52 research outputs found

    Concentration of the production cycle of physic nut with formation or production pruning

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a possibilidade de concentração do ciclo de produção depinhão‑manso (Jatropha curcas), por meio do emprego de diferentes podas de formação e de produção.Realizou-se um experimento para cada tipo de poda, no semiárido de Minas Gerais, com cinco tratamentoscada um. Os tratamentos estiveram relacionados a alturas de poda no ramo principal e à poda ou desbrota nosramos secundários. Com a poda de formação, foi possível reduzir o período de colheita de 120 para 48 dias,mas com prejuízo significativo para a produtividade no primeiro ciclo. A poda de produção pode concentrar acolheita a 90 dias e, em alguns casos, aumentar a produtividade das plantas.  The objective of this work was to evaluate the possibility of reduction in the production cycle of physic nut (Jatropha curcas) by the use of different formation or production pruning. One experiment for each kind of pruning was carried out in the semiarid region of Minas Gerais state, Brazil, with five treatments each. Treatments were related to primary branch pruning heights, and to pruning or elimination of secondarybranches. With the formation pruning, it was possible to reduce the harvest period from 120 to 48 days, butalways with significant losses in plant yield in the first cycle. Production pruning can concentrate harvest in90 days and, in some cases, improve plant yield

    Evaluation of community roads by surrounding residents in Hiroshima

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    本研究は1983年以降広島市で建設された5個所のコミュニティ道路の事後評価をアンケート調査を通じて行い、今後の拡充のための必要な情報を入手しようとするものである。その結果、既存のコミュニティ道路の評価はそれぞれの地区で異なるが、全体として周辺住民に好意的に受け入れられていることがわかった。しかし、新しく自分の家の周辺にコミュニティ道路を設けることに対しては、既存のコミュニティ道路ほど賛同が得られないことがわかった。その理由はそれぞれの地区の事情によるものと考えられる。この度新しく建設されたコミュニティ道路に隣接する小学校の生徒に対しても同様なアンケート調査を行うと、小学生も大人と同様にコミュニティ道路を高く評価していることがわかった。この道路の事前事後の車の速度を比較すると、速度低減の効果も大きいことも実証された。This paper aims to evaluate community roads which have been completed since 1983 in Hiroshima and to obtain necessary information for the purpose of developing more community roads. As a result, all of them are favored by the majority of surrounding residents even though the extent of evaluation is different by each road, but further development of the roads in front of their houses is less favored than that of existing roads. The reason seems to be depending on the special situation of each residential area. We can find similar evaluations for the road by school children in an elementary school adjoining their new community road who were specially participated in our survey. It is also confirmed that community road is effective in reducing traffic speed based on a pre and post traffic survey