353 research outputs found

    Homs Arabic: a linguistic profile

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    This research deals with the urban variety of Arabic spoken in the City of Homs, or Hims, the third important city in Syria situated in its biggest province.Several scholars have attempted a classification of the most important features of Arabic varieties, but none of these has described Homs Arabic, which is why this work is designed to provide a linguistic documentation of this local variety by defining the main phonological, morphological and syntactic features of al-lahža l-ḥumṣiyya, but also presenting some interesting aspects of Homs history and traditions


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    Human consciousness seems uniquely constituted. We add, subtract, divide, link, memorize, imitate, transform, reform, measure, categorize, analyze, predict, deconstruct, and rebuild the world around us as a way of understanding. These structures are ingrained in our everyday life. What does it mean that we know through these illuminating boundaries? And how does knowledge build up on itself on the basis of their entwined systems? The making of this work consists of a questioning of our constant desire to make sense of things, and the criteria that we build in order to satisfy this desire; in other words, the thought-spheres that we value as the vehicles to finding something true. In both a formal and a metaphorical way, I seek to reveal the imaginary ‘grid’ that we place over the world in order to disrupt it, to break and transform it, to show the magic and artifice of its nature. In understanding a photograph in its most basic element – as light particles read by a surface – we can see a medium that centers on the convergence of science and art, two of the classic pillars of understanding. Photography’s historical trajectory has been a paradoxical one. As debates over the medium’s objective vs. subjective possibilities develop, science looks to remove the human subject from the work, while art tries to bring the maker to the forefront. As a tool, photography has brought science and art closer together, as theory, it has simultaneously started to pull these counterparts apart. These photographs happen in the performance of interweaving these conventionally opposed ways of knowing. They trace the exploration of what it feels like to move amongst these two poles in an anarchical manner

    Casa GGG and Casa Negro

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    Casa GGG The house could be seen as the most simple and yet the most complex and exciting architectural theme. I understand it as a passage that transports inhabitants from every day life of the street to an inner world of intimacy

    Implémentation de la multiplication des grands nombres par FFT dans le contexte des algorithmes cryptographiques

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal

    Botulinum Toxin for the Treatment of Chronic Migraines

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    Migraines are the third most common disease in the world, with an estimated global prevalence of 14.7%. Migraine has a characteristic throbbing quality, of moderate to severe intensity, generally unilateral, and has associated symptoms including photophobia, phonophobia, and gastrointestinal distress. Episodic migraine occurs less than 15 days per month, while chronic migraines occur more or equal to 15 days per month. Treatment of migraine consists of abortive and preventive therapy. Acetaminophen, aspirin, and NSAIDs are often used for management of mild attacks. For more severe attacks, triptans are recommended. Intravenous administration of some combination of dopamine receptor agonists, dihydroergotamine, and intravenous NSAIDs is recommended for severe episodes. Preventive daily treatment of migraine is recommended when migraine episodes exceed 6–8 days per month, or what is tolerable to the patient. Beta-blockers, topiramate, amitriptyline, and divalproex sodium are commonly used for migraine prevention. Initial anecdotal reports in patients receiving botulinum toxin for facial cosmetic purposes noted the effects of these injections on headache and trigger point-initiated pain syndromes, which appeared to be independent of its effects upon muscle tone. Current thinking is that migraine pain results from activation of intracranial meningeal perivascular afferents with some studies suggesting the role of extracranial afferents

    Gulf Arabic: Recent Data about the Variety Spoken in the Emirate of Dubai

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    The aim of this paper is to present some recent examples of the variety spoken in the well-known Emirate of Dubai, the second largest of the seven Emirates that constitute the federation, located in the South Eastern shore of the Arabian Peninsula. The study is based on data gathered by the author between 2015 and 2016 during her recent fieldwork in the UAE: the informants were young Emirati women aged between 20 and 30 years old. The purpose of the study is to contribute to the previous ones about Gulf Arabic, by presenting more recent examples and some morphological and syntactic features of the local variety in Dubai

    Las comisiones de la verdad en Colombia.

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    In Colombia, many Truth Commissions have been created in different stages of history. They had contributed to the clarification of facts of violence and human rights violations regarding the right to the truth for victims and society as a whole. These Commissions have had the peculiarity of having been born and developed their work in a context of violence and armed conflict. In fact, even if some Commissions have emerged as a result of negotiations with illegal armed groups, these negotiations have taken place in the midst of conflict. This article presents an analysis of the different Commissions in Colombia and proposes a classification according to their nature, role, scope and mandate. This provides elements of consideration and lessons for the work of the Commission created as a result of the recent Peace Agreement between the FARC-EP and Colombian Government.En Colombia, varias Comisiones de la Verdad han sido creadas en diferentes estadios de la historia. En general, todas han tenido el mandato o misión común de contribuir al esclarecimiento sobre hechos de violencia o de violaciones a derechos humanos en favor del derecho a la verdad de las víctimas y de la sociedad. Estas Comisiones detentan la particularidad de haber nacido y desarrollado su labor durante contextos de violencia y de conflicto. Así, si bien algunas han surgido como resultado de procesos de negociaciones con grupos armados ilegales, estas negociaciones se han dado en medio de un conflicto subsistente. De esta forma, el texto presenta un análisis de las distintas Comisiones que ha tenido el país y para ello, propone una clasificación en distintas categorías según su naturaleza, rol, alcance y mandato. Como resultado de este estudio y categorización, y debido a distintas causas, se analiza su nivel de contribución a la búsqueda efectiva de justicia, verdad y de reparación de las víctimas. Lo anterior, brinda elementos de consideración y de lecciones aprendidas, para el trabajo de la Comisión creada en el actual Acuerdo de Paz entre las FARC-EP y el Gobierno nacional

    Key Agreement Against Quantum Adversaries

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    Key agreement is a cryptographic scenario between two legitimate parties, who need to establish a common secret key over a public authenticated channel, and an eavesdropper who intercepts all their messages in order to learn the secret. We consider query complexity in which we count only the number of evaluations (queries) of a given black-box function, and classical communication channels. Ralph Merkle provided the first unclassified scheme for secure communications over insecure channels. When legitimate parties are willing to ask O(N) queries for some parameter N, any classical eavesdropper needs Omega(N^2) queries before being able to learn their secret, which is is optimal. However, a quantum eavesdropper can break this scheme in O(N) queries. Furthermore, it was conjectured that any scheme, in which legitimate parties are classical, could be broken in O(N) quantum queries. In this thesis, we introduce protocols à la Merkle that fall into two categories. When legitimate parties are restricted to use classical computers, we offer the first secure classical scheme. It requires Omega(N^{13/12}) queries of a quantum eavesdropper to learn the secret. We give another protocol having security of Omega(N^{7/6}) queries. Furthermore, for any k>= 2, we introduce a classical protocol in which legitimate parties establish a secret in O(N) queries while the optimal quantum eavesdropping strategy requires Theta(N^{1/2+k/{k+1}}) queries, approaching Theta(N^{3/2}) when k increases. When legitimate parties are provided with quantum computers, we present two quantum protocols improving on the best known scheme before this work. Furthermore, for any k>= 2, we give a quantum protocol in which legitimate parties establish a secret in O(N) queries while the optimal quantum eavesdropping strategy requires Theta(N^{1+{k}/{k+1}})} queries, approaching Theta(N^{2}) when k increases.Un protocole d'échange de clés est un scénario cryptographique entre deux partis légitimes ayant besoin de se mettre d'accord sur une clé commune secrète via un canal public authentifié où tous les messages sont interceptés par un espion voulant connaître leur secret. Nous considérons un canal classique et mesurons la complexité de calcul en termes du nombre d'évaluations (requêtes) d'une fonction donnée par une boîte noire. Ralph Merkle fut le premier à proposer un schéma non classifié permettant de réaliser des échanges securisés avec des canaux non securisés. Lorsque les partis légitimes sont capables de faire O(N) requêtes pour un certain paramètre N, tout espion classique doit faire Omega(N^2) requêtes avant de pouvoir apprendre leur secret, ce qui est optimal. Cependant, un espion quantique peut briser ce schéma avec O(N) requêtes. D'ailleurs, il a été conjecturé que tout protocole, dont les partis légitimes sont classiques, pourrait être brisé avec O(N) requêtes quantiques. Dans cette thèse, nous introduisons deux catégories des protocoles à la Merkle. Lorsque les partis légitimes sont restreints à l'utilisation des ordinateurs classiques, nous offrons le premier schéma classique sûr. Il oblige tout adversaire quantique à faire Omega(N^{13/12}) requêtes avant d'apprendre le secret. Nous offrons aussi un protocole ayant une sécurité de Omega(N^{7/6}) requêtes. En outre, pour tout k >= 2, nous donnons un protocole classique pour lequel les partis légitimes établissent un secret avec O(N) requêtes alors que la stratégie optimale d'espionnage quantique nécessite Theta(N^{1/2 + k/{k +1}}) requêtes, se rapprochant de Theta(N^{3/2}) lorsque k croît. Lors les partis légitimes sont équipés d'ordinateurs quantiques, nous présentons deux protocoles supérieurs au meilleur schéma connu avant ce travail. En outre, pour tout k >= 2, nous offrons un protocole quantique pour lequel les partis légitimes établissent un secret avec O(N) requêtes alors que l'espionnage quantique optimale nécessite Theta(N^{1+{k}/{k+1}}) requêtes, se rapprochant de Theta(N^{2}) lorsque k croît
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