129 research outputs found

    Von εἴπερ zu понкже. Zur Wiedergabe polyphoner Rede im Kirchenslavischen des 14. Jahrhunderts

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    In the second half of the 14th century, several anti-Latin treatises of the Byzantine theologians Gregory Palamas and Barlaam the Calabrian were translated from Greek into Church Slavonic. To understand these highly sophisticated, polemical texts properly, the reader must assess not only the propositional content but also the argumentative force of each separate statement. The translators had great difficulties preserving the subtle interplay of different argumentative positions found in the original treatises. This is illustrated by the interpretation of a particular passage (a patristic quotation adduced in support of the Orthodox view) and the analysis of the translation equivalents of εἴπερ ‘if really': depending on the content of the conditional clause (conceded or merely assumed), the translator renders εἴπερ by понкже ‘because' or λψθ ‘if'. The translation thus silences the voice, present in the Greek original, of somebody willing to suspend his disaccord with a theological statement in order to examine its logical consequence

    Rebuilding the Future: C. A. Doxiadis and the Greek Reconstruction Effort (1945-1950)

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    The importance of ideas – and the individuals propagating them – is enhanced at times of crisis. When existing arrangements are challenged, new ideas help reconfigure group interests and alliances, forge new institutions and plan the future. This paper looks at one such set of ideas, born in response to the crisis facing Greece’s post-war economy: the views of Constantinos Doxiadis, an architect, senior civil servant and policy-maker active in Greece’s recovery programme. Drawing on policy documents, publications and memoranda, the paper sketches the values, intellectual influences and methods underpinning Doxiadis’ views on reconstruction. This casts light on the origins of his later proposals for a science of ekistics, whilst also undermining the conventional notion that left-wing theorists were alone in advancing progressive views of Greek development before 1947. In fact, Doxiadis’ vision seeks to transcend the Right–Left divide by presenting economic progress as an apolitical, scientific process, which would render ideology irrelevant. Such views owe much to the intellectual tradition of interwar technocracy and played a key role in shaping the concept of economic development after 1945

    The Religious Roots of Linguistic Nationalism

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    This paper consists of two parts. In the first part, nationalism is analysed as a kind of gnostic religion (in the sense given to this term by E. Voegelin). In the mind of their adherents, nations are ultimate realities in which the objective (fatalistic) and the subjective (voluntaristic) side of the historical process coincide. In the second part, it is argued that language, by its dialectical character, appears as the very incarnation of the nationalist ideal. The ensuing paradoxes of nationalist language policy are listed and briefly analysed: the equation of the language of culture with the language of everyday life; the equation of norm with use; the equation of object language with metalanguage; the equation of modernity with authenticity; and the equation of the national with the universal

    Smerdjakov’s Suicide Note

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    Smerdjakov’s Suicide Not

    Codex 88 des Klosters Dečani und seine griechischen Vorlagen

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    Ziel vorliegender Untersuchung ist es, der wissenschaftlichen Erforschung eines der interessantesten serbisch-kirchenslavischen Sprachdenkmäler des 14. Jahrhunderts, cod. 88 der Bibliothek des Klosters Dečani, den Weg zu ebnen. Summary in Serbian

    Das Paradox des Großinquisitors

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    Dostoyevsky's "Grand Inquisitor" is both a masterpiece of political philosophy and the confession of a tormented soul. Each level comes along with its own fundamental paradox. As a political philosopher, the Grand Inquisitor defends by way of rational reasoning the need for a religious basis of society. On a personal level, he sincerely confesses views that by their very nature make sincere communication impossible. The second paradox belongs to a family of paradoxes in which an act of communication undermines the conditions of its own possibility. It is also present in the final words of Ivan to his brother Aleksej as they prepare to leave the tavern

    Wortbildung und Kategorisierung am Beispiel der desubstantivischen Wortbildung des Russischen

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    This study is dedicated to the analysis and categorization of derived words of Russian; Their concern can be summarized in two questions: a) what part does the word formation meaning have in the lexical meaning of the derived word? b) What are the semantic building blocks of the word formation system of a language (its word formation categories)?Diese Untersuchung ist der Analyse und Kategorisierung abgeleiteter Wörter des Russischen gewidmet; ihr Anliegen kann in zwei Fragen zusammengefaßt werden: a) welchen Anteil hat die Wortbildungsbedeutung an der lexikalischen Bedeutung des abgeleiteten Wortes? b) welches sind die semantischen Bausteine des Wortbildungssystems einer Sprache (ihre Wortbildungskategorien)

    Problemi lematizacije u dvojezičnim indeksima crkvenoslavenskih prijevoda iz XIV. stoljeća na primjeru Sinaksara u triodu i pentekostaru

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    Lemmatization involves grouping together word-form-tokens to word-form-types and word-form-types to lexemes. In the case of bilingual indices to Church Slavonic translations from Greek, this process has to be carried out for both languages. In addition, the lexicographer must be able to determine the Church Slavonic equivalent of a given Greek form and to assess its appropriateness. Late translations offer an additional difficulty: the reconstruction of words not attested in the Old Church Slavonic canon and which may even not have existed at the time when our oldest manuscripts were written. This paper discusses some common pitfalls of this process. Examples are taken from the Slavonic-Greek and the Greek-Slavonic indices of the edition of the Synaxaria in triodium et pentecostarium.Sinaksari u triodu i pentekostaru kratki su tekstovi o osnovnim blagdanima pashalnoga ciklusa. Godine 2010. izišlo je izdanje njihova crkvenoslavenskoga prijevoda, nastaloga u XIV. stoljeću i sačuvanoga u dva rukopisa zbirke samostana sv. Katarine na Sinaju. Ovaj je članak posvećen analizi slavensko-grčkih i grčko-slavenskih indeksa koji prate izdanje crkvenoslavenskoga prijevoda. Ukazuje se na mnogobrojne pogrješke u indeksima: krive analize gramatičkih oblika, normalizirane oblike koji ne odgovaraju staroslavenskoj normi, površnu evaluaciju prevodilačkih ekvivalenata i dr. Neke pogrješke imaju elementarni karakter, kao što je, na primjer, zbrka u upotrebi znakova i . U konačnici indeksi sadrže niz leksema kojih nema u vrelima. Oni, dakle, ne mogu poslužiti kao pouzdan izvor za sastavljanje rječnika crkvenoslavenskoga jezika XIV. stoljeća

    Rebuilding the Future: C. A. Doxiadis and the Greek Reconstruction Effort (1945-1950)

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    The importance of ideas – and the individuals propagating them – is enhanced at times of crisis. When existing arrangements are challenged, new ideas help reconfigure group interests and alliances, forge new institutions and plan the future. This paper looks at one such set of ideas, born in response to the crisis facing Greece’s post-war economy: the views of Constantinos Doxiadis, an architect, senior civil servant and policy-maker active in Greece’s recovery programme. Drawing on policy documents, publications and memoranda, the paper sketches the values, intellectual influences and methods underpinning Doxiadis’ views on reconstruction. This casts light on the origins of his later proposals for a science of ekistics, whilst also undermining the conventional notion that left-wing theorists were alone in advancing progressive views of Greek development before 1947. In fact, Doxiadis’ vision seeks to transcend the Right–Left divide by presenting economic progress as an apolitical, scientific process, which would render ideology irrelevant. Such views owe much to the intellectual tradition of interwar technocracy and played a key role in shaping the concept of economic development after 1945