588 research outputs found

    Asia-Pacific Trade and Investment Review

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    The impact of trade liberalization on the environment is a matter of debate. Two conflicting hypotheses have emerged from the debate. One, the pollution haven hypothesis, suggests that the developed countries impose tougher environmental policies than do the developing countries, which results in distortion of existing patterns of comparative advantage. Thus, the polluting industries shift operations from the developed to the developing countries; developing countries therefore become "pollution havens." The second hypothesis, the factor endowment hypothesis, predicts that trade liberalization will result in trade patterns consistent with the Heckscher-Phlin-Vanek theory of comparative advantage based on factor endowment differentials. Rich countries are well endowed with capital. Since capital-intensive goods are often also pollution-intensive, factor-endowment theories of international trade predict that rich countries specialize in polluting goods. Thus, the manifestation of the pollution haven hypothesis is in direct conflict with the factor endowment hypothesis. This debate is of great concern among economists, environmentalists and the World Trade Organization.Thailand, FDI, environment, pollution, international trade, WTO, OECD

    Estimation of Marginal Abatement Cost of Air Pollution in Durgapur City of West Bengal

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    Air pollution in industrial cities with emissions from firms is a growing problem in India. Durgapur, one of the growing industrial cities in eastern India, covering a host of industries, suffers from similar problems. The paper estimates the marginal abatement cost of air pollution of industries in Durgapur, West Bengal. We model the technology of a firm with output-distance function. Here the linear programming approach is adopted to estimate the shadow prices and distance values. Results reveal that there is a wide variation in shadow prices of Suspended Particulate Matter and distance values between firms under particular category of industries thus indicating the variability in the degree of compliance, use of resources and the vintages of capital. In this context the paper suggests policies for air quality management in urban industrial areas of West Bengal which will help to achieve sustainable industrial development.Output Distance Function, Shadow Prices, Distance Values

    Evolution of Structure Functions And Their Moments In Chiral Field Theory

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    Evolution of structure functions and their moments at low and moderate Q2Q^2 is studied in the chiral field theory. Evolution equations based on perturbation expansion in the coupling constant of the effective theory are derived and solved for the moments. The kernels of evolution arising from different processes have been calculated with contributions from direct and cross channels, the interference terms being non-negligible in the kinematic regions under consideration. This is shown to lead to flavor-dependence of the kernels which manifests in observable effects. The invalidity of the probabilistic approach to the evolution process is also pointed out.Comment: 18 pages, LaTex, 5 figure

    Rural Markets for Technologies - Present Indian Scenario

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    Indian villages were literally self sufficient in ancient days as is evident from our Puranas and Vedic literatures. The colonial rule had destroyed that fabric in their own interest and we lost our tradition not only of self-sufficiency but also of the creative mindset necessary for starting any new thing. Long years of subordination made us to lose our entrepreneurial qualities. India lost its ingenuity not only in its industrial sector but also in education and art. Independent India tried to break loose of this by setting up large industries and industrial townships that led to a migration of rural masses to these flourishing neighbourhoods. But after 50 years of independence with a partial shift of focus a congenial atmosphere has been created with now compels us to look into the rural markets or unorganised sector as a whole. Consumer companies have already made an inroad to these consumers and have already paved the way for entrepreneurs to tap that market

    Never a Yellow Bird, Always a Blue Bird: Ethnodrama of a Latina Learner’s Educational Experiences in 1950 - 60s South Texas

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    This article is a response to calls for more first - person accounts from researchers using narrative formats to interpret data. The authors examine the practice of ethnodrama as a means of exploring and analyzing the experiences of a Latina public - school student in a small South Texas coastal town during the 1950s and 1960s as she attempted to negotiate multiple ethnic spaces while resisting traditional behavioral expectations representative of that period. Through coding and synthesizing the participant’s responses, the researchers established theme s on which to base the composition of three dramatic scenes for purposes of data representation. In addition to conveying how the participant overcame challenges she faced as a young Chicana activist, we discuss implications surrounding current thinking on ethnodrama as a cross - cultural endeavor, a creative practice, and a potential emancipatory too

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    Assessing the Authentic Knower Through Contemplative Arts-Based Pedagogies In Qualitative Inquiry

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    In this paper the authors explore the role of contemplative, arts-based practices and pedagogies in a doctoral level qualitative research class to create an understanding of self, self in relation to others, and understanding social structures of oppression as manifested through un/earned privileges. The intent of the class was to activate the authentic inquirer within and to frame a deep awareness of researcher positionality in qualitative inquiry. The authors (instructor and student in the class) discuss how creating a self-portrait and engaging in a duoethnography project cultivated the authentic inquirer. Using differentiated, formative, developmental, and honor-based assessment practices, the authors explore how interrelatedness of being became the key cornerstone of the learning experiences which were extended beyond the classroom

    Twenty Years of Technology Integration and Foreign Language Teaching: A Phenomenological Reflective Interview Study

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    The evolution of the use of technology in the foreign language classroom has proven to be a challenge. In this paper, we highlight a study whose purpose is to understand how one retired foreign language educator reflected on the ways in which she integrated different modes of technology in her classroom. In this interview study, the participant discussed how technology has evolved in the span of her twenty-year career as a foreign language educator and how she integrated various technologies as they evolved in her classroom. The researchers employed a modified van Kaam method as defined by Moustakas (1994) to analyze the data collected through phenomenological interviews. The results revealed a complex negotiation process, a thoughtful reflection of advantages and disadvantages of technology integration in foreign language classrooms, and the value of understanding the cyclical nature of technology integration in education