24 research outputs found

    Composition of Fluids Responsible for Gold Mineralization in the Pechenga Structure-Imandra-Varzuga Greenstone Belt, Kola Peninsula, Russia.

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    This study presents the first fluid inclusion data from quartz of albite–carbonate–quartz altered rocks and metasomatic quartzite hosting gold mineralization in the Pechenga structure of the Pechenga– Imandra–Varzuga greenstone belt. A temperature of 275–370°C, pressure of 1.2–4.5 kbar, and the fluid composition of gold-bearing fluid are estimated by microthermometry, Raman spectroscopy, and LA-ICP-MS of individual fluid inclusions, as well as by bulk chemical analyses of fluid inclusions. In particular, the Au and Ag concentrations have been determined in fluid inclusions. It is shown that albite–carbonate–quartz altered rocks and metasomatic quartzite interacted with fluids of similar chemical composition but under different physicochemical conditions. It is concluded that the gold-bearing fluid in the Pechenga structure is similar to that of orogenic gold deposits

    Структура околошовной зоны закалённой высокоуглеродистой стали после сварки с ускоренным охлаждением

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    Purpose. Study the structure of the heat-affected zone of a welded joint of high-carbon low-alloy steel hardened to martensite after manual arc welding with accelerated cooling.Research methods. Optical and scanning electron microscopy was used to study microstructures. The hardness of the samples was measured using Vickers hardness tester equipped with a computer-controlled positioning and indentation of the sample, as well as determining the diagonals of the prints.Results. Plates of martensite-hardened high-carbon low-alloyed steel and low-carbon steel immersed in water (except edges to be welded) are welded by manual arc welding. The microstructure of the welded joint was investigat­ed. The sizes of characteristic areas of heat-affected zones and the hardness of the material at various distances from the fusion boundary were determined.Scientific novelty. For the first time, high-carbon steel quenched to martensite without tempering was welded with simultaneous accelerated cooling in water. It has been established that in the structure of the heat-affected zone a solid martensitic layer is not adjacent to the fusion boundary, but is separated from it by a layer of austenite.Practical value. The principal possibility of welding heat-treated high-carbon wear-resistant steels without deterioration the structure obtained by preliminary heat treatment is shown. Цель работы – исследование структуры зоны термического влияния сварного соединения закалённой на мартенсит высокоуглеродистой низколегированной стали после ручной дуговой сваркой с ускоренным охлаждением.Методы исследования. Для исследования микроструктур использована оптическая и растровая электронная микроскопия. Твердость образцов измеряли с помощью твердомера Виккерса с компьютерным управлением позиционирования и индентирования образца, а также определения диагоналей отпечатков.Результаты. Погруженные в воду (кроме свариваемых кромок) пластины из закалённой на мартенсит высокоуглеродистой низколегированной стали 120Г3С2 и низкоуглеродистой стали 09Г2С сварены ручной дуговой сваркой. Исследована микроструктура сварного соединения. Определены размеры характерных участков зон термического влияния и твердость материала на различном расстоянии от границы сплавления.Научная новизна. Впервые проведена сварка с ускоренным охлаждением в воде высокоуглеродистой стали после закалки на мартенсит без отпуска. Установле но, что в структуре зоны термического влияния твёрдая мартенситная прослойка расположена не вплотную к границе сплавления, а отделена от неё слоем аустенита.Практическая ценность. Показана принципиальная возможность сварки термически обработанных высокоуглеродистых износостойких сталей без нарушения структуры, полученной предварительной термической обработкой. 

    Energy loss and cooling of relativistic highly charged uranium ions interacting with an internal hydrogen droplet target beam

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    We present measurements of the energy loss of relativistic highly charged uranium ions interacting with a target beam of near-liquid density hydrogen droplets at the experimental storage ring (ESR) at GSI. Our results reveal that a liquid droplet target beam virtually behaves like a homogeneous gas jet target with respect to both energy loss and ion beam cooling. We also provide first results on ion beam cooling efficiency at high hydrogen area target densities, which are consistent with numerical estimations based on a simple model of the cooling force