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    W świetle tak wielu wyraźnych przemian w zakresie komunikowania masowego istotne będzie przyjrzenie się trzem kolejno przywołanym zjawiskom dopełniającym szeroko omawiane zagadnienie dyskursu autopromocyjnego. Tym razem w centrum uwagi badaczy uczestniczących w piątej konferencji poświęconej tematyce autopromocji i autoprezentacji znalazł się wizerunek rozpatrywany także z perspektywy skandalu, popełnianych błędów komunikacyjnych, a co za tym idzie - kryzysu, coraz częściej będącego następstwem tych dwu poprzednich

    Składniki odżywcze i ich rola w diecie sportowca = Nutrients and their role in athlete’s diet

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    Kalisz Zdzisława, Juraszek Karolina, Glama Ewa, Weber-Rajek Magdalena, Hoffmann Magdalena, Kalisz Justyna, Zukow Walery. Składniki odżywcze i ich rola w diecie sportowca = Nutrients and their role in athlete’s diet. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(8):522-538. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.60945http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/3789   The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 755 (23.12.2015).755 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7© The Author (s) 2016;This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, PolandOpen Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercialuse, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.Received: 01.08.2016. Revised 08.08.2016. Accepted: 26.08.2016.  Składniki odżywcze i ich rola w diecie sportowca  Nutrients and their role in athlete’s diet Zdzisława Kalisz2, Karolina Juraszek2, 4, Ewa Glama2, Magdalena Weber-Rajek1, Magdalena Hoffmann3, Justyna Kalisz5, Walery Zukow6 1. Katedra Fizjoterapii, Zakład Podstaw Fizjoterapii, Collegium Medicum w Bydgoszczy, Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu2. Bydgoska Szkoła Wyższa w Bydgoszczy3. Uniwersyteckie Centrum Kliniczne w Gdańsku, Klinika Nadciśnienia Tętniczego i Diabetologii4. Centrum Onkologii im. prof. F. Łukaszczyka w Bydgoszczy, Zakład Rehabilitacji5. Szpital Uniwersytecki nr 2 im. J. Biziela w Bydgoszczy, Klinika Hematologii6. Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy   Słowa kluczowe: składniki odżywcze, dieta, sportowcy.Key words: nutrients, diet, athletes.  Streszczenie Składniki pokarmowe pełnią ważną rolę w prawidłowym funkcjonowaniu organizmu ludzkiego. Prowadzony tryb życia ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem aktywności ruchowej, ściśle wiąże się z doborem odpowiednio zbilansowanej diety. Celem badań była ocena odżywiania się sportowców danej dyscypliny sportowej. Badaniem objęto 30 piłkarzy nożnych z klubu sportowego Olimpia Grudziądz, którzy wyrazili chęć wypełnienia ankiety w okresie od marca do maja 2016 roku. Ogólna ocena żywienia piłkarzy uprawiających piłkę nożną jest zadowalająca. Badania wykazały, że piłkarze spożywają posiłek mniej niż 1 godzinę po treningu, czyli odpowiedni czas niezbędny w szybkiej regeneracji glikogenu mięśniowego. Ocena spożywania warzyw i owoców jest nie w pełni prawidłowa, ponieważ są one spożywane w różnej częstotliwości i nie są spożywane codziennie. Racjonalny sposób żywienia sportowców wymaga systematycznego dostarczania organizmowi wszystkich niezbędnych składników odżywczych w ilościach i proporcjach odpowiadających jego potrzebom, a całodzienna racja pokarmowa powinna uwzględniać pięć posiłków w ciągu dnia. Abstract             Dietary nutrients play a significant role in the normal function of the body. Life style focused on physical activity necessitates appropriately balanced diet. The goal of this study was to assess the dietary habits of a selected group of athletes. Participants of the study were 30 male football players from the Olimpia Grudziadz athletic club, who, between March and May of 2016, agreed to fill out a questionnaire pertaining to their diets. Based on the compiled data from the questionnaire, the overall diet can be considered well-balanced with minor deficiencies. Participating athletes consume a meal rich in key nutrients within an hour of their training, the optimal time necessary to replenish muscle glycogen. This study revealed, however, that the number of servings of fruit and vegetables is below the recommended daily norm, and the fruit and vegetables are not consumed daily. To maximize performance and ensure rapid recovery necessitates carefully balanced and appropriately timed diet. It is recommended that the daily dietary regimen consists of five evenly spaced meals rich in nutrients that prepare the athlete for the strenuous physical activity and replenish depleted energy stores during recovery period

    Osoczowe stężenia frakcji adiponektyny u kobiet z chorobą Alzheimera

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    ABSTRACT Introduction Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive and irreversible neurodegenerative disease. Typical features of AD include memory loss, social dysfunction and physical impairment. Although the pathological findings in the central nervous system are well established, the etiological factors are poorly known. Recent studies suggested the role of metabolic disturbances in the development of AD neurodegeneration. Adiponectin, an anti-inflammatory and metabolism regulating factor, was linked to AD. Aim The aim was to examine whether adiponectin fractions combined with insulin/insulin resistance-associated metabolic parameters correlate with AD progression. Material and methods The study comprised 98 women: 27 with moderate to severe AD, 31 with AD at early stage and 40 healthy controls, matched for age and BMI. To evaluate memory impairment, the MMSE was performed. Plasma total adiponectin and its high-, medium- and low molecular weights were measured with ELISA. Anthropometric, clinical and metabolic parameters were assessed. Correlations between adiponectin array and measured parameters were evaluated. Results In comparison to the controls, enhanced levels of total and medium molecular weight adiponectin characterized AD individuals. In AD, we found correlations between adiponectin array, and anthropometric and biochemical parameters. After adjustment to BMI, a significant increase of the total adiponectin and high- and medium molecular weight fractions was observed. A negative correlation between low molecular weight adiponectin and MMSE was found. Conclusions Our results indicate a possible link between adiponectin variations and AD. We hypothesize that changes in adiponectin profile observed in AD result from compensatory mechanism against neuropathological processes, as well as from adiponectin homeostasis impairment.Introduction: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive and irreversible neurodegenerative disease. Typical features of AD include memory loss, social dysfunction, and physical impairment. Although the pathological findings in the central nervous system are well established, the aetiological factors are poorly known. Recent studies suggested the role of metabolic disturbances in the development of AD neuro­degeneration. Adiponectin, an anti-inflammatory and metabolism regulating factor, was linked to AD. The aim was to examine whether adiponectin fractions combined with insulin/insulin resistance-associated metabolic parameters cor­relate with AD progression. Material and methods: The study comprised 98 women: 27 with moderate to severe AD, 31 with AD at early stage, and 40 healthy con­trols, matched for age and BMI. To evaluate memory impairment, the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) was performed. Plasma total adiponectin and its high, medium, and low molecular weights were measured with ELISA. Anthropometric, clinical, and metabolic parameters were assessed. Correlations between adiponectin array and measured parameters were evaluated. Results: In comparison to the controls, enhanced levels of total and medium molecular weight adiponectin characterised AD individu­als. In AD, we found correlations between adiponectin array, and anthropometric and biochemical parameters. After adjustment to BMI, a significant increase of the total adiponectin and high and medium molecular weight fractions was observed. A negative correlation between low molecular weight adiponectin and MMSE was found. Conclusions: Our results indicate a possible link between adiponectin variations and AD. We hypothesise that changes in adiponectin profile observed in AD result from compensatory mechanisms against neuropathological processes, as well as from adiponectin homeo­stasis impairment

    Spatial and temporal variability of physicochemical characteristics of surface waters of the Narew National Park

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    Przenalizowano wybrane parametry fizykochemiczne wód rzeki Narew: odczyn (pH), przewodność elektrolityczną (μS/cm), poziom wód (m), koncentrację tlenu rozpuszczonego (mg/l), temperaturę wody (°C) i stężenie chlorofilu (μg/l) w roku hydrologicznym 2013 w celu określenia ich zmienności w czasie i przestrzeni. Obszar badań obejmuje pięć punktów pomiarowych na wielokorytowym odcinku rzeki Narew, w obrębie Narwiańskiego Parku Narodowego. Wykonana została analiza miesięcznej oraz rocznej korelacji badanych parametrów na poszczególnych punktach pomiarowych. Zmienność poziomu wody w roku hydrologicznym 2013 była nietypowa, we wrześniu z powodu anomalii opadów atmosferycznych wystąpiło drugorzędne maksimum. Temperatura wody nie wykazywała zmienności przestrzennej, a jej zmiany odzwierciedlają zmienność temperatury powietrza. Stężenie chlorofilu było niskie w ciągu całego roku, a wyższe wartości wystąpiły wyłącznie w lipcu i sierpniu. Zmienność odczynu wody jest sezonowa i wykazuje wysoką korelację z temperaturą powietrza. Koncentracja tlenu rozpuszczonego jest zróżnicowana przestrzennie ze względu na wielokorytowy charakter rzeki. Przewodność elektrolityczna w chłodnej porze roku wzrastała z biegiem rzeki, co było zgodne z teorią ciągłości rzeki (river continuum). Zmienność przewodności wykazuje sezonowość. Jej wartości wykazują związek ze zmianami stanów wód: w czasie podwyższonych stanów wód w okresie roztopowym przewodność jest niższa niż w czasie niskich stanów wód w czasie lata i zimy.In order to prove variability of selected physicochemical parameters of the Narew River waters in hydrological year 2013, some of them were investigated as follows: pH, electrolytic conductivity (μS/cm), water level (m), dissolved oxygen concentration (mg /l), water temperature (°C) and chlorophyll concentration (μg/l). The research area includes five measurement points in the multi-channel section of the Narew River, within the range of the Narew National Park. Monthly and annual correlations of parameters at specific measurement points were calculated. The variability of water levels in the hydrological year 2013 was abnormal. High water levels occurred in September, due to rainfall anomalies. The water temperature does not vary spatially. Its changes reflect the air temperature. Chlorophyll concentrations are very low, higher values were registered only in July and August. The water pH changes seasonally, it has a high correlation with water temperature. Dissolved oxygen concentration varies due to multi-channel nature of the river. Electrolytic conductivity is in line with the concept of the river continuum until April 2013. Electrolytic conductivity in Bokiny shows seasonality and dependence on water levels

    Soil moisture changes in Narew National Park

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    Określono rolę czynników determinujących zmienność wilgotności gruntu w Narwiańskim Parku Narodowym. Obszar badań obejmował trzy stanowiska w których był wykonywany monitoring wilgotności gruntu na głębokości 20 cm oraz 50 cm. W celu zrozumienia uwarunkowań fizyczno-chemicznych wykonano analizę laboratoryjną monitorowanych gleb. Wyniki ukazano na tle wieloletnich trendów wybranych parametrów hydrologiczno-meteorologicznych z okresu 1991-2020. Wykonano korelacje krzyżową między sumą opadu atmosferycznego z różnych okresów a średnią dobową wilgotnością gleby z różnym przesunięciem czasowym. W celu uchwycenia niejednorodności genetycznej związku wilgotności gleby z opadem atmosferycznym analizę wykonano dla półrocza letniego i zimowego. Stwierdzono, że duże znaczenie dla wilgotności gleby na terenie Narwiańskiego Parku Narodowego ma poziom zalegania wód podziemnych oraz dopływ wód powierzchniowych z górnego biegu rzeki – w szczególności wód roztopowych. Na analizowanym obszarze nie wystąpiła prosta zależność między opadem atmosferycznym a wilgotnością gleby. Należy zachować ciągłość monitoringu wilgotności gleby, aby móc opracować korzystne rozwiązania zapobiegające degradacji warunków wilgotnościowych gleb oraz stworzyć plan adaptacyjny do postępujących zmian klimatycznych.The role of factors determining the variability of soil moisture in the Narew National Park was determined. The study area included three sites where soil moisture monitoring was performed at a depth of 20 cm and 50 cm. In order to understand the determinants physico-chemical conditions, laboratory analysis of the monitored soils was performed. The results were shown against the background of long-term trends of selected hydrological and meteorological parameters from the period 1991-2020. Cross-correlations were made between the sum of precipitation from different periods and the average daily soil moisture with different time lags. In order to capture the genetic heterogeneity of the relationship between soil moisture and precipitation, the analysis was performed for the summer and winter semesters. It was found that soil moisture in the Narew National Park is strongly influenced by the groundwater table and surface water inflow from upstream - especially snowmelt. In the analyzed area, there was no simple relationship between precipitation and soil moisture. Continuous monitoring of soil moisture should be maintained in order to be able to develop favorable solutions to prevent degradation of soil moisture conditions and to create an adaptation plan for ongoing climate change

    Supplementation of Nutraceuticals from Dwarf Kiwi and Apple Improves Lipid Profile in Overweight Adults

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    (1) Background: Overweight and obesity are emerging global problems causing multiple health complications. Excessive fat tissue content leads to chronic inflammation, which is why antioxidative compounds that could potentially reduce these processes are possible agents that could be supplemented in order to prevent metabolic complications of overweight and obesity. Apples and dwarf kiwis are good sources of antioxidative agents such as quercetin and chlorogenic acid. The aim of this study was to assess if apple and dwarf kiwi nutraceutical supplementation can improve the metabolic parameters of overweight adults. (2) Methods: 43 participants were enrolled in the double-blinded pilot study: 21 in the supplementation group and 22 in the placebo group. The one 1000 mg nutraceutical capsule contained 10% Chopin apple peel extract, 10% whole dwarf kiwi fruit extract, 75% Chopin apple core extract, and 5% rapeseed peptides. The supplementation group received two capsules/day for 60 days. (3) Results: The supplementation of the apple and kiwi product resulted in a lowering of ALT in the supplementation group (from 29.65 ± 19.02 UI/L to 23.80 ± 13.76 UI/L; p = 0.01). Subgroup analysis in men and women showed a significant decrease in total cholesterol level (from 220.15 ± 36.69 mg/dL to 208.43 ± 37.09 mg/dL; p = 0.04), non-HDL cholesterol (from 161.17 ± 41.00 mg/dL to 145.69 ± 41.75 mg/dL; p = 0.02) and ALT (from 25.41 ± 12.05 UI/L to 19.07 ± 6.13 UI/L; p = 0.01) in women and triglycerides levels (from 212.74 ± 127.15 mg/dL to 155.63 ± 80.61 mg/dL; p = 0.047) in men. (4) Conclusions: The supplementation of nutraceuticals from apples and dwarf kiwi led to improvements in lipid profile. It can be a possible new agent for counteracting overweight metabolic complications, however, larger group studies and more detailed tests are needed to support these preliminary findings

    The Study of Thermal Properties of Blackberry, Chokeberry and Raspberry Seeds and Oils

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    The seeds of berry fruits are a component of fruit waste occurring in the production process. Circular economy rules focus on decreasing the amount of waste produced and reusing by-products when it is possible. To determine the possible applications of the studied fruit industry wastes, the thermal properties of berry seeds and of oil extracted from the tested material were examined. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), modulated differential scanning calorimetry (MDSC), and thermogravimetry (TG) of blackberry, chokeberry, and raspberry seeds were carried out. The properties of oil extracted in the Soxhlet apparatus were studied by pressure differential scanning calorimetry (PDSC), TG, and gas chromatography (GC) measurements. The results show that berry seeds lipids are from different melting fraction groups with a dominance of low-melting fraction, which consists of mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids. There are also occurring residues of carbohydrates and inorganic, thermostable substances in the studied seeds. A GC analysis of oil confirms that the polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) are most abundant and amount to 78.72 ± 0.06% in blackberry seed oil, 73.79 ± 0.14% in chokeberry seed oil, and 82.74 ± 0.03% in raspberry seed oil. The PDSC study showed that the most oxidative stable oil is blackberry seed oil, followed by raspberry and chokeberry seed oils. According to the obtained results, berry seeds can be used as a source of oil in food or other production chains. However, more detailed characteristics of berry seed oils are needed to determine their applicability

    Total and high molecular weight adiponectin levels in the rat model of post-myocardial infarction heart failure.

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    Adiponectin is a protein secreted primarily by adipose tissue. It has been suggested that adiponectin plays a protective role in the early phase following myocardial infarction. Our primary aim was to investigate the effects of post-myocardial infarction heart failure well-characterized by left ventricular hemodynamic parameters on the total and high molecular weight adiponectin concentrations in plasma, fat and cardiac tissue. Eight weeks after myocardial infarction or sham operation, total and high molecular weight adiponectin concentrations in plasma, fat, and cardiac tissues were assayed in rats. In addition, hemodynamic parameters and expression of the genes encoding atrial natriuretic peptide and brain natriuretic peptide in left ventricle were evaluated. Atrial natriuretic peptide and brain natriuretic peptide mRNA levels in left ventricle tissue were higher in rats with myocardial infarction-induced heart failure compared with the controls. Similarly, total adiponectin concentration was increased in left ventricle (but not in right ventricle) in rats with postmyocardial infarction heart failure. In contrast, adiponectin levels in plasma and cardiac adipose tissue in rats with postmyocardial infarction heart failure were lower than in sham-operated animals. Furthermore, there were no significant differences in levels of high molecular weight adiponectin in plasma, cardiac tissue or adipose tissue between these two groups. We conclude that in the rat model of post-myocardial infarction heart failure, adiponectin level is increased in left ventricle tissue. This is accompanied by decreased adiponectin levels in plasma and cardiac adipose tissue

    Characteristics of Hybrid Bioglass-Chitosan Coatings on the Plasma Activated PEEK Polymer

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    Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) is a biocompatible, chemically and physically stable radiolucent polymer that exhibits a similar elastic modulus to the normal human bone, making it an attractive orthopedic implant material. However, PEEK is biologically inert, preventing strong enough bonding with the surrounding bone tissue when implanted in vivo. Surface modification and composite preparation are the two main strategies for the improvement of the bioactivity of PEEK. In this study, the plasma activated PEEK surfaces with the embedded bioglass, chitosan, and bioglass-chitosan mixed layers applying from the solution dip-coating technique were investigated. The most prominent factors affecting the coating biocompatibility are strictly connected with the composition of its outer surface (its charge and functional groups), hydrophilic-hydrophobic character, wettability and surface free energy, and topography (size of pores/substructures, roughness, stiffness), as well as the personal characteristics of the patient. The obtained surfaces were examined in terms of wettability and surface-free energy changes. Additionally, FTIR (Fourier Transformation Infrared Spectrometry) and SIMS (Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry) were applied to establish and control the coating composition. Simultaneously the structure of coatings was visualized with the aid of SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy). Finally, the obtained systems were incubated in SBF (Simulated Body Fluid) to verify the modifications’ influence on the bioactivity/biocompatibility of the PEEK surface. Different structures with variable compositions, as well as changes of the wettability, were observed depending on the applied modification. In addition, the incubation in SBF suggested that the bioglass-chitosan ratio influenced the formation of apatite-like structures on the modified PEEK surfaces