43 research outputs found

    Effect of Growing Period and Cultivar on the Yield and Biological Value of Brassica rapa var. narinosa

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the usefulness of Brassica rapa var. narinosa for field production in Central European climatic zone in order to introduction of this species to large-scale farming. Chinese flat cabbage cultivars, ‘Tatsoi’ and ‘Misome’, were the object of the 2-year-long field experiment in south Poland, conducted in 2 terms: plantings in the middle and at the end of August, harvests in the middle of September and on the beginning of October (1st and 2nd growing period, respectively). Plants were evaluated for morphological and chemical variability at the transplant stage. The yield and bioactive compounds content in the leaf petioles of mature plants were also studied. Analyses of juvenile plants, conducted before transplanting, showed that ‘Misome’ transplants were greater, but they had less leaves then ‘Tatsoi’. Transplants of both cultivars from the 2nd growing period had greater fresh weight, but the content of dry matter, soluble sugars and carotenoids was lower. Total and marketable yield, rosette mass, L-ascorbic acid and crude fibre content were greater for both cultivars planted in the middle of August and harvested in the middle of September. Leaf petioles of Chinese flat cabbage from the 2nd growing period were significantly richer in dry matter and soluble sugars. Only the level of carotenoids and chlorophylls was not influenced by the growing period. ‘Misome’ gave the greater marketable yield of better structure, and had a higher content of biologically active compounds than ‘Tatsoi’, with the exception of crude fibre. In Central Europe conditions, this cultivar should be recommended for plantings in the middle of August to achieve the best yields of high nutrient content

    Preliminary screening of biostimulative effects of Göemar BM-86 on eggplant cultivars grown under field conditions in Poland

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    Seaweed extracts are widely used in agriculture as ecological focus substances applied to improve crop growth and quality. One of the primary benefits they bring is increased effectiveness of fruit setting as well as improved stress tolerance, essential for warm-climate crops cultivated in the nonoptimal environmental conditions of Northern and Central Europe. The aim of this study was a preliminary investigation of any genotype-dependent reaction of eggplant cultivars (Solanum melongena) to application of a standardized extract of the seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum (Göemar BM-86) under field conditions in Poland. The only statistically relevant result of this biostimulant was shown for cultivar ‘Flavine’ F1, where it positively affected the early crop yield and the number of fruits per plant. Fruit quality attributes, including antioxidant activity, as well as selected mineral contents, increased as an effect of biostimulant spraying. This reaction was specific for the cultivars investigated, and it was confirmed by significant differences in the main effects between biostimulant and control treatments for almost all the properties measured. The use of this A. nodosum extract suggested that there could be an improvement in fruit yield and quality in selected eggplant cultivars under field conditions in the temperate climatic zone

    Application of modern agronomic and biotechnological strategies to valorise worldwide globe artichoke (Cynara cardunculus L.) potential - an analytical overview

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    The globe artichoke [Cynara cardunculus L. var. scolymus (L.) Fiori], an ancient vegetable originated in the Mediterranean Basin, is currently cultivated in many regions of the world under a perennial cycle or as an annual crop, with the first method being more widespread globally. The growing importance of globe artichoke as modern functional food as well as a source of pharmaceuticals has raised new issues that all producers have to face; hence the necessity of contemporaneous development of new centres of production and new technologies application in traditional regions of growing which can complement the global market. This review is focused on development of globe artichoke technology of production in recent several years which meet the diversified requirements of global and local markets. We considered the recent literature to highlight specific applications of modern farming practices and plant breeding along with genetic variation to globe artichoke production system as well as to postharvest management in order to enhance the value added of this commodity. The latter targets are mainly addressed to particular regions of the world and they are based on farmers knowledge, equipment, scale and methods of production, processing, final market. Our reports are focused on sustainable and environmentally friendly methods which can improve the profitability of production as well as product's quality and quantity traits. We discussed the balanced mineral application which can precisely affect the yield chemical composition, attractiveness and shelf life of globe artichoke heads as well as create the opportunities to attain standardised by-products, valuable on the market of health and convenient food. Further topics were developed, such as introduction of seed propagation, intercropping, grafting, flowering induction, postharvest treatments as linked to different regions and conditions of production. Precise selection of modern management practices was recognised as a main goal to fulfil the requirements of local and global market for fresh, processed and new potential globe artichoke products

    Adipokine profile in patients with anorexia nervosa

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    Wstęp: Anorexia nervosa (AN) jest zaburzeniem odżywania i charakteryzuje się skrajnie niską masą ciała. Adipokiny to substancje wydzielane przez tkankę tłuszczową o szerokim spektrum aktywności biologicznej. Celem pracy była ocena stężeń wybranych adipokin u kobiet z anorexia nervosa przed i po interwencji żywieniowej. Badano również czy wskaźnik masy ciała jest jedynym czynnikiem wpływającym na stężenia adipokin w AN. Materiał i metody: Udział w badaniu wzięło 65 kobiet: 20 pacjentek z AN przed jakąkolwiek terapią, 18 pacjentek z AN po interwencji żywieniowej trwającej co najmniej 6 miesięcy, 27 kobiet z grupy kontrolnej. U wszystkich uczestniczek przeprowadzono pobranie krwi i badania antropometryczne. Metodą ELISA oznaczano receptor leptynowy, adiponektynę i jej frakcje oraz rezystynę. Leptyna była badana metodą RIA a wisfatyna z użyciem techniki EIA. Wyniki: Stężenie leptyny oraz indeks wolnej leptyny były najniższe u pacjentek z AN przed leczeniem. Frakcja HMW adiponektyny oraz wisfatyna były podwyższone w przebiegu AN. Wartości pozostałych adipokin nie różniły się znacząco pomiędzy grupami. Porównując podgrupy z anorexia nervosa stwierdzono różnice jedynie w stężeniach leptyny i receptora leptynowego oraz indeksie wolnej leptyny. Dodatkowo po wyłączeniu wpływu BMI jedynie wartości leptyny i indeks wolnej leptyny pozostały znamiennie różne pomiędzy pacjentkami z AN przed leczeniem a grupą kontrolną. Wniosek: Wyniki naszego badania sugerują, że najważniejszą adipokiną w AN jest leptyna. W naszej grupie pacjentek z AN leptyna i indeks wolnej leptyny były jedynymi czynnikami, których zmiany nie są wyłącznie zależne od zmian ilości tkanki tłuszczowej.Introduction: Anorexia nervosa (AN) is an eating disorder characterised with extremely low weight. Adipokines are adipose tissue-derived substances that show a wide spectrum of biological activities. We aimed to assess selected adipokine levels in women with AN before and after nutritional intervention. We also sought to examine whether BMI is the only confounding factor influencing adipokine assessment in AN. Material and methods: Sixty-five women participated in the study: 20 individuals with AN before any treatment, 18 AN patients after nutritional intervention lasting for at least six months, and 27 women as controls. In all participants blood collection and anthropometric measurements were performed. ELISA was used for evaluation of leptin receptor, adiponectin and its isoforms, and resistin. Leptin was assessed with RIA, and visfatin was measured with EIA assay. Results: Leptin and free leptin index (FLI) were lowest in treatment–naïve AN women. HMW-adiponectin and visfatin were enhanced in AN. Other adipokine levels showed no significant differences. When two subsets of anorexia nervosa were compared, only leptin, leptin receptor, and FLI were markedly different. When data were adjusted to BMI, leptin and FLI remained significantly different in the pre-treated AN subgroup when compared with the control group. Conclusions: Our results suggest that leptin is the most important adipokine in AN. It is also important that in our AN population leptin and FLI are the only factors that are influenced not only by the fat content

    Zachowania zdrowotne studentów Dietetyki = Health behaviors of students of Dietetics

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    Weber-Rajek Magdalena, Radzimińska Agnieszka, Kalisz Zdzisława, Hoffmann Magdalena, Juraszek Karolina, Goch Aleksander, Zukow Walery. Zachowania zdrowotne studentów Dietetyki = Health behaviors of students of Dietetics. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(6):469-477. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.56236http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/3619 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 755 (23.12.2015).755 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7© The Author (s) 2016;This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, PolandOpen Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercialuse, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.Received: 05.05.2016. Revised 25.05.2016. Accepted: 16.06.2016. Zachowania zdrowotne studentów Dietetyki Health behaviors of students of Dietetics Magdalena Weber-Rajek1, Agnieszka Radzimińska1, Zdzisława Kalisz2, Magdalena Hoffmann3, Karolina Juraszek4, Aleksander Goch5, Walery Zukow6 1.     Katedra Fizjoterapii, Zakład Podstaw Fizjoterapii, Collegium Medicum w Bydgoszczy, Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu2.     Bydgoska Szkoła Wyższa w Bydgoszczy3.     Uniwersyteckie Centrum Kliniczne w Gdańsku, Klinika Nadciśnienia Tętniczego i Diabetologii4.     Centrum Onkologii im. prof. F. Łukaszczyka w Bydgoszczy, Zakład Rehabilitacji5.     Katedra Fizjoterapii, Collegium Medicum w Bydgoszczy, Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu6.        Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu Słowa kluczowe: zachowania zdrowotne, studenci.Key words: health behaviors, students.  StreszczenieBardzo ważną rolę w procesie ochrony zdrowia jest styl życia człowieka – jego nawyki oraz wzorce postępowania. Celem badań była ocena zachowań zdrowotnych studentów kierunku Dietetyka. Grupę badawczą (Grupa I) stanowiło 80 studentów kierunku Dietetyka. Grupę porównawczą (Grupa II) stanowiło 70 studentów kierunków „niemedycznych” (kierunki inżynierskie). W grupie studentów Dietetyki uzyskano wysoki poziom zachowań zdrowotnych. Najwyższy poziom zachowań zdrowotnych uzyskano w kategorii „prawidłowe nawyki żywieniowe”. Studenci kierunku Dietetyka uzyskali wyższe wyniki zachowań zdrowotnych od studentów kierunków inżynierskich. Wprowadzanie programów promocji zdrowia i edukacji zdrowotnej powinno objąć wszystkie kierunki studiów, tym bardziej, że wczesna dorosłość jest najlepszym okresem dla osiągnięcia długotrwałych korzyści z wyboru zdrowego trybu życia.   SummaryVery important role in the protection of health is a lifestyle - habits and patterns of conduct. The aim of the study was to assess health behaviors of Dietetics students. The research group (Group I) conducted of 80 students of Dietetics. The control group (Group II) conducted of 70 students of non-medical (in engineering). In the group of Dietetic student achieved a high level of health behaviors. The highest level of health behaviors was achieved in the category of "nutrition habits." Students of Dietetics scored higher health behavior of engineering students. Entering programs of health promotion and health education should be extended to all fields of study, especially that early adulthood is the best time to achieve long-term benefits of a healthy lifestyle choice

    Peripheral levels of selected adipokines in patients with newly diagnosed multiple sclerosis

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    Introduction: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease of the central nervous system. The exact aetiology is unknown. However, genetic and environmental factors are suggested to be involved in the pathogenesis of MS. Improper diet, resulting in obesity and metabolic syndrome, can contribute to this disease. Adipokines, secreted by adipose tissue, link the metabolism and immune system. Material and methods: We aimed to assess plasma levels of selected adipokines in newly diagnosed, treatment-naïve individuals with multiple sclerosis. Our group comprised 58 individuals (31 MS patients and 27 controls, matched for age and BMI) without diabetes, hypertension, or dyslipidaemia. Circulating adiponectin and all adiponectin fractions, visfatin, and omentin concentrations were measured. Metabolic parameters were also assessed. Results: In MS individuals we observed the following results: higher concentrations of visfatin, lower levels of omentin, and no differences in adiponectin array. There were also correlations between some adipokines and metabolic parameters. After adjustment to BMI, a significant decrease in total adiponectin, high-molecular weight (HMW) adiponectin and omentin, and an increase in medium-molecular-weight (MMW) adiponectin were observed in the group of MS patients when compared to those of the controls. Conclusions: Our results indicate that adiponectin with its fractions, visfatin, and omentin cannot be considered as causative factors in the early phase of multiple sclerosis. However, the potential role of adipokines in MS is possible because they might be involved in the pathogenesis of MS, regarded as an autoimmune disorder.

    Cold stress modifies bioactive compounds of kale cultivars during fall–winter harvests

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    Kale is a plant known and valued since antiquity as a healthy vegetable crop, used for culinary, decorative, but also healing purposes. The aim of the study was to examine the effect of harvest date on physiological status and nutritional composition of two kale cultivars: ‘Winterbor’ F1 (blue-green leaves) and ‘Redbor’ F1 (red-purple leaves). The leaves were harvested in three periods: before frost (>0°C), after medium (−5.0°C) and heavy frost (−15.0°C). Content of dry weight, soluble sugars, l-ascorbic acid, carotenoids, chlorophylls, polyphenols, anthocyanins, as well as antioxidant activity and peroxidase activity were determined. Cold temperature significantly affected bioactive compounds of kale. The content of dry weight, soluble sugars, l-ascorbic acid, phenolics, and antioxidant activity increased after medium frosts for both cultivars. The level of anthocyanins also increased significantly for the ‘Redbor’ F1 cultivar. After strong frost, most of the tested parameters (content of dry weight, soluble sugars, phenolics, anthocyanins, and total antioxidant and peroxidase activity) significantly increased. The chlorophyll a content was reduced by heavy frost in both seasons. Harvesting kale before and after frost may allow the level of biologically active ingredients to be regulated as cold also significantly affects the physiological status of the plants

    Osoczowe stężenia frakcji adiponektyny u kobiet z chorobą Alzheimera

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    ABSTRACT Introduction Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive and irreversible neurodegenerative disease. Typical features of AD include memory loss, social dysfunction and physical impairment. Although the pathological findings in the central nervous system are well established, the etiological factors are poorly known. Recent studies suggested the role of metabolic disturbances in the development of AD neurodegeneration. Adiponectin, an anti-inflammatory and metabolism regulating factor, was linked to AD. Aim The aim was to examine whether adiponectin fractions combined with insulin/insulin resistance-associated metabolic parameters correlate with AD progression. Material and methods The study comprised 98 women: 27 with moderate to severe AD, 31 with AD at early stage and 40 healthy controls, matched for age and BMI. To evaluate memory impairment, the MMSE was performed. Plasma total adiponectin and its high-, medium- and low molecular weights were measured with ELISA. Anthropometric, clinical and metabolic parameters were assessed. Correlations between adiponectin array and measured parameters were evaluated. Results In comparison to the controls, enhanced levels of total and medium molecular weight adiponectin characterized AD individuals. In AD, we found correlations between adiponectin array, and anthropometric and biochemical parameters. After adjustment to BMI, a significant increase of the total adiponectin and high- and medium molecular weight fractions was observed. A negative correlation between low molecular weight adiponectin and MMSE was found. Conclusions Our results indicate a possible link between adiponectin variations and AD. We hypothesize that changes in adiponectin profile observed in AD result from compensatory mechanism against neuropathological processes, as well as from adiponectin homeostasis impairment.Introduction: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive and irreversible neurodegenerative disease. Typical features of AD include memory loss, social dysfunction, and physical impairment. Although the pathological findings in the central nervous system are well established, the aetiological factors are poorly known. Recent studies suggested the role of metabolic disturbances in the development of AD neuro­degeneration. Adiponectin, an anti-inflammatory and metabolism regulating factor, was linked to AD. The aim was to examine whether adiponectin fractions combined with insulin/insulin resistance-associated metabolic parameters cor­relate with AD progression. Material and methods: The study comprised 98 women: 27 with moderate to severe AD, 31 with AD at early stage, and 40 healthy con­trols, matched for age and BMI. To evaluate memory impairment, the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) was performed. Plasma total adiponectin and its high, medium, and low molecular weights were measured with ELISA. Anthropometric, clinical, and metabolic parameters were assessed. Correlations between adiponectin array and measured parameters were evaluated. Results: In comparison to the controls, enhanced levels of total and medium molecular weight adiponectin characterised AD individu­als. In AD, we found correlations between adiponectin array, and anthropometric and biochemical parameters. After adjustment to BMI, a significant increase of the total adiponectin and high and medium molecular weight fractions was observed. A negative correlation between low molecular weight adiponectin and MMSE was found. Conclusions: Our results indicate a possible link between adiponectin variations and AD. We hypothesise that changes in adiponectin profile observed in AD result from compensatory mechanisms against neuropathological processes, as well as from adiponectin homeo­stasis impairment

    Application of modern agronomic and biotechnological strategies to valorise worldwide globe artichoke (Cynara cardunculus L.) potential - an analytical overview

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    The globe artichoke [Cynara cardunculus L. var. scolymus (L.) Fiori], an ancient vegetable originated in the Mediterranean Basin, is currently cultivated in many regions of the world under a perennial cycle or as an annual crop, with the first method being more widespread globally. The growing importance of globe artichoke as modern functional food as well as a source of pharmaceuticals has raised new issues that all producers have to face; hence the necessity of contemporaneous development of new centres of production and new technologies application in traditional regions of growing which can complement the global market. This review is focused on development of globe artichoke technology of production in recent several years which meet the diversified requirements of global and local markets. We considered the recent literature to highlight specific applications of modern farming practices and plant breeding along with genetic variation to globe artichoke production system as well as to postharvest management in order to enhance the value added of this commodity. The latter targets are mainly addressed to particular regions of the world and they are based on farmers knowledge, equipment, scale and methods of production, processing, final market. Our reports are focused on sustainable and environmentally friendly methods which can improve the profitability of production as well as product’s quality and quantity traits. We discussed the balanced mineral application which can precisely affect the yield chemical composition, attractiveness and shelf life of globe artichoke heads as well as create the opportunities to attain standardised by-products, valuable on the market of health and convenient food. Further topics were developed, such as introduction of seed propagation, intercropping, grafting, flowering induction, postharvest treatments as linked to different regions and conditions of production. Precise selection of modern management practices was recognised as a main goal to fulfil the requirements of local and global market for fresh, processed and new potential globe artichoke products

    Lifestyle of pregnant women

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    Okres ciąży jest czasem wielu zmian w zachowaniu i stylu życia kobiet. Nie ma wątpliwości, że najważniejsze jest prowadzenie przez kobiety takiego trybu życia, który korzystnie wpłynie na zdrowie przyszłej matki i dziecka. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono szczegółowo zmiany zachodzące w stylu życia kobiet w ciąży, opisując prozdrowotne zasady związane z optymalną dietą i zaleceniami żywieniowymi, także z aktywnością fizyczną o odpowiednim natężeniu, dbaniem o higienę, ograniczeniem stosowania używek. Scharakteryzowano potrzeby żywieniowe i zalecenia dietetyczne dla kobiet ciężarnych, wskazując na potrzebę spożywania w tym okresie wysokoenergetycznych, a jednocześnie mało kalorycznych pokarmów, podając optymalne źródła składników bioaktywnych. Omówiono korzystne efekty aktywności fizycznej obejmujące uprawiane sportów i gimnastyki. Wskazano na przepisy obowiązujące pracodawców zatrudniających ciężarne oraz na prawa i ograniczenia wysiłkowe tych kobiet. Nie pominięto również oceny pracy jako możliwego źródła stresu i sposobów jego unikania. Ważnym elementem niniejszego opracowania było wszechstronne omówienie opieki przedporodowej sprawowanej nad kobietami ciężarnymi przez personel medyczny, która obejmuje edukację przedporodową, obowiązkowe wizyty kobiet w poradniach i u lekarza oraz położnych u przyszłych matek w ciąży zaawansowanej. Podkreślono pozytywną rolę szkół rodzenia. W niniejszej pracy dokonano przeglądu najnowszej literatury związanej z różnymi aspektami życia kobiet ciężarnych.The gestation period is a time of many changes in the behavior and lifestyle of women. There is no doubt that the most important thing is keeping by the women such way of life, which is beneficial to the health of the mother and child. In present paper detail changes in the lifestyle of pregnant women were described, describing the health benefits associated with the optimal diet, nutritional recommendations, physical activity of sufficient intensity, taking care of hygiene, limiting use of stimulants. Nutritional and dietary recommendations for pregnant women were characterized, pointing to the need to consume of high energetic and low calorie foods, showing the optimal source of bioactive compounds. The beneficial effects of proper physical activity, including sports and gymnastics, were discussed. The regulations governing employers and the rights of pregnant women were showed. Work as a possible source of stress for these women were also pointed out. An important element of this study was a comprehensive overview of antenatal care over pregnant women by health professionals, which includes antenatal education, mandatory visits women in medical clinics and to the doctors, as well as visits of midwives with expectant mothers in late pregnancy. The positive role of antenatal schools was emphasized. In this paper, a review of recent literature related to the various aspects of pregnant women life was done