636 research outputs found

    Entities: A Field of Imaginary Games

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    With this body of work, I am looking for visual symbols that help communicate unuttered meanings through storytelling and stimulate an affectual response to the viewer. This exploration is presented in two different forms: a surreal sculptural installation and a board game. The installation consists of large-scale sculptures made from light and soft materials (polyurethane foam, plastic waste, paper) that are available to move inside the gallery, while the board game is presented as a set of 3D prints with instructions on how the participants can play it. The materials used in the installation suggest a way to transform waste into art and reveal further meanings of the objects-symbols depicted. I offer these symbols to the viewers as a vocabulary of available metaphors to rediscover poetic meaning, reflective free play, and communal storytelling. “Entities” is a word used to describe the things and objects that, in this project, possess agency. Each entity is a self-contained singular existence but also part of a whole. Entities can be used as metaphors for emotional states and memories, and eventually act as a lever for storytelling

    Tic-TACs: Refreshing Hair Growth

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    Although stem cells are subject to niche control, evidence is emerging that they also contribute to generating the niche through their offspring. Using the hair follicle as a model, Hsu at al. demonstrate that the transient-amplifying cells, downstream of stem cells and well-known cell producers, signal back to stem cells to maintain long-term regenerative capacity

    Branch Prediction as a Reinforcement Learning Problem: Why, How and Case Studies

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    Recent years have seen stagnating improvements to branch predictor (BP) efficacy and a dearth of fresh ideas in branch predictor design, calling for fresh thinking in this area. This paper argues that looking at BP from the viewpoint of Reinforcement Learning (RL) facilitates systematic reasoning about, and exploration of, BP designs. We describe how to apply the RL formulation to branch predictors, show that existing predictors can be succinctly expressed in this formulation, and study two RL-based variants of conventional BPs

    The Global Survey on Eco-Theology, Climate Justice and Food Security

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    Global Survey on Eco-Theology, Climate Justice and Food Security (ETCF) in Theological Education and Christian Leadership Development 2014-2015 (ETCF study project). A project of Globethics.net, Bread for the World, United Evangelical Mission and the World Council of Churches in cooperation with the Orthodox Academy of Crete and Volos Academy for Theological Studies


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    With the present study it is intended to assess the depositional palaeoenvironment of the lower part of the Lignite-bearing Sequence in the Ptolemais Basin, and more specifically in the areas of Notio-Field and Tomeas-6 open pits. The sediments under study represent the seam between the Volcanic Tephra Layer and the Basal Marl, which constitute the roof and the floor, respectively. Coal-petrographic results showed that Huminite is the main macerai group (84-96%), while macérais from Liptinite and Inertinite groups display low values (<10%). In bulk lignite samples the main mineral phases are quartz, calcite, clay minerals and feldspars, while in the ashes the main phases are quartz, anhydrite and lime. The palaeoenvironment of the lignite formation was reconstructed using the lithological, coalpetrographic and mineralogical data, as well as coal-facies diagrammes. In Notio-Field Mine, at the early stages of lignite formation the conditions used to be limnotelmatic, while in Tomeas-6 Mine they were telmatic. Upwards the conditions turned to more telmatic in both mine areas. The vegetation was mainly herbaceous with some arboreal elements occurring mostly in Tomeas-6 area. The water influx was generally intense resulting in enhanced inorganic inpu

    O ρόλoς των ηλεκτρoνικών μέσων μαζικής ενημέρωσης στη διαμόρφωση της κoινής γνώμης σε περιόδoυς κρίσης από την αναμετάδoση πoλεμικών γεγoνότων

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    Στην παρoύσα ερευνητική εργασία έγινε μια συνoλική εκτίμηση των σχέσεων ΜΜΕ και Ενόπλων Δυνάμεων (ΕΔ) σε περιόδoυς κρίσεων και πoλεμικών γεγoνότων. Σε πρώτη φάση επιχειρήθηκε να απoκωδικoπoιηθoύν ζητήματα oρισμών και εννoιών πoυ κρίνoνται πoλύ βασικές για την κατανόηση σε βάθoς τoυ σπoυδαίoυ και σημαντικoύ ρόλoυ, πoυ διαδραματίζει η επικoινωνία και oι φoρείς της, στα πλαίσια μιας πoλεμικής σύγκρoυσης και κρίσης. O πρoσδιoρισμός της Κoινής Γνώμης και των παραγόντων πoυ την χαρακτηρίζoυν και την επηρεάζoυν επίσης απoτέλεσε μέρoς της παρoύσας ανάλυσης. Συναφώς αναφέρoνται ιστoρικά παραδείγματα και εξετάζoνται oι επιδράσεις των ΜΜΕ και των μέσων κoινωνικής δικτύωσης σε σημαντικά πoλεμικά γεγoνότα. Παράλληλα αναπτύσσεται μέσα από μια χρoνική ακoλoυθία τo πλέγμα των σχέσεων ΜΜΕ και ΕΔ, με τέτoιo τρόπo ώστε να μπoρέσει o αναγνώστης να πρoσεγγίσει σε βάθoς τo θέμα και να εξαγάγει ασφαλή συμπεράσματα.This research offers a comprehensive assessment of the relationship between media and the Armed Forces in times of crises and wars. In the first part, issues of basic definitions and concepts are decoded, in order to give an in-depth understanding of the great and important role that communication and spokespersons play, in the context of a war conflict and crisis. The identification of public opinion and the factors that shape and affect it, are also a part of this analysis. In this regard, historical examples and the effect of broadcast and social media on major war events are examined. The grid of relations between the media and the Armed Forces is seen through a timeline, in such a way, that offers the reader an in-depth approach that can lead to safe conclusions