation of the decision-maker (DM), the AHP can model the DM’s subjective evaluation. On the other hand, the uncertainty in the DM’s evaluation is analyzed by using the fuzzy weighing approach

    PSI and TOPSIS Based Selection of Process Parameters in WEDM

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    Wire electric discharge machining (WEDM) is a nontraditional machining process for machining conductive materials with complex and intricate shapes with a high surface finish and dimensional accuracy. The decision making for the selection of the best set of combinations of input process parameters is a major challenge. Therefore a proper optimization tool should be used for the optimal selection of process parameters. The resent work deals with the comparative study of Preferential Selection Index (PSI) and Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) for the selection of process parameters during machining of EN31 tool steel. Four input parameters- Pulse on Time (Ton ), Pulse off Time (Toff  ), Servo Voltage (SV) and the Wire tension (WT) are considered. Surface roughness and material removal rate are the measured output responses. Taguchi L9 orthogonal array is used for developing the experimental design. Three levels of each control factor are considered. The results show that a single parameter alone does not have a significant influence on the output responses. Thequality of the output responses depends on the combination of the various set of input parameters. The best set of combination suggested from the current input parameters for machining of EN31 Tool Steel by Wire EDM Process is found to be Pulse on Time (Ton )= 15μs, Pulse Off Time (Toff  )=35μs, Servo Voltage (SV)=40V and the Wire tension (WT)=5kgf from both PSI as well as TOPSIS techniques. Confirmation experiments are performed to validate the optimal results

    A temperature-based synthesis and characterization study of aluminum-incorporated diamond-like carbon thin films

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    The present work deals with the study of various properties of aluminum (Al)-incorporated diamond-like carbon (DLC) thin films synthesized using the atmospheric pressure chemical vapor deposition (APCVD) technique by varying the deposition temperature (Td) and keeping the N2 flow rate constant. Surface morphology analysis, resistance to corrosion, nanohardness (H), and Young’s modulus (E) of the coatings were carried out using atomic force microscopy (AFM), corrosion test, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and nanoindentation test, respectively. SEM results showed a smoother surface morphology of the coatings grown at different process temperatures. With an increase in process temperature, the coating roughness (Ra) lies in the range of 20–36 µm. The corrosion resistance of the coating was found to be reduced with a consecutive increase in the deposition temperature from 800℃ to 880℃. However, above 880℃, the resistance increases further, and it may be due to the presence of more Al weight percentage in the coating. The nanoindentation result revealed that H and E of the coating increase with an increase in the CVD process temperature. The elastic–plastic property indicated by H/E and H3/E2, which are also indicators of the wear properties of the coating, were studied using the nanoindentation technique. The residual stresses (σ) calculated using Stoney’s equation revealed a reduction in residual stress with an increase in the process temperature

    Investigating Dark Matter-Admixed Neutron Stars with NITR Equation of State in Light of PSR J0952-0607

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    The heaviest pulsar, PSR J0952-0607, with a mass of $M=2.35\pm0.17 \ M_\odot,hasrecentlybeendiscoveredinthediskoftheMilkyWayGalaxy.Inresponsetothisdiscovery,anewRMFmodel,"NITR"hasbeendeveloped.TheNITRmodelsnaturalnesshasbeenconfirmedbyassessingitsvalidityforvariousfinitenucleiandnuclearmatter(NM)properties,includingincompressibility,symmetryenergy,andslopeparametervaluesof225.11,31.69,and43.86MeV,respectively.Thesevaluessatisfytheempirical/experimentallimitscurrentlyavailable.Themaximummassandcanonicalradiusofaneutronstar(NS)calculatedusingtheNITRmodelparametersare2.35, has recently been discovered in the disk of the Milky Way Galaxy. In response to this discovery, a new RMF model, "NITR" has been developed. The NITR model's naturalness has been confirmed by assessing its validity for various finite nuclei and nuclear matter (NM) properties, including incompressibility, symmetry energy, and slope parameter values of 225.11, 31.69, and 43.86 MeV, respectively. These values satisfy the empirical/experimental limits currently available. The maximum mass and canonical radius of a neutron star (NS) calculated using the NITR model parameters are 2.35 M_\odot$ and 12.73 km, respectively, which fall within the range of PSR J0952-0607 and the latest NICER limit. This study aims to test the NITR model consistency by applying it to different systems and, consequently, calibrate its validity extensively. Subsequently, the NITR model equation of state (EOS) is employed to obtain the properties of a dark matter admixed neutron star using two approaches: non-gravitational (single fluid) and two-fluid. In the two-fluid model, the dark matter (DM) particles only interact with each other via gravity rather than the nucleons. In both cases, the equation of state becomes softer due to DM interactions, which reduces various macroscopic properties such as maximum mass, radius, tidal deformability, etc. Additionally, through the use of various observational data, efforts are made to constraint the quantity of DM within the NS

    Enhancing efficiency in photo chemical machining: a multivariate decision-making approach

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    Non-Traditional Machining (NTM) outperforms traditional processes by offering superior geometric and dimensional accuracy, along with a better surface finish. Photo Chemical Machining (PCM) represents one such NTM process, using chemical etching for material removal. PCM finds substantial application in the creation of microchannels in pharmaceutical, chemical and energy industries. Several input parameters—such as etchant concentration, etching time and etchant temperature—profoundly influence the machining’s quality and efficiency. Therefore, the optimization of these parameters is crucial. This study presents a comparative analysis of five Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) techniques—Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), Multi-Objective Optimization on the basis of Ratio Analysis (MOORA), Additive Ratio Assessment (ARAS), Weighted aggregated sum product assessment method (WASPAS) and Multi-Attributive Border Approximation Area Comparison Method (MABAC)—for the optimization of the PCM process. Key performance metrics considered are Material Removal Rate (MRR), Surface Roughness (SR), Undercut (Uc) and etch factor (EF). The weights of these criteria were calculated using the Criterion-Induced Aggregation Technique (CRITIC) and was compared with other popular methods like MEREC, Entropy and equal weights. MRR and EF are seen as beneficial criteria, while SR and Uc are perceived as cost criteria. Optimum process parameters were identified as 850 g/L etchant concentration, 40 min etching time and 70°C etchant temperature. Two of the three employed MCDM techniques agreed on these optimal parameters, reinforcing the findings. Furthermore, a strong correlation was observed amongst the employed MCDM techniques, further validating the results

    Burden of head and neck cancers in Kamrup urban district cancer registry of Assam, India: a retrospective study

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    Background: Head and Neck cancers are basically squamous cell carcinomas. It is the fifth most common cancer and the sixth most common cause of cancer mortality in the world. Incidence of cancer as a whole for all sites is fourth highest in Kamrup Urban District (KUD) in males (AAR 185.2) and second highest (AAR 156.3) in females out of all Population Based Cancer Registries (PBCR) in India. Incidence of head and neck cancers in KUD is quite high both nationally and internationally. This retrospective study was carried out to assess the incidence pattern of head and neck cancers in Kamrup Urban District of Assam, India for the period of 2009-2011.  Methods: Cancer is not notifiable in India, so method of collecting information on cancer was active in PBCR Guwahati. A total of 4416 cases were registered during the three years (1st January 2009- 31st December 2011) of which 2508 were male and 1908 female. Statistical analysis used: Age Adjusted Rate (AAR), Crude Rate (CR) and Population pyramids are provided by NCRP-ICMR.Results: The relative proportion of head and neck cancers of total cancer cases registered in KUD constitutes 26% (654/2508) and 12% (225/1908) in male and female respectively. In males cancer of hypopharynx (AAR 14.7) was most common followed by tongue (AAR 9.4) and mouth (AAR 7.7). In females cancer of mouth (AAR 7.6) is most common followed by cancer of tongue (AAR 3.2).Conclusion: The pattern and incidence of various head and neck cancers is of utmost importance for primary prevention and early detection to adequately manage these cancers comprehensively in the community.

    Agronomic efficiency and productivity of transplanted kharif rice (Oryza sativa) as influenced by fertilizer briquettes

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    An experiment was conducted during rainy (kharif) season of 2022 at the research farm of Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat, Assam to evaluate the effect of fertilizer briquettes on growth and productivity of transplanted rice. The field experiment was laid out in RBD comprising of 13 treatments, replicated thrice. Growth of rice, panicles/m2 and yield were subjected to significant variation under different fertilizer management practices. Higher plant height, tillers/ m2, panicles/m2, yield and agronomic efficiency were recorded under FDP, 120% RDN + 100% P and K + ZnSO4 @10 kg/ha + biofertilizer (T12). This might be owing to reduced losses  of nutrients and efficient uptake by plants compared to broadcasted method of fertilizer application where most of the applied fertilizers were susceptible to various losses availing lesser amount of nutrients for crop uptake

    Clinical Evaluation of Angamardaprashamana Mahakashaya and Kativasti in the Management of Lumbar Spondylosis (Katigraha)

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    Lumbar spondylosis is a degenerative disease where degeneration occurs in lumbar vertebrae, intervertebral disc and in intervertebral joints, characterized by loss of hydration of disc followed by formation of osteophytes and transdiscal bridging. It involves the entire joint including the nearby muscles, underlying bone, ligament, disk and give rise to symptoms of Lumbar spondylosis. Katigraha is a Vataja nanatatmaja vyadhi mentioned by Sharangadhar and Shodala. As per Acharya Shodala, Vata situated in Asthi of Kati region, increased due to various Nidana (causes) and produce symptoms of vitiated Vata as Shula (pain), Pangutwa (disability) both the lower limbs known as Katigraha. Hence for treatment of lumbar spondylosis is correlated and treatment given according to Chikitsa modalities of Katigraha (Vatavyadhi Chikitsa). To evaluate the efficacy of Angamardaprashamana Mahakashaya and Kativasti in the management of lumbar spondylosis clinically a open, random, clinical trial is carried out on 100 patients in one group, as intervention Angamardaprashamana Mahakashaya Churna (powder form) is given orally and Kativasti (a type of sudation therapy) on lumbar region is given externally. Follow up taken in every 20th day upto 60 days. After treatment for statistical analysis of data paired t test is done and data shows highly significant result and shows remarkable changes in signs and symptoms. But its result of radiological changes are found not significant statistically. The relief % is analysis by using Oswestry Disability Index which shows 91% respond to treatment and 74% got major improvements. Thus, the study says that trial drug and therapy have capacity to improve lumbar spondylosis (Katigraha) significantl

    Memetic cuckoo-search-based optimization in machining galvanized iron

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    In this article, an improved variant of the cuckoo search (CS) algorithm named Coevolutionary Host-Parasite (CHP) is used for maximizing the metal removal rate in a turning process. The spindle speed, feed rate and depth of cut are considered as the independent parameters that describe the metal removal rate during the turning operation. A data-driven second-order polynomial regression approach is used for this purpose. The training dataset is designed using an L16 orthogonal array. The CHP algorithm is effective in quickly locating the global optima. Furthermore, CHP is seen to be sufficiently robust in the sense that it is able to identify the optima on independent reruns. The CHP predicted optimal solution presents +/- 10% deviations in the optimal process parameters, which shows the robustness of the optimal solution.Web of Science1314art. no. 304