40 research outputs found

    Consumption of Sweetened Beverages among School Going Children in a Densely Populated Township in Lilongwe, Malawi

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    Background: The growing global childhood obesity pandemic has not spared lowincome countries like Malawi, where 8% of children below the age of five years are overweight. Globally, regular consumption of sweetened beverages is implicated among the factors that fuel childhood obesity. Despite the growing problem, there are no local studies on any aspect of sweetened beverage consumption among children in Malawi that could help in guiding interventions and public health nutrition policies.Aim: We aimed to assess sweetened beverage consumption among school-going children in Chilinde, a densely populated township in Lilongwe, the capital city of Malawi.Methods: A total of 60 school-going children whose caregivers gave verbal consent were included, and a structured questionnaire was administered to the caregiver (or other knowledgeable and responsible member of the household) of each eligible child.Results: Our results showed that 50 of the 60 children sampled were consuming a wide-range of sweetened beverages on a regular basis on any day of the week, mostly during meal times (n = 23), before going to school (n = 22), and after school (n = 19). One-third of the children were reportedly consuming up to 300 mL of several sweetened beverages per day.Conclusion: Like in many countries around the world, consumption of sweetened beverages appears to be common among young school-going children in this urban setting in Malawi. As the country builds public health responses to the growing problem of non-communicable diseases, early preventive interventions among children should be given priority

    Dietary patterns and prevalence of wasting among street children in Lilongwe, Malawi

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    Street children are persons under the age of 18 years who spend all or most of their time on the streets as a result of many social problems within their communities. Although the number of street children is unknown in Malawi, the problem is thought to be increasing. In a cross-sectional study of 36 street children in Lilongwe,  Malawi, dietary practices and the prevalence of wasting were assessed to provide information on the risk of poor dietary intake and malnutrition in this population. A food frequency  questionnaire and 24-hour dietary recalls were used to determine dietary practices, while anthropometric measurements were  taken to assess the prevalence of low weight-for-height (wasting). Because of their high mobility, the participants were recruited using purposive sampling, primarily around the streets that lead to Lilongwe main market. A qualitative checklist was used to  identify prospective participants, and interviews were only done after the respondent had given informed assent. The study  showed that most (91.7%) of the street children are boys aged between 10 and 12 years (47.2%), largely illiterate (58.3%),  sleep at home (41.6%), and have both parents still living (55.6%). Through begging and engaging in piece work, 61.1% of the children indicated that they earn between US0.55andUS0.55 and US1.09 per day. The majority (72.2%) use the money solely to buy food from street vendors and restaurants. Foods that are mostly eaten on a daily basis include nsima (100%), rice (50%),  confectionery (44.4%), and mangoes (41.7%). On the other hand, foods that are eaten three times a week are fish (80.6%),  chicken (58.3%), potatoes (36.1%), cookies (19.4%), pumpkin leaves (19.4%), and bananas (13.9%). For the majority of the children, fruits and  vegetables are mostly eaten once a week. Assessment of the children’s nutritional status showed that up to 8.4% were wasted (<-2 weight-forheight Z-scores), the majority (5.6%) severely (<-3 weight-for-height Z-scores). Limited as it is in terms of sample size and breath, the study forms a stepping stone for investigating in more detail, food and nutrition issues that affect street children in Malawi.Key words: Malawi, cross-sectional study, dietary assessment, street children, wastin

    Anthropometric Characteristics and the Burden of Altered Nutritional Status among Neuropsychiatric Patients at Zomba Mental Hospital in Zomba, Malawi

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    Objective: To determine the prevalence of overnutrition and undernutrition among neuropsychiatric inpatients and outpatients at Zomba Mental Hospital in Zomba, Malawi.Methods: In this analytical cross-sectional study (n = 239), data were collected from psychiatric patients who were either inpatients (n = 181) or outpatients (n = 58) at Zomba Mental Hospital, which is the largest mental health facility in Malawi. Information was collected about patient demographics, anthropometric data, dietary information, and tobacco and alcohol use, among other variables. Data were entered and analysed in SPSS 16.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Means were generated and compared between male and female patients, and between inpatients and outpatients.Results: The study recruited 158 male and 81 female patients, with mean ages of 31.24 ± 11.85 years and 33.08 ± 15.18 years (p = 0.328), respectively. Male patients were significantly taller (165.27 ± 7.25 cm) than female patients (155.30 ± 6.56 cm) (p < 0.001); were significantly heavier than females (60.02 ± 10.56 kg versus 55.64 ± 10.53 kg); and had a significantly lower mean body mass index (BMI) than females (21.87 ± 3.21 vs. 23.01 ± 3.78) (p = 0.016). Overweight and obese patients comprised 17.6% of the participants, and 8.8% were underweight. There were no significant differences in the prevalence of overweight, obesity, and underweight between male and female participants, or between inpatients and outpatients.Conclusion: Our study—the first one of its kind in Malawi—characterised the anthropometry of neuropsychiatric patients at a major metal health facility in Malawi, and has shown a high proportion of overweight patients and a notable presence of underweight patients among them. Being overweight or obese is a risk factor for metabolic disorders. Being underweight may aggravate mental illness or disturb the effect of medication. There is need, therefore, to include nutrition screening and therapeutic or supplementary feeding as part of a comprehensive care and treatment plan for neuropsychiatric patients

    Experiences of health professionals with nutritional support of critically ill patients in tertiary hospitals in Malawi

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    Background: Nutritional support is a recognized determinant of outcome in critically ill patients. Development of critical care services in low-income countries has not been accompanied by certain appropriate ancillary services and interventions, such as adequate nutritional support. This study was designed to investigate the experiences of health professionals who have provided nutritional supportive care to critically ill patients admitted to two major central hospitals in Malawi, with the aim of identifying the common practices in nutritional support in these settings.Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study in which 50 health professionals working in intensive care and high dependency units, admitting both adult and pediatric patients, were interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire. Data were coded and then analyzed using SPSS version 16.0. Responses between the two hospitals were compared using Fisher’s exact test.Results: There was no difference in the composition of respondents from the two hospitals. About 60% of respondents had had experience with nutritional supplementation in their patients—mainly enteral. The most commonly used formulations were the “ready-to-use therapeutic feeds,” followed by modified milk. A high percentage of respondents (40%) reported having used dextrose solution as the sole nutritional supplement. Lack of in-service training, nonexistent nutrition protocols pertaining to acutely and critically ill patients, and a lack of clinical nutritionists were the major challenges identified.Conclusion: Knowledge of nutrient supplementation was poor among the respondents. The use of ready-to-use therapeutic feeds was quite common, although there is no evidence of its effectiveness in care of acutely critically ill patients. There is a need to establish nutritional support teams in these tertiary hospitals. Clinical nutritionists would ideally help train and play leadership roles in such teams, who would be responsible for assessing patients for their nutritional needs, and ensuring that the feeds provided to patients are appropriate and adequate for their needs

    Anemia in children aged 6–59 months was significantly associated with maternal anemia status in rural Zimbabwe

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    Globally, anemia is a public health problem affecting mostly women of reproductive age (WRA, n = 452) and children aged 6–59 months (n = 452) from low- and lower-middle-income countries. This cross-sectional study assessed the prevalence and determinants of anemia in WRA and children aged 6–59 months in rural Zimbabwe. The venous blood sample was measured for hemoglobin utilizing a HemoCue machine. Anthropometric indices were assessed and classified based on World Health Organization standards. Socioeconomic characteristics were assessed. The median (±inter quartile range (IQR)) age of WRA was 29 ± 12 years and that for children was 29 ± 14 months. The prevalence of anemia was 29.6% and 17.9% in children and WRA, respectively, while the median (±IQR) hemoglobin levels were 13.4 ± 1.8 and 11.7 ± 1.5 g/dl among women and children, respectively. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to assess determinants of anemia. Anemia in children was significantly associated with maternal anemia (odds ratio (OR) = 2.02; 95% CI 1.21–3.37; p = .007) and being a boy (OR = 0.63; 95% CI 0.41–0.95; p = .029), while anemia in WRA was significantly associated with the use of unimproved dug wells as a source of drinking water (OR = 0.36; 95% CI 0.20–0.66; p = .001) and lack of agricultural land ownership (OR = 0.51; 95% CI 0.31–0.85; p = .009). Anemia is a public health problem in the study setting. The positive association between maternal and child anemia reflects the possibility of cross-generational anemia. Therefore, interventions that focus on improving preconceptual and maternal nutritional status may help to reduce anemia in low-income settings

    Anemia in children aged 6-59 months was significantly associated with maternal anemia status in rural Zimbabwe.

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    Globally, anemia is a public health problem affecting mostly women of reproductive age (WRA, n = 452) and children aged 6–59 months (n = 452) from low- and lower-middle-income countries. This cross-sectional study assessed the prevalence and determinants of anemia in WRA and children aged 6–59 months in rural Zimbabwe. The venous blood sample was measured for hemoglobin utilizing a HemoCue machine. Anthropometric indices were assessed and classified based on World Health Organization standards. Socioeconomic characteristics were assessed. The median (±inter quartile range (IQR)) age of WRA was 29 ± 12 years and that for children was 29 ± 14 months. The prevalence of anemia was 29.6% and 17.9% in children and WRA, respectively, while the median (±IQR) hemoglobin levels were 13.4 ± 1.8 and 11.7 ± 1.5 g/dl among women and children, respectively. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to assess determinants of anemia. Anemia in children was significantly associated with maternal anemia (odds ratio (OR) = 2.02; 95% CI 1.21–3.37; p = .007) and being a boy (OR = 0.63; 95% CI 0.41–0.95; p = .029), while anemia in WRA was significantly associated with the use of unimproved dug wells as a source of drinking water (OR = 0.36; 95% CI 0.20–0.66; p = .001) and lack of agricultural land ownership (OR = 0.51; 95% CI 0.31–0.85; p = .009). Anemia is a public health problem in the study setting. The positive association between maternal and child anemia reflects the possibility of cross-generational anemia. Therefore, interventions that focus on improving preconceptual and maternal nutritional status may help to reduce anemia in low-income settings

    Dietary iron intakes based on food composition data may underestimate the contribution of potentially exchangeable contaminant iron from soil

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    Iron intakes calculated from one-day weighed records were compared with those from same day analyzed duplicate diet composites collected from 120 Malawian women living in two rural districts with contrasting soil mineralogy and where threshing may contaminate cereals with soil iron. Soils and diet composites from the two districts were then subjected to a simulated gastrointestinal digestion and iron availability in the digests measured using a Caco-2 cell model. Median analyzed iron intakes (mg/d) were higher (p < 0.001) than calculated intakes in both Zombwe (16.6 vs. 10.1 mg/d) and Mikalango (29.6 vs. 19.1 mg/d), attributed to some soil contaminant iron based on high Al and Ti concentrations in diet composites. A small portion of iron in acidic soil from Zombwe, but not Mikalango calcareous soil, was bioavailable, as it induced ferritin expression in the cells, and may have contributed to higher plasma ferritin and total body iron for the Zombwe women reported earlier, despite lower iron intakes. In conclusion, iron intakes calculated from food composition data were underestimated, highlighting the importance of analyzing duplicate diet composites where extraneous contaminant iron from soil is likely. Acidic contaminant soil may make a small but useful contribution to iron nutrition

    Urine selenium concentration is a useful biomarker for assessing population level selenium status

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    Plasma selenium (Se) concentration is an established population level biomarker of Se status, especially in Se-deficient populations. Previously observed correlations between dietary Se intake and urinary Se excretion suggest that urine Se concentration is also a potentially viable biomarker of Se status. However, there are only limited data on urine Se concentration among Se-deficient populations. Here, we test if urine is a viable biomarker for assessing Se status among a large sample of women and children in Malawi, most of whom are likely to be Se-deficient based on plasma Se status. Casual (spot) urine samples (n = 1406) were collected from a nationally representative sample of women of reproductive age (WRA, n =741) and school aged children (SAC, n=665) across Malawi as part of the 2015/16 Demographic and Health Survey. Selenium concentration in urine was determined using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Urinary dilution corrections for specific gravity, osmolality, and creatinine were applied to adjust for hydration status. Plasma Se status had been measured for the same survey participants. There was between-cluster variation in urine Se concentration that corresponded with variation in plasma Se concentration, but not between households within a cluster, or between individuals within a household. Corrected urine Se concentrations explained more of the between-cluster variation in plasma Se concentration than uncorrected data. These results provide new evidence that urine may be used in the surveillance of Se status at the population level in some groups. This could be a cost-effective option if urine samples are already being collected for other assessments, such as for iodine status analysis as in the Malawi and other national Demographic and Health Surveys

    Biofortified Maize Improves Selenium Status of Women and Children in a Rural Community in Malawi: Results of the Addressing Hidden Hunger With Agronomy Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background: Selenium deficiency is widespread in the Malawi population. The selenium concentration in maize, the staple food crop of Malawi, can be increased by applying selenium-enriched fertilizers. It is unknown whether this strategy, called agronomic biofortification, is effective at alleviating selenium deficiency. Objectives: The aim of the Addressing Hidden Hunger with Agronomy (AHHA) trial was to determine whether consumption of maize flour, agronomically-biofortified with selenium, affected the serum selenium concentrations of women, and children in a rural community setting. Design: An individually-randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled trial wasconducted in rural Malawi. Participants were randomly allocated in a 1:1 ratio to receive either intervention maize flour biofortified with selenium through application of selenium fertilizer, or control maize flour not biofortified with selenium. Participant households received enough flour to meet the typical consumption of all household members (330 g capita−1 day−1) for a period of 8 weeks. Baseline and endline serum selenium concentration (the primary outcome) was measured by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Results: One woman of reproductive age (WRA) and one school-aged child (SAC) from each of 180 households were recruited and households were randomized to each group. The baseline demographic and socioeconomic status of participants were well-balanced between arms. No serious adverse events were reported. In the intervention arm, mean (standard deviation) serum selenium concentration increased over the intervention period from 57.6 (17.0) μg L−1 (n = 88) to 107.9 (16.4) μg L−1 (n = 88) among WRA and from 46.4 (14.8) μg L−1 (n = 86) to 97.1 (16.0) μg L−1 (n = 88) among SAC. There was no evidence of change in serum selenium concentration in the control groups Conclusion: Consumption of maize flour biofortified through application of selenium-enriched fertilizer increased selenium status in this community providing strong proof of principle that agronomic biofortification could be an effective approach to address selenium deficiency in Malawi and similar settings. Clinical Trial Registration http://www.isrctn.com/ISRCTN85899451, identifier: ISRCTN85899451

    Spatial analysis of urine zinc (Zn) concentration for women of reproductive age and school age children in Malawi

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    Zinc (Zn) is an essential micronutrient, and Zn deficiency remains a major global public health challenge. Recognised biomarkers of population Zn status include blood plasma or serum Zn concentration and proxy data such as dietary Zn intake and prevalence of stunting. Urine Zn concentration is rarely used to assess population Zn status. This study assessed the value of urine Zn concentration as a biomarker of population Zn status using a nationally representative sample of non-pregnant women of reproductive age (WRA) and school-aged children (SAC) in Malawi. Spot (casual) urine samples were collected from 741 WRA and 665 SAC. Urine Zn concentration was measured by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry with specific gravity adjustment for hydration status. Data were analysed using a linear mixed model with a spatially correlated random effect for between-cluster variation. The effect of time of sample collection (morning or afternoon), and gender (for SAC), on urine Zn concentration were examined. There was spatial dependence in urine Zn concentration between clusters among SAC but not WRA, which indicates that food system or environmental factors can influence urine Zn concentration. Mapping urine Zn concentration could potentially identify areas where the prevalence of Zn deficiency is greater and thus where further sampling or interventions might be targeted. There was no evidence for differences in urine Zn concentration between gender (P = 0.69) or time of sample collection (P = 0.85) in SAC. Urine Zn concentration was greater in afternoon samples for WRA (P = 0.003). Relationships between urine Zn concentration, serum Zn concentration, dietary Zn intake, and potential food systems covariates warrant further study