7 research outputs found


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    Koncem 2008. financijska kriza proširila se svijetom i uzdrmala ekonomiju. Kriza je pokrenuta slomom tržišta drugorazrednih hipoteka u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Među zemljama pogođenim krizom našao se i Island. Bila je to zemlja koja je kroz povijest, gledajući stanje gospodarstva, imala siromašniji životni standard te ovisila o uvozu. Na početku 90-ih godina prošlog stoljeća gospodarski plan se značajno promijenio, točnije uveden je slobodno fluktuirajući tečaj islandske krune. Nakon siromaštva u državi, Island je postao bankarsko i financijsko središte koje ima visoku kvalitetu života. Kako je na međunarodnom financijskom tržištu došlo do kreditnog sloma banaka bilo ih je neophodno sanirati i stvoriti novi sektor bankarstva. MMF odobrio je paket pomoći ali osim toga bila je potrebna pomoć i ostalih država. Uvedene su i jače kapitalne kontrole radi osiguranja sredstava rezidenata. Valuta se stabilizirala, a dug je MMF-u vraćen u zadanom roku. Island se oporavio, a za manje od deset godina postao je jedan od središta bankarstva u Europi.In the and of 2008 financial crisis expand the world and shaken the economy. The crisis was triggered by a breakdown of the subprime mortgage market in the United States. Among the crisis affected countries was Iceland. It was a country that has been through history, looking at the state of the economy, had a poorer living standard dependent on imports. At the beginning oft he 90s od the last century the economic plan has changed significantly, the free floating course of the Icelandic krona was introduced. After poverty in the state, Iceland became a banking and financial center which has a high quality of life. As there has been a credit crunch on the international financial market there was a need to repair and create a new banking sector. The IMF approved financial package but in addition, they needed assistance from other countries. They introduced stronger capital controls to ensure the funding of residents. Currency stabilized and the debt to the IMF is back on schedule. The country has recovered and for less than ten years it has become one oft he banking centers in Europe


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    Koncem 2008. financijska kriza proširila se svijetom i uzdrmala ekonomiju. Kriza je pokrenuta slomom tržišta drugorazrednih hipoteka u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Među zemljama pogođenim krizom našao se i Island. Bila je to zemlja koja je kroz povijest, gledajući stanje gospodarstva, imala siromašniji životni standard te ovisila o uvozu. Na početku 90-ih godina prošlog stoljeća gospodarski plan se značajno promijenio, točnije uveden je slobodno fluktuirajući tečaj islandske krune. Nakon siromaštva u državi, Island je postao bankarsko i financijsko središte koje ima visoku kvalitetu života. Kako je na međunarodnom financijskom tržištu došlo do kreditnog sloma banaka bilo ih je neophodno sanirati i stvoriti novi sektor bankarstva. MMF odobrio je paket pomoći ali osim toga bila je potrebna pomoć i ostalih država. Uvedene su i jače kapitalne kontrole radi osiguranja sredstava rezidenata. Valuta se stabilizirala, a dug je MMF-u vraćen u zadanom roku. Island se oporavio, a za manje od deset godina postao je jedan od središta bankarstva u Europi.In the and of 2008 financial crisis expand the world and shaken the economy. The crisis was triggered by a breakdown of the subprime mortgage market in the United States. Among the crisis affected countries was Iceland. It was a country that has been through history, looking at the state of the economy, had a poorer living standard dependent on imports. At the beginning oft he 90s od the last century the economic plan has changed significantly, the free floating course of the Icelandic krona was introduced. After poverty in the state, Iceland became a banking and financial center which has a high quality of life. As there has been a credit crunch on the international financial market there was a need to repair and create a new banking sector. The IMF approved financial package but in addition, they needed assistance from other countries. They introduced stronger capital controls to ensure the funding of residents. Currency stabilized and the debt to the IMF is back on schedule. The country has recovered and for less than ten years it has become one oft he banking centers in Europe

    Surface-enhanced Raman scattering study of the binding modes of a dibenzotetraaza[14]annulene derivative with DNA/RNA polynucleotides

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    Binding modes of a dibenzotetraaza[14]annulene (DBTAA) derivative with synthetic nucleic acids were studied using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). Changes in SERS intensity and appearance of new bands in spectra were attributed to different complexes formed between the DBTAA molecules and DNA/RNA polynucleotides. A decrease in intensity pointed to intercalation as the dominant binding mode of the annulene derivative with poly dGdC-poly dGdC and poly rA-poly rU, whereas new bands in the spectra at 735 cm−1 and 1345 cm−1 revealed binding within the minor groove of poly dAdT-poly dAdT. When all the dominant binding sites were occupied, SERS spectra implied that small molecules bind on the outside of the DNA analogues, while exist mainly as free molecules in equimolar ratio with the synthetic RNA polynucleotide, thereby indicating higher affinity for DNA than for RNA


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    Krajem 2008. godine financijska kriza proširila se svijetom i poremetila razvoj ekonomije. Kriza je pokrenuta slomom tržišta drugorazrednih hipoteka u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Zahvatila je i ostale zemlje u Europi među kojima su Austrija, Finska, Francuska, Njemačka, Irska, Italija, Nizozemska, Španjolska, Švedska i Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo. Financijska kriza prouzročila je nagli pad cijena nekretnina, nakon čega je bilo potrebno duže vremensko razdoblje da se cijene stabiliziraju i nastave rasti. Različite determinante utječu na formiranje cijena nekretnina, a u ovom istraživanju obuhvaćeni su BDP per capita, kamatna stopa i inflacija. Nastupom financijske krize tempo gospodarskog rasta zemalja EU naglo usporava, odnosno smanjuje se BDP per capita i posljedično cijene nekretnina. Kad su kamatne stope niske dolazi do sve većeg zaduživanja, cijene nekretnina rastu, a to može prouzročiti nastanak novog mjehura. Opći porast cijena također može utjecati na cijene nekretnina odnosno cijene će se povećati za danu stopu inflacije.In the and of 2008 financial crisis expand the world and shaken the economy. The crisis was triggered by a breakdown of the subprime mortgage market in the United States. It has also affected other countires in Europe, including Austria, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom. Financial crisis caused a sharp drop in property prices, after which it took a longer period of time for prices to stabilize and continue to rise. Different determinants affect pricing but this study included GDP per capita, interest rate and inflation. With the onset of the financial crisis, the pace of growth has slowed sharply, GDP has fallen and consequently real estate prices. As real estate prices continue to rise, interest rates are low and there is increasing borrowing, which can cause a new bubble to burst. The general increase in prices can also affect real estate prices, ie prices will increase for a given inflation rate


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    Koncem 2008. financijska kriza proširila se svijetom i uzdrmala ekonomiju. Kriza je pokrenuta slomom tržišta drugorazrednih hipoteka u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Među zemljama pogođenim krizom našao se i Island. Bila je to zemlja koja je kroz povijest, gledajući stanje gospodarstva, imala siromašniji životni standard te ovisila o uvozu. Na početku 90-ih godina prošlog stoljeća gospodarski plan se značajno promijenio, točnije uveden je slobodno fluktuirajući tečaj islandske krune. Nakon siromaštva u državi, Island je postao bankarsko i financijsko središte koje ima visoku kvalitetu života. Kako je na međunarodnom financijskom tržištu došlo do kreditnog sloma banaka bilo ih je neophodno sanirati i stvoriti novi sektor bankarstva. MMF odobrio je paket pomoći ali osim toga bila je potrebna pomoć i ostalih država. Uvedene su i jače kapitalne kontrole radi osiguranja sredstava rezidenata. Valuta se stabilizirala, a dug je MMF-u vraćen u zadanom roku. Island se oporavio, a za manje od deset godina postao je jedan od središta bankarstva u Europi.In the and of 2008 financial crisis expand the world and shaken the economy. The crisis was triggered by a breakdown of the subprime mortgage market in the United States. Among the crisis affected countries was Iceland. It was a country that has been through history, looking at the state of the economy, had a poorer living standard dependent on imports. At the beginning oft he 90s od the last century the economic plan has changed significantly, the free floating course of the Icelandic krona was introduced. After poverty in the state, Iceland became a banking and financial center which has a high quality of life. As there has been a credit crunch on the international financial market there was a need to repair and create a new banking sector. The IMF approved financial package but in addition, they needed assistance from other countries. They introduced stronger capital controls to ensure the funding of residents. Currency stabilized and the debt to the IMF is back on schedule. The country has recovered and for less than ten years it has become one oft he banking centers in Europe


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    Krajem 2008. godine financijska kriza proširila se svijetom i poremetila razvoj ekonomije. Kriza je pokrenuta slomom tržišta drugorazrednih hipoteka u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Zahvatila je i ostale zemlje u Europi među kojima su Austrija, Finska, Francuska, Njemačka, Irska, Italija, Nizozemska, Španjolska, Švedska i Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo. Financijska kriza prouzročila je nagli pad cijena nekretnina, nakon čega je bilo potrebno duže vremensko razdoblje da se cijene stabiliziraju i nastave rasti. Različite determinante utječu na formiranje cijena nekretnina, a u ovom istraživanju obuhvaćeni su BDP per capita, kamatna stopa i inflacija. Nastupom financijske krize tempo gospodarskog rasta zemalja EU naglo usporava, odnosno smanjuje se BDP per capita i posljedično cijene nekretnina. Kad su kamatne stope niske dolazi do sve većeg zaduživanja, cijene nekretnina rastu, a to može prouzročiti nastanak novog mjehura. Opći porast cijena također može utjecati na cijene nekretnina odnosno cijene će se povećati za danu stopu inflacije.In the and of 2008 financial crisis expand the world and shaken the economy. The crisis was triggered by a breakdown of the subprime mortgage market in the United States. It has also affected other countires in Europe, including Austria, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom. Financial crisis caused a sharp drop in property prices, after which it took a longer period of time for prices to stabilize and continue to rise. Different determinants affect pricing but this study included GDP per capita, interest rate and inflation. With the onset of the financial crisis, the pace of growth has slowed sharply, GDP has fallen and consequently real estate prices. As real estate prices continue to rise, interest rates are low and there is increasing borrowing, which can cause a new bubble to burst. The general increase in prices can also affect real estate prices, ie prices will increase for a given inflation rate


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    Krajem 2008. godine financijska kriza proširila se svijetom i poremetila razvoj ekonomije. Kriza je pokrenuta slomom tržišta drugorazrednih hipoteka u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Zahvatila je i ostale zemlje u Europi među kojima su Austrija, Finska, Francuska, Njemačka, Irska, Italija, Nizozemska, Španjolska, Švedska i Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo. Financijska kriza prouzročila je nagli pad cijena nekretnina, nakon čega je bilo potrebno duže vremensko razdoblje da se cijene stabiliziraju i nastave rasti. Različite determinante utječu na formiranje cijena nekretnina, a u ovom istraživanju obuhvaćeni su BDP per capita, kamatna stopa i inflacija. Nastupom financijske krize tempo gospodarskog rasta zemalja EU naglo usporava, odnosno smanjuje se BDP per capita i posljedično cijene nekretnina. Kad su kamatne stope niske dolazi do sve većeg zaduživanja, cijene nekretnina rastu, a to može prouzročiti nastanak novog mjehura. Opći porast cijena također može utjecati na cijene nekretnina odnosno cijene će se povećati za danu stopu inflacije.In the and of 2008 financial crisis expand the world and shaken the economy. The crisis was triggered by a breakdown of the subprime mortgage market in the United States. It has also affected other countires in Europe, including Austria, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom. Financial crisis caused a sharp drop in property prices, after which it took a longer period of time for prices to stabilize and continue to rise. Different determinants affect pricing but this study included GDP per capita, interest rate and inflation. With the onset of the financial crisis, the pace of growth has slowed sharply, GDP has fallen and consequently real estate prices. As real estate prices continue to rise, interest rates are low and there is increasing borrowing, which can cause a new bubble to burst. The general increase in prices can also affect real estate prices, ie prices will increase for a given inflation rate