16 research outputs found

    Influence of Alignment on the Scattering Properties Atmospheric Mineral Dust

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    We carry out an investigation of the influence of particle alignment on the scattering properties of mineral dust layers. Our modelling indicates that in addition to modifying optical thickness, the alignment can significantly alter the scattering properties, including polarization. Influence of the alignment on remote sensing retrievals is also examined, and it is concluded that satellite and to a lesser extent sun photometry retrievals would be significantly affected

    Національна доповідь про стан і перспективи розвитку освіти в Україні: монографія (До 30-річчя незалежності України)

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    The publication provides a comprehensive analysis of the state and development of national education over the 30 years of Ukraine’s independence, identifies current problems in education, ascertains the causes of their emergence, offers scientifically reasoned ways to modernise domestic education in the context of globalisation, European integration, innovative development, and national self-identification. Designed for legislators, state officials, education institutions leaders, teaching and academic staff, the general public, all those who seek to increase the competitiveness of Ukrainian education in the context of civilisation changes.У виданні здійснено всебічний аналіз стану і розвитку національної освіти за 30-річний період незалежності України, визначено актуальні проблеми освітньої сфери, виявлено причини їх виникнення, запропоновано науково обґрунтовані шляхи модернізації вітчизняної освіти в умовах глобалізації, європейської інтеграції, інноваційного розвитку та національної самоідентифікації. Розраховано на законодавців, державних управлінців, керівників закладів освіти, педагогічних і науково-педагогічних працівників, широку громадськість, усіх, хто прагне підвищення конкурентоспроможності української освіти в контексті цивілізаційних змін

    SME lending in the conditions of economic instability: Peculiarities and development prospects

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    Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are the key to sustainable economic development and solution to a number of social issues in many countries. This is especially evident during economic crisis with the worsening of qualitative condition of individual sectors of the economy, the reducing competitiveness. The problem of financing and development of SMEs lending market is one of the most pressing in modern conditions. Lack of interest of banks in the development of credit relations with SMEs does not contribute to optimization and reduction of the cost of lending process. Successful development of SMEs requires effective public policies and favorable credit conditions to obtain sources of financing. The study analyzes the conditions and credit status of Russian SMEs in 2009-2016 period, as well as gives an assessment of its future prospects. © 2016 Savchina et al

    SME lending in the conditions of economic instability: Peculiarities and development prospects

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    Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are the key to sustainable economic development and solution to a number of social issues in many countries. This is especially evident during economic crisis with the worsening of qualitative condition of individual sectors of the economy, the reducing competitiveness. The problem of financing and development of SMEs lending market is one of the most pressing in modern conditions. Lack of interest of banks in the development of credit relations with SMEs does not contribute to optimization and reduction of the cost of lending process. Successful development of SMEs requires effective public policies and favorable credit conditions to obtain sources of financing. The study analyzes the conditions and credit status of Russian SMEs in 2009-2016 period, as well as gives an assessment of its future prospects. © 2016 Savchina et al

    Influence of sodium hydroxide additives on hydrogenization kinetics of 4-nitro-2'-hydroxy-5'-metylazobenzene on skeletal nickel in aqueous solution of 2-propanol

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    The elucidation of the sequence of transformations in compounds containing several reactive groups and the development of approaches to controlling the selectivity of the processes with their participation is of interest both from the theoretical and practical points of view. The article is devoted to the analysis of the kinetics of hydrogenation of 4-nitro-2'-hydroxy-5'-methylazobenzene in aqueous solution of 2-propanol with addition of sodium hydroxide on skeletal nickel at different initial amounts of the starting compound. An increase in the initial amount of 4-nitro-2'-hydroxy-5'-methylazobenzene leads to an increase in the rate of conversion of the nitro group in the starting compound and to a decrease in the rate of conversion of the azo-group. The effect of the introduced sodium hydroxide in the neutral solvent 2-propanol-water on the rate of conversion of the nitro and azo-groups to 4-nitro-2'-hydroxy-5'-methylazobenzene is consistent with the nature of the rate changes for the hydrogenation of individual compounds containing nitro and azo-groups, in the quality of which 4-nitroaniline and 4-amino-2'-hydroxy-5'-methylazobenzene were chosen. The results obtained do not contradict the notion of a parallel-sequential scheme of 4-nitro-2'-hydroxy-5'-methylazobenzene transformations. One of the directions involves the conversion of 4-nitro-2'-hydroxy-5'-methylazobenzene due to the hydrogenation of the azo-group to 4-nitroaniline and PC, and the second one is the conversion of 4-nitro-2'-hydroxy-5'-methylazobenzene through 4-amino-2'-hydroxy-5'-methylazobenzene due to the reduction of the nitro group. By the end of the reaction, all the intermediate compounds are restored to PC and 1,4-phenylenediamine. When sodium hydroxide is introduced into the neutral solvent 2-propanol-water, the effect of the direction providing the formation of 4-amino-2'-hydroxy-5'-methylazobenzene to the overall reaction rate increases. It was experimentally established that the amount of 4-amino-2'-hydroxy-5'-methylazobenzene during the hydrogenation of 4-nitro-2'-hydroxy-5'-methylazobenzene in the presence of sodium hydroxide increases by 15%, on the contrary, the amount of 4-nitroaniline decreases by 4 % in comparison with the neutral solvent.FWN – Publicaties zonder aanstelling Universiteit Leide

    Analysis and choice of computer’s modelling tools for definition of medical product’s suppliers

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    Розглянуто завдання вибору постачальників лікарських засобів аптечними закладами за допомогою існуючих інформаційних систем та наявних спеціалізованих програмних продуктів. Визначено критерії порівняння таких інформаційних систем. Вивчено ряд спеціалізованих фармацевтичних інформаційних системи та проведено їх попереднє порівняння. Запропоновано використання методу аналізу ієрархій для формалізації остаточного вибору інформаційної системи. Виконано практичні розрахунки в середовищі багатокритеріального оцінювання Expert Choice та визначено кращу за обраними параметрами фармацевтичну інформаційну систему для вибору постачальників продукції на фармацевтичному ринку.Рассмотрены задачи выбора поставщиков лекарств аптеками с помощью фармацевтических информационных систем. Выделены основные критерии сравнения и предложено использование метода анализа иерархий для формализации выбора лучшей информационной системы. Практические расчеты выполнены в программе Expert Choicе.The problem’s of drug’s suppliers choice by pharmacies with usage of pharmaceutical information systems are considered. The basic criteria of comparison are allocated and use of hierarchies analysis method for formalization of a choice for the best information systems is offered. Practical calculations has been executed in Expert Choicе program enviropment