262 research outputs found

    A practical parametrization for line shapes of near-threshold states

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    Numerous quarkonium(like) states lying near SS-wave thresholds are observed experimentally. We propose a self-consistent approach to these near-threshold states compatible with unitarity and analyticity. The underlying coupled-channel system includes a bare pole and an arbitrary number of elastic and inelastic channels treated fully nonperturbatively. The resulting analytical parametrization is ideally suited for a combined analysis of the data available in various channels that is exemplified by an excellent overall description of the data for the charged Zb(10610)Z_b(10610) and Zb(10650)Z_b(10650) states.Comment: LaTeX2e, 5 pages, 1 figure, typos corrected, version published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Nonlocality of nucleon interaction and an anomalous off shell behavior of the two-nucleon amplitudes

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    The problem of the ultraviolet divergences that arise in describing the nucleon dynamics at low energies is considered. By using the example of an exactly solvable model it is shown that after renormalization the interaction generating nucleon dynamics is nonlocal in time. Effects of such nonlocality on low-energy nucleon dynamics are investigated. It is shown that nonlocality in time of nucleon-nucleon interactions gives rise to an anomalous off-shell behavior of the two-nucleon amplitudes that have significant effects on the dynamics of many-nucleon systems.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, ReVTeX

    Interplay of quark and meson degrees of freedom in near-threshold states: A practical parametrisation for line shapes

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    We propose a practical parametrisation for the line shapes of near-threshold states compatible with all requirements of unitarity and analyticity. The coupled-channel system underlying the proposed parametrisation includes bare poles and an arbitrary number of elastic and inelastic channels treated fully nonperturbatively. The resulting formulae are general enough to be used for a simultaneous analysis of the data in all available production and decay channels of the (system of) state(s) under consideration for a quite wide class of reactions. As an example, we fit the experimental data currently available for several decay channels for the charged Zb()Z_b^{(\prime)} states in the spectrum of bottomonia and find a good overall description of the data. We find the present data to be consistent with the Zb(10610)Z_b(10610) as a virtual state and with the Zb(10650)Z_b(10650) as a resonance, both residing very close to the BBˉB\bar{B}^* and BBˉB^*\bar{B}^* threshold, respectively.Comment: LaTeX2e, 19 pages, 10 figures, version published in Phys.Rev.

    Hamiltonian approach to the bound state problem in QCD_2

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    Bosonization of the two-dimensional QCD in the large N_C limit is performed in the framework of Hamiltonian approach in the Coulomb gauge. The generalized Bogoliubov transformation is applied to diagonalize the Hamiltonian in the bosonic sector of the theory, and the composite operators creating/annihilating bosons are obtained in terms of dressed quark operators. The bound state equation is reconstructed as a result of the generalized Bogoliubov transformation, and the form of its massless solution, chiral pion, is found explicitly. Chiral properties of the theory are discussed.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX2

    QCD string in light-light and heavy-light mesons

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    The spectra of light-light and heavy-light mesons are calculated within the framework of the QCD string model, which is derived from QCD in the Wilson loop approach. Special attention is payed to the proper string dynamics that allows us to reproduce the straight-line Regge trajectories with the inverse slope being 2\pi\sigma for light-light and twice as small for heavy-light mesons. We use the model of the rotating QCD string with quarks at the ends to calculate the masses of several light-light mesons lying on the lowest Regge trajectories and compare them with the experimental data as well as with the predictions of other models. The masses of several low-lying orbitally and radially excited heavy--light states in the D, D_s, B, and B_s meson spectra are calculated in the einbein (auxiliary) field approach, which has proven to be rather accurate in various calculations for relativistic systems. The results for the spectra are compared with the experimental and recent lattice data. It is demonstrated that an account of the proper string dynamics encoded in the so-called string correction to the interquark interaction leads to an extra negative contribution to the masses of orbitally excited states that resolves the problem of the identification of the D(2637) state recently claimed by the DELPHI Collaboration. For the heavy-light system we extract the constants \bar\Lambda, \lambda_1, and \lambda_2 used in Heavy Quark Effective Theory (HQET) and find good agreement with the results of other approaches.Comment: RevTeX, 42 pages, 7 tables, 7 EPS figures, uses epsfig.sty, typos corrected, to appear in Phys.Rev.

    A Sensitivity Study on the Effects of Particle Chemistry, Asphericity and Size on the Mass Extinction Efficiency of Mineral Dust in the Earth's Atmosphere: From the Near to Thermal IR

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    To determine a plausible range of mass extinction efficiencies (MEE) of terrestrial atmospheric dust from the near to thermal IR, sensitivity analyses are performed over an extended range of dust microphysical and chemistry perturbations. The IR values are subsequently compared to those in the near-IR, to evaluate spectral relationships in their optical properties. Synthesized size distributions consistent with measurements, model particle size, while composition is defined by the refractive indices of minerals routinely observed in dust, including the widely used OPAC/Hess parameterization. Single-scattering properties of representative dust particle shapes are calculated using the T-matrix, Discrete Dipole Approximation and Lorenz-Mie light-scattering codes. For the parameterizations examined, MEE ranges from nearly zero to 1.2 square meters per gram, with the higher values associated with non-spheres composed of quartz and gypsum. At near-IR wavelengths, MEE for non-spheres generally exceeds those for spheres, while in the thermal IR, shape-induced changes in MEE strongly depend on volume median diameter (VMD) and wavelength, particularly for MEE evaluated at the mineral resonant frequencies. MEE spectral distributions appear to follow particle geometry and are evidence for shape dependency in the optical properties. It is also shown that non-spheres best reproduce the positions of prominent absorption peaks found in silicates. Generally, angular particles exhibit wider and more symmetric MEE spectral distribution patterns from 8-10 micrometers than those with smooth surfaces, likely due to their edge-effects. Lastly, MEE ratios allow for inferring dust optical properties across the visible-IR spectrum. We conclude the MEE of dust aerosol are significant for the parameter space investigated, and are a key component for remote sensing applications and the study of direct aerosol radiative effects

    Laser-driven 1st order spin reorientation and Verwey phase transitions in the magnetite Fe3_3O4_4 beyond the range of thermodynamic equilibrium

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    Ultrafast photo-induced phase transitions occurring under the impact of femtosecond laser pulses provide versatile opportunities to switch solids between distinctly-different crystalline, electronic, and spin states and thus modify their functional properties in a significant manner. In this paper, we report on the laser-induced spin reorientation and Verwey phase transitions in a ferrimagnetic single crystalline magnetite Fe3_3O4_4. Using femtosecond optical and magneto-optical pump-probe techniques, we define the range of initial sample temperatures and laser fluences when partial or complete photo-induced phase transitions occur from a monoclinic insulating to a cubic metallic state with concomitant switching of magnetic anisotropy from the uniaxial to the cubic one. We thus reveal a connection between these phase transitions when driven by femtosecond laser pulses. Using transient linear and quadratic magneto-optical effects, we examine magnetization dynamics launched by the magnetic anisotropy axis switching, and unveil the presence of the domains undergoing the laser-induced phase transitions even below the established thershold fluence for the transitions, as well as when the material is initially in the cubic phase. This is the manifestation of the 1st order of these laser-induced phase transitions beyond the range of thermodynamic equilibrium.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure, 1 supplemental materia

    Magnetoelectric Effect and Spontaneous Polarization in HoFe3_3(BO3_3)4_4 and Ho0.5_{0.5}Nd0.5_{0.5}Fe3_3(BO3_3)4_4

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    The thermodynamic, magnetic, dielectric, and magnetoelectric properties of HoFe3_3(BO3_3)4_4 and Ho0.5_{0.5}Nd0.5_{0.5}Fe3_3(BO3_3)4_4 are investigated. Both compounds show a second order Ne\'{e}l transition above 30 K and a first order spin reorientation transition below 10 K. HoFe3_3(BO3_3)4_4 develops a spontaneous electrical polarization below the Ne\'{e}l temperature (TN_N) which is diminished in external magnetic fields. No magnetoelectric effect could be observed in HoFe3_3(BO3_3)4_4. In contrast, the solid solution Ho0.5_{0.5}Nd0.5_{0.5}Fe3_3(BO3_3)4_4 exhibits both, a spontaneous polarization below TN_N and a magnetoelectric effect at higher fields that extends to high temperatures. The superposition of spontaneous polarization, induced by the internal magnetic field in the ordered state, and the magnetoelectric polarizations due to the external field results in a complex behavior of the total polarization measured as a function of temperature and field.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figure

    WRF-Chem simulation of aerosol seasonal variability in the San Joaquin Valley

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    WRF-Chem simulations of aerosol seasonal variability in the San Joaquin Valley (SJV), California, are evaluated by satellite and in situ observations. Results show that the WRF-Chem model successfully captures the distribution and magnitude of and variation in SJV aerosols during the cold season. However, aerosols are not well represented in the warm season. Aerosol simulations in urban areas during the cold season are sensitive to model horizontal resolution, with better simulations at 4 km resolution than at 20 km resolution, mainly due to inhomogeneous distribution of anthropogenic emissions and precipitation that is represented better in the 4 km simulation. In rural areas, the model sensitivity to grid size is rather small. Our observational analysis reveals that dust is a primary contributor to aerosols in the SJV, especially during the warm season. Aerosol simulations in the warm season are sensitive to the parameterization of dust emission in WRF-Chem. The GOCART (Goddard Global Ozone Chemistry Aerosol Radiation and Transport) dust scheme produces very little dust in the SJV, while the DUSTRAN (DUST TRANsport model) scheme overestimates dust emission. Vertical mixing of aerosols is not adequately represented in the model based on CALIPSO (Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared pathfinder Satellite Observation) aerosol extinction profiles. Improved representation of dust emission and vertical mixing in the boundary layer is needed for better simulations of aerosols during the warm season in the SJV.</p

    Comment on the proper QCD string dynamics in a heavy-light system

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    The string correction to the inter-quark interaction at large distances is derived using the field theory approach to a heavy-light quark-antiquark system in the modified Fock-Schwinger gauge.Comment: LaTeX2e, 6 pages, no figures, to appear in JETP Let